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Updated: 11 December 1998

OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual

Previous Contents Index Set Mode Parameters for Packet Formats

Table 9-17 summarizes the use of the set mode parameters for the Ethernet, 802, and 802 extended (802E) packet formats.

Table 9-17 Set Mode Parameters for Packet Formats
Parameter ID Ethernet IEEE 802 802E

++Alpha specific.
+VAX specific. On Alpha systems, however, the ACC and DES parameters are OPT.

Legend Set Mode Parameter Validation

When starting a LAN port, the LAN driver checks that the mode of the new port is compatible with the mode of the LAN ports already started. There are two sets of compatibility checks: one for ports running in shared mode and one for all ports.

The following parameters must match for all ports on the same controller:

On VAX systems, the following parameters must match for all shared-default and shared-with-destination users of the same protocol type:

Once a port is started, only the following parameters can be changed: Shutdown Controller

The shutdown controller function shuts down the LAN port. On completion of a shutdown request all outstanding I/O requests are completed. This port cannot be used again until another startup request has been issued (see Section

The following function code is used to shut down a port:

The shutdown controller function takes no device- or function-dependent arguments. Enable Attention AST

This function requests that an attention AST be delivered to the requesting process when a status change occurs on the assigned port. An AST is queued when a message is available and there is no waiting read request. The enable attention AST function is legal at any time, regardless of the condition of the unit status bits.

The following function code and modifier is used to enable an attention AST:

This function takes the following device- or function-dependent arguments:

The enable attention AST function enables an attention AST to be delivered to the requesting process once only. After the AST occurs, it must be explicitly reenabled by the function before the AST can occur again. The function is subject to AST quotas.

The AST service routine is called with an argument list. The first argument is the current value of the second longword of the I/O status block (see Section 9.17). IO$M_SET_MAC Functional Modifier to IO$M_SETMODE

The IO$M_SET_MAC qualifier, when used with IO$_SETMODE, is used to set medium specific parmeters. The Token Ring parameters require PHY_IO privilege to set. Table 9-18 shows the parameters that may be set for Ethernet. Table 9-19 shows the parameters that may be set for FDDI. Table 9-20 shows the parameters that may be set for Token Ring, and Table 9-21 shows the parameters that may be set for ATM.

Table 9-18 Medium Specific Parameters of IO$M_SET_MAC for Ethernet (Alpha Only)
Parameter ID Meaning
MA$C_PCLI_FDE Enables or disables full duplex operation. The values for this parameter are NMA$C_STATE_ON or NMA$C_STATE_OFF.
NMA$C_PCLI_LINEMEDIA Sets the connection media type for the Ethernet adapter. Valid values for this parameter are:
NMA$C_PCLI_LINESPEED Sets the speed of the Ethernet adapter. Valid values for this parameter are:
  • 0--Used to autosense the speed.
  • 10--Sets the speed to 10 mbits/sec.
  • 100--Sets the speed to 100 mbits/sec.
  • 65636--Used to autonegotiate with a maximum speed of 100 mbits/sec.
  • 65546--Used to autonegotiate with a maximum speed of 10 mbits/sec.

Table 9-19 Medium Specific Parameters of IO$M_SET_MAC for FDDI
Parameter ID Meaning
NMA$C_PCLI_TREQ Requested value for token rotation timer, ANSI MAC T_req parameter. Units are in 80 nanoseconds, default is 8000, minimum is 4000, and maximum is 167772.
NMA$C_PCLI_TVX Maximum time between arrivals of a valid frame or unrestricted token, ANSI MAC TVX parameter. Units are in 80 nanoseconds, default is 2621, minimum is 2500, and maximum is 5222.
NMA$C_PCLI_REST_TTO Restricted token timeout which limits how long a single restricted mode dialog may last before being terminated. Units are in milliseconds, default is 1000, minimum is 0, and maximum is 10000.
NMA$C_PCLI_RPE Ring purge enable. If 1 (TRUE), this link will particpate in the Ring Purger election, and, if elected, perform the Ring Purger function.
NMA$C_PCLI_NIF_TARG Neighbor information frame target.
NMA$C_PCLI_SIF_CONF_TARG Station information frame configuration target. A 6-byte string specifying the LAN address of the target. Used only by DECnet/OSI.
NMA$C_PCLI_SIF_OP_TARG Station information frame operation target. A 6-byte string specifying the LAN address of the target. Used only by DECnet/OSI.
NMA$C_PCLI_ECHO_TARG Echo test target. A 6-byte string specifying the LAN address of the target. Used only by DECnet/OSI.
NMA$C_PCLI_ECHO_DAT Data pattern to use for the echo test. Used only by DECnet/OSI.
NMA$C_PCLI_ECHO_LEN Length of the echo packet. Used only by DECnet/OSI.

