DECwindows Motif
Version 1.2-5 for OpenVMS
Release Notes

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2.8 Using Shareable Linkages to Install Images (Alpha Only)


On OpenVMS Alpha systems, using shareable linkages to install images on DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software offers the following advantages:

By default, the following images are installed using shareable linkages on Alpha systems:

These images are installed using the /SHARE=ADDRESS_DATA option. Note that if you accept the default, these images cannot be replaced during a restart of DECwindows Motif software. As a result, when you restart DECwindows Motif, the images are not replaced and the following message is displayed:

Shared linkage sections are in use on this system and no images will be 
reinstalled. If you are restarting DECwindows to reinstall images then you 
must reboot the system. 

To replace new images installed with this option, reboot the system. Note that you can disable shared-linkage sections by defining the logical name DECW$IGNORE_SHARE_ADDRESS in the SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM command procedure.

2.9 Define DECW$UTILS Global Symbol When Moving DECW$EXAMPLES Global Symbol


DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS introduced a new symbol, DECW$UTILS. Normally, this symbol points to a subdirectory of DECW$EXAMPLES. If you define a DECW$EXAMPLES global symbol in the DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM command procedure to change the directory for DECwindows example programs, you must also define DECW$UTILS to change the directory for utilities.

For example, to redefine both DECW$EXAMPLES and DECW$UTILS, add the following lines to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM procedure:




Then, restart DECwindows Motif with the following command:


2.10 FileView Creates Detached Processes by Default


Applications created by FileView and Session Manager are detached processes.

The implication is that during application startup, SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM and SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN.COM command procedures are executed. Any command executed by these command procedures which reads from SYS$INPUT reads data intended to be used by FileView or Session Manager for the application startup. This prevents the application from starting. Examples of such commands are INQUIRE, READ/PROMPT, and SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE.

Extensive SYLOGIN.COM or LOGIN.COM command procedures slow down application startup. Many of the operations performed in a SYLOGIN.COM or LOGIN.COM are meaningless for DECwindows application startup. Therefore, the SYLOGIN.COM and LOGIN.COM files should be conditionalized for DECwindows application startup performance. When starting a DECwindows application, only a minimum of SYLOGIN.COM and LOGIN.COM commands should be executed. Typically, the commands that should be executed are the redefinition of DECW$USER_DEFAULTS (if present), and other logical name definitions if the user will be referencing them from within the context of a DECwindows application. The following code segment can be inserted into SYLOGIN.COM and LOGIN.COM immediately following the commands necessary for DECwindows:

$ mode = f$mode() 
$ tt_devname = f$trnlnm("TT") 
$ session_mgr_login = (mode .eqs. "INTERACTIVE") .and.  - 
      (f$locate("WSA",tt_devname) .ne. f$len(tt_devname)) 
$ session_detached_process = (mode .eqs. "INTERACTIVE") .and. - 
      (f$locate("MBA",tt_devname) .ne. f$len(tt_devname)) 
$ if session_mgr_login .or. session_detached_process then exit 

Applications continue to run even if these lines are not added to the SYLOGIN.COM and LOGIN.COM files.

2.11 Performance Problem with Certain Keymaps


There is a performance problem when using the Austrian-German keymap (AUSTRIAN_GERMAN_LK401AG_TW). The problem can also occur with other keyboard and/or language changes, when the user selects a sequence of keyboard maps/languages which force the Mode_switch modifier into the mod4 or mod5 entry in the keyboard modifier map. This happens in response to the user selecting a keyboard map in the "Keyboard Options" popup that uses the Mode_switch modifier.

To verify the position of the Mode_switch modifier in the keyboard modifier map, use the following commands:

xmodmap:  up to 3 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses): 
shift       Shift_R (0xab),  Shift_L (0xae) 
lock        Caps_Lock (0xb0) 
control     Control_L (0xaf) 
mod1        Alt_L (0xac),  Alt_R (0xb2) 
mod2        Mode_switch (0xb1) 
mod3        Multi_key (0xad) 
mod4        Mode_switch (0x7a) 
mod5        Help (0x7c) 

As a workaround, change the modifier mapping after selecting the keyboard map by using the DECW$UTILS:XMODMAP.EXE utility.

