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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS VAX System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual
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#1 |
Process index: 001B Name: PUTP1 Extended PID: 27E0011B ---------------------------------------------------------- Process status: 00044001 RES,BATCH,PHDRES PCB address 803C7710 JIB address 806B9100 PHD address 81F5C400 Swapfile disk address 02002FA1 Master internal PID 0001001B Subprocess count 0 Internal PID 0001001B Creator internal PID 00000000 Extended PID 27E0011B Creator extended PID 00000000 State CUR 00 Termination mailbox 0000 Current priority 3 AST's enabled KES Base priority 3 AST's active E UIC [00011,000176] AST's remaining 39 Mutex count 0 Buffered I/O count/limit 12/12 Waiting EF cluster 0 Direct I/O count/limit 18/18 Starting wait time 1B001C1C BUFIO byte count/limit 31968/31968 Event flag wait mask BFFFFFFF # open files allowed left 90 Local EF cluster 0 20000001 Timer entries allowed left 9 Local EF cluster 1 C0000000 Active page table count 0 Global cluster 2 pointer 00000000 Process WS page count 1020 Global cluster 3 pointer 00000000 Global WS page count 233The SHOW PROCESS command displays information taken from the software PCB of PUTP1, the SDA current process. According to the "State" field in the display, process PUTP1 is current on CPU 00 in the multiprocessing system.
#2 |
Process index: 00AD Name: GLOBE Extended PID: 462002AD ---------------------------------------------------------- Process status: 02040001 RES,PHDRES PCB address 8044E650 JIB address 806E0010 . . . Process header -------------- First free P0 address 0007D600 Accumulated CPU time 00000559 Free PTEs between P0/P1 276902 CPU since last quantum FFEE First free P1 address 7FEF2200 Subprocess quota 8 Free page file pages 24234 AST limit 50 Page fault cluster size 16 Process header index 0020 Page table cluster size 2 Backup address vector 00003E12 Flags 0002 WSL index save area 00003980 Direct I/O count 509 PTs having locked WSLs 5 Buffered I/O count 827 PTs having valid WSLs 20 Limit on CPU time 00000000 Active page tables 21 Maximum page file count 25600 Maximum active PTs 26 Total page faults 7589 Guaranteed fluid WS pages 20 File limit 50 Extra dynamic WS entries 698 Timer queue limit 10 Locked WSLE counts array 1CD8 Paging file index 06000000 Valid WSLE counts array 2564 Saved process registers ----------------------- R0 = 00000001 R1 = 00000000 R2 = 8000CA78 R3 = 8044E6A0 R4 = 8044E650 R5 = 00000000 R6 = 00000000 R7 = 00000003 R8 = 00001F60 R9 = 7FF9FB38 R10 = 7FF9FA08 R11 = 7FFE0070 AP = 7FEF4AE4 FP = 7FEF4AEC PC = 801622B4 PSL = 03C00000 KSP = 7FFE7E00 ESP = 7FFE9E00 SSP = 7FFED04E USP = 7FEF4AE4 P0BR = 82D43600 P0LR = 000003EB P1BR = 82654E00 P1LR = 001FF792 Active registers for current process ------------------------------------ R0 = 00000001 R1 = 80002398 R2 = 00000000 R3 = 00000000 R4 = 7FFA05A0 R5 = 00000000 R6 = 0007D400 R7 = 00000010 R8 = 00001F60 R9 = 7FF9FB38 R10 = 7FF9FA08 R11 = 7FFE0070 AP = 7FFE9D70 FP = 7FFE9D58 PC = 801620A5 PSL = 01400000 KSP = 7FFE7E00 ESP = 7FFE9D58 SSP = 7FFED04E USP = 7FEF4AE4 Working set information ----------------------- First WSL entry 0074 Current authorized working set size 2048 First locked entry 00A6 Default (initial) working set size 512 First dynamic entry 00B9 Maximum working set allowed (quota) 2048 Last entry replaced 018C Last entry in list 0561 Working set list ---------------- INDEX ADDRESS STATUS 0074 7FFE7C00 VALID PROCESS WSLOCK 0075 7FFE7A00 VALID PROCESS WSLOCK 0076 7FFE7800 VALID PROCESS WSLOCK . . . Process section table information --------------------------------- Last entry allocated FFA0 First free PST entry 0000 Process section table --------------------- INDEX ADDRESS PAGES WINDOW VBN CLUSTER CHANNEL REFCNT FLINK BLINK FLAGS FFF8 00000200 0000000A 8082C400 00000002 0 7FFCCFD0 10 FFE8 FFF0 FFF0 00001600 00000007 8082C400 0000000C 0 7FFCCFD0 0 FFF8 FFE8 WRT