HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
User's Guide

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Chapter 2 Working with Files Using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Chapter 3 Using Remote (R) Commands
Chapter 4 Establishing Network Terminal Sessions Using TELNET/TN3270
Chapter 5 Sending and Receiving Mail Using SMTP
Chapter 6 Printing Files Using LPR/LPD
Chapter 7 Accessing User Information Using the FINGER Utility


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 Getting Started
     1.1     Which Service Should You Use?
         1.1.1         Services for Working with Files
         1.1.2         Services for Remote Logins
         1.1.3         Services for Issuing Commands at a Remote Host
     1.2     Client/Server Software
     1.3     User Commands
     1.4     Command Syntax
     1.5     Online Help
Chapter 2
2 Working with Files Using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
     2.1     Using FTP Commands
         2.1.1         DCL and UNIX Command Syntax
         2.1.2         Quotation Marks
         2.1.3         Wildcards
         2.1.4         Qualifiers
     2.2     Obtaining Online Help
     2.3     Starting FTP Sessions
         2.3.1         Making a Remote Connection
         2.3.2         Anonymous User Access (Anonymous FTP)
     2.4     Exiting FTP
     2.5     Viewing Directories on the Remote Host
     2.6     Displaying and Changing the Default Directory
     2.7     Creating and Deleting Directories
     2.8     Copying Files
         2.8.1         Using the GET Command to Copy Remote Files to the Local Host
         2.8.2         Using the PUT Command to Copy Local Files to the Remote Host
         2.8.3         How FTP Copies Files
         2.8.4         Using the Store Unique Feature
         2.8.5         Transferring Files Between OpenVMS Hosts: VMS Plus Mode
         2.8.6         Preserving OpenVMS File Attributes
         2.8.7         Transfer Mode
         2.8.8         File Structure
     2.9     Renaming and Deleting Files
     2.10     Viewing the Contents of a File
     2.11     Appending Files
     2.12     Suspending FTP to Return to the Local DCL Prompt
     2.13     Customizing FTP Command Processing
     2.14     Command Procedures
         2.14.1         Task Command Files
         2.14.2         Initialization Command File
         2.14.3         Setting Error Level
     2.15     Using FTP with DECnet
     2.16     Command Descriptions
    Command 1     APPEND
    Command 2     CONNECT
    Command 3     CREATE/DIRECTORY
    Command 4     DELETE
    Command 5     DIRECTORY
    Command 6     DISCONNECT
    Command 7     ENABLE (DISABLE) LOG
    Command 8     ENABLE (DISABLE) PARSE
    Command 10     ENABLE (DISABLE) REPLY
    Command 12     ENABLE (DISABLE) VMS_PLUS
    Command 13     EXIT
    Command 14     FTP
    Command 15     GET
    Command 16     HELP
    Command 17     LOGIN
    Command 18     PUT
    Command 19     QUOTE
    Command 20     RENAME
    Command 21     SET DEFAULT
    Command 22     SET ERROR_LEVEL
    Command 23     SET PASSIVE
    Command 24     SET TYPE
    Command 25     SHOW DEFAULT
    Command 26     SHOW PASSIVE
    Command 27     SHOW STATUS
    Command 28     SPAWN
    Command 29     VIEW
Chapter 3
3 Using Remote (R) Commands
     3.1     Providing Account and Password Information
         3.1.1         Quotation Marks
         3.1.2         Examples
     3.2     Specifying Qualifiers
     3.3     Obtaining Online Help
     3.4     Copying Files with RCP
         3.4.1         Example RCP Commands
     3.5     Starting a Remote Login Session with RLOGIN
         3.5.1         Logging Out
         3.5.2         Example RLOGIN Sessions
     3.6     Issuing a Remote Command with RSH
         3.6.1         Quotation Marks in Commands
         3.6.2         Interrupting a Command's Execution
         3.6.3         Example RSH Commands
     3.7     Issuing a Remote Command with a Password (REXEC Feature)
         3.7.1         Example of Using REXEC
     3.8     Command Descriptions
    Command 30     RCP
    Command 31     REXEC
    Command 32     RLOGIN
    Command 33     RSH
Chapter 4
4 Establishing Network Terminal Sessions Using TELNET/TN3270
     4.1     Typing TELNET/TN3270 Commands
         4.1.1         DCL and UNIX Command Formats
         4.1.2         Quotation Marks
     4.2     Obtaining Online Help
     4.3     Starting TELNET and TN3270
         4.3.1         Establishing Kerberos-Based Secure Connections
                Kerberos Principal Names
                Initiating an Authenticated TELNET Connection
     4.4     Exiting TELNET and TN3270
     4.5     Keeping a Log of Your TELNET Session
     4.6     Command Procedures
         4.6.1         Starting TELNET/TN3270
         4.6.2         Initialization Command Files
     4.7     Toggling Between the Remote Host and Local TELNET/TN3270
     4.8     Suspending TELNET to Return to the Local DCL Prompt
     4.9     Multiple Sessions
         4.9.1         Toggling Between Open Sessions
         4.9.2         Displaying Session Information
     4.10     Customizing TELNET/TN3270 Transmissions, Control Characters, and Displays
     4.11     Sending Commands to the Connected Remote Host
     4.12     IBM 3270 Model Terminal Emulation (TN3270)
         4.12.1         Supported IBM Terminal Models
         4.12.2         Setting Up Your PC or Terminal for IBM 3270 Terminal Emulation
                VT200-Series Terminal Setup
                VT100-Series Terminal Setup
         4.12.3         Starting and Exiting from TN3270
         4.12.4         Clearing Error Messages
         4.12.5         Recording Sessions
         4.12.6         Online Help
         4.12.7         If the Keyboard Locks
         4.12.8         Keyboard Functions
                Associated Documentation
         4.12.9         Redefining Your Keyboard
                Functions You Can Redefine
                Keys You Can Define
                Keys You Cannot Define
                Redefining Keys
                Creating a Key Definition File
                        Interactive Definitions: DEF KEY Function
                TN3270 Problem Solving
         4.12.10         Debugging Application Programs Using the IBM 3270 Model Terminal Emulator
                Entering and Exiting Visible Attribute Mode
                Visible Attribute Mode Displays
     4.13     Command Descriptions
    Command 34     CONNECT
    Command 35     BIND_SESSION
    Command 36     CREATE_SESSION
    Command 37     DELETE_SESSION
    Command 38     DISCONNECT
    Command 41     ENABLE (DISABLE) BINARY
    Command 42     ENABLE (DISABLE) CRLF
    Command 43     ENABLE (DISABLE) CRMOD
    Command 44     ENABLE (DISABLE) DEBUG
    Command 47     EXIT
    Command 48     HELP
    Command 49     RESUME
    Command 50     SEND AO
    Command 51     SEND AYT
    Command 52     SEND BRK
    Command 53     SEND EC
    Command 54     SEND EL
    Command 55     SEND GA
    Command 56     SEND IP
    Command 57     SEND NOP
    Command 58     SEND SYNCH
    Command 59     SET ECHO
    Command 60     SET ERASE
    Command 61     SET ESCAPE
    Command 62     SET FLUSHOUTPUT
    Command 63     SET INTERRUPT
    Command 64     SET KILL
    Command 65     SET MODE
    Command 66     SET QUIT
    Command 67     SET TERMINAL
    Command 68     SHOW DEVICE
    Command 69     SHOW PARAMETERS
    Command 70     SHOW SESSION
    Command 71     SHOW STATUS
    Command 72     SPAWN
    Command 73     TELNET
    Command 74     TN3270
    Command 75     UNBIND_SESSION

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