Document revision date: 19 July 1999 | |
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Displays the debugger predefined key definitions and those created by the DEFINE/KEY command.
This command is not available in the DECwindows Motif interface to the debugger.
SHOW KEY [key-name]
Specifies a function key whose definition is displayed. Do not use the asterisk (*) wildcard character. Instead, use the /ALL qualifier. Do not specify a key name with /ALL or /DIRECTORY. Valid key names are as follows:
Key Name LK201 Keyboard VT100-type VT52-type PF1 PF1 PF1 Blue PF2 PF2 PF2 Red PF3 PF3 PF3 Black PF4 PF4 PF4 KP0--KP9 Keypad 0--9 Keypad 0--9 Keypad 0--9 PERIOD Keypad period (.) Keypad period (.) COMMA Keypad comma (,) Keypad comma (,) MINUS Keypad minus (-) Keypad minus (-) ENTER Enter ENTER ENTER E1 Find E2 Insert Here E3 Remove E4 Select E5 Prev Screen E6 Next Screen HELP Help DO Do F6--F20 F6--F20
Displays all key definitions for the current state, by default, or for the states specified with /STATE./BRIEF
Displays only the key definitions (by default, all qualifiers associated with a key definition are also shown, including any specified state)./DIRECTORY
Displays the names of all the states for which keys have been defined. Do not specify other qualifiers with this qualifier./STATE=(state-name [,...])
/NOSTATE (default)
Selects one or more states for which a key definition is displayed. The /STATE qualifier displays key definitions for the specified states. You can specify predefined key states, such as DEFAULT and GOLD, or user-defined states. A state name can be any appropriate alphanumeric string. The /NOSTATE qualifier displays key definitions for the current state only.
Keypad mode must be enabled (SET MODE KEYPAD) before you can use this command. Keypad mode is enabled by default.By default, the current key state is the DEFAULT state. You can change the current state by using the SET KEY/STATE command or by pressing a key that causes a state change (that is, a key that was defined with DEFINE/KEY/LOCK_STATE or /SET_STATE).
Related commands:
#1 |
This command displays all the key definitions for the current state.
#2 |
DBG> SHOW KEY/STATE=BLUE KP8 GOLD keypad definitions: KP8 = "Scroll/Top" (noecho,terminate,nolock) DBG> |
This command displays the definition for keypad key 8 in the BLUE state.
#3 |
DBG> SHOW KEY/BRIEF KP8 DEFAULT keypad definitions: KP8 = "Scroll/Up" DBG> |
This command displays the definition for keypad key 8 in the current state.
#4 |
This command displays the names of the states for which keys have been defined.
Identifies the current language.
The current language is the language last established with the SET LANGUAGE command. If you did not enter a SET LANGUAGE command, the current language is, by default, the language of the module containing the main program.Related command:
This command displays the name of the current language as BASIC.
Indicates whether the debugger is writing to a log file and identifies the current log file.
The current log file is the log file last established by a SET LOG command. By default, if you did not enter a SET LOG command, the current log file is the file SYS$DISK:[]DEBUG.LOG.Related commands:
#1 |
DBG> SHOW LOG not logging to DEBUG.LOG DBG> |
This command displays the name of the current log file as DEBUG.LOG (the default log file) and reports that the debugger is not writing to it.
#2 |
In this example, the SET LOG command establishes that the current log file is PROG4.LOG (in the current default directory). The SET OUTPUT LOG command causes the debugger to log debugger input and output into that file. The SHOW LOG command confirms that the debugger is writing to the log file PROG4.COM in your current default directory.
Identifies the current source-line margin settings for displaying source code.
This command is not available in the DECwindows Motif interface to the debugger.
The current margin settings are the margin settings last established with the SET MARGINS command. By default, if you did not enter a SET MARGINS command, the left margin is set to 1 and the right margin is set to 255.Related command:
#1 |
DBG> SHOW MARGINS left margin: 1 , right margin: 255 DBG> |
This command displays the default margin settings of 1 and 255.
#2 |
DBG> SET MARGINS 50 DBG> SHOW MARGINS left margin: 1 , right margin: 50 DBG> |
This command displays the default left margin setting of 1 and the modified right margin setting of 50.
#3 |
DBG> SET MARGINS 10:60 DBG> SHOW MARGINS left margin: 10 , right margin: 60 DBG> |
This command displays both margin settings modified to 10 and 60.
Identifies the current debugger modes (screen or no screen, keypad or nokeypad, and so on) and the current radix.
The current debugger modes are the modes last established with the SET MODE command. By default, if you did not enter a SET MODE command, the current modes are the following:
- NOG_FLOAT (D_float)
Related commands:
DBG> SHOW MODE modes: symbolic, line, d_float, screen, scroll, keypad, dynamic, interrupt, no separate window input radix :decimal output radix:decimal DBG> |
The SHOW MODE command displays the current modes and current input and output radix.
Displays information about the modules in the current image.
SHOW MODULE [module-name]
Specifies the name of a module to be included in the display. If you do not specify a name, or if you specify the asterisk (*) wildcard character by itself, all modules are listed. You can use a wildcard within a module name. Shareable image modules are selected only if you specify /SHARE.
