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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference
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An element list is a list of arguments specified with a command or qualifier. The arguments, or elements, in the list are separated by commas. Element lists relating to input or output specifiers are allowed only in the following circumstances:
You can also affect BACKUP operations by specifiying qualifiers. BACKUP has five types of qualifiers:
You cannot use input and output qualifiers in image operations. |
It is important to understand the differences between the types of qualifiers. The position of qualifiers in the BACKUP command line affects the results of the command. Although command qualifiers can be placed anywhere in the command line, input- and output-specifier qualifiers are position-dependent. That is, input-specifier qualifiers must be placed immediately after the input specifier, and output-specifier qualifiers must be placed immediately after the output specifier.
Additionally, several BACKUP qualifiers are both input-specifier qualifiers and output-specifier qualfiers. To achieve the results you want from a BACKUP command, ensure that you place position-dependent qualifiers correctly. For example, use the /SAVE_SET qualifier as an output save-set qualifier in a BACKUP save operation and as an input save-set qualifier in a BACKUP restore operation.
Appendix G contains more information about valid combinations of
BACKUP qualifiers.
7.3.3 Using Wildcard Characters with BACKUP
BACKUP allows you to use wildcard characters in file specifications to represent directories, file names, file types, and version numbers. Omitted file names, file types, or version numbers are assumed to be the asterisk wildcard character (*). For instance, if you omit the version number, BACKUP processes all versions. (For introductory information about wildcard characters, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual.)
You can use any valid DCL wildcard character with input specifiers that are Files--11 media or with the /SELECT and /EXCLUDE qualifiers. Note, however, that the symbols denoting the latest versions of files (;) and relative versions of files (;-n) are processed as the asterisk wildcard character (;*) when they are used with the /EXCLUDE and /SELECT qualifiers.
You cannot use wildcard characters in BACKUP save-set specifications unless the save sets are input specifiers on tape.
Using Wildcard Characters to Represent Directories
The following table lists the types of directory wildcards allowed for output specifiers that are Files--11 media.
Directory Wildcard | Result |
omitted | If a directory name is omitted, BACKUP restores file to the current default directory []. |
[*...] | BACKUP restores files to the directory from which they were saved. |
[directory] | BACKUP restores files to the named directory. |
[directory...] | The wildcard characters used in the specification of the input files determine the directory to which BACKUP restores the files. |
If you specify directory wildcard characters incorrectly and your directories contain many levels of subdirectories, you risk losing the lower level subdirectories in BACKUP operations because OpenVMS directory trees can have only eight levels. |
The following example uses the directory wildcard format [directory...] for both the input and the output specifiers:
In this example, BACKUP creates a directory named [JOE.RECEIVED] (if it does not already exist) as well as subdirectories that correspond to the subdirectories of [OSCAR]. BACKUP copies all files from the directory [OSCAR] and its subdirectories to [JOE.RECEIVED] and its subdirectories. If [OSCAR] has eight levels of directories, however, BACKUP is unable to create a corresponding ninth-level subdirectory to [JOE.RECEIVED]; the eighth-level subdirectory to [OSCAR] is not copied.
If you use the asterisk wildcard character (*) to represent subdirectories in the input specifier of a copy operation, BACKUP creates subdirectories to the directory specified in the output specifier that correspond to the subdirectories in the input specifier. BACKUP then copies all files from the lowest level subdirectory in the input specifier to the lowest level subdirectory in the output specifier. In the following example, the asterisk represents subdirectories named MONDAY and TUESDAY:
In this example, BACKUP creates a subdirectory named [JAMES.MONDAY.TUESDAY.WEDNESDAY]. In doing so, BACKUP copies the file MONDAY.DIR to [JAMES], copies the file TUESDAY.DIR to [JAMES.MONDAY], and copies the file WEDNESDAY.DIR to [JAMES.MONDAY.TUESDAY]. Then BACKUP copies all files from [SAM.WORK.MONDAY.TUESDAY.WEDNESDAY] to [JAMES.MONDAY.TUESDAY.WEDNESDAY].
In a restore operation, the input specifier defaults to [*...] if the input save-set qualifier /SELECT is not used; this is important if you use the form [directory...] in the output specifier. The function of the wildcard [*...] is to carry over the entire directory name from the first level on and to place it before the ellipsis in the output specifier. Thus, if the save set in the following example contains the directory tree [SAVE...], the restored directory tree will be [WORK.SAVE...]:
Note that the result will be the same, even if your output specifier has the same name as the directory in the input specifier, as shown in the following example:
The preceding command restores the directory tree [SAVE...] to a directory tree named [SAVE.SAVE...].
