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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS RTL Screen Management (SMG$) Manual
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Provided that the specified virtual display is currently pasted, the Return Pasting Information routine returns the row and column of the pasting.
SMG$GET_PASTING_INFO display-id ,pasteboard-id ,flags [,pasteboard-row] [,pasteboard-column]
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
OpenVMS usage: identifier type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Identifier of the virtual display to be examined. The display-id argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the identifier of this virtual display.pasteboard-id
OpenVMS usage: identifier type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Identifier of the pasteboard on which the virtual display is pasted. The pasteboard-id argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the identifier of this pasteboard.flags
OpenVMS usage: mask_longword type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by reference
Bit mask indicating the status of the specified virtual display with respect to the specified pasteboard. The flags argument is the address of an unsigned longword that contains the flag. Valid values for flags are as follows:
0 The virtual display is not pasted to the specified pasteboard. SMG$M_DISPLAY_PASTED The virtual display specified by display-id is pasted to the pasteboard specified by the pasteboard-id argument. pasteboard-row
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword (signed) access: write only mechanism: by reference
Row of the pasteboard that contains row 1 of the specified virtual display. The optional pasteboard-row argument is the address of a signed longword containing the number of the pasteboard row that contains the first row of the virtual display.pasteboard-column
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword (signed) access: write only mechanism: by reference
Column of the pasteboard that contains column 1 of the specified virtual display. The optional pasteboard-column argument is the address of a signed longword containing the number of the pasteboard column that contains the first column of the virtual display.
SMG$GET_PASTING_INFO first checks to see if the virtual display specified by display-id is pasted to the pasteboard specified by pasteboard-id. If this virtual display is pasted to this pasteboard, SMG$GET_PASTING_INFO returns the row and column numbers of the pasteboard that correspond to row 1 and column 1 of the pasted virtual display.
SS$_NORMAL Normal successful completion. SMG$_ILLBATFNC Display is batched. SMG$_INVDIS_ID Invalid display-id. SMG$_INVPAS_ID Invalid pasteboard-id. SMG$_WRONUMARG Wrong number of arguments.
The Get Terminal Data routine accesses TERMTABLE.EXE and returns the character sequence that causes a terminal to perform a specified operation.
SMG$GET_TERM_DATA termtable-address ,request-code ,maximum-buffer-length ,return-length ,capability-data [,input-argument-vector]
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
OpenVMS usage: address type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Specifies the address of the TERMTABLE entry for the desired terminal. The termtable-address argument is the address of an unsigned longword that contains the address of the terminal capabilities table (TERMTABLE).The TERMTABLE address is returned by SMG$INIT_TERM_TABLE or SMG$INIT_TERM_TABLE_BY_TYPE.
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword (signed) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Longword constant of the form SMG$K_code, where code is the name of the desired capability field. The request-code argument is the address of a signed longword that contains the request code. The SMG$K_code constants can be found in the Digital-supplied library $SMGTRMPTR.See Table 5-1, Table 5-2, Table 5-3, and Table 5-4 for valid capability fields.
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword (signed) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Maximum length of the buffer into which the requested capability data is written. The maximum-buffer-length argument is the address of a signed longword that contains the maximum number of bytes that can be written into the buffer.return-length
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword (signed) access: write only mechanism: by reference
Receives the number of bytes actually written into the buffer. The return-length argument is the address of a signed longword into which is written the number of bytes transferred into the buffer.capability-data
OpenVMS usage: unspecified type: unspecified access: by reference, array reference
Address of the first byte of the buffer which is to receive the capability data. The capability-data argument contains the address of the buffer.input-argument-vector
OpenVMS usage: vector_longword_unsigned type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference, array reference
Address of a list of longwords used for capabilities that require a variable number of arguments, and for those that require substitution or arithmetic operations on an argument. The input-argument-vector argument is the address of an array of unsigned longwords that contains capability arguments. The first longword must contain the number of arguments that follow.
SMG$GET_TERM_DATA should be used only when you perform direct (non-SMG$) I/O to terminals. It accesses the TERMTABLE.EXE entry for the specified type of terminal and returns the character sequence that performs the specified operation. It is up to you to send this character sequence to the terminal.
