
Routing Serviceability Debug Messages

Routing for serviceability debug messages can be specified in either of the two following ways:

· By the contents of the SVC_COMP_DBG environment variable (where COMP is the code of the component, converted to upper case, whose debug message routing is to be set).

· By the contents of the /svc/routing routing file.

The routing is specified by the contents of a specially-formatted string that is either included in the value of the environment variable or the contents of the routing file.

The general format for the debug routing specifier string is

component:sub_comp.level,. . .:out_form:dest[;out_form:dest . . . ] \
[GOESTO:{sev | component}]

where component, sub_comp.level, out_form, dest, and sev have the same meanings as defined earlier in this reference page.

For example, consider the following string value:


This value, when assigned to the SVC_HEL_DBG environment variable, would set the debug level and routing for all hel subcomponents. A debug level of 4 is specified, and all debug messages of that level or lower will be written both to standard error, and in text form to the file /tmp/hel_debug_log_process_ID, where process_ID is the process ID of the program writing the messages.