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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
Order Number: AA-PV6VD-TE
This manual provides reference and exception information for DPML, the DIGITALtm Portable Mathematics Library software.
Compaq Computer Corporation Houston, Texas
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Contents | Index |
This manual is for compiler writers, system programmers, and application programmers who do not have high-level language support of DIGITAL Portable Mathematics Library (DPML) routines in their language of choice. This audience needs to access DPML routines directly from their application programs.
The DPML product is improved for this release. However, there are no changes that affect the user interface or the use of DPML.
This manual consists of the following:
Chapter 1 gives a general overview of the mathematics library and discusses supported data types, exception behavior, and IEEE considerations.
Chapter 2 explains the presentation format of a DPML routine and how to interpret a routine's interface, and alphabetically lists the routines.
Appendix A lists the floating-point boundary values used by the DPML routines.
Appendix B contains the complete list of entry-point names.
The Glossary lists mathematical terms and symbolic names used in this manual, and provides a brief definition.
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x or
GOLD x |
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... |
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. . |
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Monospace type |
Monospace type indicates code examples and interactive screen displays.
In the C programming language, monospace type in text identifies the following elements: keywords, the names of independently compiled external functions and files, syntax summaries, and references to variables or identifiers introduced in an example. |
- | A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line. |
numbers | All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes---binary, octal, or hexadecimal---are explicitly indicated. |
The DIGITAL Portable Mathematics Library (referred to as DPML) includes a wide variety of mathematical routines that cover the following areas:
This manual documents the DPML routines and, in particular, how
they behave when given an exceptional input argument. It also documents
operating system entry points and supported floating-point data types.
1.1 Overview
Developing software within the confines of high-level languages like Fortran and C greatly increases the portability and maintainability of your source code. Many high-level languages support mathematical function evaluation. DPML was developed to provide a common set of routines that support many of the common mathematical functions across a wide variety of operating systems, hardware architectures, and languages.
In most cases, the common mathematical functions behave the same way for all languages and platforms. Occasionally, however, high-level language definitions of the same mathematical function will differ for specific input values. For example, in Fortran, log(-1.0) causes a program abort, while in C, log(-1.0) quietly returns a system-defined value.
This document uses the term exceptional arguments to refer to values in the following situations:
See Section 1.3 for more detail on exceptional arguments.
To provide uniform quality of mathematical functions for all languages on your system, DPML traps exceptional arguments and invokes a system-specific routine called the DPML exception handler. The exception handler is designed to work in conjunction with high-level language compilers and run-time libraries (RTLs) to provide specific language semantics for exceptional arguments. This means that the user-visible behavior of a given function called from a given language is not necessarily determined by the routines in the DPML library but rather by a combination of several entities acting in concert.
Compaq strongly recommends that you limit your access to the DPML routines documented in this manual to the high-level language syntax of your choice, thereby guaranteeing the behavior of the routines across platforms. Because of the complex relationship between high-level languages and DPML routines, the behavior of direct calls to DPML routines may change from release to release. |
DPML is designed to support mathematics function evaluation for multiple data types. These data types include integer, floating-point, and complex floating-point.
The integer data type, identified as int throughout this manual, is the natural size signed integer for a particular platform. On a 32-bit system, int is a 32-bit signed integer, and on a 64-bit system, int is a 64-bit signed integer.
The floating-point types referred to in this document are F_FLOAT, G_FLOAT, X_FLOAT, S_FLOAT, and T_FLOAT respectively. When it is not necessary to distinguish between the different floating types, they are referred to collectively as F_TYPE. Your platform may support all or a subset of these floating-point data types. For example, DPML on OpenVMS Alpha systems supports the following floating-point data types: VAX single- and double-precision, IEEE single- and double-precision, and IEEE extended-precision. DPML on DIGITAL UNIX Alpha systems supports only IEEE single- and double-precision data types. Table 1-1 describes the floating-point data types.
F_TYPE | Description |
S_FLOAT | 32-bit IEEE single-precision number |
T_FLOAT | 64-bit IEEE double-precision number |
X_FLOAT | 128-bit IEEE extended-precision number |
F_FLOAT | 32-bit VAX single-precision number |
G_FLOAT | 64-bit VAX double-precision number |
In addition to the data types mentioned in Table 1-1, DPML also provides routines that return two values of the same floating-point type; for example, two S_TYPE values or two G_TYPE values. In the discussion that follows, these pairs of floating-point data type values are referred to as F_COMPLEX. Refer to Table 1-2. This document uses F_COMPLEX to indicate that a given routine returns two different values of the same floating-point data type.
The mechanism for returning two floating-point values from DPML routines varies from platform to platform. However, on OpenVMS Alpha systems, F_COMPLEX data is returned in consecutive floating-point registers and is accessible only through a high-level language, like Fortran, that specifically allows access to them.
A complex number, z, is defined as an ordered pair of real numbers. The convention used in this manual to define an ordered pair of real numbers as complex is as follows:
For example:
DPML includes complex functions, for example, the complex sine, csin(x,y), defined to be sin(x + iy). Complex function routines like csin(), which have complex input, accept floating-point numbers in pairs and treat them as if they are real and imaginary parts of a complex number.
In the previous two examples, the first floating-point values are defined by x and sin x, respectively, and are the real part of the complex number. The second floating-point values used in the examples are defined by iy and icos y, respectively, and are the imaginary part of the complex number. Similarly, DPML routines that return complex function values return two floating-point values. Taken together, these two floating-point values represent a complex number.
DPML supports the floating-point complex types described in Table 1-2. DPML complex functions can be accessed only through high-level languages that support the complex data type. Use only the data types supported by your system.
F_COMPLEX | Description1 |
S_FLOAT_COMPLEX | An ordered pair of S_FLOAT quantities, representing a single-precision complex number |
T_FLOAT_COMPLEX | An ordered pair of T_FLOAT quantities, representing a double-precision complex number |
X_FLOAT_COMPLEX | An ordered pair of X_FLOAT quantities, representing an extended-precision complex number |
F_FLOAT_COMPLEX | An ordered pair of F_FLOAT quantities, representing a single-precision complex number |
G_FLOAT_COMPLEX | An ordered pair of G_FLOAT quantities, representing a double-precision complex number |
Next | Contents | Index |
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