Document revision date: 19 July 1999
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OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual

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Table 5-14 lists the item codes that may be set for the LAT$C_ENT_SERVICE entity type.

Table 5-14 LAT$C_ENT_SERVICE Item Codes
Item Code Meaning
LAT$_ITM_RATING Static LAT service rating. The default is the dynamic rating calculation. Static ratings can be between 0 and 255.
LAT$_ITM_IDENTIFICATION Service identification string. The default is the translation of SYS$ANNOUNCE.
LAT$_ITM_SERVICE_TYPE Defines the type of service. Valid values are:
LAT$C_ST_GENERAL Creates a general timesharing service.
LAT$C_ST_APPLICATION Creates a special application service that must then be associated with ports dedicated to accepting connections to this service (dedicated ports).
++ LAT$C_ST_LIMITED Indicates that the service is limited.
LAT$_ITM_COUNTERS Service counters block. Allows for zeroing of all service counters. This item code may be specified only if the entity status field is LAT$C_ENTS_OLD and the LAT$V_CLEAR bit is set. Violating either of these two rules results in a returned status of SS$_BADPARAM.
++ LAT$_ITM_PASSWORD Indicates that if a value of LAT$C_ENABLED is indicated, then the service is password protected. Indicates that if a value of LAT$C_DISABLED is indicated, then the service is not password protected.
++ LAT$_ITM_LIM_PORT_BLOCK Indicates a subblock contained in an itemlist, which has a list of limited ports associated with the named service. This subblock may be repeated several times; that is, once for each limited LAT device associated with the specified service.

+VAX specific.
++Alpha specific.

Table 5-15 lists the item codes that may be set for the LAT$C_ENT_LINK entity type.

Table 5-15 LAT$C_ENT_LINK ItemCodes
Item Code Meaning
LAT$_ITM_STATE Operating state of the LAT protocol. Valid values are:
LAT$C_OFF Turns off LAT protocol processing. No new connections allowed in either direction. Existing connections are terminated immediately.
LAT$C_SHUT Disallows new LAT connections in either direction. Existing connections are allowed to remain active.
LAT$C_ON Turns on LAT protocol processing. This is the default.
LAT$_ITM_DEVICE_NAME The name of the local area network (LAN) device to be used for this link. The default is hardware-dependent.
LAT$_ITM_DECNET_ADDRESS Specifies whether to use the DECnet address when starting the LAT protocol on the LAN controller associated with this link. Valid values are:
LAT$C_DISABLED DECnet address use disabled.
LAT$C_ENABLED DECnet address use enabled (this is the default).
LAT$_ITM_COUNTERS Link counters block. Allows for zeroing of all link counters. This item code may be specified only if the entity status field is LAT$C_ENTS_OLD and the LAT$V_CLEAR bit is set. Violating either of these two rules results in a returned status of SS$_BADPARAM.

Table 5-16 lists the item codes that may be set for the LAT$C_ENT_PORT entity type.

Table 5-16 LAT$C_ENT_PORT Item Codes
Item Code Meaning
LAT$_ITM_PORT_TYPE Type of port. Valid values are:
LAT$C_PT_APPLICATION Application port for solicited connections.
LAT$C_PT_DEDICATED Dedicated port associated with a local application service.
++ LAT$C_PT_LIMITED Indicates that the port type is limited.
LAT$_ITM_QUEUED Controls whether the solicited connection requests queued or nonqueued access. Valid values are:
LAT$C_DISABLED Queued access disabled.
LAT$C_ENABLED Queued access enabled (this is the default).
LAT$_ITM_SERVICE_CLASS Controls the class driver that the LAT driver communicates with when a connection is established. This item code can be used only with an entity status of LAT$C_ENTS_NEW. Therefore, the service class must be specified when the device is created. An attempt to change the service class of an existing device returns SS$_BADPARAM. Valid values are:
LAT$C_SERVCLASS_INTERACTIVE Service class 1, TTDRIVER (this is the default).
LAT$C_SERVCLASS_XTRANSPORT Service class 3, X Protocol.
LAT$C_SERVCLASS_FONT Service class 4, X fonts.
LAT$_ITM_DISPLAY_NUMBER For X devices, this is the binary value of the display number, which may need to be transmitted in some LAT messages. Values range from 0--255, with a default of 0. This item code has meaning only when used with service classes 3 and 4 (LAT$C_SERVCLASS_XTRANSPORT AND LAT$C_SERVCLASS_FONT).
LAT$_ITM_TARGET_NODE_NAME Target node name for connection. This parameter must be specified for application ports and may optionally be specified for forward ports.
LAT$_ITM_TARGET_SERVICE_NAME Target service name for connection. This parameter must be specified for forward ports and may optionally be specified for application ports. For dedicated ports, this parameter specifies the local application service to which the port should be associated.
LAT$_ITM_TARGET_PORT_NAME Target port name for connection. This parameter may optionally be specified for application ports or forward ports; it is ignored for all other kinds of ports.
LAT$_ITM_SERVICE_PASSWORD Password string for remote service on forward ports. This parameter must be specified to access services that are protected with a password. This parameter is ignored if it is specified for a service that is not protected with a password.
++ LAT$_ITM_DIALUP Indicates if an LTA device tells a remote node that the connection is coming from a dialin source. Possible values are LAT$C_ENABLED or LAT$C_DISABLED.
++ LAT$_ITM_AUTOPROMPT Indicates if a connect request has autoprompt enabled. Possible values are LAT$C_ENABLED or LAT$C_DISABLED.

