DECwindows Motif
Version 1.2-5 for OpenVMS
Release Notes

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2.17.6 Virtual Terminal Support


To create a process that uses a virtual terminal, enter the following command:


Then establish focus to the newly created DECterm, press Return, and log in. Note that the /DEFINE qualifier is not required.

2.17.7 DTSESSION Logging Problem (New Desktop Only)


In some cases, DTSESSION continues to log errors to its log file until all free disk space is filled. These errors could occur, for example, if DECW$DISPLAY is set to an incorrect value, or if CDE$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS:[BIN]DTSCREEN.EXE is not properly installed.

If the New Desktop's Session Manager (DTSESSION) is unable to start the Screen Saver (DTSCREEN), it logs an error to the log file device:[user.DT]ERRORLOG. DTSESSION logs this error at a user-settable interval controlled by the Style Manager's "Time Per Background" parameter.

To workaround this problem, increase the "Time Per Background" parameter to the maximum (120 minutes), or exit the New Desktop when you are done with it, rather than locking the screen.

2.18 Console Window Application


DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-3 for OpenVMS introduced the feature of displaying console messages in the Console Window application. Previous versions of DECwindows Motif displayed the console window by default.


The new default for displaying console messages starting with the DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-3 for OpenVMS release is DISABLE. The default in previous versions of DECwindows Motif was ENABLE. These values are discussed in greater detail later in this section. If the user selects the Alternate Console port for console communications, the DECwindows Console Window is disabled and the console broadcasts are enabled. Refer to the owner's guide for your workstation for information about selecting the Alternate Console port.

Specify how to display messages by defining the global symbol DECW$CONSOLE_SELECTION in the customized startup file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM. Enter one of the following values: WINDOW, DISABLE, or ENABLE.

Refer to Managing DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Systems for information about defining global symbols in the file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM.

2.19 Window Manager Overlay Support


The latest version of the Window Manager (MWM) is modified to support overlays and utilize additional planes of memory, which are available on several 3D graphics accelerators: ZLX-M1, ZLX-M2, ZLX- L1, ZLX-E2, ZLX-E3, ZLXp-E2, and ZLXp-E3. The Window Manager places borders and banners for all the windows into these extra planes of memory and thereby reduces the number of expose events for your applications that use overlays.

Modify your existing applications that use overlays to avoid potential problems with the colormap. Set up your system to share the overlay colormap with the Window Manager, as the hardware supports only one colormap for the overlay planes.

To modify your applications to share the overlay colormap with the Window Manager, query the server property name SERVER_OVERLAY_COLORMAPS. When you make the query, the server returns the 32-bit value for the overlay Colormap ID.

To set up your system to share the overlay colormap with the Window Manager, edit the files SYS$COMMON:[VUE$LIBRARY.SYSTEM]VUE$MWM.COM and SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]DECW$MWM.COM. Change the following line in each file:

 $ mwm -multiscreen 

Edit this line by adding the -Overlay command-line option as follows:

 $ mwm -multiscreen "-Overlay" 

Note that if you create and install your own colormap, the following problems can result:


The following restrictions apply when you enable the Window Manager to use overlays:

Chapter 3
Programmer Release Notes

This chapter contains programmer release notes.

3.1 Programming Release Notes Specific to DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Software

The release notes in this chapter are cumulative from DECwindows Motif Version 1.0 and still apply to the DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-5 for OpenVMS software.

3.2 DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Toolkit Versions


The DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-5 for OpenVMS release is based on the CDE Motif 1.0 Toolkit (OSF/Motif Release 1.2.5) and X11 Release 5.


The DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-4 for OpenVMS release was based on the CDE Motif 1.0 Toolkit (OSF/Motif Release 1.2.5) and X11 Release 5.


The DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-3 for OpenVMS release was based on the OSF/Motif Release 1.2.3 Toolkit (with extensions for the Common Desktop Environment (CDE)) and X11 Release 5 (R5).


The DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS release was based on the OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2 Toolkit and MIT X11 Release 5 (R5).


The DECwindows Motif Version 1.1 for OpenVMS release was based on the OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 Toolkit and MIT X11 Release 4 (R4).


The DECwindows Motif Version 1.0 for OpenVMS release was based on the OSF/Motif Release 1.1.1 Toolkit and MIT X11 Release 4 (R4).

3.3 Run-Time and Programming Environments


The following run-time and programming environments are provided with the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software:

3.4 DECW$WML.EXE Looks in Current Directory For DECW$WML_TOKENS.DAT

The program SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$WML.EXE can be used to customize the parsing of UIL files. It reads a list of tokens from the file DECW$WML_TOKENS.DAT. In previous versions of DECwindows Motif, this tokens file was always read from SYS$LIBRARY. However, starting with DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-4 for OpenVMS, DECW$WML.EXE first looks for this file in the current directory before looking for it in SYS$LIBRARY. This allows a customized tokens file to be used.

3.5 DECW$COMPARE_VERSIONS Command File Problem

The DECW$COMPARE_VERSIONS command file compares version identifications using two-digit years. Therefore, it will not compare version identifiers correctly for images generated in the year 2000 and later with version identifiers for images generated before the year 2000.

3.6 OSF/Motif Toolkit Compatibility


You cannot code and compile an application with DECwindows Motif Versions 1.2 or 1.2-3 include files, transport the resulting object files to a system running DECwindows Motif Version 1.1 software, link the object files against DECwindows Motif Version 1.1, and expect the executable image (.EXE) to run. Differences in structures defined in the .h files cause the offsets to be misaligned and thereby prevent you from creating a meaningful executable.


The OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 and Release 1.2.2 Toolkits, on which the DECwindows Motif Versions 1.1 and 1.2 layered products are based, are not compatible. However, applications built against the OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 Toolkit will continue to run without modification with DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS; the OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 Toolkit shareable libraries will continue to be supplied with the DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS layered product and will be available to existing DECwindows applications on the system.

Although DECwindows Motif Version 1.1 applications will continue to run without modification with DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS, it is important to note that only those applications that have been built against the OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2 Toolkit can take advantage of new Version 1.2 features, such as drag-and-drop functionality and tear-off menus.

In most cases, simple applications (for example, applications that do not contain private toolkit routines or user-written widgets) can be recompiled and relinked against the OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2 Toolkit to include the new Version 1.2 features. However, previously unidentified problems in a DECwindows Motif Version 1.1 application might be exposed by relinking against the new OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2 Toolkit, and behavior and widget layout changes in the Release 1.2.2 Toolkit might require other modifications to your application as well.

More complex applications will probably require more substantial modifications with the new DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS Toolkit to use the macros and functions provided.

If the code generates errors because of references to display structure fields, define the constant XLIB_ILLEGAL_ACCESS for X11 R5 compatible structure access.

For example:


3.6.1 _Xm Routines


The OSF/Motif Toolkit libraries contain many undocumented routines, which are prefixed with _Xm. These routines are intended to be used only by the standard Motif widgets. OSF reserves the right to modify the API or functionality of these routines, or to delete them altogether in future releases.


Compaq supplies access to the _Xm routines by copying them into the shareable image transfer vector for the OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2 Toolkit. Compaq does not document or support these routines or guarantee their continued existence in future releases. Application developers who use these routines do so at their own risk.

3.6.2 OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2 and X11 Release 5 Shareable Libraries


Because the OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2 Toolkit and the OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 Toolkit are not binary compatible, applications must link with one toolkit or the other. Applications based on OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2 can only link against OSF/Motif 1.2.2-based and X11 R5-based shareable libraries. Applications based on OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 can only link against OSF/Motif 1.1.3-based and X11 R4-based shareable libraries.

