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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual
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The callable interface of the Mail utility (MAIL) lets you send messages to users on your system or on any other computer connected to your system with DECnet. This chapter describes how application programs using callable MAIL routines can perform the following functions:
For information about the DCL interface to the Mail utility, see the
OpenVMS User's Manual.
13.1 Messages
Messages are files that contain information you want to send to other users. Messages having one or two blocks are part of a mail file, while messages having more than two blocks are external sequential files.
External files reside in the same directory as the mail file that points to them.
A message consists of header information and the bodypart. The message bodypart consists of text records that contain information you want to send to another user.
Figure 13-1 illustrates the format of a mail message.
Figure 13-1 Standard Message Format
From: MYNODE::USER "The Celestial Navigator" (1) To: NODE::J_DOE (2) CC: USER (3) Subj: Perseids ... (4) Get ready. Tuesday of this week (August 12th), one (5) of the most abundant meteor showers of the year will occur. The Perseids, also known as the St. Laurence's Tears, stream across earth's orbit at 319.3 degrees. Radiant 3h4m +58 degrees. Fine for photography with an average magnitude of 2.27. There will be some fireballs, fainter white or yellow meteors, and brighter green or orange or red ones. About one third of the meteors, including all the brightest, leave yellowish trains, which may be spectacular, up to 2 degrees wide and lasting up to 100 seconds. Brighter meteors often end in flares or bursts. (6) |
The parts of a message are as follows:
External Message Identification Number
In addition, the file name of an external message uses the following format:
MAIL$nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.MAI |
where n...n is the external message identification number.
13.2 Folders
The Mail utility organizes messages by date and time received and, secondarily, by folder name. All messages are associated with a folder name---either default folders or user-specified folders. The Mail utility associates mail messages with one of three default mail folder names. Table 13-1 describes the three default mail folders.
Folder | Contents |
NEWMAIL | Newly received, unread messages |
Messages that have been read and not deleted | |
WASTEBASKET | Messages designated for deletion |
You can also place messages in any user-defined mail folder and file.
13.3 Mail Files
A mail file is an indexed file that contains the following types of data:
In addition, you can select messages from mail files as well as copy or move messages to or from mail files.
The indexed mail file format offers two advantages: use of folders and
faster access time than sequential access. Indexed mail files use two
keys to locate messages---a primary key denoting the
date and time received and a secondary key using the
folder name.
13.4 User Profile Database
The Mail utility maintains an indexed data file VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATA that serves as a systemwide database of user profile entries. A user profile entry is a record that contains data describing a Mail user's default processing characteristics and whose primary key is the user name. Table 13-2 summarizes information contained in a user profile entry.
Field | Function |
Directory | Default MAIL subdirectory |
Form | Default print form |
Forwarding address | Forwarding address |
Personal name string | User-specified character string included in the message header |
Queue name | Default print queue name |
Automatic purge CC: prompt Copy self forward Copy self reply Copy self send |
Purging of the wastebasket folder on exiting Carbon copy prompt Copy to self when forwarding a message Copy to self when replying to a message Copy to self when sending a message |
Signature file | Text file that is automatically appended to the end of the body of a mail message |
Both the callable interface and the user interface access the user
profile database to determine default processing characteristics.
13.5 Mail Utility Processing Contexts
The Mail utility defines four discrete levels of processing, or contexts for manipulating mail files, messages, folders, and the user profile database as shown in Table 13-3.
Context | Entity |
Mail file | Mail files and folders |
Message | Mail files, folders, and messages |
Send | Messages |
User | User profile database |
Within each context, your application processes specific entities in certain ways using callable MAIL routines as described in the sections that follow.
You must explicitly begin and end each MAIL context. Each group of routines contains a pair of context-initiating and terminating routines.
When you begin processing in any context, the Mail utility performs the following functions:
Terminating a MAIL processing context deallocates virtual memory. You
must explicitly terminate processing in any context by calling a
context-terminating routine.
13.5.1 Callable Mail Utility Routines
There are four types of callable Mail utility routines, each corresponding to the context within which they execute. A prefix identifies each functional group:
Table 13-4 lists Mail utility routines according to context.
Context | Routine |
Mail file |
Message |
Send |
User |
Once you have successfully initiated MAIL processing in a context, you have created a thread. A thread is a series of calls to MAIL routines that uses the same context information. Applications can contain one or more threads.
For example, consider an application that begins mail file processing; opens, compresses, and closes a mail file; and ends mail file context processing. This application executes a single thread of procedures that reference the same context variable names and pass the same context information.
You can create up to 31 concurrent threads. Applications that contain more than one thread must maintain unique context variables for each thread in order to pass thread-specific context information.
The Mail utility returns the condition value MAIL$_NOMORECTX when your
process attempts to exceed the maximum number of allowable threads.
13.6 Programming Considerations
The calling sequence for all MAIL routines consists of a status variable, an entry point name, and an argument list. All arguments within the argument list are required. All callable MAIL routines use the same arguments in their calling sequences as described in the following example:
The variable status receives the condition value, and
the argument context receives the context information.
The arguments in_item_list and
out_item_list are input and output item lists that
contain one or more input or output item descriptors.