+VAX specific.
++Alpha specific. Obtaining Information About LAT Entities

The LAT SENSEMODE $QIO function (IO$_TTY_PORT!IO$M_LT_SENSEMODE) is used to obtain information about LAT nodes, services, ports, and links.

The LAT SENSEMODE $QIO function accepts four arguments: P1, P2, P3, and P4. P1 is the address of a buffer into which information about the desired entity is returned. The information is returned in the form of an item list. Unlike system services such as $GETDVI or $GETJPI, you do not select which items of information are returned. P2 is the length of the buffer specified in P1, in bytes. The number of bytes of information returned in the P1 buffer is returned in IOSB+2.

P3 specifies the type of entity to which the SENSEMODE operation applies. The entity type can be one of five types:

The value for the entity type occupies the low-order 16 bits (bits 0--15) of the P3 parameter. Bits 16--23 are used as a flag field. Two bits are currently defined within this field: LAT$V_SENSE_NEXT and LAT$V_SENSE_FULL. If the LAT$V_SENSE_NEXT bit is 0, information about the current entity described by the P3 and P4 parameters is returned to the user; if this bit is 1, information about the next entity that logically follows the one described by P4 is returned. If LAT$V_SENSE_FULL is 0, only those item codes marked SUMMARY in the following tables are returned; if this bit is 1, all item codes that describe the entity specified by the P3 and P4 parameters are returned.

P4 may contain the address of an entity name string descriptor. If this parameter is omitted (contains a zero or the address of a descriptor that points to an empty string) and the LAT$V_SENSE_NEXT bit is set, information about the first entity that matches the entity type supplied by P3 is returned.

If P4 is omitted and the LAT$V_SENSE_NEXT bit is 0, a default entity name may be used in some cases. The defaults for each entity type are as follows:

SENSEMODE can return the following failure return codes:


Each item in the itemlist starts with a one-word (16-bit) item code that describes the type of information contained in the item. The item code is followed by a value associated with the item.

Item codes in which the bit named LAT$V_STRING is 0 take a longword value. The associated value is contained in the longword immediately following the item code in the itemlist. Item codes in which this bit is 1 take a counted string for their value. The byte immediately following the item code contains a byte count, which describes the length of the string that immediately follows it.

Table 5-17 lists the item codes that are returned for the LAT$C_ENT_NODE entity type. Item codes noted as LOCAL are returned only if the information being returned is for the local node. Item codes noted as REMOTE are returned only if the information being returned is for a remote node. Item codes noted as BOTH are returned for both types of nodes.

