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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual
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Appends an event message to the system security audit log file or sends an alarm to a security operator terminal.
SYS$AUDIT_EVENT [efn] ,[flags] ,itmlst ,[audsts] ,[astadr] ,[astprm]
int sys$audit_event (unsigned int efn, unsigned int flags, void *itmlst, unsigned int *audsts, void (*astadr)(__unknown_params), int astprm);
OpenVMS usage: ef_number type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Number of the event flag to be set when the audit completes. The efn argument is a longword containing the number of the event flag; however, $AUDIT_EVENT uses only the low-order byte. If efn is not specified, event flag 0 is used.Upon request initiation, $AUDIT_EVENT clears the specified event flag.
OpenVMS usage: mask_longword type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Flags specifying options for the $AUDIT_EVENT system operation. The flags argument is a longword bit mask, where each bit corresponds to an option.Each flag option has a symbolic name. The $NSADEF macro defines the following symbolic names.
Symbolic Name Description NSA$M_ACL Specifies an event generated by an Alarm ACE or Audit ACE. This flag is reserved to Compaq. NSA$M_FLUSH Specifies that all messages in the audit server buffer be written to the audit log file. NSA$M_INTERNAL Specifies that the $AUDIT_EVENT call originates in the context of a trusted computing base (TCB) component. The auditing components use this flag to indicate that internal auditing failures should result in a SECAUDTCB bugcheck. This flag is reserved to Compaq. NSA$M_MANDATORY Specifies that an audit is to be performed, regardless of system alarm and audit settings. NSA$M_NOEVTCHECK Specifies that an audit is to be performed, regardless of the system alarm or audit settings. This flag is similar to the NSA$M_MANDATORY bit but, unlike the NSA$M_MANDATORY bit, this flag is not reflected in the NSA$W_FLAGS field in the resulting audit record on disk. NSA$M_SERVER Indicates that the call originates in a TCB server process and that the event should be audited regardless of the state of a process-specific, no-audit bit. Trusted servers use this flag to override the no-audit bit when they want to perform explicit auditing on behalf of a client process. This flag is reserved to Compaq.
OpenVMS usage: item_list_3 type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Item list specifying information to include in the audit record. The itmlst argument is the address of a list of item descriptors. The list of item descriptors is terminated by a longword of 0.The item list for all calls to $AUDIT_EVENT must include the following item codes:
- NSA$_EVENT_TYPE (see Table SYS-2)
- NSA$_EVENT_SUBTYPE (see Table SYS-2)
- At least one of the NSA$_ALARM_NAME item code or the NSA$_AUDIT_NAME item code.
- If the event being reported is an object access (NSA$C_MSG_OBJ_ACCESS) or an object delete (NSA$C_MSG_OBJ_DELETE), the NSA$_FINAL_STATUS, NSA$_ACCESS_DESIRED, and NSA$_OBJECT_CLASS item codes must be specified.
- If the event being reported is an object create (NSA$C_MSG_OBJ_CREATE), the NSA$_FINAL_STATUS and NSA$_OBJECT_CLASS item codes must be specified.
- If the event being reported is a privilege audit (NSA$C_MSG_PRVAUD), the NSA$_PRIVS_USED or the NSA$_PRIVS_MISSING item code must be specified.
- If the audit event being reported is a deaccess event (NSA$C_MSG_OBJ_DEACCESS), the NSA$_OBJECT_CLASS item code must be specified.
The item list is a standard format item list. The following diagram depicts the general structure of an item descriptor.
The following table defines the item descriptor fields.
Descriptor Field | Definition |
Buffer length | A word specifying the length (in bytes) of the buffer; the buffer supplies information to be used by $AUDIT_EVENT. The required length of the buffer varies, depending on the item code specified; each item code description specifies the required length. |
Item code | A word containing a symbolic code describing the nature of the information currently in the buffer. The location of the buffer is pointed to by the buffer address field. Each item code has a symbolic name. This section provides a detailed description of item codes following the description of arguments. |
Buffer address | A longword containing the address of the buffer that specifies the information. |
Return length address | Not currently used; this field is reserved to Compaq. You must specify 0. |
See the Item Codes section for a description of the $AUDIT_EVENT item codes.