To provide both OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2-based and OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3-based shareable libraries, the Release 1.1.3-based libraries have the same file names as in DECwindows Motif Version 1.1, and the Release 1.2.2-based libraries contain a suffix of either "R5" or "12".

Shareable libraries that work with either the OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 Toolkit or the OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2 Toolkit do not have a suffix. These libraries are as follows:

Shareable libraries that are linked with Release 5 (R5) of the Xt Toolkit have a suffix of "R5". Libraries based on the XUI Toolkit have no R5 equivalent libraries and should not be included in a linker options file based on X11 R5 or OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2. Table 3-1 lists these file names.


The DECW$XLIBSHR.EXE file is the MIT Release 5 version, not the MIT Release 4 version of Xlib.

Table 3-1 Names of Shareable Libraries Based on R5
Names of Files Based on R4 Names of Files Based on R5

Release 5 does not provide an equivalent file for DECW$DWTLIBSHR.EXE or DECW$DWTSHR.EXE. Applications that are built for Release 5 cannot link against these files.

Shareable libraries that are linked with OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2 have a suffix of "12". They should be linked only with libraries compatible with R5 and OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2. Table 3-2 lists these file names.

Table 3-2 Names of Shareable Libraries Based on OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2
Names of Files Based on Release 1.1.3 Names of Files Based on Release 1.2.2

There is no DECW$PRINTWGTSHR12.EXE file; the Print Widget is part of the DECW$DXMLIBSHR12.EXE file.

The DECW$MRMLIBSHR12.EXE file is a new image that includes Motif Resource Manager (Mrm) routines that were formerly part of the DECW$XMLIBSHR.EXE file. Any program based on OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2 that calls Mrm routines to access .UID files should link with this library.

For example, a typical linker options file for a program based on OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 might be as follows:


To link this program with OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2, the linker options file should be changed to:


These changes eliminate the reference to the XUI Toolkit (DECW$DWTLIBSHR.EXE) and links with the Motif Resource Manager (DECW$MRMLIBSHR12.EXE).

3.7 Language Bindings


Fortran, Pascal, C, and C++ language bindings are provided to support software development for the following DECwindows components:

3.7.1 OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 Ada Bindings


This release of DECwindows Motif does not include Ada bindings for either the OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 Toolkit or the OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2 Toolkit. Strongly typed bindings for both toolkits are part of the DEC Ada Version 3.0A language product.

If DECwindows Motif is installed on OpenVMS DECwindows Motif Version 1.1, then the existing OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 Ada bindings, located in the DECW$INCLUDE directory, are not deleted or moved.

3.8 OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 Programming Support and XUI




The X Window and OSF/Motif libraries that are shipped with DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS software are incompatible with those shipped with previous versions. Run-time compatibility has been preserved, but the programming environment is not compatible.

Programming in the XUI or Motif Release 1.1.3 environment that is provided in previous versions of DECwindows Motif is no longer supported in DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS. However, the installation procedure gives you the option of saving the programming files that already exist on your system. If you choose to save these programming files, they are moved to subdirectories where you can access them for programming. Specifically, the installation creates a subdirectory called [.DECW$113] in each of the directories listed in Table 3-3 and moves the previous files into the new subdirectory.

For more information about saving the programming files, see the DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 for OpenVMS Installation Guide.

Table 3-3 Directories for Previous XUI or Motif Programming Environment
Directory Contents New Location
SYS$LIBRARY Non-C language bindings SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB.DECW$113]

To program with these files, include the new [.DECW$113] subdirectories in the search path for each of the logical names. For example, perform the following:

Place the new [.DECW$113] subdirectory first in the search list, since many of the files that have been updated for this release have the same name as the files that were moved to the [.DECW$113] subdirectory. Thus, the files in [.DECW$113] are used for software development.

If DECW$INCLUDE is redefined in the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM command procedure, then modify the previous instructions accordingly.

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