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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
DEC Text Processing Utility Reference Manual
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The application sending the information is responsible for creating the array and giving it the proper structure. The array's structure is as follows:
The WRITE_GLOBAL_SELECT procedure sends requested information about a global selection from the DECTPU layered application to the application that issued the information request. WRITE_GLOBAL_SELECT is valid only inside a routine that responds to requests for information about a global selection.The parameter specifies the data to supply to the requesting application. If you specify NONE, DECTPU informs the requesting application that no information is available. However, for any case in which a routine omits a WRITE_GLOBAL_SELECT statement, by default DECTPU informs the requesting application that no information is available.
Call WRITE_GLOBAL_SELECT no more than once during the execution of a global selection read routine. DECTPU signals TPU$_INVBUILTININV if you attempt to call this routine more than once.
TPU$_BUILTININV | WARNING | WRITE_GLOBAL_SELECT was used more than once in the same routine or the built-in is being called outside of a global section read routine. |
TPU$_TRUNCATE | WARNING | DECTPU truncated characters from the data written because you specified a buffer or range that contained more than 65535 characters. |
TPU$_INVPARAM | ERROR | One of the parameters was specified with data of the wrong type. |
TPU$_REQUIRESDECW | ERROR | You can use the WRITE_GLOBAL_SELECT built-in only if you are using DECwindows DECTPU. |
TPU$_TOOFEW | ERROR | Too few arguments passed to the WRITE_GLOBAL_SELECT built-in. |
TPU$_TOOMANY | ERROR | Too many arguments passed to the WRITE_GLOBAL_SELECT built-in. |
The following example sends the contents of the range this_range to the requesting application:
WRITE_GLOBAL_SELECT (this_range); |
For an example of a procedure that uses the WRITE_GLOBAL_SELECT built-in procedure, see Example A-6.
This appendix presents a number of procedures that use DECwindows built-ins.
The following examples demonstrate some of the ways in which you can use DECTPU procedures:
Most of the procedures are drawn from the code implementing the Extensible Versatile Editor (EVE). Some have been modified to make them easier to understand.
You can see all the code used to implement EVE by looking at the files
A.1 Creating a Mouse Pad
Example A-1 shows how to use the variant of CREATE_WIDGET that calls the Toolkit low-level creation routine. The module in Example A-1 creates a screen that represents a keypad. Instead of pressing a keypad key, you can click on the widget that represents the key.
Example A-1 Procedure That Creates a Mouse Pad |
! SAMPLE.TPU !++ ! Table of Contents ! ! SAMPLE.TPU ! ! Procedure name Description ! -------------- ----------- ! ! sample_sample_module_ident Ident. ! sample_sample_module_init Initializes the module. ! eve_mouse_pad Implements the user command DISPLAY MOUSE PAD. ! sample_key_def Creates a mouse pad "key" push button. ! sample_key_dispatch Handles push button widget callbacks. ! sample_row_to_pix Converts a row number to pixels. ! sample_col_to_pix Converts a column number to pixels. ! sample_key_height Converts y dimension from rows to pixels. ! sample_key_width Converts x dimension from columns to pixels. !