The following command restores the directory tree [SAVE...] to a directory tree named [WORK...]:
There are two ways to retain the original directory name when you restore files. You must either use the form [*...] for the output specifier, or you must specify the input save-set qualifier /SELECT. The following example uses the form [*...] in the output specifier to restore the directory tree [SAVE...] in save set SAVE.BCK to the directory tree [SAVE...]:
The input save-set qualifier /SELECT causes only the ellipsis portion of the selected file specification to be carried over to the directory tree named in the output specifier [directory...]. The following command restores [SAVE...] to [SAVE...]:
By duplicating files or volumes of files, the Backup utility (BACKUP) protects data from loss or corruption.
BACKUP is intended for use primarily by system managers and operators to protect public media. However, anyone can use BACKUP to make personal BACKUP copies and to transport files between OpenVMS systems.
The two ways to back up your system disk are:
BACKUP input-specifier output-specifier
Usage Summary To invoke online BACKUP, enter an appropriate BACKUP command at the DCL prompt. For instructions on invoking standalone BACKUP, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.input specifier
Specifies the input for the BACKUP operation. The input specifier can be a standard OpenVMS file specification, a BACKUP save-set specification, or a device name. If the input specifier is a save-set specification on disk, it must include the input save-set qualifier /SAVE_SET.DECnet node names are allowed only in save-set specifications.
Wildcards are permitted in standard OpenVMS file specifications and in save-set specifications if they are on magnetic tape.
output specifier
Specifies the output for the BACKUP operation. The output specifier, like the input specifier, can be either a standard OpenVMS file specification, a BACKUP save-set specification, or a device name. If the output specifier is a save set on disk, it must include the output save-set qualifier /SAVE_SET.DECnet node names are allowed only in save-set specifications.
You can use wildcard characters if the output specifier is a Files--11 volume. You cannot use wildcard characters if the output specifier is a BACKUP save set or a volume created by a BACKUP/PHYSICAL or BACKUP/IMAGE operation. Refer to Section 7.3.3 for restrictions on the use of wildcard characters in BACKUP commands.
When you enter a BACKUP command, BACKUP evaluates the input and output specifier and qualifiers to determine the type of operation to perform. BACKUP uses the input specifier to locate the input to the utility and directs output to the output specifier, which can be a file or a save set on disk or a save set on magnetic tape.
After executing the command, BACKUP returns to DCL command level. If you want to halt the execution of a BACKUP command prematurely, press Ctrl/Y. If BACKUP is creating a file when you press Ctrl/Y, the file is closed immediately and only partially created.
You need the user privilege TMPMBX to send messages to operator
terminals when using BACKUP in batch mode. If you are performing a save
operation to a volume set of sequential disks, you must have the user
privilege PHY_IO or LOG_IO to write to a continuation volume. The use
of several BACKUP qualifiers also requires privileges; these are noted
in the appropriate qualifier descriptions.
7.5 BACKUP Qualifiers
This section describes and provides examples of each BACKUP qualifier. Make sure that you understand how the position of BACKUP qualifiers affects BACKUP operations. See Section 7.2 for information about the BACKUP command line format. Table 7-2 summarizes the BACKUP qualifiers.
Qualifier | Description |
/ALIAS | Specifies whether to maintain the previous behavior of multiple processing of alias and primary file entries. |
/ASSIST | Allows operator or user intervention if a request to mount a magnetic tape fails during a BACKUP operation. |
/BACKUP | Selects files according to the BACKUP date written in the file header record by the BACKUP/RECORD command. |
/BEFORE | Selects files dated earlier than the date and time you specify. |
/BLOCK_SIZE | Specifies the output block size in bytes for data records in a BACKUP save set. |
/BRIEF | Causes the /LIST qualifier to display the file specification, size (in blocks), and creation date for each file in the save set. |
/BUFFER_COUNT | This qualifier is obsolete and has no effect. |
As an input file-selection qualifier, /BY_OWNER causes BACKUP to
process files owned by the specified UIC.
As an output file qualifier, /BY_OWNER redefines the owner user identification code (UIC) for restored files. As an output save-set qualifier, /BY_OWNER specifies the owner user identification code (UIC) of the save set. |
/COMMENT | Places the string that you supply into the BACKUP summary record of the output save set. |
/COMPARE | Causes BACKUP to compare the contents of the first parameter with the contents of the second parameter. |
/CONFIRM | Displays prompts on your terminal for confirmation before processing each file. |
/CONVERT | Converts ODS-5 file names to ODS-2 file names. |
/CRC |
As an input save-set qualifier, /CRC checks the software cyclic
redundancy check (CRC) encoded in the save set's data blocks.