OpenVMS usage: | cond_value_type |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by reference |
The audsts argument is valid only when the service returns success and the status is not SS$_EVTNOTENAB. In addition, the caller must either make use of the astadr argument or use the $AUDIT_EVENTW service before attempting to access audsts.
OpenVMS usage: | ast_procedure |
type: | procedure value |
access: | call without stack unwinding |
mechanism: | by reference |
The AST routine executes in the access mode of the caller of $AUDIT_EVENT.
OpenVMS usage: | user_arg |
type: | longword (unsigned) |
access: | read only |
mechanism: | by value |
NSA$_ALARM_NAME is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying an alarm journal name to receive the record. To direct an event to the system alarm journal (that is, all enabled security operator terminals), use the string SECURITY.NSA$_AUDIT_NAME
NSA$_AUDIT_NAME is a string of 1 to 65 characters specifying the journal file to receive the audit record. To direct an event to the system audit journal, use the string SECURITY.NSA$_CHAIN
NSA$_CHAIN is a longword value specifying the item list to process immediately after the current one. The buffer address field in the item descriptor specifies the address of the next item list to be processed. Anything after NSA$_CHAIN is ignored.NSA$_EVENT_FACILITY
NSA$_EVENT_FACILITY is a word value specifying the facility generating the event. All operating system events are audited as facility zero.NSA$_EVENT_SUBTYPE
NSA$_EVENT_SUBTYPE is a longword value specifying an event message subtype. See Table SYS-2 for a list of valid event subtypes.NSA$_EVENT_TYPE
NSA$_EVENT_TYPE is a longword value specifying an event message type. See Table SYS-2 for a list of valid event types.
Table SYS-2 Description of$AUDIT_EVENT Types and Subtypes Symbol of Event Type Meaning NSA$C_MSG_AUDIT Systemwide change to auditing Subtype and Meaning
Audit events disabled
Audit events enabled
Audit server startup
Audit server shutdown
Final entry in audit log (forward link)
First entry in audit log (backward link)NSA$C_MSG_BREAKIN Break-in attempt detected Subtype and Meaning
Detached process
Dialup interactive process
Local interactive process
Network server process
Interactive process from another network nodeNSA$C_MSG_CONNECTION Logical link connection or termination Subtype and Meaning
Connection aborted
Connection accepted
DECnet for OpenVMS logical link created
DECnet for OpenVMS logical link disconnected
Connection disconnected
Interprocess communication association closed
Interprocess communication association opened
Connection rejected
Connection requested
Incoming connection requested
Incoming connection accepted
Incoming connection rejected
Incoming connection disconnected
Incoming connection abortedNSA$C_MSG_INSTALL Use of the Install utility (INSTALL) Subtype and Meaning
Known image installed
Known image deletedNSA$C_MSG_LOGFAIL Login failure Subtype and Meaning
Batch process
Detached process
Dialup interactive process
Local interactive process
Network server process
Interactive process from another network node
SubprocessNSA$C_MSG_LOGIN Successful login Subtype and Meaning
See subtypes for NSA$C_MSG_
LOGFAILNSA$C_MSG_LOGOUT Successful logout Subtype and Meaning
See subtypes for NSA$C_MSG_
LOGFAILNSA$C_MSG_MOUNT Volume mount or dismount Subtype and Meaning
Volume dismount
Volume mountNSA$C_MSG_NCP Modification to network configuration database Subtype and Meaning
Network Control Program (NCP) command issuedNSA$C_MSG_NETPROXY Modification to network proxy database Subtype and Meaning
Record added to network proxy database
Record removed from network proxy database
Record modified in network proxy databaseNSA$C_MSG_OBJ_ACCESS Object access attempted Subtype and Meaning
Object access attemptedNSA$C_MSG_OBJ_CREATE Object created Subtype and Meaning
Object createdNSA$C_MSG_OBJ_DEACCESS Object deaccessed Subtype and Meaning
Object deaccessedNSA$C_MSG_OBJ_DELETE Object deleted Subtype and Meaning
Object deletedNSA$C_MSG_PROCESS Process control system service issued Subtype and Meaning
Process wakeup canceled
Process created
Process deleted
Process exit forced
Process information gathered
Process identifier granted
Process resumed
Process identifier revoked
Process wakeup scheduled
Process priority altered
Process exception issued
Process suspended
Process wakeup issued
Process termination notification requestedNSA$C_MSG_PRVAUD Attempt to use privilege Subtype and Meaning