Table 5-17 LAT$C_ENT_NODE Item Codes
Item Codes Meaning
LAT$_ITM_NODE_NAME (BOTH, SUMMARY) LAT node name for the node.
LAT$_ITM_IDENTIFICATION (BOTH, SUMMARY) Node identification string.
LAT$_ITM_NODE_TYPE (BOTH, SUMMARY) Type of node. Possible values are:
LAT$C_NT_LOCAL Node is local node.
LAT$C_NT_REMOTE Node is remote node.
LAT$_ITM_STATE (LOCAL,SUMMARY) Operating state of the LAT protocol. Possible values are:
LAT$C_ON New connections are allowed and the LAT protocol is running.
LAT$C_OFF New connections are not allowed. The LAT protocol is not running.
LAT$C_SHUT No new connections are allowed. Currently active connections are still maintained. The LAT protocol remains running only until the last active session is disconnected, at which time the node is placed in the OFF state.
LAT$_ITM_NODE_STATUS (REMOTE, SUMMARY) Current status of remote node. This item code is present only if a LAT virtual circuit does not currently exist between the local node and this remote node. Possible values are:
LAT$C_REACHABLE Remote node is reachable.
LAT$C_UNREACHABLE Remote node is unreachable.
LAT$C_UNKNOWN Remote node status is unknown.
LAT$_ITM_CONNECTED_COUNT (REMOTE, SUMMARY) Number of LAT sessions from the local node to this remote node. This item code replaces the LAT$_ITM_NODE_STATUS item code for remote nodes to which a LAT virtual circuit currently exists.
LAT$_ITM_SERVICE_GROUPS (BOTH) A bit mask of LAT group codes that are serviced by the node.
LAT$_ITM_PROTOCOL_VERSION (BOTH) LAT protocol version string.
LAT$_ITM_DATALINK_ADDRESS (REMOTE) LAN address used by the node.
LAT$_ITM_NODE_LIMIT Maximum number of nodes in LAT database. The default is 0, where the maximum is determined by system resources.
LAT$_ITM_RETRANSMIT_LIMIT LAT retransmit limit. Possible values are 4 to 120 retransmissions. The default is 8 retransmissions.
LAT$_ITM_MAXIMUM_UNITS (LOCAL) Maximum LTA unit number.
LAT$_ITM_SERVER_MODE (LOCAL) Controls whether the node allows the use of the MASTER side of the LAT protocol for outbound connections. Possible values are:
LAT$C_DISABLED Server mode disabled (this is the default).
LAT$C_ENABLED Server mode enabled.
LAT$_ITM_SERVICE_RESPONDER (LOCAL) Indicates whether the node is to respond to service inquiries originating from a remote system. These inquiries are not necessarily directed at services being offered by the node. See the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for more information on this feature. Possible values are:
LAT$C_DISABLED Service responder disabled (this is the default).
LAT$C_ENABLED Service responder enabled.
LAT$_ITM_OUTGOING_SES_LIMIT (LOCAL) Maximum number of outgoing LAT sessions. A value of 0, which is the default, indicates that the limit is determined by system resources.
LAT$_ITM_INCOMING_SES_LIMIT (LOCAL) Maximum number of interactive LAT sessions. A value of 0, which is the default, indicates that the limit is determined by system resources.
LAT$_ITM_USER_GROUPS (LOCAL) Bit mask of LAT group codes to be used when attempting outbound connections using the MASTER side of the LAT protocol.
LAT$_ITM_CIRCUIT_TIMER (BOTH) Circuit timer value in milliseconds. Possible values are 10 to 1000 milliseconds. The default is 80 milliseconds.
LAT$_ITM_KEEPALIVE_TIMER (LOCAL) Keepalive timer value in seconds. Possible values are 10 to 255 seconds. The default is 20 seconds.
LAT$_ITM_MULTICAST_TIMER (BOTH) Multicast timer value in seconds. Possible values are 10 to 180 seconds. The default is 20 seconds.
LAT$_ITM_CONNECTIONS (BOTH) Indicates whether inbound connections (interactive sessions) can be accepted. Possible values are:
LAT$C_DISABLED Inbound connections disabled.
LAT$C_ENABLED Inbound connections enabled (this is the default).
LAT$C_ITM_LARGE_BUFFERS Indicates in Boolean logic whether the LAT software is using large packet support by default.
LAT$C_ITM_ANNOUNCEMENTS Indicates in Boolean logic whether the LAT software is transmitting LAT service advertisement messages.

Node service information is presented as a list of node service subblocks, with each subblock containing information about one particular service offered by the node. The subblock item code LAT$_ITM_NODE_SVC_BLOCK has the LAT$V_STRING bit set to 1, and the string length byte actually contains the length of the entire subblock. Each subblock itself is an itemlist and consists of the item codes listed in Table 5-18.

Table 5-18 Node Service Subblock Item Codes
Item Codes Meaning
LAT$_ITM_SERVICE_NAME (BOTH) Name of a LAT service offered by the node.
LAT$_ITM_SERVICE_STATUS (BOTH) Status of the service. Possible values are:
LAT$C_AVAILABLE Service available.
LAT$C_UNAVAILABLE Service unavailable.
LAT$_ITM_SERVICE_TYPE (LOCAL) Type of service. Possible values are:
LAT$C_ST_GENERAL Creates a general timesharing service.
LAT$C_ST_APPLICATION Creates a special application service that must then be associated with ports dedicated to accepting connections to this service (dedicated ports).
LAT$_ITM_RATING (BOTH) LAT service rating associated with the service.
LAT$_ITM_RATING_TYPE (LOCAL) Type of LAT rating calculation being done by this node. Possible values are:
LAT$C_STATIC Static rating calculation
LAT$C_DYNAMIC Dynamic rating calculation
LAT$_ITM_IDENTIFICATION (BOTH) Identification string associated with the service.

