Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Guide to IPv6

Previous Contents Removing IPv6 from an Interface

Removing IPv6 from an interface removes the IPv6 configuration associated with the interface, including all IPv6 addresses and IPv6 routes through the interface. To remove IPv6 from an interface, use the ifconfig command with the following syntax:

ifconfig device -ipv6 

For example, to remove IPv6 from Ethernet interface WE0, enter the following:

$ ifconfig "WE0" -ipv6 

2.4.3 Creating a Configured Tunnel

To create a configured tunnel, use the iptunnel command with the following syntax:

iptunnel create  [] 

For example, to create a tunnel to remote system, enter the following command:

$ iptunnel create 

To initialize the tunnel for IPv6 operation, enter the following:

$ ifconfig "IT0" ipv6 up 


OpenVMS interface names must be in uppercase. When you enter them with UNIX management commands at the DCL prompt, you must enclose the name of the interface in double quotation marks.

2.4.4 Adding an Address to an Interface

To add or assign an IPv6 prefix to an interface and to direct the kernel to automatically append the interface identifier, use the ifconfig command with the following syntax:

ifconfig  inet6 ip6prefix 

The following example assigns the address dec:2::0a00:2bff:fe12:3456 to interface WE0 (the interface ID is 0a00:2bff:fe12:3456 ):

$ ifconfig "WE0" inet6 ip6prefix dec:2::/64 

The ip6prefix parameter directs the kernel to automatically append the interface identifier to the address prefix.

To add or assign a full IPv6 address to an interface manually, use the ifconfig command with the following syntax:

ifconfig  inet6 

The following example assigns the address dec:2::1 to interface WE0:

$ ifconfig "WE0" inet6 dec:2::1 


For IPv6 hosts, the TCPIP$ND6HOST process configures interface prefixes automatically, depending on the contents of router advertisements.

For IPv6 routers, the TCPIP$IP6RTRD process configures interface prefixes automatically, depending on the contents of the SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$IP6RTRD.CONF file.

2.4.5 Deleting an Address from an Interface

To delete an IPv6 address from an interface manually, use the ifconfig command with the following syntax:

ifconfig  inet6 delete 

For example:

$ ifconfig "WE0" inet6 delete dec:2::1 


OpenVMS interface names must be in uppercase. When you enter them with UNIX management commands at the DCL prompt, you must enclose the name of the interface in double quotation marks.

2.4.6 Adding or Deleting a Default Router

To add a default router, use the route utility with the following syntax:

route add -inet6 default  -I 

For example:

$ route add -inet6 default fe80::0a00:2bff:fe12:3456 -"I" "WE0" 


UNIX flags and OpenVMS interface names are case sensitive. When entering UNIX management commands at the DCL prompt, you must enclose uppercase UNIX flags and OpenVMS interface names in quotes.

To delete a default router, use the route utility with the following syntax:

route delete -inet6 default  -I 

For example:

$ route delete -inet6 default fe80::0a00:2bff:fe12:3456 -"I" "WE0" 


For IPv6 hosts, the TCPIP$ND6HOST process performs the add and delete router operations automatically, depending on the contents of router advertisements.

2.4.7 Manually Adding a Route for an On-Link Prefix

After you manually add an address prefix to an interface, you also can add a static route so that traffic to other hosts with the same prefix is sent directly to the destination rather than through a router. For example, if the prefix DEC:5::/64 has been added to the Ethernet interface WE0, which has been initialized with the link-local address fe80::0a00:2bff:fe12:3456 , the following command adds a route to neighboring hosts with the same prefix:

$ route add -inet6 dec:5::/64 fe80::0a00:2bff:fe12:3456 -interface 

This command specifies that destinations with prefix dec:5::0/64 are reachable through the interface with address fe80::0a00:2bff:fe12:3456 . That is, dec:5::0/64 is an on-link prefix.


For IPv6 hosts, the TCPIP$ND6HOST process automatically adds on-link prefixes based on the contents of router advertisements.