Unsuccessful use of privilege
Successful use of privilegeNSA$C_MSG_RIGHTSDB Modification to rights database Subtype and Meaning
Identifier added to rights database
Rights database created
Identifier given to user
List of identifier holders modified
Identifier name or attributes modified
Identifier removed from rights database
Identifier revoked from userNSA$C_MSG_SYSGEN Modification of a System Generation utility (SYSGEN) parameter Subtype and Meaning
SYSGEN parameter modifiedNSA$C_MSG_SYSTIME Modification to system time Subtype and Meaning
System time set
System time calibratedNSA$C_MSG_SYSUAF Modification to system user authorization file (SYSUAF) Subtype and Meaning
Record added to SYSUAF
Record copied in SYSUAF
Record deleted from SYSUAF
Record modified in SYSUAF
Record renamed in SYSUAFNSA$_FIELD_NAME
NSA$_FIELD_NAME is a string of 1 to 256 characters specifying the name of the field being modified. This is used in combination with NSA$_ORIGINAL_DATA and NSA$_NEW_DATA.NSA$_MESSAGE
NSA$_MESSAGE specifies a system message code. The $FORMAT_AUDIT service will use the $GETMSG service to translate the message into text. The resulting text is inserted into the formatted audit message, with the "Event information:" prefix. For example, the operating system uses this item code to supply the privilege audit text associated with privilege audit events; this keeps the audit records small. By default, the $GETMSG service can only translate resident system messages. You can use the NSA$_MSGFILNAM item code to specify the name of an application or site-specific message file.NSA$_MSGFILNAM
NSA$_MSGFILNAM is a string of 1 to 255 characters specifying the message file containing the translation for the message code in NSA$_MESSAGE. The default file specification is SYS$MESSAGE:.EXE. By default, $FORMAT_AUDIT uses the resident system message file.NSA$_NEW_DATA
NSA$_NEW_DATA is a string of 1 to n characters specifying the contents of the field named in NSA$_FIELD_NAME after the event occurred. NSA$_ORIGINAL_DATA contains the field contents prior to the event.NSA$_NOP
NSA$_NOP specifies that the item list entry should be ignored. This item code allows you to build a static item list and then remove those entries that do not apply to the current event.NSA$_ORIGINAL_DATA
NSA$_ORIGINAL_DATA is a string of 1 to n characters specifying the contents of the field named in NSA$_FIELD_NAME before the event occurred. NSA$_NEW_DATA contains the field contents following the event.NSA$_SENSITIVE_FIELD_NAME
NSA$_SENSITIVE_FIELD_NAME is a string of 1 to 256 characters specifying the name of the field being modified. This is used in combination with NSA$_SENSITIVE_ORIG_DATA and NSA$_SENSITIVE_NEW_DATA. Use NSA$_SENSITIVE_FIELD_NAME to prevent sensitive information, such as passwords, from being displayed in an alarm message. Sensitive information is written to the audit log.NSA$_SENSITIVE_NEW_DATA
NSA$_SENSITIVE_NEW_DATA is a string of 1 to n characters specifying the contents of the field named in NSA$_SENSITIVE_FIELD_NAME after the event occurred. NSA$_SENSITIVE_ORIG_DATA contains the field contents prior to the event. Use NSA$_SENSITIVE_NEW_DATA to prevent sensitive information from being displayed in an alarm message. Sensitive information is written to the audit log.NSA$_SENSITIVE_ORIG_DATA
NSA$_SENSITIVE_ORIG_DATA is a string of 1 to n characters specifying the contents of the field named in NSA$_SENSITIVE_FIELD_NAME before the event occurred. NSA$_SENSITIVE_NEW_DATA contains the field contents following the event. Use NSA$_SENSITIVE_FIELD_NAME to prevent sensitive information from being displayed in an alarm message. Sensitive information is written to the audit log.NSA$_SUPPRESS
NSA$_SUPPRESS is a longword bitmask directing $AUDIT_EVENT to ignore the defaults for the following values and either omit the information from the event record or use the value provided in another parameter. The bits in the mask inhibit the use of default values for the following item codes:
NSA$V_ACCOUNT_NAME NAS$V_PROCESS_NAME NSA$V_FINAL_STATUS NSA$V_SUBJECT_CLASS NSA$V_IMAGE_NAME NSA$V_SUBJECT_OWNER NSA$V_PARENT_ID NSA$V_SYSTEM_ID NSA$V_PARENT_NAME NSA$V_SYSTEM_OWNER NSA$V_PARENT_OWNER NSA$V_TERMINAL NSA$V_PARENT_USERNAME NSA$V_TIME_STAMP NSA$V_PROCESS_ID NSA$V_USERNAME Use NSA$_SUPPRESS, for example, when auditing events from server processes when the default values for many of these items need to explicitly reference the client context rather than be defaulted from the environment of the server.