Table 9-20 Medium Specific Parameters of IO$M_SET_MAC for Token Ring (Alpha Only)
Parameter ID Meaning
NMA$C_PCLI_RNG_SPD Sets the speed of the ring. This longword may be either:
  • NMA$C_LINRNG_FOUR---Used for 4 Mbps rings.
  • NMA$C_LINRNG_SIXTN---Used for 16 Mbps rings.

The default is NMA$C_LINRNG_SIXTN.

NMA$C_PCLI_LINEMEDIA Sets the connection media type for the Token Ring adapter. Valid values for this longword parameter are:

The default is NMA$C_MEDIA_STP.

NMA$C_PCLI_ETR Controls the Early Token release feature of the Token Ring hardware. This feature can greatly improve throughput, and is only valid on 16 Mb/s rings. The values for this longword parameter are NMA$C_STATE_ON or NMA$C_STATE_OFF. The default is NMA$C_STATE_ON.
NMA$C_PCLI_MONCONTEND Specifies whether the controller participates in the monitor contention process when another adapter detects the need for contention and initiates the process. The values for this longword parameter are NMA$C_STATE_ON or NMA$C_STATE_OFF. The default is NMA$C_STATE_OFF.
NMA$C_PCLI_CACHE_ENT The number of source routing (SR) entries to make available for caching. The default is 200, minimum is 20, and maximum is 2000. Each cache entry consumes 64 bytes.
NMA$C_PCLI_ROUTEDIS The source routing discovery timer. This is the amount of seconds to wait after the transmission of ring explorer packets before declaring the route of a path to be unknown. The default is 2 seconds, minimum is 1, and maximum is 255.
NMA$C_PCLI_A_TIM The source routing aging timer. After traffic is neither received from nor sent to a given node for this number of seconds, the entry is marked stale. After the entry is marked stale, rediscovery is required to communicate with the node. The default is 60 seconds, minium is 1, and maximum is 65535.
NMA$C_PCLI_SRC_ROU Enables and disables source routing. The values for this longword parameter are NMA$C_LINSRC_ENA or NMA$C_LINSRC_DIS. The default is NMA$C_LINSRC_ENA.
NMA$C_PCLI_AUTH_PR Specifies the highest priority that a user may transmit a frame. The priority is set within the NMA$C_PCLI_XAC parameter. The default for this parameter is 3, minimum is 0, and maximum is 6.

Table 9-21 Medium Specific Parameters of IO$M_SET_MAC for ATM (Alpha Only)
Parameter ID Meaning
NMA$C_PCLI_MED Medium. This longword parameter defaults to and may only be set to NMA$C_LINMD_CSMACD.
NMA$C_PCLI_BUS Buffer size. This longword parameter specifies the requested maximum packet size of the emulated LAN. The value may be either 1516, 4544, or 9234.
NMA$C_PCLI_ELAN_PAR Parent device name. This is a 3 or 4 character long string parameter which specifies the name of the ATM device to associate with this emulated LAN.
NMA$C_PCLI_NET ELAN name. This is a string up to 64 characters long which specifies the name of the emulated LAN to join.
NMA$C_PCLI_ELAN_DESC ELAN description. This is a string up to 64 characters long which provides additional description of the eumulate LAN for status displays.
NMA$C_PCLI_LES_HWA LES ATM address. This is specified as a 40 character string as the hexadecimal representation of a 20 byte ATM address.
NMA$C_PCLI_ELAN_STATE_REQ ELAN change state request value. This longword parameter directs the driver to either start or shutdown the emulated LAN. Start is specified by a value of 2. Shutdown is specified by a value of 4.
NMA$C_PCLI_EVENT_REQ Event mask request. If set to 1, this longword parameter directs the driver to set the event reporting mask to the value given by the event parameter.
NMA$C_PCLI_EVENT Event mask value. This is a longword bit mask which controls the event reporting done by the driver. A bit set in the mask enables the reporting of corresponding event(s). IO$M_UPDATE_MAP Functional Modifier to IO$_SETMODE (Alpha Only)

Using Token Ring only, the IO$M_UPDATE_MAP qualifier, when used with IO$_SETMODE, manipulates the adapter's functional address mapping table. Figure 9-24 shows the format of the P2 buffer for this operation. This QIO requires PHY_IO privilege.