  1. Create a file, which when passed to XMODMAP, clears the keyboard modifier map and remaps the Mode_switch to a lower entry in the keyboard modifier map:

    clear shift 
    clear lock 
    clear control 
    clear mod1 
    clear mod2 
    clear mod3 
    clear mod4 
    clear mod5 
    add shift = Shift_R Shift_L 
    add lock = Caps_Lock 
    add control = Control_L 
    add mod1 = Alt_R Alt_L 
    add mod2 = Multi_key 
    add mod3 = Mode_switch 
    add mod5 = Help 

  2. Pass the file to XMODMAP using the following commands:


2.12 Customizing the Login Screen


To customize the login screen, create a file named DECW$LOGIN.DAT in the SYS$MANAGER directory that contains your resource definitions. The custom resource definitions from SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LOGIN.DAT are merged with the resource definitions supplied by Compaq in SYS$COMMON:[DECW$DEFAULTS.SYSTEM]DECW$LOGIN.DAT to form the new login screen.

Keep customized versions of the DECW$LOGIN.DAT resource file in the SYS$MANAGER directory, and not in DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS, to prevent your customized file from being overwritten when upgraded to a newer version of DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software. In addition, storing the file in the SYS$MANAGER directory prevents the custom file from superseding the file that is supplied by Compaq.

2.12.1 Customizing the DIGITAL Logo and Login Screen Colors


You can define the resources in Table 2-3 to control the position and colors of the DIGITAL logo and the color of the screen background in the Start Session screen.

Table 2-3 Moving the DIGITAL Logo and Changing Login Screen Colors
Resource Description
rootColor Color of the screen background.
logoColor Color of the DIGITAL logo (default is burgundy).
logoX x position of the DIGITAL logo (default is 0).
logoY y position of the DIGITAL logo (default is 75).
centerLogoX Boolean; if true (default), the DIGITAL logo is centered horizontally on the screen.

For example, to position the DIGITAL logo at x=100, y=600, add the following resource definitions to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LOGIN.DAT file:

decw$login.logoX: 100 
decw$login.logoY: 600 
decw$login.centerLogoX: false 

2.12.2 Changing Positions of the Start Session and Set Password Dialog Boxes


You can define the resources in Table 2-4 to control the position of the Start Session and Set Password dialog boxes.

Table 2-4 Changing Position of the Start Session and Set Password Dialog Boxes
Resource Description
centerStartSessionX Boolean; if true (default), the Start Session dialog box is centered horizontally.
centerStartSessionY Boolean; if true (default), the Start Session dialog box is centered vertically.
centerSetPasswordX Boolean; if true (default), the Set Password dialog box for expired passwords is centered horizontally.
centerSetPasswordY Boolean; if true (default), the Set Password dialog box is centered vertically.

For example, to position the Start Session dialog box at x=100, y=600, add the following resource definitions to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LOGIN.DAT file:

decw$login.centerStartSessionX: false 
decw$login.centerStartSessionY: false 
decw$login.HiddenShell.x: 100 
decw$login.HiddenShell.y: 600 

To position the Set Password dialog box at x=30, y=100, add the following resource definitions to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LOGIN.DAT file:

decw$login.centerSetPasswordX: false 
decw$login.centerSetPasswordY: false 
decw$login.SetPasswordShell.x: 30 
decw$login.SetPasswordShell.y: 100 

2.12.3 Disabling a Node Name Display in the Start Session Dialog Box


To prevent a node name from being displayed in the Start Session dialog box, add the following resource definition to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LOGIN.DAT file:

decw$login.displayNodeName: false 

2.13 Customized Login Logos


By default, if there is no DECwindows Motif license registered for the SYSTEM account, DECwindows does not display customized login logos. This is a problem on systems with DECwindows Motif personal-use licenses that do not include SYSTEM on the list of authorized DECwindows users.

To display a customized logo without a DECwindows Motif license for SYSTEM, add the following definition to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM file:



If the file does not exist, copy it from the file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.TEMPLATE.

After editing the setup file, restart DECwindows Motif using the following command:


DECwindows Motif login starts the logo process as a subprocess instead of as a detached process. The license check sees that the logo process is a child of the login process and that the X connection is opened.

2.14 Version Checking Command Files


The DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS kit contains version-checking command procedures that layered products can use during their installation procedure. The following three files are placed in the SYS$UPDATE directory during the installation of DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS:

2.15 Implications of the Message, "System Menu Bar: Pseudo Mouse Not Available"


"System Menu Bar: Pseudo Mouse not available" is an informational message that is included in the user's DECW$USER_DEFAULTS:DECW$SM.LOG file when you run a session. It is not an error message. The message occurs when the OpenVMS Session Manager is run remotely to a non-OpenVMS server. The OpenVMS server provides pseudomouse mode, a mode that allows you to use arrow keys to move the mouse cursor.

