F.2 Parallel Threads Routines for Compatibility (U*X only)

Table F-2 summarizes the equivalent parallel thread routines you can use for compatibility with existing programs. For new programs, you should use the routines described in Section F.1.

For most of the routines, two spellings are shown: an _Otsxxxx form and an mpc_xxxx form. These routine names are equivalent; for example, calling _OtsGetNumThreads is the same as calling mpc_numthreads.

Table F-2 Summary of Compaq Fortran Parallel Routines for Compatibility (U*X only)

Name  Description 
_OtsInitParallel   Equivalent to the c$OMP PARALLEL directive, which defines the start of a parallel region. For more information on this directive, see Section 15.2. 
Equivalent to the c$OMP END PARALLEL directive, which defines the end of a parallel region. For more information on this directive, see Section 15.2. 
Equivalent to omp_get_num_threads. Gets the number of threads currently in the team executing the parallel region from which the routine is called. 
Equivalent to omp_get_max_threads. Gets the maximum value that can be returned by calls to the _OtsGetNumThreads( ) function. 
Equivalent to omp_get_thread_num. Gets the thread number, within the team, in the range from zero to _OtsGetNumThreads( ) minus one. 
Equivalent to omp_in_parallel. Informs whether or not a region is executing in parallel. 

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