/NORELATED (default)
(Applies to Ada programs.) Controls whether the debugger includes, in the SHOW MODULE display, any module that is related to a specified module through a with-clause or subunit relationship.The SHOW MODULE/RELATED command displays related modules as well as those specified. The display identifies the exact relationship. By default (/NORELATED), no related modules are selected for display (only the modules specified are selected).
/NOSHARE (default)
Controls whether the debugger includes, in the SHOW MODULE display, any shareable images that have been linked with your program. By default (/NOSHARE) no shareable image modules are selected for display.The debugger creates dummy modules for each shareable image in your program. The names of these shareable "image modules" have the prefix SHARE$. The SHOW MODULE/SHARE command identifies these shareable image modules, as well as the modules in the current image.
Setting a shareable image module loads the universal symbols for that image into the run-time symbol table so that you can reference these symbols from the current image. However, you cannot reference other (local or global) symbols in that image from the current image. This feature overlaps the effect of the newer SET IMAGE and SHOW IMAGE commands.
The SHOW MODULE command displays the following information about one or more modules selected for display:
- Name of the module.
- Programming language in which the module is coded, unless all modules are coded in the same language.
- Whether the module has been set with the SET MODULE command. That is, whether the symbol records of the module have been loaded into the debugger's run-time symbol table (RST).
- Space (in bytes) required in the RST for symbol records in that module.
- Total number of modules selected in the display.
- Number of bytes allocated for the RST and other internal structures (the amount of heap space in use in the main debugger's process).
The current image is either the main image (by default) or the image established as the current image by a previous SET IMAGE command.For information specific to Ada programs, type Help Language_Support Ada.
Related commands:
#1 |
DBG> SHOW MODULE module name symbols size TEST yes 432 SCREEN_IO no 280 total PASCAL modules: 2. bytes allocated: 2740. DBG> |
In this example, the SHOW MODULE command, without a parameter, displays information about all of the modules in the current image, which is the main image by default. This example shows the display format when all modules have the same source language. The symbols column shows that module TEST has been set, but module SCREEN_IO has not.
#2 |
DBG> SHOW MODULE FOO,MAIN,SUB* module name symbols language size FOO yes MACRO 432 MAIN no FORTRAN 280 SUB1 no FORTRAN 164 SUB2 no FORTRAN 204 total modules: 4. bytes allocated: 60720. DBG> |
In this example, the SHOW MODULE command displays information about the modules FOO and MAIN, and all modules having the prefix SUB. This example shows the display format when the modules do not have the same source language.
#3 |
DBG> SHOW MODULE/SHARE module name symbols language size FOO yes MACRO 432 MAIN no FORTRAN 280 ... SHARE$DEBUG no Image 0 SHARE$LIBRTL no Image 0 SHARE$MTHRTL no Image 0 SHARE$SHARE1 no Image 0 SHARE$SHARE2 no Image 0 total modules: 17. bytes allocated: 162280. DBG> SET MODULE SHARE$SHARE2 DBG> SHOW SYMBOL * IN SHARE$SHARE2 |
In this example, the SHOW MODULE/SHARE command identifies all of the modules in the current image and all of the shareable images (the names of the shareable images are prefixed with SHARE$. The SET MODULE SHARE$SHARE2 command sets the shareable image module SHARE$SHARE2. The SHOW SYMBOL command identifies any universal symbols defined in the shareable image SHARE2.
Identifies the current output options.
The current output options are the options last established with the SET OUTPUT command. By default, if you did not enter a SET OUTPUT command, the output options are: NOLOG, NOSCREEN_LOG, TERMINAL, NOVERIFY.Related commands:
DBG> SHOW OUTPUT noverify, terminal, screen_log, logging to USER$:[JONES.WORK]DEBUG.LOG;9 DBG> |
This command shows the following current output options:
- Debugger commands read from debugger command procedures are not echoed on the terminal.
- Debugger output is being displayed on the terminal.
- The debugging session is being logged to the log file USER$:[JONES.WORK]DEBUG.LOG;9.
- The screen contents are logged as they are updated in screen mode.
Displays information about processes that are currently under debugger control. This command applies especially to a multiprocess debugging configuration (when DBG$PROCESS has the value MULTIPROCESS).
SHOW PROCESS [process-spec[,...]]
Specifies a process currently under debugger control. Use any of the following forms:
[%PROCESS_NAME] proc-name The process name, if that name contains no space or lowercase characters. The process name can include the asterisk (*) wildcard character. [%PROCESS_NAME] " proc-name" The process name, if that name contains space or lowercase characters. You can also use apostrophes (') instead of quotation marks ("). %PROCESS_PID proc-id The process identifier (PID, a hexadecimal number). %PROCESS_NUMBER proc-number
(or %PROC proc-number)The number assigned to a process when it comes under debugger control. Process numbers appear in a SHOW PROCESS display. proc-group-name A symbol defined with the DEFINE/PROCESS_GROUP command to represent a group of processes. Do not specify a recursive symbol definition. %NEXT_PROCESS The process after the visible process in the debugger's circular process list. %PREVIOUS_PROCESS The process previous to the visible process in the debugger's circular process list. %VISIBLE_PROCESS The process whose call stack, register set, and images are the current context for looking up symbols, register values, routine calls, breakpoints, and so on. You can also use the asterisk (*) wildcard character or the /ALL qualifier to specify all processes. Do not specify a process with /ALL or /DYNAMIC. If you do not specify a process or /ALL with /BRIEF, /FULL, or /[NO]HOLD, the visible process is selected.