On Alpha systems, port counters information is presented as a counters subblock. The subblock item code LAT$_ITM_COUNTERS has the LAT$V_STRING bit set to 1, and the string length byte actually contains the length of the entire subblock. The subblock itself is an itemlist and consists of the item codes listed in Table 5-19.

Table 5-19 Node Counters Item Codes for Port Counters Subblocks (Alpha Only)
Item Codes Meaning
LAT$_ITM_CTPRT_LCL Indicates number of local accesses to port.
LAT$_ITM_CTPRT_SLCA Indicates number of solicitations accepted.
LAT$_ITM_CTPRT_SLCR Indicates number of solicitations rejected.
LAT$_ITM_CTPRT_ISOLA Indicates number of incoming solicitations accepted.
LAT$_ITM_CTPRT_ISOLR Indicates number of incoming solicitations rejected.
LAT$_ITM_CTPRT_FRAMERR Indicates number of framing errors for named port. Returned in port counter subblock.
LAT$_ITM_CTPRT_PARERR Indicates number of parity errors for named port. Returned in port counter subblock.
LAT$_ITM_CTPRT_OVERRUN Indicates number of data overruns for named port. Returned in port counter subblock.
LAT$_ITM_PASSWORD_FAILURES Indicates password failures.

Node counters information is presented as a counters subblock. The subblock item code LAT$_ITM_COUNTERS has the LAT$V_STRING bit set to 1, and the string length byte actually contains the length of the entire subblock. The subblock itself is an itemlist and consists of the item codes listed in Table 5-20.

Table 5-20 Node Counters Item Codes
Item Codes Meaning
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_SSZ (BOTH) Seconds since zeroed
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_MSGR (BOTH) Messages received
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_MSGT (BOTH) Messages transmitted
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_SLTR (BOTH) Slots received
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_SLTT (BOTH) Slots transmitted
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_BYTR (BOTH) Bytes received
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_BYTT (BOTH) Bytes transmitted
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_MNA (BOTH) Multiple node addresses
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_DUP (BOTH) Duplicates received
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_MRT (BOTH) Messages retransmitted
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_ILM (BOTH) Illegal messages received
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_ILS (BOTH) Illegal slots received
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_SLCA (BOTH) Solicitations accepted
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_SLCR (BOTH) Solicitations rejected
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_TER (LOCAL) Transmit errors
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_RES (LOCAL) Resource errors
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_NTB (LOCAL) No transmit buffer
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_TMO (LOCAL) Virtual circuit timeout
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_DOB (LOCAL) Discarded output bytes
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_LSTER (LOCAL) Last transmit error
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_MCBXMT (LOCAL) Number of multicast bytes transmitted
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_MCBRCV (LOCAL) Number of multicast bytes received
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_MCMXMT (LOCAL) Number of multicast messages transmitted
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_MCMRCV (LOCAL) Number of multicast messages received
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_SOLFAIL (LOCAL) Number of solicitation failures
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_ATLOS (LOCAL) Number of times attention slot data was lost
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_DATLOS (LOCAL) Number of times user data was lost
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_NOREJ (LOCAL) Number of times a reject slot could not be sent
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_LOSCT (LOCAL) Number of times remote node counters were lost
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_LOSSAM (LOCAL) Number of service announcement messages lost
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_NOSAM (LOCAL) Number of times a service announcement message could not be sent
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_NOSTS (LOCAL) Number of times node status was lost
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_NOXMT (LOCAL) Number of times no link was available for a transmit
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_CTLERR(LOCAL) Number of controller errors
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_CERRCOD(LOCAL) Lost controller error
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_ISOLA(LOCAL) Number of incoming solicitations accepted
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_ISOLR(LOCAL) Number of incoming solicitations rejected
LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_PROTO (LOCAL) Protocol error count
++ LAT$_ITM_CTNOD_XSTR (REMOTE) Indicates that the node attempted to start up too many LAT sessions for a specific virtual circuit

+VAX specific.
++Alpha specific.

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