The following section provides a list of additional item codes that are valid as an item descriptor in the itmlst argument.
NSA$_ACCESS_DESIRED is a longword value specifying the access request mask as defined in $ARMDEF.NSA$_ACCESS_MODE
NSA$_ACCESS_MODE is a byte value specifying an access mode associated with the event.NSA$_ACCOUNT
NSA$_ACCOUNT is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the account name associated with the event.NSA$_ASSOCIATION_NAME
NSA$_ASSOCIATION_NAME is a string of 1 to 256 characters specifying an association name.NSA$_COMMAND_LINE
NSA$_COMMAND_LINE is a string of 1 to 2048 characters specifying a command line.NSA$_CONNECTION_ID
NSA$_CONNECTION_ID is a longword value specifying a connection identification.NSA$_DECNET_LINK_ID
NSA$_DECNET_LINK_ID is a longword value specifying a DECnet for OpenVMS logical link identification.NSA$_DECNET_OBJECT_NAME
NSA$_DECNET_OBJECT_NAME is a string of 1 to 16 characters specifying a DECnet for OpenVMS object name.NSA$_DECNET_OBJECT_NUMBER
NSA$_DECNET_OBJECT_NUMBER is a longword value specifying a DECnet for OpenVMS object number.NSA$_DEFAULT_USERNAME
NSA$_DEFAULT_USERNAME is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying a default local user name for incoming network proxy requests.NSA$_DEVICE_NAME
NSA$_DEVICE_NAME is a string of 1 to 64 characters specifying the name of the device where the volume resides.NSA$_DIRECTORY_ENTRY
NSA$_DIRECTORY_ENTRY is a string of 1 to 256 characters specifying the name of the directory entry associated with an XQP operation.NSA$_DIRECTORY_ID
NSA$_DIRECTORY_ID is an array of three words specifying the directory file identification.NSA$_DISMOUNT_FLAGS
NSA$_DISMOUNT_FLAGS is a longword value specifying the dismount flags that are defined by the $DMTDEF macro in STARLET.NSA$_EFC_NAME
NSA$_EFC_NAME is a string of 1 to 16 characters specifying the event flag cluster name.NSA$_FILE_ID
NSA$_FILE_ID is an array of three words specifying the file identification.NSA$_FINAL_STATUS
NSA$_FINAL_STATUS is a longword value specifying the successful or unsuccessful status that caused the auditing facility to be invoked.NSA$_HOLDER_NAME
NSA$_HOLDER_NAME is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the name of the user holding the identifier.NSA$_HOLDER_OWNER
NSA$_HOLDER_OWNER is a longword value specifying the owner (UIC) of the holder.NSA$_ID_ATTRIBUTES
NSA$_ID_ATTRIBUTES is a longword value specifying the attributes of the identifier, which are defined by the $KGBDEF macro in STARLET.NSA$_IDENTIFIERS_USED
NSA$_IDENTIFIERS_USED is an array of longwords specifying the identifiers (from the access control entry [ACE] granting access) that were used to gain access to the object.NSA$_ID_NAME
NSA$_ID_NAME is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the name of the identifier.NSA$_ID_NEW_ATTRIBUTES
NSA$_ID_NEW_ATTRIBUTES is a longword value specifying the new attributes of the identifier, which are defined by the $KGBDEF macro in STARLET.NSA$_ID_NEW_NAME
NSA$_ID_NEW_NAME is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the new name of the identifier.NSA$_ID_NEW_VALUE
NSA$_ID_NEW_VALUE is a longword value specifying the new value of the identifier.NSA$_ID_VALUE
NSA$_ID_VALUE is a longword value specifying the value of the identifier.NSA$_ID_VALUE_ASCII
NSA$_ID_VALUE_ASCII is a longword specifying the value of the identifier.NSA$_IMAGE_NAME
NSA$_IMAGE_NAME is a string of 1 to 1024 characters specifying the name of the image being executed when the event took place.NSA$_INSTALL_FILE
NSA$_INSTALL_FILE is a string of 1 to 255 characters specifying the name of the installed file.NSA$_INSTALL_FLAGS
NSA$_INSTALL_FLAGS is a longword value specifying the INSTALL flags. They correspond to qualifiers for the Install utility; for example, NSA$M_INS_EXECUTE_ONLY.NSA$_LNM_PARENT_NAME