Selects all processes known to the debugger for display./BRIEF
(Default) Displays only one line of information for each process selected for display./DYNAMIC
Shows whether dynamic process setting is enabled or disabled. Dynamic process setting is enabled by default and is controlled with the SET PROCESS/[NO]DYNAMIC command./FULL
Displays maximum information for each process selected for display./HOLD
/NOHOLD (default)
Selects either processes that are on hold, or processes that are not on hold for display.If you do not specify a process, /HOLD selects all processes that are on hold. If you specify a process list, /HOLD selects the processes in the list that are on hold.
If you do not specify a process, /NOHOLD selects all processes that are not on hold. If you specify a process list, /NOHOLD selects the processes in the list that are not on hold.
If you specify both /HOLD and /NOHOLD on the same command line, the effect is to select processes that are on hold and processes that are not on hold for display (the qualifier specified last on the command line does not override the other).
(Default). Selects the visible process for display.
The SHOW PROCESS command displays information about specified processes and any images running in those processes.The SHOW PROCESS/FULL command also displays information about the availability and use of the vector processor. This information is useful if you are debugging a program that uses vector instructions.
A process can first appear in a SHOW PROCESS display as soon as it comes under debugger control. A process can no longer appear in a SHOW PROCESS display if it is terminated through an EXIT or QUIT command.
By default (/BRIEF), one line of information is displayed for each process, including the following:
- The process number assigned by the debugger. A process number is assigned sequentially, starting with process 1, to each process that comes under debugger control. If a process is terminated by an EXIT or QUIT command, its process number is not reused during that debugging session. The visible process is marked with an asterisk (*) in the leftmost column.
- The process name.
- Whether the process has been put on hold with a SET PROCESS/HOLD command.
- The current debugging state for that process. (See Table DEBUG-2.)
- The location (symbolized, if possible) at which execution of the image is suspended in that process.
Table DEBUG-2 Debugging States State Description Activated The image and its process have just been brought under debugger control. Break
Break on branch
Break on call
Break on instruction
Break on lines
Break on modify of
Break on return
Exception break
Exception break precedingA breakpoint was triggered. Interrupted Execution was interrupted in that process, either because execution was suspended in another process, or because the user interrupted program execution with the abort-key sequence (by default, Ctrl/C). Step
Step on returnA STEP command has completed. Terminated The image indicated has terminated execution but the process is still under debugger control. Therefore, you can obtain information about the image and its process. You can use the EXIT or QUIT command to terminate the process. Trace
Trace on branch
Trace on call
Trace on instruction
Trace on lines
Trace on modify of
Trace on return
Exception trace
Exception trace precedingA tracepoint was triggered. Unhandled exception An unhandled exception was encountered. Watch of A watchpoint was triggered. The SHOW PROCESS/FULL command gives additional information about processes (see the examples).
Related commands:
- Ctrl/C
#1 |
DBG_2> SHOW PROCESS Number Name Hold State Current PC * 2 _WTA3: HOLD break SCREEN\%LINE 47 DBG_2> |
By default, the SHOW PROCESS command displays one line of information about the visible process (which is identified with an asterisk (*) in the leftmost column). The process has the process name _WTA3:. It is the second process brought under debugger control (process number 2). It is on hold, and the image's execution is suspended at a breakpoint at line 47 of module SCREEN.
#2 |
DBG_2> SHOW PROCESS/FULL %PREVIOUS_PROCESS Process number: 1 Process name: JONES_1: Hold: NO Visible process: NO Current PC: TEST_VALVES\%LINE 153 State: interrupted PID: 20400885 Owner PID: 00000000 Current/Base priority: 5/4 Terminal: VTA79: Image name: USER$:[JONES.PROG1]TEST_VALVES.EXE;31 Elapsed CPU time: 0 00:03:17.17 CPU Limit: Infinite Buffered I/O Count: 14894 Remaining buffered I/O quota: 80 Direct I/O Count: 6956 Remaining direct I/O quota: 40 Open file count: 7 Remaining open file quota: 43 Enqueue count: 200 Remaining enqueue quota: 198 Vector capable: Yes Vector consumer: Yes Vector CPU time: 00:00:00.00 Fast Vector context switches: 0 Slow Vector context switches: 0 Current working set size: 1102 Working set size quota: 1304 Current working set extent: 12288 Maximum working set extent: 12288 Peak working set size: 4955 Maximum authorized working set: 1304 Current virtual size: 255 Peak virtual size: 16182 Page faults: 41358 Active ASTs: Remaining AST Quota: 27 Event flags: FF800000 60000003 Event flag wait mask: 7FFFFFFF DBG_2> |
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