2.4.8 Configuring a Router

Before configuring a router, you must enable forwarding by setting the ipv6forwarding and ipv6router attributes of the kernel inet subsystem to 1. You set these attributes by entering the following sysconfig commands:

$ sysconfig -r inet ipv6forwarding=1 
$ sysconfig -r inet ipv6router=1 

2.4.9 Editing the Router Configuration File

After you configure the system as an IPv6 router, the TCPIP$IP6RTRD process sends out periodic router advertisements for the following reasons:

The SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$IP6RTRD.CONF file contains the configuration data needed to send Router Advertisement messages. This file is created when TCPIP$IP6_SETUP is run (if the system is configured as a router). The link interface and advertised prefix are inserted, and other default values are used. You can modify this file as appropriate for your network, for example, when using multiple prefix values. Example 2-1 shows a sample configuration file.

Example 2-1 Sample TCPIP$IP6RTRD.CONF File

# Sample ip6rtrd configuration file 
interface WE0 { 
        MaxRtrAdvInterval 600 
        MinRtrAdvInterval 200 
        AdvManagedFlag 0 
        AdvOtherConfigFlag 0 
        AdvLinkMTU 1500 
        AdvReachableTime 0 
        AdvRetransTimer 0 
        AdvMaxHopLimit 64 
        AdvDefaultLifetime 1800 
        Prefix dec:1::/64 { 
                AdvValidLifetime 1200 
                AdvPreferredLifetime 600 
                AdvOnLinkFlag 1 
                AdvAutonomousFlag 1 

See Section B.2.2 for more information about the TCP/IP$IP RTRD.CONF. file.

Chapter 3
Configuring BIND

The information in this chapter is for experienced DNS/BIND administrators. If you are not a DNS/BIND administrator, give this information to the administrator for your site.

The DNS implementation is based on BIND Version 8.1.2, which provides more extensive configuration options than previous versions (for example, access control lists, categorized logging). As a result, the configuration format has changed. In previous releases, the BIND configuration was stored in UCX$CONFIGURATION.DAT. With TCP/IP Services Version 5.1, the BIND configuration is maintained as an ASCII text file called TCPIP$BIND.CONF.


For IPv6 environments, the BIND server supports AAAA lookups over IPv4 (AF_INET) connections only. The resolver and server have not been ported to IPv6, but IPv6 applications can make getaddrinfo and getnameinfo calls to retrieve the AAAA records.

The BIND resolver and server support dynamic updates to the DNS/BIND database. See Section 3.3 for information about enabling this feature.

3.1 IPv6 Server Guidelines

Configuring an IPv6 master server is similar to configuring an IPv4 master server with a few exceptions. The following sections describe the exceptions.

To configure a DNS/BIND server to operate in an IPv6 environment, review the following guidelines:

3.2 Sample BIND Configuration Files

The SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.TCPIP.IPV6.BIND] directory contains DNS configuration files that show sample IPv6 information for you to study and adapt to your environment. Of the files in that directory, the following example files contain IPv6 information that show reverse lookup addresses:

Example 3-1 Sample IPV6.DB File

; ***************************************************************** 
; *                                                               * 
; *    Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation                 * 
; *                                                               * 
; *   The software contained on this media  is  proprietary  to   * 
; *   and  embodies  the  confidential  technology  of  Compaq    * 
; *   Computer Corporation.  Possession, use,  duplication  or    * 
; *   dissemination of the software and media is authorized only  * 
; *   pursuant to a valid written license from Compaq Computer    * 
; *   Corporation.                                                * 
; *                                                               * 
; *   RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND   Use, duplication, or disclosure  * 
; *   by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions  as  set  * 
; *   forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)  of  DFARS  252.227-7013,  * 
; *   or  in  FAR 52.227-19, as applicable.                       * 
; *                                                               * 
; ***************************************************************** 
; Example BIND data file for 
@       IN      SOA ( 
                        1       ; Serial 
                        3600    ; Refresh 
                        300     ; Retry 
                        3600000 ; Expire 
                        3600 )  ; Minimum 
; Nameservers (must have IPv4 addresses until BIND gets ported to IPv6) 
        IN      NS 
; IPv6 nodes 
host1 IN AAAA 5F00:0000:0102:0300:0203:0800:2B0A:0B0C 
host2 IN AAAA 5F00:0000:0102:0300:0203:0800:2B0D:0E0F 

