This guide contains step-by-step instructions that show you how to use the Graphics Editor to create, annotate and modify graphics. It also includes information on how to format a graphic for printing, preview a graphic outside the Graphics Editor, and extract text for modification (usually for translation).
Revision/Update Information: No Updates for Version 3.2
Software Version: Graphics Editor Version 3.2
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Touch Technologies, Inc. Touch Technologies, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.
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Contents | Index |
This guide is a task-oriented document. It explains the most common Graphics Editor tasks, and leads you step by step in the creation and modification of a graphic.
This guide is for new users who want to learn how to use the Graphics Editor and for experienced users who need reference information. The guide is intended for users who are using the DECwindows Motif user interface. You do not need to be familiar with graphics concepts and terminology; this guide teaches you the necessary fundamentals.
Experienced users can also refer to the online help for reference information.
This guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 describes the basic information you need to get started with the Graphics Editor.
Chapter 2 explains how to create a graphic.
Chapter 3 explains how to edit a graphic.
Chapter 4 describes what images are, how to display them, how to use the Screen Capture option to capture screen images, and how to crop images.
Appendix A explains how to use the Graphics Editor command line utilities.
Appendix B summarizes all the Graphics Editor options and menu items.
Appendix C explains how to create characters using the symbol font and composite characters.
For more information about the Graphics Editor, see the Graphics Editor Online Help. Chapter 1 explains how to access online help.
For information on how to use a DECwindows workstation, see the VMS DECwindows User's Guide.
This guide uses the following conventions:
Convention | Meaning |
MB1,MB2,MB3 | MB1 indicates the left mouse button, MB2 indicates the middle mouse button, and MB3 indicates the right mouse button. (The buttons can be redefined by the user.) |
Alt | The Alt key is labeled as the Compose Character key on some keyboards. |
Ctrl/x | A sequence such as Ctrl/x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. Used to indicate a keyboard equivalent. |
Compose x x | A sequence such as Compose x x indicates that you must press the Compose Character key followed by the other two keys. This sequence is used to indicate a keyboard equivalent. |
click | The term click, when used with a mouse button, means you press and release the button. |
[Return] | A key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press a key on a keyboard. |
The DECdocument Graphics Editor is an application that lets you create and edit illustrations. The Graphics Editor is object-oriented, which means that you create a graphic from objects, such as lines and circles, rather than editing pixels as you would using a paint program.
With the Graphics Editor, you can do the following tasks:
The following list describes some of the characteristics unique to the DECdocument Graphics Editor:
The best way to learn about the Graphics Editor is to use it. The exercises in Chapters 2 through 4 give you hands-on experience with the Graphics Editor by leading you through the creation and modification of a graphic. The exercises explain the most common options.
It will take you approximately three hours to complete all the exercises.
You must have a workstation running VMS DECwindows and know how to use DECwindows to do the exercises. If you need information on using DECwindows, see the VMS DECwindows User's Guide.
1.3 Invoking the Graphics Editor
To invoke the Graphics Editor:
$ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE=your-workstation-node |
$ DOCUMENT/GRAPHICS [filename] |
The file name is optional. If you specify a file name, you can specify an existing graphics file or a new file. The file extension (.gra) is optional.
If you do not specify a file name, the Graphics Editor assigns the name geMeta.gra to your graphic. You can change the file name later using the Save As ... menu item on the File menu.
¹ You must grant access to remote processes for them to be displayed on your workstation screen. To do this, enter the remote node and user name of the remote process in the Customize...Security menu on your workstation. The following message appears if you fail to enter this information: Client not authorized to access server. |
1.4 Closing a Graphics Editor File
To close a file:
Figure 1-1 Close Dialog Box
Choose New Window from the Control menu on the Control Panel window to open a new drawing window.
1.5 Exiting the Graphics Editor
To exit from the Graphics Editor at any time:
Figure 1-2 Close Dialog Box
To reinvoke the Graphics Editor, enter the following command:
The file name is the name of the file you were editing. The Graphics Editor is restarted, and the file you were editing is displayed in the drawing window.
