HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
User's Guide

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1.1.1 Services for Working with Files

FTP allows you to establish a session with a remote host and enter an unlimited number of commands that copy, display, or manipulate files and directories. The Anonymous FTP feature (See Section 2.3.2) allows you to connect to a remote host without specifying user authentication information. If that feature is not enabled, you must supply user authentication information for a remote host only once: when you first establish the FTP connection with a remote host. FTP allows you to determine or change the working directory on your host and on the remote host, and to perform various other operations on files and directories.

In contrast, RCP is limited to copying files. To copy files, each RCP command that you enter establishes a separate link for each file transfer with the specified remote host. With each RCP command, you must specify the remote host to or from which you want to copy files. As with FTP, RCP has a feature that allows you to connect to remote hosts without specifying user authentication information. However, if that feature is not enabled, you must enter user authentication information with each RCP command, rather than just once (as with FTP) for any number of subsequent commands for a connected host.

1.1.2 Services for Remote Logins

The RLOGIN, TELNET, and TN3270 services each allow you to log in to a remote host and enable your terminal to perform as if directly connected to the remote host. Use RLOGIN for simple logins in which you do not require much customization or control of the terminal-to-host interaction. Use TELNET if you want to use its extensive terminal features and controls, or if you want to open several terminal sessions with one or more remote hosts. TELNET supports a wider variety of terminal features and behaviors between disparate, otherwise incompatible, systems than RLOGIN.

Use TN3270 to connect your terminal to a remote host that supports IBM 3270 IDS terminals. TN3270 assigns IBM 3270 functions to your keyboard and allows you to redefine keys.

1.1.3 Services for Issuing Commands at a Remote Host

The RSH and REXEC services allow you to send any commands supported by the remote host operating system. RSH and REXEC issue one command per link. If user authentication is required, you must enter the authentication information with each command. There is no REXEC command. Rather, you invoke REXEC when you enter the RSH command with a password (RSH/PASSWORD).

Note that RLOGIN, TELNET, and TN3270 allow you to log in to a remote host once and then perform any number of commands supported by the remote host's operating system. TELNET and TN3270 also allow you to send certain commands to the connected remote host during a terminal session. However, these are a limited range of commands dealing with communication between hosts; they are not operating system commands. For example, you can send a command that aborts output or interrupts execution of a command you entered previously.

1.2 Client/Server Software

The user services include client and server software that communicates between host systems. Your local host includes client software that responds to your commands by requesting the appropriate services from the remote host you specify. If the remote host has the appropriate server software, the server on that host responds with the requested service.

For example, Figure 1-1 shows the interaction between the FTP local client and remote server. The FTP client requests the FTP server on hostb to open a connection.

Figure 1-1 FTP Client/Server Software Interacting

  1. User MILTON enters an FTP CONNECT command from local host hosta to connect to remote host hostb .
  2. The FTP local client sends a connection request to the FTP server on hostb .
  3. The remote server grants the request, sending a data connection status message back to the local client.
  4. The client displays at user MILTON's terminal the server connection status message and the remote host prompt for login information.

Once the connection is made, user MILTON can then log in to the remote system and use FTP to copy files and perform other related services. Note that both server and client software exist on each system supporting FTP. Thus, a user on hostb could connect to hosta and copy files to and from hostb .

1.3 User Commands

The FTP, TELNET, and TN3270 components include a wider variety of commands than do the other user services.

You can start FTP, TELNET, or TN3270 and connect to a remote host interactively in either of two ways:

In either case, you are prompted for user authentication information. (FTP includes a feature that allows you to connect to a remote host without specifying user authentication information (see Section 2.3.2).) You can also start these services by using a command procedure.

Start the Remote (R) and network printer services by specifying the appropriate command, host name, and parameters or qualifiers in one command line. If you specify the service command only (RCP, RSH, RLOGIN, PRINT, LPQ, or LPRM), the service prompts you for the information required for the command. The PRINT command supports remote printing using TCP/IP protocols and supporting the DCL PRINT qualifiers, with a few exceptions and additional features, as explained in Section 6.1.

When you enter the FINGER command without any host or user information, the command displays information about users on your local system. To display information about remote users, you need to specify the remote host name. For more details and options, see Chapter 7.

To start MAIL and then send a message to a user on another internet host, simply start OpenVMS Mail as you normally do, and use the SEND command with the Internet address of the remote host. OpenVMS Mail uses the SMTP protocol to send the mail. (See Chapter 5 for details about exceptions and alternatives.) For example:

MAIL> send [Return]
Subj: FINAL EXAMS [Return]

1.4 Command Syntax

Use the following rules when you type a command line:

1.5 Online Help

You can access most of the introductory material in this manual on line by entering the following command:

$ HELP TCPIP_Services 

Options under this heading include introductory information about the TCP/IP services.