Figure 9-24 Format of IO$M_UPDATE_MAP Setmode P2 Buffer (Alpha Only)

The subfunction is one of the following:

The following example maps multicast address AB-01-01-01-02-03 to the functional address 03-00-00-01-00-00 for device ICA0:.

_LANCP>(MULTICAST=AB-01-01-01-02-03, -
_LANCP>FUNCTIONAL=00-01-00-00) ICA0:

The following example deletes the mapping of the multicast address of AB-01-01-01-02-03 for the device ICA0:.

LANCP>SET DEVICE/NOMAP=(MULTICAST=AB-01-01-01-02-03) ICA0: IO$M_ROUTE Functional Modifier to IO$_SETMODE (Alpha Only)

On Alpha systems using Token Ring only, the IO$M_ROUTE qualifier, when used with IO$_SETMODE, manipulates the source routing cache table. This command is successful only when source routing is enabled. Source routing is enabled with the set mac qualified set mode QIO. Figure 9-25 shows the format of the P2 buffer. This QIO require PHY_IO privilege.

Figure 9-25 Format of the IO$M_ROUTE P2 Buffer (Alpha Only)

The subfunction is one of the following:

9.16.4 Sense Mode and Sense Characteristics

The sense mode function returns the port attributes in the specified buffers. These attributes include the device characteristics described in Section 9.15 and, with the exceptions noted below, the attributes listed in Table 9-16.

The following combinations of function code and modifier are provided:

On Alpha systems, the following combinations of function code and modifier for Token Ring are provided:

These functions take the following device- or function-dependent arguments:

Except for the following differences, P2 returns the same attributes as those listed in Table 9-16:

Parameter ID Meaning
++NMA$C_PCLI_FCA List of the currently enabled functional addresses (Token Ring only). Each 32-bit entry corresponds respectively with the items returned under NMA$C_PCLI_MCA.
NMA$C_PCLI_HWA Hardware address. Describes the value for the hardware address. The hardware address is the default physical address when no physical address has been specified and there are no active users on the controller. NMA$C_PCLI_HWA is returned in the same format as NMA$C_PCLI_PHA.
NMA$C_PCLI_MBS Maximum packet length. NMA$C_PCLI_MBS is a longword, read-only parameter. The value returned reflects the largest data packet that the application can receive for its packet format and type of LAN, measured in bytes. The values for CSMA/CD, FDDI, and Token Ring are:
Packet format CSMA/CD FDDI ++Token Ring
Ethernet format without padding 1500 4470 ++4418
Ethernet format with padding 1498 4468 ++4416
802 format with 1-byte CTL field 1497 4475 ++4423
802E format 1492 4470 ++4418

On Alpha systems, the values for LAN emulation over ATM are:

Packet Format ATM ELAN
1516 4544 9234
Ethernet format without padding   1500 4528 9218
Ethernet format with padding   1498 4526 9216
802 format with 1-byte CTL field   1497 4525 9215
802E format   1492 4520 9210
NMA$C_PCLI_MED Type of medium to which the device is attached. Current media supported are NMA$C_LINMD_FDDI (FDDI), NMA$C_LINMD_CSMACD (Ethernet and IEEE 802.3), and NMA$C_LINMD_TR (Token Ring). This is a longword parameter.

++Alpha specific.

Figure 9-26 Sense Mode P1 Characteristics Buffer

It is suggested that a size of 250 bytes be used for the P2 buffer. This will allow space for additional parameters that may be returned in future releases of OpenVMS.

All attributes that fit into the buffer specified by P2 are returned. However, if all the attributes cannot be stored in the buffer, the I/O status block returns the status SS$_BUFFEROVF. The second word of the I/O status block contains the number of bytes used in the P2 buffer (see Section 9.17).

Figure 9-27 Sense Mode Attribute Buffer

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