cds_intro(8cds)Introduction to the DCE Cell Directory Service commands
Description · The cdsbrowser command starts the CDS Browser utility. This utility is based on the OSF/Motif™ graphical user interface. The Browser can display an overall directory structure as well as show the contents of directories. · The cdscp command starts the CDS control program. Use this command line interface to manage the CDS components and the contents of your namespace. The following commands are typically started by scripts that execute as part of normal system start-up procedures. See the reference topics for these commands before you try to use them. · The cdsadv command starts the advertisement and solicitation daemon on the local system and then starts clerks as needed by applications. Use this command only when troubleshooting because it creates and starts the CDS clerk whenever the host system is rebooted. · The cdsd command restarts the CDS server. Use this command only when troubleshooting because it starts the CDS server process whenever the host system is rebooted. · The gdad command starts the GDA (Global Directory Agent) daemon. GDA enables intercell communication, serving as a connection to other cells through the global naming environment. GDA is typically started by scripts that execute as part of normal system start-up and shutdown procedures.
Related Information
cdsadv(8cds) Book: OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components