Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Getting Started

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6.4.2 ACMS Interaction with DECforms

In DECforms, the form record is a structure that controls data transfer between ACMS and the form. The form record identifies which form data items (variables associated with the form) are to be returned to ACMS.

Figure 6-4 shows the interaction between DECforms and ACMS when ACMS requests information from DECforms.

Figure 6-4 DECforms Interaction with ACMS

The following steps are the sequence of events that occur when ACMS requests information from DECforms:

  1. To request information, ACMS calls the Form Manager with a RECEIVE or TRANSCEIVE call. In that call, ACMS performs the following operations:
    1. Tells the Form Manager the name of the form needed to collect data.
    2. Tells the Form Manager the record identifier being received.
    3. Gives the Form Manager the ACMS workspaces used to transfer data.
  2. The Form Manager displays a panel on the user's terminal screen. The displayed panel is specified in the form that ACMS names in its RECEIVE or TRANSCEIVE call to DECforms.
  3. The Form Manager accepts input from the user's terminal.
  4. The Form Manager uses the form record to store the user's input data in the appropriate form data items.
  5. The Form Manager completes the request by returning data to the ACMS workspaces.

6.5 ACMS Integration with Resource Managers

Resource managers (RMs) are the software products that store and manage the data accessed by ACMS applications. A resource manager controls shared access to a set of recoverable resources, such as a database.

All Compaq's resource managers provide access to recoverable data. Step procedures can access the following resource managers either locally or remotely:

6.5.1 Accessing a Database or a Master File

Compaq's resource managers are not an integral part of the TP system, but are instead under the control of the operating system (OS). This OS control of resource managers permits database sharing among TP and non-TP applications, decision support systems, and remote nodes requesting data.

ACMS supports Rdb as its primary database management system. For Rdb conceptual information, refer to the Rdb documentation.

For the sake of simplicity, this tutorial application uses an RMS master file to store and retrieve records. RMS is an OpenVMS-supplied file management system that supports sequential, relative, or indexed files. The initialization procedure in this tutorial creates the RMS file (EMPLOYEE.DAT) when you run the application for the first time.

6.5.2 ACMS Interaction with a Resource Manager

To access a database, ACMS interacts with a procedure server process. The procedure server process, in turn, interacts with the resource manager of the database. As shown in Figure 6-5, processing steps call step procedures (user-written subroutines) to handle interactions with the resource managers of databases or files.

ACMS uses a procedure server process for executing a procedure. When starting a processing step, ACMS allocates a procedure server process to execute the procedure in that step. The procedure server process remains allocated to the task for the duration of one or more processing steps in the task.

In an update task, you need at least one exchange step to prompt the user for a key value, and another to display the requested record for modification. You need one processing step to retrieve the record from the database, and another to write the record back to the database with the user's changes. Figure 6-5 shows the interactions among ACMS, the procedure server, and the resource manager to execute a simple update task.

Figure 6-5 A Resource Manager Interacting with ACMS

The following steps are the sequence of events that executes the update task:

  1. An exchange step calls the Form Manager (not shown) to display a panel on which the user can supply a key value (for example, an employee number).
  2. A processing step calls procedure 1, which in turn retrieves an employee record from the database through its resource manager. The record retrieved matches the employee number that the user entered.
  3. An exchange step calls the Form Manager to display a panel with the information contained in the employee record. The user can modify this information (for example, change the employee's address).
  4. A processing step calls procedure 2, which in turn writes the modified employee record to the database.

For a full picture of the ACMS execution flow that includes the Form Manager's role in exchange steps, refer to Figure 6-1.

6.6 Defining Fields and Records in CDD

The CDD dictionary system provides a central storage repository for shareable data definitions. CDD is an active dictionary system that provides the user interface known as CDO (Common Dictionary Operator).

The dictionary contains metadata (descriptions of data) in the form of dictionary definitions. The most commonly used dictionary definitions are fields, records, and databases.

A field definition describes the data that can be stored in a specific field in your application. Field definitions typically include information such as data type and size. The tutorial application defines the following fields: employee number, name, street address, city, state, and zip code.

A record definition typically consists of a grouping of field definitions. The tutorial application defines a record named EMPLOYEE_INFO_RECORD, which contains a group of field definitions corresponding to the preceding fields.

This tutorial application creates your personal CDD dictionary. It also sets up your default CDD directory so that all your definitions are located there automatically. By setting a default CDD directory, the tutorial application can identify EMPLOYEE_INFO_RECORD by its name alone (without having to use its full path name).