NSA$_LNM_PARENT_NAME is a string of 1 to 31 characters specifying the name of the parent logical name table.NSA$_LNM_TABLE_NAME
NSA$_LNM_TABLE_NAME is a string of 1 to 31 characters specifying the name of the logical name table.NSA$_LOCAL_USERNAME
NSA$_LOCAL_USERNAME is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying user names of the accounts available for incoming network proxy requests.NSA$_LOGICAL_NAME
NSA$_LOGICAL_NAME is a string of 1 to 255 characters specifying the logical name associated with the device.NSA$_MAILBOX_UNIT
NSA$_MAILBOX_UNIT is a longword value specifying the mailbox unit number.NSA$_MATCHING_ACE
NSA$_MATCHING_ACE is an array of bytes specifying the ACE granting or denying access.NSA$_MOUNT_FLAGS
NSA$_MOUNT_FLAGS is a quadword value specifying mount flags that are defined by the $MNTDEF macro in STARLET.NSA$_NEW_IMAGE_NAME
NSA$_NEW_IMAGE_NAME is a string of 1 to 1024 characters specifying the name of the new image.NSA$_NEW_OWNER
NSA$_NEW_OWNER is a longword value specifying the new process owner (UIC).NSA$_NEW_PRIORITY
NSA$_NEW_PRIORITY is a longword value specifying the new process priority.NSA$_NEW_PRIVILEGES
NSA$_NEW_PRIVILEGES is a quadword privilege mask specifying the new privileges. The $PRVDEF macro defines the list of available privileges.NSA$_NEW_PROCESS_ID
NSA$_NEW_PROCESS_ID is a longword value specifying the new process identification.NSA$_NEW_PROCESS_NAME
NSA$_NEW_PROCESS_NAME is a string of 1 to 15 characters specifying the name of the new process.NSA$_NEW_PROCESS_OWNER
NSA$_NEW_PROCESS_OWNER is a longword value specifying the owner (UIC) of the new process.NSA$_NEW_USERNAME
NSA$_NEW_USERNAME is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the new user name.NSA$_OBJECT_CLASS
NSA$_OBJECT_CLASS is a string of 1 to 23 characters specifying the security object class associated with the event; for example, FILE.NSA$_OBJECT_ID
NSA$_OBJECT_ID is an array of three words specifying the unique object identification code, which is currently applicable only to files; therefore, it is the file identification.NSA$_OBJECT_MAX_CLASS
NSA$_OBJECT_MAX_CLASS is a 20-byte record specifying the maximum access classification of the object.NSA$_OBJECT_MIN_CLASS
NSA$_OBJECT_MIN_CLASS is a 20-byte record specifying the minimum access classification of the object.NSA$_OBJECT_NAME
NSA$_OBJECT_NAME is a string of 1 to 255 characters specifying an object's name.NSA$_OBJECT_NAME_2
NSA$_OBJECT_NAME_2 is a string of 1 to 255 characters specifying an alternate object name; currently it applies to file-backed global sections where the alternate name of a global section is the file name.NSA$_OBJECT_OWNER
NSA$_OBJECT_OWNER is a longword value specifying the UIC or general identifier of the process causing the auditable event.NSA$_OBJECT_PROTECTION
NSA$_OBJECT_PROTECTION is a word, or an array of four longwords, specifying the UIC-based protection of the object.NSA$_OLD_PRIORITY
NSA$_OLD_PRIORITY is a longword value specifying the former process priority.NSA$_OLD_PRIVILEGES
NSA$_OLD_PRIVILEGES is a quadword privilege mask specifying the former privileges. The $PRVDEF macro defines the list of available privileges.NSA$_PARAMS_INUSE
NSA$_PARAMS_INUSE is a string of 1 to 255 characters specifying the name of the parameter file given to the SYSGEN command USE.NSA$_PARAMS_WRITE
NSA$_PARAMS_WRITE is a string of 1 to 255 characters specifying the file name for the SYSGEN command WRITE.NSA$_PARENT_ID
NSA$_PARENT_ID is a longword value specifying the process identification (PID) of the parent process. It is used only when auditing events pertaining to a subprocess.NSA$_PARENT_NAME