CRF FFE8 00002400 00000012 8082C400 00000013 0 7FFCCFD0 18 FFF0 FFF8 . . . P0 page table ------------- ADDRESS SVAPTE PTE TYPE PROT BITS PAGTYP LOC STATE TYPE REFCNT BAK SVAPTE FLINK BLINK -------- 1 NULL PAGE 00000200 82D43604 F9804F73 VALID UR U PROCESS ACTIVE 07 00 1 0040FFF8 82D43604 0000 0153 00000400 82D43608 F9806905 VALID UR U PROCESS ACTIVE 07 00 1 0040FFF8 82D43608 0000 0154 00000600 82D4360C F9807569 VALID UR U PROCESS ACTIVE 07 00 1 0040FFF8 82D4360C 0000 0155 . . . P1 page table ------------- ADDRESS SVAPTE PTE TYPE PROT BITS PAGTYP LOC STATE TYPE REFCNT BAK SVAPTE FLINK BLINK 7FEF2400 82E52C48 21800000 DZERO UW U 7FEF2600 82E52C4C 21800000 DZERO UW U 7FEF2800 82E52C50 21800000 DZERO UW U . . . Process active channels ----------------------- Channel Window Status Device/file accessed ------- ------ ------ -------------------- 0010 00000000 ROCK$DJA233: 0020 8082C400 ROCK$DJA233:(1008,48490,0) 0030 807F2260 LOVE$DUA200:(209,1,0)[V5COMMON.SYSLIB]SMGSHR.EXE;1 (section file) 0040 00000000 VTA71: 0050 00000000 VTA71: 0060 807EFFE0 LOVE$DUA200:(195,1,0)[V5COMMON.SYSLIB]LIBRTL.EXE;1 (section file) 0070 807EECC0 LOVE$DUA200:(199,1,0)[V5COMMON.SYSLIB]MTHRTL.EXE;1 (section file) 0080 80838E80 LOVE$DUA200:(196,1,0)[V5COMMON.SYSLIB]LIBRTL2.EXE;1 0090 807E4880 LOVE$DUA200:(210,1,0)[V5COMMON.SYSLIB]SORTSHR.EXE;1 00A0 80818720 LOVE$DUA200:(191,1,0)[V5COMMON.SYSLIB]FDLSHR.EXE;1 00B0 8083CFC0 LOVE$DUA200:(169,1,0)[V5COMMON.SYSLIB]CONVSHR.EXE;1 00C0 8083DEC0 ROCK$DJA233:(1026,16,0)The SHOW PROCESS/ALL command displays information taken from the software PCB of process GLOBE, and then proceeds to display the process header, the registers of the process, the process section table, the P0 page table, the P1 page table, and information about the I/O channels owned by the process. You can also obtain these displays by using the /PCB, /PHD, /REGISTERS, /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE, /P0, /P1, and /CHANNEL qualifiers, respectively.
#3 |
Lock data: Lock id: 09960A0F PID: 0001000A Flags: VALBLK CONVERT SYNCSTS Par. id: 00000000 Granted at PW SYSTEM Sublocks: 100 LKB: 8082B0E0 Resource: 003C0248 24534D52 RMS$H.<. Status: ASYNC Length 26 444B4C4F 46020000 ...FOLKD Kernel mode 00202020 20202024 $ . System 00000000 00000000 ........ Local copyThe SHOW PROCESS/LOCKS/INDEX=0A command displays information about the locks held by process JOB_CONTROL, whose PCB is at index 0A, into the system's PCB list. This command implicitly makes JOB_CONTROL the SDA current process for subsequent commands that display process context information. It has no effect on SDA CPU context because JOB_CONTROL is not current on any processor in the multiprocessing system.
#4 |
RMS Display Options: IFB,IRB,IDX,BDB,BDBSUM,ASB,CCB,WCB,FCB,FAB,RAB,NAM,XAB,RLB, BLB,BLBSUM,GBD,GBH,FWA,GBDSUM,JFB,NWA,RU,DRC,SFSB,GBSB Display RMS structures for all IFI values. SDA> SHOW PROCESS/RMS . . . Process index: 0032 Name: BEASSEM_MTHRTL_ Extended PID: 27200132 -------------------------------------------------------------------- IFAB Address: 7FF9C808 IFI: 0002 Organization: Sequential ------------ PRIM_DEV: 1C4D4108 DIR,FOD,SHR,AVL,ELG,IDV,ODV,RND BKPBITS: 00080020 ACCESSED,NORECLK BLN: 3A 58. BID: 0B 11. EFN: 00 MODE: 03 IOS: 00000001 ASBADDR: 00000000 IOS2: 0000 WAIT_Q_FLINK: 00000000 IOS4: 00000000 ARGLST: 7FF21418 ATJNLBUF: 00000000 WAIT_Q_BLINK: 00000000 FSBPTR: 00000000 AGENT_MODE: 03 SHR: 02 SHRGET IRAB_LNK: 7FF9C958 CHNL: 00C0 FAC: 02 GET ORGCASE: 00 Sequential LAST_FAB: 00081FD0 NWA_PTR: 00000000 IFI: 0002 ECHO_ISI: 0000 FWA_PTR: 7FF9CC00 BDB_FLNK: 7FF9CBB0 DEVBUFSIZ: 00000200 512. BDB_BLNK: 7FF9CB60 RTDEQ: 0000 0. RFMORG: 02 VAR RAT: 02 CR LRL: 004C 76. HBK_DISK: 000C0000 FFB: 0084 132. EBK_DISK: 000C0000 FSZ: 00 0. BKS: 00 0. DEQ: 0000 0. MRS: 0000 0. HBK: 0000000C 12. GBC: 0000 0. EBK: 0000000C LAST_GOOD_EBK: 00000000 0. LAST_GOOD_FFB: 0000 0. RNS_LEN: 00000000 LOCK_BDB: 00000000 . . .The SHOW PROCESS/RMS command displays RMS data structures for the current SDA process.