-- ! This module layers a "mouse pad" on top of DECTPU. The mouse pad ! is implemented by creating a dialog box widget that is the parent of a group ! of push button widgets depicting keypad keys. The resulting ! "mouse pad" is a screen representation of a keypad. The user can ! click on a push button to execute the same function that would be ! executed by pressing the corresponding keypad key. The module uses ! the key map list mapped to the current buffer to determine what ! code to execute when the user clicks on a given push button. To ! use a different key map, substitute a string naming the desired ! key map for the null string assigned to "sample_k_keymap". ! This module can be used with the EVE section file ! or with a non-EVE section file. ! ! This module uses the variant of CREATE_WIDGET that calls ! X Toolkit widget creation routines to create instances ! of widgets of specific classes. ! Widget class records for the DECwindows widgets for DEFINE_WIDGET built-in. CONSTANT sample_k_labelwidgetclass := "xmLabelWidgetClassRec", sample_k_dialogwidgetclass := "xmBulletinBoardClassRec", sample_k_pushbuttonwidgetclass := "xmPushButtonClassRec"; ! Motif Toolkit resource name strings, callback reasons, resource values, or ! arguments to the CREATE_WIDGET built-in. CONSTANT sample_k_cstyle := "dialogStyle", sample_k_modeless := 0, ! = XmDIALOG_MODELESS sample_k_nunits := "unitType", sample_k_pixelunits := 0, ! = XmPIXELS sample_k_ntitle := "dialogTitle", sample_k_nx := "x", sample_k_ny := "y", sample_k_nautounmanage := "autoUnmanage", sample_k_nheight := "height", sample_k_nwidth := "width", sample_k_nlabel := "labelString", sample_k_nactivate_callback := "activateCallback", sample_k_nborderwidth := "borderWidth", sample_kt_nrecomputeSize := "recomputeSize", sample_k_cractivate := 10; ! These constants are intended for use only in this sample module ! because their values are specific to the mouse pad application. CONSTANT sample_k_x_pos := 500, ! Screen position for mouse pad. sample_k_y_pos := 500, sample_k_keypad_border := 5, ! Width of border between keys and edge. sample_k_key_height := 30, ! Key dimensions. sample_k_key_width := 60, sample_k_button_border_frac := 3, ! Determines spacing between keys. sample_k_overall_height := (sample_k_key_height * 5) + ((sample_k_key_height / sample_k_button_border_frac) * 5) + sample_k_keypad_border, sample_k_overall_width := (sample_k_key_width * 4) + ((sample_k_key_width / sample_k_button_border_frac) * 4) + sample_k_keypad_border, sample_k_keymap := '', ! If this constant has a null string ! as its value, the program uses the ! current key map list to determine what ! code to execute when the user ! clicks on a given push button. sample_k_pad_title := "Sample mouse pad", ! Title of the mouse pad. sample_k_closure := ''; ! Not currently used. PROCEDURE sample_sample_module_ident ! This procedure returns RETURN "V01-001"; ! the Ident. ENDPROCEDURE; PROCEDURE sample_sample_module_init ! Module initialization. ENDPROCEDURE; PROCEDURE eve_mouse_pad ! Implements a user-created command MOUSE PAD ! that the user can invoke from within EVE. ON_ERROR [TPU$_CONTROLC]: eve$learn_abort; ABORT; ENDON_ERROR ! Checks whether the dialog box widget class has already been defined. ! If not, defines the dialog box widget class and creates a widget ! instance to be used as the "container" for the mouse pad. IF GET_INFO (sample_x_dialog_class, 'type') <> INTEGER THEN sample_x_dialog_class (1) : = DEFINE_WIDGET_CLASS (sample_k_dialogwidgetclass, "XmCreateBulletinBoardDialog"); ! Tell TPU about new resource types set (WIDGET_RESOURCE_TYPES, "unsigned_char", "dialogStyle", "unitType"); ENDIF; ! Create the dialog box (2)sample_x_keypad := CREATE_WIDGET (sample_x_dialog_class, "Keypad", SCREEN, "MESSAGE('CALLBACK activated')", "sample_k_closure", sample_k_cstyle, sample_k_modeless, sample_k_nunits, sample_k_pixelunits, sample_k_ntitle, sample_k_pad_title, sample_k_nautounmanage, FALSE, sample_k_nheight, sample_k_overall_height, sample_k_nwidth, sample_k_overall_width, sample_k_nx, sample_k_x_pos, sample_k_ny, sample_k_y_pos); ! Checks whether the push button widget class has already been defined ! and, if not, defines the class. IF GET_INFO (sample_x_pushbutton_class, 'type') <> INTEGER THEN sample_x_pushbutton_class := DEFINE_WIDGET_CLASS (sample_k_pushbuttonwidgetclass, "XmCreatePushButton"); ENDIF; ! Initializes the array that the program passes repeatedly ! to the procedure "sample_key_def". sample_x_attributes := CREATE_ARRAY; sample_x_attributes {sample_k_nactivate_callback} := 0; ! must be 