
White Space

White space is used to delimit other constructs. IDL defines the following white space constructs:

· A space

· A carriage return

· A horizontal tab

· A form feed at the beginning of a line

· A comment

· A sequence of one or more of the preceding white space constructs

A keyword identifier, or number not preceded by a punctuation character must be preceded by white space. A keyword, identifier, or number not followed by a punctuation character must be followed by white space. Unless we note otherwise, any punctuation character may be preceded and/or followed by white space.

When enclosed in " '' (double quotes) or ' ' (single quotes), white space constructs are treated literally. Otherwise, they serve only to separate other lexical elements and are ignored.

The character sequence /* (slash and asterisk) begins a comment, and the character sequence */ (asterisk and slash) ends a comment. For example:

/* all natural */

import "potato.idl"; /* no preservatives */

Comments do not nest.