NSA$_PARENT_NAME is a string of 1 to 15 characters specifying the parent's process name. It is used only when auditing events pertaining to a subprocess.NSA$_PARENT_OWNER
NSA$_PARENT_OWNER is longword value specifying the owner (UIC) of the parent process. It is used only when auditing events pertaining to a subprocess.NSA$_PARENT_USERNAME
NSA$_PARENT_USERNAME is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the user name associated with the parent process. It is used only when auditing events pertaining to a subprocess.NSA$_PASSWORD
NSA$_PASSWORD is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the password used in an unsuccessful break-in attempt. By default, system security alarms do not include break-in passwords.NSA$_PRIVILEGES
NSA$_PRIVILEGES is a quadword privilege mask specifying the privileges used to gain access. The $PRVDEF macro defines the list of available privileges.NSA$_PRIVS_MISSING
NSA$_PRIVS_MISSING is a longword or a quadword privilege mask specifying the privileges that are needed. The privileges are defined by a macro in STARLET; see the $CHPDEF macro for definition as a longword mask, and see the $PRVDEF macro for definition as a quadword privilege mask.NSA$_PRIVS_USED
NSA$_PRIVS_USED is a longword or a quadword privilege mask specifying the privileges used to gain access to the object. The privileges are defined by a macro in STARLET; see the $CHPDEF macro for definition as a longword mask and see the $PRVDEF macro for definition as a quadword privilege mask.NSA$_PROCESS_ID
NSA$_PROCESS_ID is a longword value specifying the PID of the process causing the auditable event.NSA$_PROCESS_NAME
NSA$_PROCESS_NAME is a string of 1 to 15 characters specifying the process name that caused the auditable event.NSA$_REM_ASSOCIATION_NAME
NSA$_REM_ASSOCIATION_NAME is a string of 1 to 256 characters specifying the interprocess communication (IPC) remote association name.NSA$_REMOTE_LINK_ID
NSA$_REMOTE_LINK_ID is a longword value specifying the remote logical link ID.NSA$_REMOTE_NODE_FULLNAME
NSA$_REMOTE_NODE_FULLNAME is a string of 1 to 255 characters specifying the fully expanded DECnet for OpenVMS node name of the remote process.NSA$_REMOTE_NODE_ID
NSA$_REMOTE_NODE_ID is a string of 4 to 24 characters specifying the DECnet for OpenVMS node address of the remote process. A value 4 bytes in length is a DECnet Phase IV node address. A value with length greater than 4 bytes is a DECnet/OSI NSAP address.NSA$_REMOTE_NODENAME
NSA$_REMOTE_NODENAME is a string of 1 to 6 characters specifying the DECnet for OpenVMS node name of the remote process.NSA$_REMOTE_USERNAME
NSA$_REMOTE_USERNAME is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the user name of the remote process.NSA$_REQUEST_NUMBER
NSA$_REQUEST_NUMBER is a longword value specifying the request number associated with the system service call.NSA$_RESOURCE_NAME
NSA$_RESOURCE_NAME is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the lock resource name.NSA$_SECTION_NAME
NSA$_SECTION_NAME is a string of 1 to 42 characters specifying the global section name.NSA$_SNAPSHOT_BOOTFILE
NSA$_SNAPSHOT_BOOTFILE is a string of 1 to 255 characters specifying the name of the snapshot boot file, the saved system image file from which the system just booted.NSA$_SNAPSHOT_SAVE_FILNAM
NSA$_SNAPSHOT_SAVE_FILNAM is a string of 1 to 255 characters specifying the name of the snapshot save file, which is the original location of the snapshot file at the time that the system was saved.NSA$_SNAPSHOT_TIME
NSA$_SNAPSHOT_TIME is a quadword value specifying the time the picture of the configuration was taken and saved in the snapshot boot file.NSA$_SOURCE_PROCESS_ID
NSA$_SOURCE_PROCESS_ID is a longword value specifying the process identification of the process originating the request.NSA$_SUBJECT_CLASS