Chapter 7
Developing the Data Entry Task

This chapter describes in step-by-step detail how to write the Data Entry Task using ACMS, DECforms, and CDD definitions. Before you begin, check the prerequisites for this tutorial listed in Section 6.1.

7.1 Defining a CDD Environment

This tutorial application requires you to create a personal CDD directory. You then need to define this directory to be your default CDD directory, so that all your definitions are located there automatically.

Your system manager can help you decide where to locate your CDD directory by choosing one of the following alternatives:

The directory used as your CDD dictionary in this tutorial is represented by the placeholder disk:[cdd_directory]. When this specification appears on subsequent pages, you are required to enter the disk name and directory name where your CDD dictionary is located (for example, USER$1:[JONES.CDD]).

If your system manager determines that you should define a dictionary in your own OpenVMS account, you must first create a subdirectory for this purpose (for example, a subdirectory named CDD in an account such as USER$1:[JONES]). For example:


This subdirectory must remain dedicated to your CDD dictionary; CDD stores its files there. Do not store your source files or any other OpenVMS files in this directory.

To set up your personal CDD directory, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the CDD Dictionary Operator Utility by issuing the following command:


    CDD responds by displaying the CDO> prompt.

  2. This step is required only if you are creating a CDD dictionary in your own OpenVMS account. (If you are attaching your personal CDD directory to the system dictionary, CDD$COMPATIBILITY, skip this step). Note that the following command line ends with a period:

    CDO> DEFINE DICTIONARY disk:[cdd_directory].

    For cdd_directory, substitute the name of the directory that you created as your CDD dictionary (for example, [JONES.CDD]).

  3. Set your default directory to the directory that will be your CDD directory:

    CDO> SET DEFAULT disk:[cdd_directory]

    Issue the SHOW DEFAULT command to verify this:


  4. Create a CDD subdirectory to use as your personal directory. Substitute your directory name for d_name in this example and elsewhere in this manual (for example PJ_DICTIONARY). Note that this command line ends with a period:

    CDO> DEFINE DIRECTORY disk:[cdd_directory]d_name.

    A dictionary directory is a named section of a dictionary that you use to hold your field and record definitions. Issue the DIRECTORY command to check that the subdirectory you created is listed in your anchor directory:


    CDO displays the contents of disk:[cdd_directory]; your personal subdirectory (dictionary) is listed as a directory.

    Directory disk:[cdd_directory]
    d_name                                DIRECTORY

  5. Exit from CDO:


  6. Using a text editor, edit your login command file to define the logical name CDD$DEFAULT. The CDO uses this logical name to set your default CDD directory whenever you invoke CDO. Also, to enter CDO more quickly, define a symbol for the DICTIONARY OPERATOR command. Add the following lines to your login command file:

    $ DEFINE CDD$DEFAULT disk:[cdd_directory]d_name 

    Save your login command file and exit the editor.

  7. Issue the following commands to execute your edited login command file and to make sure that your default directory is set correctly:

    $ @LOGIN.COM
    $ CDO
        = disk:[cdd_directory]d_name

  8. Exit from CDO:


7.2 Defining a CDD Record

In this chapter, you create your first source files: CDD files, DECforms files, ACMS files, and COBOL files. The easiest way to manage these files is to create them all in the same OpenVMS directory.

This manual assumes that you are using your default OpenVMS directory (udisk:[uname]) to hold your source files. In this manual, udisk represents your OpenVMS disk name, and uname represents your OpenVMS directory name (for example, USER$1:[JONES]). Make sure that you are located in your default OpenVMS directory when you create a source file.

To define fields and records in your CDD dictionary, follow these steps:

  1. Using a text editor, create a source file, EMPLOYEE_FIELDS.CDO, in your OpenVMS default directory. (All source files are available on line, if you choose to copy them instead of typing them yourself. See Appendix B for their location.) Type in your field definitions as follows:


    Because input records of this format are eventually filled in with alphabetic and numeric data typed at the terminal, the data type of all the fields is TEXT, which can be either alphabetic or numeric. In a more complex application, you would probably use other data types such as NUMERIC. The SIZE information specifies the maximum number of characters that the value of a field can have.
    Save this file and exit the editor.

