Document revision date: 30 March 2001 | |
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To boot a satellite, enter the following command:
>>> BOOT LAN-adapter-device-name |
In the example, the LAN-adapter-device-name could be any valid LAN adapter name, for example EZA0 or XQB0.
If you need to perform a conversational boot, use the command shown in the following table.
If the boot fails:
To change the default boot adapter, you need the physical address of the alternate LAN adapter. You use the address to update the satellite's node definition in the DECnet or LANCP database on the MOP servers so that they recognize the satellite (described in Section 9.4.4).
IF the system is... | THEN... |
An Alpha system | Use the SHOW CONFIG console command to find the LAN address of additional adapters. |
A VAX system |
Use the following method to find the LAN address of additional adapters:
On Alpha systems, availability can be increased by using multiple LAN adapters for booting because access to the MOP server and disk server can occur via different LAN adapters. To use multiple adapter booting, perform the steps in the following table.
Step | Task |
1 | Obtain the physical addresses of the additional LAN adapters. |
2 | Use these addresses to update the node definition in the DECnet or LANCP database on some of the MOP servers so that they recognize the satellite (described in Section 9.4.4). |
3 | If the satellite is already defined in the DECnet database, skip to step 4. If the satellite is not defined in the DECnet database, specify the SYS$SYSTEM:APB.EXE downline load file in the Alpha network database (see Example 10-2). |
4 | Specify multiple LAN adapters on the boot command line. (Use the SHOW DEVICE or SHOW CONFIG console command to obtain the names of adapters.) |
The following command line is the same as that used for booting from a single LAN adapter on an Alpha system (see Section 9.4.2) except that it lists two LAN adapters, eza0 and ezb0, as the devices from which to boot:
>>> b -flags 0,1 eza0, ezb0 |
In this command line:
Stage | What Happens |
1 | MOP booting is attempted from the first device (eza0). If that fails, MOP booting is attempted from the next device (ezb0). When booting from network devices, if the MOP boot attempt fails from all devices, then the console starts again from the first device. |
2 | Once the MOP load has completed, the boot driver starts the NISCA protocol on all of the LAN adapters. The NISCA protocol is used to access the system disk server and finish loading the operating system (see Appendix F). |
OpenVMS supports only one hardware address attribute per remote node definition in either a DECnet or LANCP database. To enable a satellite with multiple LAN adapters to use any LAN adapter to boot into the cluster, two different methods are available:
Defining Pseudonodes for Additional LAN Adapters
When defining a pseudonode with a different DECnet or LANCP address:
For DECnet, follow the procedure shown in Table 9-4. For LANCP, follow the procedure shown in Table 9-5.
Step | Procedure | Comments |
1 |
Display the node's existing definition using the following NCP command:
This command displays a list of the satellite's characteristics, such as its hardware address, load assist agent, load assist parameter, and more. |
2 |
Create a pseudonode by defining a unique DECnet address and node name
at the NCP command prompt, as follows:
++DEFINE NODE pseudo-area.pseudo-number - |
This example is specific to an Alpha node. For a VAX node, replace the command LOAD FILE APB.EXE, with TERTIARY LOADER SYS$SYSTEM:TERTIARY_VMB.EXE. |
Step | Procedure | Comments |
1 |
Display the node's existing definition using the following LANCP
This command displays a list of the satellite's characteristics, such as its hardware address and root directory address. |
2 |
Create a pseudonode by defining a unique LANCP address and node name at
the LANCP command prompt, as follows:
++DEFINE NODE pseudo-node-name - |
This example is specific to an Alpha node. For a VAX node, replace the qualifier FILE=APB.EXE with FILE=NISCS_LOAD.EXE. |
Creating Different Node Databases for Different Boot Nodes
When creating different DECnet or LANCP databases on different boot nodes:
The procedures are similar for DECnet and LANCP, but the database file names, utilities, and commands differ. For the DECnet procedure, see Table 9-6. For the LANCP procedure, see Table 9-7.
Step | Procedure | Comments |
1 | Define the logical name NETNODE_REMOTE to different values on different nodes so that it points to different files. | The logical NETNODE_REMOTE points to the working copy of the remote node file you are creating. |
2 |
Locate NETNODE_REMOTE.DAT files in the system-specific area for each
On each of the various boot servers, ensure that the hardware
address is defined as a unique address that matches one of the adapters
on the satellite. Enter the following commands at the NCP command
A NETNODE_REMOTE.DAT file located in [SYS0.SYSEXE] overrides one
located in [SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE] for a system booting from system
root 0.
