
DCE Name Prefixes

The leftmost element of any valid DCE name is a root prefix. The appearance and meaning of each is as follows:


This is the global root. It signifies that the immediately following elements form the name of a global namespace entry. Usually, the entry's contents consist of binding information for a DCE cell (more specifically, for some CDS server in the cell), and the name of the global entry is the name of the cell.


This is the cell root. It is an alias for the global prefix plus the name of the local cell; that is, the cell in which the prefix is being used. It signifies that the immediately following elements taken together form the name of a cell namespace entry.


This is the filespace root. It is an alias for the global prefix, the name of the local cell, and the DFS junction.

DCE also supports a junction into the security service namespace, but there is no alias for this junction.

A prefix by itself is a valid DCE name. For example, you can list the contents of the /.: directory to see the top-level entries in the CDS namespace, and you can use a file system command to list the contents of the /: directory to see the top-level entries in the filespace.