  2. Execute the source file to place these field definitions in your dictionary:

    $ CDO

    If you do not have the necessary privileges to define an object in CDO, or if you have not turned on your privileges (with the SET PROCESS/PRIV=xxxx command), you receive an "insufficient privileges" message here. If so, see your system manager about required privileges.
    To check that a field is in your CDD directory, you can issue the SHOW FIELD command. For example:

    Definition of field EMPL_NUMBER
    |   Datatype                 text size is 10 characters

  3. Exit from CDO. Create a source file named EMPLOYEE_INFO_RECORD.CDO. Type the following lines:


    Save this file and exit the editor.

  4. Execute the source file:

    $ CDO

    Issue the SHOW RECORD command to check that your record is accurate:

    Definition of record EMPLOYEE_INFO_RECORD
    |   Contains field           EMPL_NUMBER
    |   Contains field           EMPL_NAME
    |   Contains field           EMPL_STREET_ADDRESS
    |   Contains field           EMPL_CITY
    |   Contains field           EMPL_STATE
    |   Contains field           EMPL_ZIP_CODE

    You can display the data type and length of each field in the record by using the /FULL qualifier after the SHOW RECORD command.
    To display a list of all fields and records in your default CDD directory, issue the DIRECTORY command:

     Directory disk:[cdd_directory]d_name
    EMPLOYEE_INFO_RECORD;1                         RECORD
    EMPL_CITY;1                                    FIELD
    EMPL_NAME;1                                    FIELD
    EMPL_NUMBER;1                                  FIELD
    EMPL_STATE;1                                   FIELD
    EMPL_STREET_ADDRESS;1                          FIELD
    EMPL_ZIP_CODE;1                                FIELD

  5. Exit from CDO. Create a source file named EMPLOYEE_INFO_WKSP.CDO. Type the following lines:


    Save this file and exit the editor.

  6. Enter the EMPLOYEE_INFO_WKSP definition in CDD by executing the source file:

    $ CDO

  7. Exit from CDO.


In this tutorial, the record EMPLOYEE_INFO_RECORD is the same as the workspace (EMPLOYEE_INFO_WKSP) that ACMS passes to DECforms. In many ACMS applications these records are not identical. You often pass a workspace that contains fewer fields than the record definition. Both the record and the workspace definitions are included in this tutorial as examples of the usual practice in ACMS application definitions.

7.3 Creating a Form Using DECforms

The easiest way to design DECforms panels in a form is to use the DECforms Panel Editor in the Form Development Environment (FDE). The definition of the panel that you create is automatically stored in a form source file with the file type of .IFDL (Independent Form Description Language).

7.3.1 Creating a Basic Form

To enter FDE and create a basic form and source file, follow these steps:

  1. Edit your login command file to define a symbol for the FORMS DEVELOP command:

    $ FDE   :== FORMS DEVELOP 

    Save your login command file and exit the editor.

  2. Execute your edited login command file:

    $ @LOGIN.COM

  3. Enter the FDE symbol to enter the DECforms interactive environment:

    $ FDE

    If the DECforms system starts successfully, the system prompts you for a file name. However, if DECforms does not recognize your device type, the system responds that this operation must be done with a 100, 200, or 300 series terminal. In this case, issue the SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE command at the dollar ($) prompt and repeat this step.

  4. Type the name EMPLOYEE_INFO_FORM at the prompt:


    After you enter your form name, DECforms displays two messages:

    Form Development Environment starting... 
    Creating a new form file called: UDISK:[UNAME]EMPLOYEE_INFO_FORM.FORM 

    DECforms then displays a screen that prompts you to accept a default layout for your panel (see Figure 7-1).


    If you copied the online IFDL source files to your default directory before starting this tutorial, DECforms translates the existing IFDL file here and loads the resulting FORM file. It displays the Main Menu instead of Figure 7-1. In this case, use the arrow keys to choose the Exit option and press [Select]. Proceed to Section 7.3.4, step 2.

    Figure 7-1 DECforms LAYOUT Screen

    On DECforms screens, use the arrow keys to move the cursor among the options that are displayed. Then press [Select] to register your choice of options.
  5. Press [Select] to accept the default of Yes, because the example in this tutorial uses just one layout for all types of terminals and users. DECforms next displays the FDE Main Menu, shown in Figure 7-2.

    Figure 7-2 FDE Main Menu

  6. Using the arrow keys, move the cursor to the EXIT option. Then press [Select]. DECforms saves all the entries you made and then displays the following messages notifying you that your form has been saved in a form source file and in a binary file:

    Form saved in file: UDISK:[UNAME]EMPLOYEE_INFO_FORM.FORM;1. 