#5 |
Process activated images ------------------------ ICB Start End Type Image Name Major ID,Minor ID -------- -------- -------- -------------- ----------------------------- 7FF83878 00000200 00000DFF MAIN SHOW_PROC_IMAGES 0,0 7FF84100 0003AC00 0003FBFF GLOBAL PRT SHR DECW$TRANSPORT_COMMON 12,12 7FF84400 00036200 0003ABFF GLOBAL CONVSHR 1,0 7FF84470 0002E400 000361FF GLOBAL FDLSHR 1,0 7FF84560 00021A00 0002E3FF GLOBAL SORTSHR 2,28 7FF845D0 00000E00 000089FF GLOBAL LIBRTL2 1,12 7FF835F8 00008A00 000219FF GLOBAL SHR LIBRTL 1,14 7FF84800 00060C00 000767FF MERGED SHR ADARTL 0,0 7FF84720 00076800 000A03FF GLOBAL SHR MTHRTL 129,32781 Total images = 9 Pages allocated = 1017The SHOW PROCESS/IMAGES command displays the address of the image control block, the start and end addresses of the image, the activation code, the protected and shareable flags, the image name, and the major and minor IDs of the image.
#6 |
The SHOW PROCESS command displays the transaction thread information for the transaction whose identifier is FAC21DE2-BA88-0092-8FA6-B24B.
Displays information about all resources in the system or about a resource associated with a specific lock.
SHOW RESOURCE {/ALL|/LOCKID=lock-id|/NAME=resource-name}
Displays information from all resource blocks (RSBs) in the system. This is the default behavior of the SHOW RESOURCE command./LOCKID=lock-id
Displays information about the resource associated with the lock with the specified lock-id./NAME=resource-name
Displays information about the resource whose resource name begins with the specified resource-name. For case-sensitive names, enclose resource-name in quotation marks.
The SHOW RESOURCE command displays the information listed in Table SDA-21 for each resource in the system or for the specific resource associated with the specified lock-id.
Table SDA-21 Resource Information in the SHOW RESOURCE Display Field Contents Address of RSB Address of the resource block (RSB) that describes this resource. Parent RSB Address of the RSB that is the parent of this RSB. This field is 00000000 if the RSB itself is a parent block. Sub-RSB count Number of RSBs of which this RSB is the parent. This field is 0 if the RSB has no sub-RSBs. Group grant mode Indication of the most restrictive mode in which a lock on this resource has been granted. This field can contain the following values (shown in order from the least restrictive mode to the most restrictive):
- NL
Null mode
- CR
Concurrent-read mode
- CW
Concurrent-write mode
- PR
Protected-read mode
- PW
Protected-write mode
- EX
For information about conflicting and incompatible lock modes, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual.
Conversion grant mode Indication of the most restrictive lock mode to which a lock on this resource is waiting to be converted. This does not include the mode for which the lock at the head of the conversion queue is waiting. BLKAST count Number of locks on this resource that have requested a blocking AST. Value block Hexadecimal dump of the 16-byte block value block associated with this resource. Sequence # Sequence number associated with the resource's value block. If the number indicates that the value block is not valid, the words "Not valid" appear to the right of the number. CSID Cluster system identification number (CSID) of the node that owns the resource. Resource Dump of the name of this resource, as stored at the end of the RSB. The first two columns are the hexadecimal representation of the name, with the least significant byte represented by the rightmost two digits in the rightmost column. The third column contains the ASCII representation of the name, the least significant byte being represented by the leftmost character in the column. Periods in this column represent values that correspond to nonprinting ASCII characters. Length Length in bytes of the resource name. --- Processor mode of the name space in which this RSB resides. --- Owner of the resource. Certain resources, owned by the operating system, list "System" as the owner. Locks owned by a group have the number (in octal) of the owning group in this field. Granted queue List of locks on this resource that have been granted. For each lock in the list, SDA displays the number of the lock and the lock mode in which the lock was granted. Conversion queue List of locks waiting to be converted from one mode to another. For each lock in the list, SDA displays the number of the lock, the mode in which the lock was granted, and the mode to which the lock is to be converted. Waiting queue List of locks waiting to be granted. For each lock in the list, SDA displays the number of the lock and the mode requested for that lock.