0 (non-UIL) sample_x_attributes {sample_k_nborderwidth} := 2; sample_x_pad_program := COMPILE ("sample_key_dispatch"); ! Creates and manages all the "keys" in the mouse pad. The procedure ! "sample_key_def" returns a variable of type widget, so you can use the ! returned value as an argument to the built-in MANAGE_WIDGET. (3)MANAGE_WIDGET (sample_key_def ("PF1", 0, 0, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program), sample_key_def ("PF2", 1, 0, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program), sample_key_def ("PF3", 2, 0, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program), sample_key_def ("PF4", 3, 0, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program), sample_key_def ("KP7", 0, 1, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program), sample_key_def ("KP8", 1, 1, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program), sample_key_def ("KP9", 2, 1, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program), sample_key_def ("-", 3, 1, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program, "minus"), sample_key_def ("KP4", 0, 2, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program), sample_key_def ("KP5", 1, 2, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program), sample_key_def ("KP6", 2, 2, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program), sample_key_def (",", 3, 2, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program, "comma"), sample_key_def ("KP1", 0, 3, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program), sample_key_def ("KP2", 1, 3, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program), sample_key_def ("KP3", 2, 3, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program), sample_key_def ("Enter", 3, 3, 2, 1, sample_x_pad_program, "enter"), sample_key_def ("KP0", 0, 4, 1, 2, sample_x_pad_program), sample_key_def (".", 2, 4, 1, 1, sample_x_pad_program, "period")); sample_shift_was_last := FALSE; ! The program starts out assuming that ! no GOLD key has been pressed. (4)MANAGE_WIDGET (sample_x_keypad); ! This statement displays the ! resulting mouse pad. RETURN (TRUE); ENDPROCEDURE ! End of procedure eve_mouse_pad. PROCEDURE sample_key_def ! Creates a mouse pad "key" push button ! widget. (the_legend, ! What characters to show on the push button label. the_row, the_col, ! Location of the key in relation to the parent ! widget's upper left corner. the_width, the_height, ! Dimensions of the key. the_pgm; ! Program to use as the callback routine; used ! as a parameter to the CREATE_WIDGET built-in. the_string); ! The string representation of the name ! of a key if the key name is not going ! to be the same as the legend (as in ! the case of the comma). Specify the null ! string if the key name and the legend are ! the same. IF GET_INFO (the_string, 'type') = UNSPECIFIED THEN the_string := the_legend; ! Determines whether the optional parameter ! the_string is provided. ENDIF; RETURN CREATE_WIDGET (sample_x_pushbutton_class, "Key", ! name sample_x_keypad, ! parent the_pgm, ! program (sample_k_keymap + ' ' + the_string), ! closure sample_x_attributes, ! attributes... sample_kt_nrecomputesize, 1, sample_k_nlabel, the_legend, sample_k_nheight, sample_key_height (the_width), sample_k_nwidth, sample_key_width (the_height), sample_k_nx, sample_col_to_pix (the_row), sample_k_ny, sample_row_to_pix (the_col)); ENDPROCEDURE ! End of the procedure "sample_key_def". PROCEDURE sample_key_dispatch ! Handles push button widget callbacks. LOCAL status, ! Variable to contain the return value from ! GET_INFO (WIDGET, "callback_parameters",). blank_index, ! Position of the blank space in the tag string. temp_array, ! Holds callback parameters. a_shift_key, ! The SHIFT key in the current key map list. the_key, ! A string naming a key. gold_key; ! Name of the GOLD key. ON_ERROR [TPU$_CONTROLC]: eve$learn_abort; ABORT; ENDON_ERROR (5)status := GET_INFO (widget, "callback_parameters", temp_array); $widget := temp_array {'widget'}; $widget_tag := temp_array {'closure'}; $widget_reason := temp_array {'reason_code'}; (6)the_key := EXECUTE ("RETURN(KEY_NAME (" + $widget_tag + "))"); gold_key := GET_INFO (eve$current_key_map_list, "shift_key"); IF the_key = gold_key THEN sample_shift_was_last := TRUE; ! User pressed Gold Key ELSE IF sample_shift_was_last THEN the_key := KEY_NAME (the_key, SHIFT_KEY); ENDIF; CASE $widget_reason [sample_k_cractivate]: EXECUTE (the_key); [OTHERWISE]: eve_show_key (the_key) ENDCASE; sample_shift_was_last := FALSE; ENDIF; RETURN; ENDPROCEDURE ! End of the procedure "sample_key_dispatch". ! These procedures implement position and ! size calculations for the push button widgets. PROCEDURE sample_row_to_pix (row) ! Converts a row number to the ! pixel-based measuring system. RETURN sample_k_keypad_border + (row * (sample_k_key_height + (sample_k_key_height / sample_k_button_border_frac))); ENDPROCEDURE ! End of the procedure "sample_row_to_pix". PROCEDURE sample_col_to_pix (col) ! Converts a column number to the ! pixel-based measuring system. RETURN sample_k_keypad_border + col * (sample_k_key_width + ( 2* sample_k_button_border_frac) ); ENDPROCEDURE ! End of the procedure "sample_col_to_pix". PROCEDURE sample_key_height (given_height) ! Converts the y dimension ! from rows to pixels. IF given_height = 1 THEN RETURN sample_k_key_height; ELSE RETURN ((sample_k_key_height * given_height) + (sample_k_key_height / sample_k_button_border_frac) * (given_height - 1)); ENDIF; ENDPROCEDURE ! End of the procedure "sample_key_height". PROCEDURE sample_key_width (given_width) ! Converts the x dimension ! from rows to pixels. IF given_width = 1 THEN RETURN sample_k_key_width; ELSE RETURN ((sample_k_key_width * given_width) + (sample_k_key_width / sample_k_button_border_frac) * (given_width - 1)); ENDIF; ENDPROCEDURE ! End of the procedure "sample_key_width". |
Example A-2 shows one of the ways an application can use the GET_CLIPBOARD built-in. This procedure is based on the EVE procedure EVE$EDT_APPEND. The original version is in SYS$EXAMPLES:EVE$EDT.TPU.
The procedure EVE$EDT_APPEND appends the currently selected text to the contents of the clipboard if you have activated the clipboard; otherwise, the procedure appends the current selection to the contents of the Insert Here buffer.
This example uses the following global variables and procedures from EVE:
Example A-2 EVE Procedure That Implements a Variant of the EDT APPEND Command |
PROCEDURE eve$edt_append ! Implements EVE's version of ! the EDT APPEND command. LOCAL saved_mark, ! Marks the editing point at the ! beginning of the procedure. remove_range, ! Stores the currently selected text. old_string, ! Stores the text that was in the clipboard. new_string, ! Stores the old contents of the clipboard ! plus the currently selected text. remove_status; ! Indicates whether the selected text ! should be removed. ON_ERROR [TPU$_CLIPBOARDNODATA]: eve$message (EVE$_NOINSUSESEL); eve$$restore_position (saved_mark); eve$learn_abort; RETURN (FALSE); [TPU$_CLIPBOARDLOCKED]: eve$message (EVE$_CLIPBDREADLOCK); eve$$restore_position (saved_mark); eve$learn_abort; RETURN (FALSE); [TPU$_CONTROLC]: eve$$restore_position (saved_mark); eve$learn_abort; ABORT; [OTHERWISE]: eve$$restore_position (saved_mark); eve$learn_abort; ENDON_ERROR; remove_range := eve$selection (TRUE,,, eve$x_select_remove_flag); IF remove_range <> 0 THEN saved_mark := MARK (NONE); remove_status := eve$test_if_modifiable (GET_INFO (saved_mark, "buffer")); IF eve$x_decwindows_active THEN IF eve$$x_state_array {eve$$k_clipboard} THEN (1) old_string := GET_CLIPBOARD; new_string := old_string + str (remove_range); (2) WRITE_CLIPBOARD ("", new_string); IF remove_status THEN ERASE (remove_range); eve$message (EVE$_REMCLIPBOARD); ENDIF; ELSE eve$$edt_append_paste (remove_range, remove_status); ENDIF; ELSE eve$$edt_append_paste (remove_range, remove_status); ENDIF; POSITION (saved_mark); remove_range := 0; RETURN (TRUE); ENDIF; eve$learn_abort; RETURN (FALSE); ENDPROCEDURE; |
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