In addition to this overview information, you can access help on a number of specific TCP/IP commands directly at the DCL prompt. For example:


Because TELNET, FTP, and the management commands generate their own system prompts, you need to invoke those services first to get help with specific commands, as shown in the following examples:

Chapter 2
Working with Files Using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

The FTP Protocol allows the transferring of data between hosts that use the same or dissimilar file systems. The FTP command is the interface to the File Transfer Protocol and provides commands that allow you to perform the following actions:

FTP does not allow recursive copying; that is, you cannot copy the contents of directories contained in other directories, such as using the following DCL command:

COPY [...]*.TXT *.*  

If you need this function, you can use the RCP command.

To use the Secure Shell (SSH) for file transfers, refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Guide to SSH.

To use FTP, you need the following:

The following table lists FTP capabilities and the sections that explain how to use them.
Capability Section
Allow use of DCL or UNIX command syntax. 2.1
Customize the way FTP processes commands and file transfers. 2.13
Display all FTP commands sent to the remote host during command processing. 2.13
Display all replies from the remote host during command processing. 2.13
Access OpenVMS files without specifying your user name or a password. 2.3.2
Allow use of either OpenVMS or UNIX command syntax in command procedures that use FTP. 2.14
Set and display the default (working) directory on the local or remote host. 2.6
Create and delete remote directories. 2.7
View remote directories. 2.5
Delete a remote file. 2.9
Rename a remote file. 2.9
Append a local file to a remote file. 2.11
Display the contents of a file on a remote host. 2.10
Copy files from a connected remote host to your local host. 2.8.1
Copy files from your local host to the connected remote host. 2.8.2
Preserve OpenVMS file attributes when copying files to a UNIX system and back again. 2.8.6
Copy files to and from a DECnet node. 2.15
Suspend FTP to spawn a subprocess at the DCL prompt. 2.12

Table 2-1 lists and describes FTP commands. (For complete command descriptions, see Section 2.16).

Table 2-1 FTP Command Summary
DCL Command Equivalent
UNIX Command
Starting and Exiting (at the DCL Prompt)
FTP ftp Invokes FTP.
FTP remote_host ftp remote_host Invokes FTP and establishes a connection to a remote host.
Starting and Exiting (at the FTP> Prompt)
CONNECT open Establishes a connection to a remote host.
DISCONNECT close Closes the connection with a remote host.
quit or bye Closes the connection with a remote host and exits FTP.
Sending Commands to the Remote Host
APPEND append Concatenates a local file to a remote file.
CREATE/DIRECTORY mkdir Creates a remote directory.
DELETE delete
Deletes remote files.
DIRECTORY ls Lists remote file names and related information.
GET get
Copies files from the remote host to the local host.
LOGIN user Logs you in to a remote host.
PUT put
Copies files from the local host to the remote host.
RENAME rename Changes file names on remote systems.
Sets the remote working directory or the local working directory.
Displays the name of the remote current working directory or the local working directory.
VIEW view Displays the contents of a file on the current output device.
Suspending FTP to Return to DCL Prompt
SPAWN ! Suspends FTP to create a subprocess at the local DCL prompt.
Customizing Your Session's Environment
DISABLE LOG debug + Disables the display of all the protocol commands sent to the remote host.
DISABLE PARSE glob + Disables the expansion of file names.
sendport + Disables the sending of the FTP protocol PORT command.
DISABLE REPLY N/A Disables the display of all responses from the remote host.
hash + Disables the display of the pound sign (#) for each 1K bytes of data transferred.
N/A Disables the special OpenVMS-to-OpenVMS transfer mode.
ENABLE LOG debug + Enables the display of protocol commands sent to the remote host.
ENABLE PARSE glob + Enables the expansion of file names.
sendport + Enables the sending of the FTP protocol PORT command.
ENABLE REPLY N/A Enables the display of responses from the remote host.
hash + Enables the display of the pound # sign for each 1K bytes of data transferred.
N/A Enables the OpenVMS-to-OpenVMS transfer mode.
HELP ? Invokes help.
QUOTE quote Sends FTP commands to the remote host without local interpretation.
SET TYPE type Defines the data representation for file transfers.
SHOW STATUS status Displays the current FTP parameter settings and, if you have an open connection, the name of the connected host.
SPAWN ! Starts a subprocess at the DCL prompt.

+This command toggles the value between enabled and disabled.

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