NSA$_SUBJECT_CLASS is a 20-byte record specifying the current access class of the process causing the auditable event.NSA$_SUBJECT_OWNER
NSA$_SUBJECT_OWNER is a longword value specifying the owner (UIC) of the process causing the event.NSA$_SYSTEM_ID
NSA$_SYSTEM_ID is a longword value specifying the SCS identification of the cluster node where the event took place (SYSGEN parameter SCSSYSTEMID).NSA$_SYSTEM_NAME
NSA$_SYSTEM_NAME is a string of 1 to 6 characters specifying the System Communications Services (SCS) node name where the event took place (SYSGEN parameter SCSNODE).NSA$_SYSTEM_SERVICE_NAME
NSA$_SYSTEM_SERVICE_NAME is a string of 1 to 256 characters specifying the name of the system service associated with the event.NSA$_SYSTIM_NEW
NSA$_SYSTIM_NEW is a quadword value specifying the new system time.NSA$_SYSTIM_OLD
NSA$_SYSTIM_OLD is a quadword value specifying the old system time.NSA$_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME
NSA$_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME is a string of 1 to 64 characters specifying the target device name.NSA$_TARGET_PROCESS_CLASS
NSA$_TARGET_PROCESS_CLASS is a 20-byte record specifying the target process classification.NSA$_TARGET_PROCESS_ID
NSA$_TARGET_PROCESS_ID is a longword value specifying the target process identifier (PID).NSA$_TARGET_PROCESS_NAME
NSA$_TARGET_PROCESS_NAME is a string of 1 to 64 characters specifying the target process name.NSA$_TARGET_PROCESS_OWNER
NSA$_TARGET_PROCESS_OWNER is a longword value specifying the target owner (UIC).NSA$_TARGET_USERNAME
NSA$_TARGET_USERNAME is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the target process user name.NSA$_TERMINAL
NSA$_TERMINAL is a string of 1 to 256 characters specifying the name of the terminal to which the process was connected when the auditable event occurred.NSA$_TIME_STAMP
NSA$_TIME_STAMP is a quadword value specifying the time when the event occurred.NSA$_TRANSPORT_NAME
NSA$_TRANSPORT_NAME is a string of 1 to 256 characters specifying the name of the transport: interprocess communication, DECnet for OpenVMS, or System Management Integrator (SMI), which handles requests from SYSMAN (ASCII string).NSA$_UAF_ADD
NSA$_UAF_ADD is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the name of the authorization record being added.NSA$_UAF_COPY
NSA$_UAF_COPY is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the new name of the authorization record being copied from NSA$_UAF_SOURCE.NSA$_UAF_DELETE
NSA$_UAF_DELETE is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the name of the authorization record being removed.NSA$_UAF_MODIFY
NSA$_UAF_MODIFY is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the name of the authorization record being modified.NSA$_UAF_RENAME
NSA$_UAF_RENAME is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the name of the authorization record being renamed.NSA$_UAF_SOURCE
NSA$_UAF_SOURCE is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the user name of the source record for an Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) copy operation.NSA$_USERNAME
NSA$_USERNAME is a string of 1 to 32 characters specifying the user name of the process causing the auditable event.NSA$_VOLUME_NAME
NSA$_VOLUME_NAME is a string of 1 to 15 characters specifying a volume name.NSA$_VOLUME_SET_NAME
NSA$_VOLUME_SET_NAME is a string of 1 to 15 characters specifying a volume set name.
The Audit Event service can be called by any program that enforces a security policy to append an event message to the audit log file or send an alarm to an operator terminal. For example, AUTHORIZE calls $AUDIT_EVENT whenever a UAF record is altered, and LOGINOUT calls the service whenever a user logs in.
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