    You have now created a basic form.

  7. Enter the TYPE command and your IFDL source file name to display the IFDL source file:


    In the form source file, DECforms places IFDL statements that identify the form and the layout selected. By selecting the default layout, you cause DECforms to create the following lines:

         Layout VT_LAYOUT 
                    Type %VT100 
             End Device 
             Size 24 Lines by 80 Columns 
         End Layout 
    End Form 

To make your form useful, create a panel that produces a display on the terminal screen. The next section contains instructions for doing this.

7.3.2 Creating a Panel

Follow these instructions to access the Panel Editor and design a panel:

  1. Reenter FDE by issuing the FDE command and your form name:


    DECforms displays the FDE Main Menu (see Figure 7-2).

  2. Press the down-arrow key to move the cursor to the third line (the Panel line), and press [Select] at the first choice: Choose, Create. DECforms superimposes another panel on the FDE Main Menu (see Figure 7-3).
  3. Press [Select] at the menu choice: Create Panel. DECforms displays the Create Panel screen (see Figure 7-4), containing panel attributes and their default values marked by a diamond.

    Figure 7-3 Choose/Create Panel Menu

    Figure 7-4 Create Panel Screen

  4. The Panel Name field is highlighted on your screen. Type the name of the panel you are creating:


    Press [Return]. The cursor moves to the Data Entry field. The panel type specifies whether the panel is for entering data or displaying help. The diamond before Data Entry indicates that the panel is a data entry panel.

  5. Press the down-arrow key to move the cursor to Yes-Remove under Erase on Exit. Press [Select]. This has the effect of removing the panel from the screen when the user finishes entering data and exits the panel.
  6. Press the up-arrow key to move the cursor to the OK option in the top right-hand corner. Press [Select]. This means that you accept all the values on the screen, including the default viewport size.


    DECforms displays a panel within a viewport. To specify a viewport size other than the default 24 X 80 dimension, you must first enter a viewport name on the Create Panel screen and then specify line and column numbers to indicate the size of the viewport in which the panel is to be displayed.

    After you select OK, DECforms redisplays the FDE Main Menu, shown in Figure 7-2.
  7. Move to the Panel Editor menu choice and press [Select]. DECforms invokes the Panel Editor and places the cursor in the top left-hand corner of a blank screen. You are now ready to format your panel.


    Always use the arrow keys to move the cursor within the panel. Do not use the space bar to position the cursor; the space bar creates literal spaces on the panel.
  8. Position the cursor with the arrow keys and type the literals on the screen as shown in Figure 7-5. DECforms displays the panel to users exactly as you format it.
    Figure 7-5 is an example of a data entry panel composed only of literals. The panel includes a message to users indicating how to navigate between fields (using [Return] and [F12] ), how to save the data (using [Ctrl/Z] ), and how to quit the screen (using [PF4] ). You define [PF4] later in this chapter. Because [Return], [F12], and [Ctrl/Z] are predefined in DECforms, you do not need to define them for use in this tutorial application.

    Figure 7-5 Sample DECforms Panel

    You must now create the fields that correspond to the literals. A field is that space following the literal in which the user enters the information. For example, a defined space after the Employee name literal is a field in which to enter the employee name.
  9. Use the arrow key to position the cursor two spaces after the Employee number literal, and press [Do]. DECforms displays the Command> prompt.
  10. Type CREATE FIELD after the Command> prompt and press [Return]:

    Command> CREATE FIELD 

    DECforms then displays the Create Field Menu (see Figure 7-6).

    Figure 7-6 Create Field Menu

  11. Enter the field name and press [Return]:

    Field Name: EMPL_NUMBER 


    Field names that you specify must correspond to field names that you entered in the CDD record definition. In the menu, the numbers that appear after Line and Column indicate where the cursor was when you began to create the field.
  12. Press [Select] at the Data Type prompt (the field is highlighted) to display a list of valid data types: atomic, character, and date/time. In the list of character types, move the cursor to Character and press [Select] to register your choice.
    DECforms then superimposes the Data Type Character window, shown in Figure 7-7, on the menu.

    Figure 7-7 Data Type Character Window

  13. Enter the size of the field:

    Size(a): 10

    Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to OK, and press [Select] to confirm your entry.
    DECforms again displays the Create Field Menu, shown in Figure 7-6.

  14. Enter the field picture:

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