1.7 Checkpoint Files
During each Graphics Editor session, the Graphics Editor automatically
creates a checkpoint file (RCKP_filename) of the graphic you are
editing. The checkpoint is updated by default every 15 modifications
you make to the graphic. You can change the checkpointing frequency or
turn off checkpointing by choosing Checkpointing from the Settings ...
submenu of the Options menu on the Control Panel window.
1.8 Graphics Editor Windows and Menus
After you invoke the Graphics Editor, the following three windows are
You can resize each window separately and move it to other locations on the screen.
1.9 Drawing Window
The Drawing window includes a menu bar and a drawing area that you use
to create and display graphics. The title bar of the Drawing window
displays the file name for the graphic you are editing. Figure 1-3
shows the menus on the Drawing window menu bar. Table 1-1 summarizes
the functions of these menus.
Figure 1-3 Drawing Window Menus
Menu | Use To |
File | Display (import) a file or image, format a graphics file for printing and Bookreader display, save a file or image, and exit the Graphics Editor. |
Edit | Perform a specified action on all objects in the window. |
View | Refresh the screen, view the crop region on a graphic, digitize (capture) images on the screen, zoom in on a part of a graphic, and reposition a graphic within the Drawing window. |
Help | Display overview help and glossary definitions. |
Chapters 2 through 4 explain many of the menu items on the drawing window. For an explanation of menu items not covered in those chapters, see Appendix B or the Graphics Editor help. For information on help, see Section 1.11.
1.10 Control Panel Window
Use the Control Panel window to create and edit objects. Figure 1-4
shows the sections of the Control Panel. Table 1-2 describes each
Figure 1-4 Control Panel Sections
Control Panel Section | Function |
Status area | Shows the current font and unit base. |
Object icons and creation options | Used to create objects and control their creation. |
Editing operations | Used to edit objects after you create them. |
Constraints | Used with the creation or editing options to modify the operation, such as to restrict it to a horizontal movement. |
Settings | Used with the editing options to control editing. |
The Control Panel window contains three pull-down menus: Control, Attributes, and Options. Figure 1-5 shows the menus on the control panel menu bar. Table 1-3 describes each of the menus.
Figure 1-5 Control Panel Menus
Menu | Use To: |
Control | Open a new or alternate drawing window and to exit the Graphics Editor. |
Attributes | Specify text, object, and page attributes. |
Options | Display a grid, display the Hints window, specify a new color map, change settings and units, and save settings and units. |
For most of the Control Panel window, you can also use keyboard equivalents to change the options, constraints, and settings. Note the underlined letters on each of the menus and the menu options on your screen. These are the letters you use to choose the menus and the menu options you want if you are using keyboard equivalents. The Drawing window must have focus for any keystrokes from the keyboard to work.
To use keyboard equivalents:
When you use keyboard equivalents, the Control Panel changes to reflect the new selection whether the panel is visible or not. For example, if you enlarge the Drawing window and it hides the Control Panel, you can use keyboard equivalents to change options on the Control Panel without moving to the Control Panel.
1.11 Hints and Other Help
There are four kinds of help available on the Graphics Editor:
The technique for displaying each type of help is described in the following sections.
1.11.1 Hints Window
The Hints window indicates what actions you can perform based on the
creation icon and editing option that is active. The Hints window is
available on the Options menu of the Control Panel window.
The Graphics Editor automatically updates the hints each time you perform an action. If the hints do not fit completely within the default Hints window, use the Resize button to widen the window.
1.11.2 Context-Sensitive Help
Context-sensitive help is available on menus, menu items, Control Panel
selections, pop-up menus, and most dialog boxes.
To display context-sensitive help:
Conceptual Help displays information and help in the following areas:
Figure 1-6 shows the Help menu.
Figure 1-6 Conceptual Help Menu
1.11.4 Command-Line Help for VMS Systems
Command-line help is available for the following Graphics Editor commands:
These commands are described in Appendix A. Chapter 3 features exercises that use these utilities.
To access the command-line help:
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