13.6.1 Condition Handling
At run time, a hardware- or software-related event can occur that determines whether or not the application executes successfully. The Mail utility processes such an event, or condition in the following ways:
You can establish your own condition handler or allow the program to signal the default condition handler.
You can disable signaling for any call by specifying the item code
MAIL$_NOSIGNAL as an item in the input item list.
13.6.2 Item Lists and Item Descriptors
Your application passes data to callable MAIL routines and receives
data from routines through data structures called item
lists defined in your program. Structure of an Item Descriptor
An input or output item list is a data structure that consists of one or more input or output item descriptors.
The following table summarizes the characteristics of item lists:
Item Descriptor | Characteristics |
Input | Each descriptor points to a buffer or file from which Mail reads data. |
Output | Each descriptor points to a buffer or file to which Mail writes data. |
An item descriptor is a data structure consisting of three longwords as described in Figure 13-2.
Figure 13-2 Item Descriptor
Item descriptor fields are described as follows:
Field | Function | ||||||
Item code | Specifies an action the routine is to perform. | ||||||
Buffer length | Specifies the length in bytes of an input or output buffer. | ||||||
Buffer address | Specifies the address of the input or output buffer. | ||||||
Return length address |
Depends on the type of item code specified:
You can specify item descriptors in any order within an item list. |
The item code defines an action that the routine is to perform. Input and output item codes are specified in input and output item descriptors, respectively.
Boolean input and output item codes request an operation but do not pass data to the called routine. For example, the item code MAIL$_USER_SET_CC_PROMPT sets the CC prompt flag enabling use of CC: field text.
For a complete list of input and output item codes, see Tables
13-10 and 13-11. Null Item Lists
Both the input and output item list arguments in the MAIL routine
calling sequence are required. However, there might be situations when
you do not want to request an operation or no input or output item
codes are listed for the routine. In such cases, you must pass the
value 0 in the function call. Declaring Item Lists and Item Descriptors
Depending on the programming language you are using, refer to the
appropriate language reference manual for more information about
declaring data structures and creating variables. Terminating an Item List
Terminate an item list with a null item descriptor. Assign the value
0 to each field in the item descriptor.
13.6.3 Action Routines
Certain callable MAIL routines allow you to specify an action routine. An action routine transfers control to a user-written subroutine that performs specific tasks.
The mail file, message, and send contexts permit the use of action routines for specific reasons. Table 13-5 summarizes the types of action routines and the contexts in which they are used.
Context | Routine | Action Routine |
Mail file | MAIL$MAILFILE_INFO_FILE | Provides information about folder and mail files. |
Message | MAIL$MESSAGE_COPY | Copies messages between files and folders. |
Send | MAIL$SEND_MESSAGE | Success and error results; sends a text file to an existing address list. |
The preceding table summarizes typical uses of action routines. However, an action routine can perform any task you specify. See the Guide to Creating OpenVMS Modular Procedures for more information about action routines.
Mail File and Folder Action Routine Calling Sequence
The main portion of the application calls the action routine and passes values to it using parameters. The calling sequence of a mail file or folder action routine is as follows:
entry-point-name(userdata,foldername) |
The argument userdata is the address of a required longword that contains user-specified data, and the argument foldername is the address of a descriptor of the foldername.
Send Action Routine Calling Sequence
The calling sequence of a send action routine is as follows:
entry-point-name(username,signal-array,userdata) |
The argument username is the address of a descriptor
of the user name to which the application successfully sent a message;
signal-array is the address of a signal array
containing the success message; userdata is the
address of an optional longword that contains user-specified data.
13.7 Managing Mail Files
Using mail files involves opening and closing both default mail files and user-created mail files, displaying folder names, and purging and compressing mail files. Table 13-6 summarizes each mail file routine and its function.
Routine | Description |
MAIL$MAILFILE_BEGIN | Initiates mail file processing |
MAIL$MAILFILE_CLOSE | Closes a mail file |
MAIL$MAILFILE_COMPRESS | Compresses a mail file |
MAIL$MAILFILE_END | Terminates mail file processing |
MAIL$MAILFILE_INFO_FILE | Obtains information about the mail file |
MAIL$MAILFILE_MODIFY | Changes the wastebasket folder name and the default mail file name |
MAIL$MAILFILE_OPEN | Opens a mail file |
MAIL$MAILFILE_PURGE_WASTE | Purges a mail file |
Mail file context processing involves accessing and manipulating one or more mail files.
Initiating the Mail File Context
Your application must call MAIL$MAILFILE_BEGIN to perform mail file context processing.
When you call MAIL$MAILFILE_BEGIN successfully and begin processing in the mail file context, you have created a thread. You must specify the same context variable name in routine calls within the same thread.
Terminating the Mail File Context
Terminate processing in the mail file context calling MAIL routines in the following order:
Before you perform any activities on existing messages, folders, and mail files, you must first open a mail file. Whenever you open a mail file, you must do so explicitly using MAIL$MAILFILE_OPEN. You can open only one mail file per mail file thread.
Note that each routine references the same context variable. An open mail file must be explicitly closed with a call to MAIL$MAILFILE_CLOSE.
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