2.16 CDA and DECsound Installation Problem (VAX Only)


If you install DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-4 for OpenVMS or later on an OpenVMS VAX system and then install DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-3 for OpenVMS or earlier using VMSINSTAL, the CDA and DECsound applications do not work. The following error message is displayed when these applications are started:

    %SYSTEM-F-SHRIDMISMAT, ident mismatch with shareable image 

This error is generated because CDA or DECsound is trying to activate the earlier version of the Motif toolkit. The VMSINSTAL procedure did not replace CDA or DECsound when the earlier version was installed. This is because in versions prior to DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-4 for OpenVMS, the VMSINSTAL installation procedure compares the versions of CDA and DECsound currently running on the system with the versions being installed, and does not replace CDA or DECsound with older versions of those components.

To revert to an earlier version of DECwindows Motif and allow CDA applications and DECsound to be run, you should first tailor off CDA and DECsound files using the SYS$UPDATE:DECW$MOTIF_TAILOR.EXE utility, as described in the DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--5 for OpenVMS Installation Guide, before installing DECwindows Motif with VMSINSTAL.

This problem is corrected in DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-4 for OpenVMS. The new VMSINSTAL installation procedure installs CDA and DECsound files regardless of whether the versions being installed are older or newer than the versions currently on the system.

2.17 DECterm System Management Issues

This section contains information about DECterm system management issues.

2.17.1 DECterm Logical Names


Table 2-5 describes the logical names that are supported by DECterm. If you do not define these logical names in your LOGIN.COM file, the controller uses the default files.

Table 2-5 Logical Names Supported by DECterm
Logical Name Description
DECTERM_DIAG Enables diagnostic messages.
DECTERM_SHOW_PARSING Shows characters as they are parsed.
DECTERM_CHECK_MEMORY Enables strict memory checking.
FAKE_VM_REAL_FREE_OFF Must be set to 1 if DECTERM_CHECK_MEMORY is defined.
+DECW$DECTERM_ERROR Name of error log file; default is DECTERM_ERROR.LOG.
DECW$DECTERM_OUTPUT Name of diagnostic output file; default is SYS$OUTPUT.
DECW$DECTERM_REGIS_CURSOR Specifies which cursor to use for ReGIS.
DECW$TERMINAL_NODENAME Node name used by controller if it cannot find another name.
DECW$DECTERM_CTRL_SSRWAIT Sets the SSRWAIT flag for the controller.
DECW$DECTERM_CTRL_PSWAPM Sets the PSWAPM quota for the controller.
DECW$DECTERM_CTRL_WSEXTENT Sets the WSEXTENT quota for the controller.
DECW$DECTERM_CTRL_WSQUOTA Sets the WSQUOTA quota for the controller.
DECW$DECTERM_MEM_DIAG Shows controller quota calculations.

+VAX specific

2.17.2 Automatic Window Positioning


A resource has been defined to manage repositioning a DECterm window when a resize operation forces part of the window off the screen. If a DECterm window is enlarged by using the Options/Window dialog box or by entering a SET TERMINAL/PAGE=nn or SET TERMINAL/WIDTH=nn command, the controller moves the newly resized DECterm window so that it can be viewed in its entirety. If you prefer DECterm not to move, add the following line to your DECW$TERMINAL_DEFAULT.DAT file:

DECW$TERMINAL.main.terminal.autoAdjustPosition: off 

2.17.3 DECterm Window Shrinking Problem


If the XUI window manager is in use, "Auto Resize Terminal" is on, and you used the mouse to resize the DECterm window, the DECterm window shrinks. To workaround this problem, add the following line to the DECterm resource file DECW$TERMINAL_DEFAULT.DAT:

DECW$TERMINAL.main.terminal.useWMHints: false 

If you make this change, be aware that the window manager will report the size of the DECterm window in pixels rather than character cells. Also, if you maximize a DECterm window, it might not properly restore to its previous size. However, it will no longer shrink.

2.17.4 Hold Screen Response Time


If the hold screen key response time is too slow, add the following lines to your DECW$TERMINAL_DEFAULT.DAT file:

DECW$TERMINAL.main.terminal.syncFrequency: 1 
DECW$TERMINAL.main.terminal.batchScrollCount: 1 

Using this resource can affect the performance of the DECterm window. The actual impact on performance varies from site to site. You can trade off scrolling speed to hold-screen response time. A faster hold-screen response results in a slower scrolling speed. The default values for these resources are 10 and 0, respectively.

2.17.5 Using the Debugger


To redirect the output from the debugger to a DECterm window, enter the following command:


This command creates a DECterm without an associated process but with a logical name of xxx that points to the terminal. This procedure enables you to direct output to a DECterm window other than the window where the application is currently running. To redirect the output, enter the following commands:

$ RUN /DEBUG application.EXE

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