SS$_NORMAL Normal successful completion. SMG$_INVREQCOD Invalid request code. SMG$_INVTERTAB Invalid terminal table address.
The Get Characteristics of Display Viewport routine returns the characteristics of the specified viewport.
SMG$GET_VIEWPORT_CHAR display-id [,viewport-row-start] [,viewport-column-start] [,viewport-number-rows] [,viewport-number-columns]
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
OpenVMS usage: identifier type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Identifier of the virtual display associated with the viewport. The display-id argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing this identifier.viewport-row-start
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword (signed) access: write only mechanism: by reference
Optional argument that receives the starting row number of the viewport. The viewport-row-start argument is the address of a signed longword that receives this row number.viewport-column-start
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword (signed) access: write only mechanism: by reference
Optional argument that receives the starting column number of the specified viewport. The viewport-column-start argument is the address of a signed longword that receives this column number.
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword (signed) access: write only mechanism: by reference
Optional argument that receives the number of rows in the specified viewport. The viewport-number-rows argument is the address of a signed longword that receives this number.viewport-number-columns
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword (signed) access: write only mechanism: by reference
Optional argument that receives the number of columns in the specified viewport. The viewport-number-columns argument is the address of a signed longword that receives this number.
SMG$GET_VIEWPORT_CHAR returns the requested characteristics of the specified viewport.
SS$_NORMAL Normal successful completion. SMG$_INVDIS_ID Invalid display-id. SMG$_NO_WINASSOC No viewport associated with the virtual display. SMG$_WRONUMARG Wrong number of arguments.
C+ C This Fortran example demonstrates the use of SMG$GET_VIEWPORT_CHAR. C The viewport created will start at row 3, column 4. It will consist of C 7 rows and 29 columns. Note the parameters used in the SMG$CREATE_VIEWPORT C routine. I request 26 rows and 55 columns, but my viewport is truncated C to fit. C- IMPLICIT INTEGER (A-Z) INCLUDE '($SMGDEF)' C Create the virtual display. Give it a border. ROWS = 4 COLUMNS = 34 STATUS = SMG$CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISPLAY 1 ( ROWS, COLUMNS, DISPLAY1,SMG$M_BORDER ) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%val(STATUS)) C Create the pasteboard. STATUS = SMG$CREATE_PASTEBOARD (PASTE1) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%val(STATUS)) C Put data in the virtual display. STATUS = SMG$PUT_CHARS ( DISPLAY1, 1 'This is row number 1 of 4, you see', 1, 1 ) IF (.not. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%val(STATUS)) STATUS = SMG$PUT_CHARS ( DISPLAY1, 1 'This is row number 2 of 4, you see', 2, 1 ) IF (.not. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%val(STATUS)) STATUS = SMG$PUT_CHARS ( DISPLAY1, 1 'This is row number 3 of 4, you see', 3, 1 ) IF (.not. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%val(STATUS)) STATUS = SMG$PUT_CHARS ( DISPLAY1, 1 'This is row number 4 of 4, you see', 4, 1 ) IF (.not. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%val(STATUS)) C Paste the virtual display. STATUS = SMG$COPY_VIRTUAL_DISPLAY(DISPLAY1,DISPLAY2) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%VAL(STATUS)) STATUS = SMG$LABEL_BORDER (DISPLAY1, 'Full Display',,,SMG$M_BOLD) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%VAL(STATUS)) STATUS = SMG$LABEL_BORDER (DISPLAY2,'Viewport',,,SMG$M_BOLD) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%VAL(STATUS)) STATUS = SMG$PASTE_VIRTUAL_DISPLAY ( DISPLAY1, PASTE1, 2, 2 ) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%VAL(STATUS)) STATUS = SMG$CREATE_VIEWPORT ( DISPLAY2, 1, 5, 26, 55 ) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%VAL(STATUS)) STATUS = SMG$PASTE_VIRTUAL_DISPLAY ( DISPLAY2, PASTE1, 8, 2 ) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%VAL(STATUS)) CALL SMG$SET_PHYSICAL_CURSOR(PASTE1, 16, 1) TYPE *, ' ' TYPE *, LIB$SIGNAL(%VAL(STATUS)) STATUS = SMG$GET_VIEWPORT_CHAR ( DISPLAY2, A, B, C, D ) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL(%VAL(STATUS)) TYPE *, ' ' WRITE(5,7) A,B 7 FORMAT(1X,'Row start = ',I2,8X,'Column start = ',I2) TYPE *, ' ' WRITE(5,8) C,D 8 FORMAT(1X,'Number of rows =',I2,4X,'Number of columns =',I3) END |
The output for this program is shown in Figure SMG-26.