Example 3-2 Sample IPV6.REV File

; ***************************************************************** 
; *                                                               * 
; *    Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation                 * 
; *                                                               * 
; *   The software contained on this media  is  proprietary  to   * 
; *   and  embodies  the  confidential  technology  of  Compaq    * 
; *   Computer Corporation.  Possession, use,  duplication  or    * 
; *   dissemination of the software and media is authorized only  * 
; *   pursuant to a valid written license from Compaq Computer    * 
; *   Corporation.                                                * 
; *                                                               * 
; *   RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND   Use, duplication, or disclosure  * 
; *   by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions  as  set  * 
; *   forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)  of  DFARS  252.227-7013,  * 
; *   or  in  FAR 52.227-19, as applicable.                       * 
; *                                                               * 
; ***************************************************************** 
; Example BIND data file for 
; (corresponds to the 5F00:0000:0102:0300:0203::/80 prefix) 
@       IN      SOA ( 
                        1       ; Serial 
                        3600    ; Refresh 
                        300     ; Retry 
                        3600000 ; Expire 
                        3600 )  ; Minimum 
; Nameservers (must have IPv4 addresses until BIND gets ported to IPv6) 
        IN      NS 
; IPv6 nodes 
c.0.b.0.a.0.b. IN PTR 
f.0.e.0.d.0.b. IN PTR 

Example 3-3 Sample TCPIP$BIND.CONF_IPV6 File

// ***************************************************************** 
// *                                                               * 
// *    Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation                 * 
// *                                                               * 
// *   The software contained on this media  is  proprietary  to   * 
// *   and  embodies  the  confidential  technology  of  Compaq    * 
// *   Computer Corporation.  Possession, use,  duplication  or    * 
// *   dissemination of the software and media is authorized only  * 
// *   pursuant to a valid written license from Compaq Computer    * 
// *   Corporation.                                                * 
// *                                                               * 
// *   RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND   Use, duplication, or disclosure  * 
// *   by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions  as  set  * 
// *   forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)  of  DFARS  252.227-7013,  * 
// *   or  in  FAR 52.227-19, as applicable.                       * 
// *                                                               * 
// ***************************************************************** 
// Example named.conf file 
options { 
        directory "sys$specific:[tcpip$bind]"; 
zone "" { 
 type master; 
 file "ipv6.db"; 
zone "" { 
 type master; 
 file "ipv6.rev"; 
zone "" { 
 type master; 
 file "127_0_0.db"; 
zone "LOCALHOST" in { 
        type master; 
        file "LOCALHOST.DB"; 
zone "." { 
        type hint; 
        file "root.hint"; 

3.3 Enabling Dynamic Updates to the DNS Database

To enable dynamic updates for a DNS/BIND server, do the following:

3.4 Local Hosts Database TCPIP$ETC:IPNODES.DAT

TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS provides an editable ASCII version of the local hosts database, TCPIP$ETC:IPNODES.DAT, to support local definition of IPv6 addresses.

Configuring the BIND resolver using TCPIP$CONFIG.COM will produce a template file in TCPIP$ETC:IPNODES.DAT.


Be aware that TCPIP SET/SHOW HOST commands do not operate on this file and will affect only the traditional (RMS indexed) local hosts database.

The IPNODES file contains information regarding the known IP nodes (both IPv4 and IPv6) on the network.

For each node, a single line should be present with the following information:

        IP_address canonical_nodename aliases 

Items are separated by any number of blanks or tab characters, or both. The pound sign (#) indicates the beginning of a comment; characters up to the end of the line are not interpreted by routines that search the file.

Network addresses, both IPv4 and IPv6, are specified in IPv6 notation using the inet_pton() routine from the Internet address manipulation library. Node names can contain any printable character other than a field delimiter, newline, or comment character.

The following routines, getaddrinfo() and getnameinfo() as defined in the Internet draft that supersedes RFC 2553 (Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6), support the use of the TCPIP$ETC:IPNODES.DAT file.

For details about using these routines see, Section and Section

3.5 Converting from BIND 4.9*

The TCP/IP Services product provides a rollover utility you can use to convert your UCX BIND configuration to the new BIND 8.1 format. Issue the TCPIP CONVERT/CONFIGURATION BIND command to convert your files to the new format.

See the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide for more information about this utility.

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