As an output save-set qualifier, /CRC specifies that the CRC is to be computed and stored in the data blocks of the output save set. |
/CREATED | Selects files according to the value of the creation date field in each file header record. |
/DELETE | Specifies that a BACKUP save or copy operation is to delete the selected input files from the input volume after all files have been successfully processed. |
/DENSITY | Specifies the recording density of the output magnetic tape in bits per inch (bits/in). |
/EXACT_ORDER | Specifies the exact order of tape volume labels that you want to use in a BACKUP operation. |
/EXCLUDE | Excludes files from processing that otherwise meet the selection criteria for a save or copy operation. |
/EXPIRED | Selects files according to the value of the expiration date field in each file header record. |
/FAST | Processes the input specifier using a fast file scan to reduce processing time. |
/FULL | Displays the information produced by the /LIST command qualifier in a format similar to that displayed by the DCL command DIRECTORY/FULL. |
/GROUP_SIZE | Defines the number of blocks BACKUP places in each redundancy group. |
/IGNORE | Specifies that a BACKUP save or copy operation will override restrictions placed on files or will not perform tape label processing checks. |
/IMAGE | Directs BACKUP to process an entire volume or volume set. |
/INCREMENTAL | Allows you to restore a disk volume from a series of incremental save sets. |
/INITIALIZE | Initializes an output disk volume, making its entire previous contents unavailable. |
/INTERCHANGE | Directs BACKUP to process files in a manner suitable for data interchange (software distribution) by excluding information that would prevent other utilities or sites from reading the BACKUP save set. |
/JOURNAL | Specifies that a BACKUP save operation is to create, or append information to, a BACKUP journal file. |
/LABEL | Specifies the 1- to 6- character volume labels for the magnetic tapes and 1- to 12- character volume labels for disks to which the save set is written. |
/LIST | Lists information about a BACKUP save set and about the files in a save set. |
/LOG | Displays the file specification of each file processed during the operation on SYS$OUTPUT. |
/MEDIA_FORMAT | Controls whether data records are automatically compacted and blocked together. |
/MODIFIED | Selects files according to the value of the modified date field (the date the file was last modified) in each file header record. |
/NEW_VERSION | Creates a new version of a file if a file with an identical specification already exists at the location to which the file is being restored or copied. |
/NOINCREMENTAL | Allows you to control the amount of file data that is saved in a save operation. |
/OVERLAY | Writes over an existing file when an identically named file is encountered during the restore operation. |
/OWNER_UIC | The /OWNER_UIC qualifier has been superseded by the /BY_OWNER qualifier. Compaq recommends that you substitute /BY_OWNER for OWNER_UIC in command procedures and operator instructions. See the description of the /BY_OWNER qualifier for more information. |
/PHYSICAL | Specifies that a BACKUP operation is to ignore any file structure on the input volume and to process the volume in terms of logical blocks. |
/PROTECTION | When you create a save set on disk, this qualifier defines the protection to be applied to an output save set. When you create a save set on magnetic tape, this qualifier defines the protection to be applied to the magnetic tape volume. |
/RECORD | Records the current date and time in the BACKUP date field of each file header once a file is successfully saved or copied. |
/RELEASE_TAPE | Dismounts and unloads a tape after a BACKUP save operation either writes and verifies the save set, or reaches the end of the tape. |
/REPLACE | Replaces a file on the output specifier with an identically named file from the input specifier. |
As an input save-set qualifier, /REWIND rewinds the input tape reel to
the beginning-of-tape marker before reading the input volume.
As an output save-set qualifier, /REWIND rewinds the output tape to the beginning-of-tape marker and initializes the output tape. |
As an input save-set qualifier, /SAVE_SET directs BACKUP to treat the
input file as a BACKUP save set.
As an output save-set qualifier, /SAVE_SET directs BACKUP to treat the output file as a BACKUP save set. |
/SELECT | Selects the specified files for processing. |
/SINCE | Selects files dated equal to or later than the specified date and time. |
/TAPE_EXPIRATION | Writes a file expiration date other than the current date to the file header label of the save set. |
/TRUNCATE | Controls whether a copy or restore operation truncates a sequential output file at the end-of-file (EOF) when creating it. |
/UNSHELVE | Controls whether the Backup utility designates files from a BACKUP save operation as unshelved or shelved. |
/VERIFY | Specifies that the contents of the output specifier be compared with the contents of the input specifier after a save, restore, or copy operation is completed. |
/VOLUME | Indicates that a specific disk volume in a disk volume set is to be processed. |
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