
Setting Serviceability Debug Message Levels

Nine serviceability debug message levels (specified respectively by single digits from 1 to 9) are available. The precise meaning of each level varies with the application or DCE component in question, but the general notion is that ascending to a higher level (for example, from 2 to 3) increases the level of informational detail in the messages.

Setting debug messaging at a certain level means that all levels up to and including the specified level are enabled. For example, if the debug level is set at 4, then the 1, 2, and 3 levels are enabled as well.

The general format for the debug level specifier string is

component:sub_comp.level,sub_comp.level,. . .


is the three-character serviceability component code for the program whose debug message levels are being specified.

is a serviceability subcomponent name, followed (after a dot) by a debug level (expressed as a single digit from 1 to 9). Note that multiple subcomponent/level pairs can be specified in the string.

If there are multiple subcomponents and it is desired to set the debug level to be the same for all of them, then the following form will do this (where * specifies all subcomponents):
