Introduction to the DCE Security administrative commands
Description This topic describes DCE Security commands for system administration. These commands are
acl_edit Manages access control lists (ACLs) for DCE objects
auditd Starts the DCE audit daemon
chpass Changes user information, such as login name, password, home directory, password and account expiration dates, and login shell. The implementation of this utility
is platform-specific. Use the chpass utility supplied by your platform vendor for changing user information.
dce_login Validates a principals identity and obtains a principals network credentials. This command is used primarily during DCE configuration. Use the
login utility supplied by your platform vendor for user login.
kdestroy Destroys your login context and credentials
kinit Obtains and caches a ticket granting ticket
klist Lists cached tickets
passwd_export Updates local password and group files from DCE registry data
passwd_import Creates DCE registry entries based on password and group file entries
pwd_strengthd Sample password management server
rgy_edit(8sec) Edits the registry database
sec_admin Administers the security server
sec_create_db Creates registry databases
secd The security server daemon
su Allows you to assume another users identity. The implementation of this utility is platform-specific. Use the su utility supplied by your platform vendor.
Related Information Commands: See the commands reference page for further information on each command.
Books: OSF DCE Application Development Guide - Introduction and Style Guide
OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components
OSF DCE Application Development Reference