Figure SMG-26 Output Generated by SMG$GET_VIEWPORT_CHAR
The Home Cursor routine moves the virtual cursor to the specified corner of a virtual display.
SMG$HOME_CURSOR display-id [,position-code]
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
OpenVMS usage: identifier type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Specifies the virtual display in which the virtual cursor is moved. The display-id argument is the address of a longword that contains the display identifier.The display identifier is returned by SMG$CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISPLAY.
OpenVMS usage: longword_unsigned type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Specifies the point to which the virtual cursor moves. The position-code argument is the address of a longword that contains the position code.Valid codes for position-code are as follows:
Code Meaning SMG$C_UPPER_LEFT Row 1, column 1 (the upper left corner). This is the default if position-code is not specified. SMG$C_LOWER_LEFT Row n, column 1 (where n is the number of rows in the display). That is, the lower left corner. It is useful to specify this position when accepting input for an upward-scrolling virtual display. SMG$C_UPPER_RIGHT Row 1, column m (where m is the number of columns in the display). That is, the upper right corner. SMG$C_LOWER_RIGHT Row n, column m (where n is the number of rows and m is the number of columns in the display). That is, the lower right corner.
SMG$HOME_CURSOR moves the virtual cursor to a corner of the specified virtual display, according to the code specified in the position-code argument. You do not need to know the dimensions of the virtual display, or the virtual cursor location. If you omit the position-code argument, SMG$HOME_CURSOR moves the virtual display cursor to the upper left corner of the virtual display.
SS$_NORMAL Normal successful completion. SMG$_INVARG Invalid argument. SMG$_INVDIS_ID Invalid display-id. SMG$_WRONUMARG Wrong number of arguments.
The Initialize Terminal Table routine initializes the TERMTABLE database for the terminal named, so that subsequent calls to SMG$GET_TERM_DATA can extract information and command strings for that terminal.
SMG$INIT_TERM_TABLE terminal-name, termtable-address
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
OpenVMS usage: device_name type: character string access: read only mechanism: by descriptor
Specifies the name of the terminal. The terminal-name argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the terminal name. The name must be an entry in TERMTABLE.EXE.termtable-address
OpenVMS usage: address type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by reference
Address of the entry for a particular type of terminal in TERMTABLE.EXE. The termtable-address argument is the address of an unsigned longword that contains the address of the terminal capabilities table.You use this address when calling the SMG$GET_TERM_DATA procedure for the specified type of terminal. The TERMTABLE address is also returned by SMG$INIT_TERM_TABLE_BY_TYPE.
SMG$INIT_TERM_TABLE initializes the TERMTABLE database for the terminal named, so that subsequent calls to SMG$GET_TERM_DATA can extract information and command strings for that terminal. This routine should be used only when you perform direct (non-SMG$) I/O to terminals.SMG$INIT_TERM_TABLE first searches for TERMTABLE.EXE in the area logically named TERM$TABLOC. If TERMTABLE.EXE is not found there, the routine searches the global section SMG$TERMTABLE.
SS$_NORMAL Normal successful completion. SMG$_GBLSECMAP Successful completion. The definition was found in the global TERMTABLE. SMG$_PRISECMAP Successful completion. The definition was found in a private TERMTABLE. SMG$_UNDTERNAM Undefined terminal name. SMG$_UNDTERNOP Undefined terminal. No definition was found for the terminal and no private TERMTABLE was found. SMG$_UNDTERNOS Undefined terminal. No definition was found for the terminal and no system TERMTABLE was found.
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