If the NETNODE_REMOTE.DAT files are copies of each other, the node name, tertiary loader (for VAX) or LOAD FILE (for Alpha), load assist agent, and load assist parameter are already set up. You need only specify the new hardware address. Because the default hardware address is stored in NETUPDATE.COM, you must also edit this file on the second boot server. |
Step | Procedure | Comments |
1 | Define the logical name LAN$NODE_DATABASE to different values on different nodes so that it points to different files. | The logical LAN$NODE_DATABASE points to the working copy of the remote node file you are creating. |
2 |
Locate LAN$NODE_DATABASE.DAT files in the system-specific area for each
On each of the various boot servers, ensure that the hardware
address is defined as a unique address that matches one of the adapters
on the satellite. Enter the following commands at the LANCP command
If the LAN$NODE_DATABASE.DAT files are copies of each other, the node name and the FILE and ROOT qualifier values are already set up. You need only specify the new address. |
Once the satellite receives the MOP downline load from the MOP server, the satellite uses the booting LAN adapter to connect to any node serving the system disk. The satellite continues to use the LAN adapters on the boot command line exclusively until after the run-time drivers are loaded. The satellite then switches to using the run-time drivers and starts the local area OpenVMS Cluster protocol on all of the LAN adapters.
For additional information about the NCP command syntax, refer to DECnet for OpenVMS Network Management Utilities.
For DECnet--Plus: On an OpenVMS Cluster running
DECnet--Plus, you do not need to take the same actions in order to
support a satellite with more than one LAN adapter. The DECnet--Plus
support to downline load a satellite allows for an entry in the
database that contains a list of LAN adapter addresses. See the
DECnet--Plus documentation for complete information.
9.4.5 Configuring MOP Service
On a boot node, CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM enables the DECnet MOP downline load service on the first circuit that is found in the DECnet database.
On systems running DECnet for OpenVMS, display the circuit state and the service (MOP downline load service) state using the following command:
. . . Circuit = SVA-0 State = on Service = enabled . . . |
This example shows that circuit SVA-0 is in the ON state with the MOP downline service enabled. This is the correct state to support MOP downline loading for satellites.
Enabling MOP service on additional LAN adapters (circuits) must be performed manually. For example, enter the following NCP commands to enable service for the circuit QNA-1:
Reference: For more details, refer to DECnet-Plus
for OpenVMS Network Management.
9.4.6 Controlling Satellite Booting
You can control the satellite boot process in a number of ways. Table 9-8 shows examples specific to DECnet for OpenVMS. Refer to the DECnet--Plus documentation for equivalent information.
Method | Comments | |||
Use DECbootsync | ||||
To control the number of workstations starting up simulataneously, use
DECbootsync, which is available through the NSIS Reusable Software
library: . DECbootsync uses the distributed lock manager to control the number of satellites allowed to continue their startup command procedures at the same time. |
DECbootsync does not control booting of the OpenVMS operating system, but controls the execution of startup command procedures and installation of layered products on satellites. | |||
Disable MOP service on MOP servers temporarily | ||||
Until the MOP server can complete its own startup operations, boot
requests can be temporarily disabled by setting the DECnet Ethernet
circuit to a "Service Disabled" state as shown:
This method prevents the MOP server from servicing the satellites; it
does not prevent the satellites from requesting a boot from other MOP
If a satellite that is requesting a boot receives no response, it will make fewer boot requests over time. Thus, booting the satellite may take longer than normal once MOP service is reenabled.
Disable MOP service for individual satellites | |||
You can disable requests temporarily on a per-node basis in order to
clear a node's information from the DECnet database. Clear a node's
information from DECnet database on the MOP server using NCP, then
reenable nodes as desired to control booting:
This method does not prevent satellites from requesting boot service
from another MOP server.
Bring satellites to console prompt on shutdown | |||
Use any of the following methods to halt a satellite so that it halts (rather than reboots) upon restoration of power. | ||||
If you plan to use the DECnet Trigger operation, it is important to use
a program to perform a HALT instruction that causes the satellite to
enter console mode. This is because systems that support remote
triggering only support it while the system is in console mode.
Boot satellites remotely with Trigger | |||
The console firmware in some satellites, such as the VAX 3100 and VAX
4000, allow you to boot them remotely using the DECnet Trigger
operation. You must turn on this capability at the console prompt
before you enter the NCP command TRIGGER, as shown:
Optionally, you can set up the MOP server to run a command procedure
and trigger 5 or 10 satellites at a time to stagger the boot-time work
load. You can boot satellites in a priority order, for example, first
boot your satellite, then high-priority satellites, and so on.
Important: When the SET HALT command is set up as described in Table 9-8, a power failure will cause the satellite to stop at the console prompt instead of automatically rebooting when power is restored. This is appropriate for a mass power failure, but if someone trips over the power cord for a single satellite it can result in unnecessary unavailability.
You can provide a way to scan and trigger a reboot of satellites that go down this way by simply running a batch job periodically that performs the following tasks:
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