#1 |
Resource database ----------------- Address of RSB: 807F6120 Group grant mode: NL Parent RSB: 806EA180 Conversion grant mode: NL Sub-RSB count: 0 BLKAST count: 0 Value block: 806CE510 00000000 00000002 00000002 Seq. #: 00000008 Resource: 09ED7324 42313146 F11B$sí. Length 10 00000000 00000200 ........ CSID: 00020041 Kernel mode 00000000 00000000 ........ System 00000000 00000000 ........ Granted queue (Lock ID / Gr mode): 006801AE NL Conversion queue (Lock ID / Gr/Rq mode): *** EMPTY QUEUE *** Waiting queue (Lock ID / Rq mode): *** EMPTY QUEUE *** Address of RSB: 807EB9E0 Group grant mode: PW Parent RSB: 00000000 Conversion grant mode: EX Sub-RSB count: 0 BLKAST count: 1 Value block: 00000000 00000003 00000000 0000FFF2 Seq. #: 0000027F Not valid Resource: 32245F24 44414853 SHAD$_$2 Length 16 3A31534A 44243435 54$DJS1: CSID: 0002001A Kernel mode 00000000 00000000 ........ System 00000000 00000000 ........ . . .The SHOW RESOURCE command displays information taken from the RSBs of all resources in the system. For instance, the RSB at 807EB9E016 is a parent block with no sub-RSBs. The most restrictive lock granted on this resource is in protected-write (PW) mode. There is a lock on the conversion queue waiting to be converted from PW mode to exclusive (EX) mode.
#2 |
SDA> SHOW PROCESS/LOCKS Process index: 001C Name: STARTQ Extended PID: 4800011C ----------------------------------------------------------- Lock data: Lock id: 0117054F PID: 0001001C Flags: VALBLK SYNCSTS SYSTEM Par. id: 00000000 Granted at PW NOQUOTA Sublocks: 0 LKB: 808091A0 Resource: 45527624 42313146 F11B$vRE Status: NOQUOTA Length 18 20205241 4D323053 S02MAR Kernel mode 00000000 00002020 ...... System 00000000 00000000 ........ Process copy of lock 008209CF on system 0002001 . . . SDA> SHOW RESOURCE/LOCKID=117054F Resource database ----------------- Address of RSB: 806BB050 Group grant mode: NL Parent RSB: 00000000 Conversion grant mode: NL Sub-RSB count: 4 BLKAST count: 0 Value block: 00960102 0000330B 000735AA 5A020005 Seq. #: 00006D9F Resource: 45527624 42313146 F11B$vRE Length 18 20205241 4D323053 S02MAR CSID: 0002001A Kernel mode 00000000 00002020 ...... System 00000000 00000000 ........ Granted queue (Lock ID / Gr mode): 0117054F PW 00060545 CR Conversion queue (Lock ID / Gr/Rq mode): *** EMPTY QUEUE *** Waiting queue (Lock ID / Rq mode): *** EMPTY QUEUE *** |
The SHOW PROCESS/LOCKS command lists all locks associated with the SDA current process, STARTQ. Its display is identical to that of the SHOW LOCK command, illustrated in Table SDA-15. The SHOW RESOURCE/LOCKID=117054F command determines that this particular lock is on the granted queue in protected-write mode for the resource at 806BB05016.
#3 |
SDA> SHOW RESOURCE/NAME=RMS$ Resource database ----------------- Address of RSB: 80EFBE40 GGMODE: EX Status: DIRENTR VALID Parent RSB: 00000000 CGMODE: EX Sub-RSB count: 2 FGMODE: EX Lock Count: 1 CSID: 00000000 BLKAST count: 1 RQSEQNM: 0000 Resource: 00030014 24534D52 RMS$.... Valblk: 00000000 00000000 Length 26 4D565841 56020000 ...VAXVM 00000000 00000000 Exec. mode 00202035 35305653 SV055 . System 00000000 00000000 ........ Seqnum: 00000000 Granted queue (Lock ID / Gr mode / Range): 6400004C EX 00000000-FFFFFFFF Conversion queue (Lock ID / Gr mode / Range -> Rq mode / Range): *** EMPTY QUEUE *** Waiting queue (Lock ID / Rq mode / Range): *** EMPTY QUEUE *** . . . |
This example of the SHOW RESOURCE/NAME command displays information about the resource whose name begins with RMS$.
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