Graphics Editor User's Guide
for Motif

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Contents (summary)
Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 2 Creating Graphics
Chapter 3 Editing Graphics
Chapter 4 Working with Images and Capturing Screens
Appendix B Summary of the Graphics Editor Options and Menus
Appendix C Symbol Font and Composite Characters


Chapter 1
1 Overview
     1.1     Unique Characteristics
     1.2     Learning by Doing
     1.3     Invoking the Graphics Editor
     1.4     Closing a Graphics Editor File
     1.5     Exiting the Graphics Editor
     1.6     Reinvoking the Graphics Editor
     1.7     Checkpoint Files
     1.8     Graphics Editor Windows and Menus
     1.9     Drawing Window
     1.10     Control Panel Window
     1.11     Hints and Other Help
         1.11.1         Hints Window
         1.11.2         Context-Sensitive Help
         1.11.3         Conceptual Help
         1.11.4         Command-Line Help for VMS Systems
Chapter 2
2 Creating Graphics
     2.1     Creating an Object
     2.2     Summary of Mouse Buttons and Keys Used for Creating Objects
     2.3     Creation Points
     2.4     Deleting an Object
     2.5     Creating a Polygon
         2.5.1         Summary of Polygon Creation
     2.6     Using Horizontal and Vertical Constraints
         2.6.1         Summary of Horizontal and Vertical Constraints
     2.7     Entering Text
         2.7.1         Summary of Text Entry
     2.8     Clearing the Screen
     2.9     Creating a Graphic
         2.9.1         Draw the Screen and Stand
         2.9.2         Draw the Keyboard
         2.9.3         Draw the System Box
         2.9.4         Draw the Cable
         2.9.5         Add Labels
Chapter 3
3 Editing Graphics
     3.1     Mirror
     3.2     Editing Options
     3.3     Selecting Objects and Text
         3.3.1         Summary of Object Selection
     3.4     Deleting Objects and Text
         3.4.1         Summary of Deleting and Undeleting
         3.4.2         Summary of Mouse Buttons and Keys Used for Editing
     3.5     Grouping and Ungrouping Objects and Text
         3.5.1         Summary of Grouping and Ungrouping
     3.6     Horizontal and Vertical Editing Constraints
     3.7     Moving Objects and Text
     3.8     Rotating an Object
     3.9     Aligning Objects and Text
         3.9.1         Summary of the Align Operation
     3.10     Copying Objects and Text
     3.11     Mirroring an Object
     3.12     Working with a Second Window
         3.12.1         Summary of Working with a Second Window
     3.13     Scaling Objects
         3.13.1         Summary of the Scale Option
     3.14     Zooming Objects
         3.14.1         Summary of Zoom and Unzoom Operations
     3.15     Using the Edit Points Constraint
         3.15.1         Summary of Using Edit Points
     3.16     Using the Ignore All Groupings Constraint
     3.17     Using the Attributes Menu
     3.18     Changing Text Fonts
     3.19     Changing the Object Outline and Interior
         3.19.1         Summary of Attributes Menu
     3.20     Saving Your Graphic
     3.21     Graphics Editor Commands
         3.21.1         Previewing a Graphics File
         3.21.2         Formatting a Graphic for Printing
         3.21.3         Using the Export Menu Item
         3.21.4         Using Command-Line Utilities
Chapter 4
4 Working with Images and Capturing Screens
     4.1     Using the Graphics Editor with Images
     4.2     Importing an Image
     4.3     Using Screen Capture
     4.4     Using Screen Capture ... to Capture Screens
         4.4.1         Redo Screen Capture
     4.5     Cropping Images
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix B Summary of the Graphics Editor Options and Menus
Appendix C
Appendix C Symbol Font and Composite Characters
1-1 Close Dialog Box
1-2 Close Dialog Box
1-3 Drawing Window Menus
1-4 Control Panel Sections
1-5 Control Panel Menus
1-6 Conceptual Help Menu
2-1 Oject Icons
2-2 Drawing Created Using Polygon Icon
2-3 Delete All Dialog Box
3-1 Editing Options
3-2 Edit Menu
3-3 Align Options Popups
3-4 Align Options Popups
3-5 Artwork Gallery
3-6 Figure Attributes
3-7 Font Dialog Box
3-8 Object Interior Attributes Dialog Box
3-9 Export Dialog Box
4-1 Capturing the Session Manager Screen
4-2 Displaying Captured Screen
4-3 Centering a Captured Screen
4-4 Screen Capture ... Dialog Box
4-5 Comparison of Screen Capture ... Options
4-6 Captured Menu
4-7 Example 1 Cropping
4-8 Example 1 Cropping
4-9 Example 2 White Out
4-10 Example 2 White-Out
C-1 Symbol Font Characters on the LK201 Keyboard
C-2 Composite Characters and Symbol Font Characters

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