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Updated: 11 December 1998

OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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The /ELAN qualifier's syntax is as follows:

DEFINE DEVICE/ELAN =(parent=parent device, 
                     name="ELAN NAME to join", 
                     description = "description string,")                     

The meaning of the syntax for /ELAN is as follows:
Option Meaning
parent The ATM adapter device name. An example of the parent device for ATMworks 350 is: HC n0, where n is the controller number. An example of the parent device for ATMworks 750 is: HW n0, where n is the controller number.
name Optionally specified if you want to join a specific ELAN. The default is null.
size Maximum frame size of the LAN you want to join. Valid sizes are 1516, 4544, or 9234 bytes. The default is 1516.
type Support currently only for CSMACD, which is the default.
description A method of describing the ELAN for display purposes only.

Keywords and their meanings for /ELAN are as follows:
Keyword Meaning
Enable Begins a join on a specified emulated LAN. It also loads the driver, if not already loaded.
Disable Causes a client to leave the emulated LAN.


/NOFULL_DUPLEX (default)

Enables full-duplex operation of a LAN device. Before full-duplex operation results from the use of this qualifier, additional device or network hardware setup may be required. Some devices may be enabled for full-duplex operation by default. Some devices may not allow the setting to be changed.

The /NOFULL_DUPLEX qualifier, disables full-duplex operation.



Maps a standard multicast address to a functional address. Token ring devices do not support IEEE 802 standard globally defined group addresses. They do support functional addresses. A functional address is a locally administered group address that has 31 possible values. Each functional address sets one bit in the third through sixth byte of the address and bytes 1 and 2 are 03-00 (C0:00 in bit reversed format).

The /NOMAP=(MULTICAST_ADDRESS=address) qualifier, clears the mapping established for the specified address.

Specify the functional address as follows:

For example, to map the multicast address CB-00-01-02-03-04 to the functional address 03-00-00-80-00-00 on the Token Ring device IRA0, enter the following command:

SET DEVICE IRA0/MAP=(MULTI=CB-00-01-02-03-04,FUNCT=00:01:00:00) 

For the default address mapping, see Table 12-1 or issue the command SHOW DEVICE/MAP device-name.

Table 12-1 Default Functional Address Mapping for Token Ring Devices
Multicast Address Functional Address Description
09-00-2B-00-00-04 03-00-00-00-02-00 ISO ALL ES
09-00-2B-00-00-05 03-00-00-00-01-00 ISO ALL IS
CF-00-00-00-00-00 03-00-00-08-00-00 Loopback Assistant
AB-00-00-01-00-00 03-00-02-00-00-00 DNA MOP Dump/Load
AB-00-00-02-00-00 03-00-04-00-00-00 DNA MOP Remote Console
AB-00-00-03-00-00 03-00-08-00-00-00 DNA L1 Routers
09-00-2B-02-00-00 03-00-08-00-00-00 DNA L2 Routers
09-00-2B-02-01-0A 03-00-08-00-00-00 DNA Phase IV Primary Router
AB-00-00-04-00-00 03-00-10-00-00-00 DNA Endnodes
09-00-2B-02-01-0B 03-00-10-00-00-00 DNA Phase IV Prime Unknown Destination
09-00-2B-00-00-07 03-00-20-00-00-00 PCSA NETBIOS Emulation
09-00-2B-00-00-0F 03-00-40-00-00-00 LAT Service Advertisement
09-00-2B-02-01-04 03-00-80-00-00-00 LAT Service Solicit
09-00-2B-02-01-07 03-00-00-02-00-00 LAT Xwindown Service Solicit
09-00-2B-04-00-00 03-00-00-04-00-00 LAST
09-00-2B-02-01-00 03-00-00-00-08-00 DNA Name Service Advertisement
09-00-2B-02-01-01 03-00-00-00-10-00 DNA Name Service Solicit
09-00-2B-02-01-02 03-00-00-00-20-00 DNA Time Service
03-00-00-00-00-01 03-00-00-00-00-01 NETBUI Emulation
03-00-02-00-00-00 03-00-02-00-00-00 RIPL


Sets the maximum number of receive buffers to be allocated and used by the LAN driver for the LAN device.



Sets the minimum number of receive buffers to be allocated and used by the LAN driver for the LAN device.


Reads the permanent database and creates device entries in the volatile database.


Updates the device entries in the LAN volatile device database with any data currently set in the permanent database. This allows you to update the volatile database after changing data in the permanent database, rather than repeating the commands for each updated entry to apply the changes to the volatile database.



Sets the permanent virtual channel (PVC). This is an optional qualifier.

A list of PVCs is defined for use by CLIP clients. This command should be used before enabling the CLIP client. The PVC has to be set up manually in the switch to be used.

The vci is the VCI (Virtual Channel ID) of the PVC (Permanent Virtual Connection) to be used.


Enables the ring purger process of the FDDI device.



Enables source routing on the Token Ring device. If you only have one ring in your LAN or you use transparent bridging, use the /NOSOURCE_ROUTING qualifier to turn off source routing.


Sets the speed of the LAN.

For Token Ring, valid values are either 4 or 16, indicating 4 megabits per second or 16 megabits per second. The default value for Token Ring is 16, unless the LAN adapter supports a nonvolatile mechanism for setting this parameter (as does the DEC Token Ring Controller 700).

For Ethernet, valid values are either 10 or 100, which selects the 10 megabits per second Ethernet port or the 100 megabits per second Fast Ethernet port. The default for Ethernet is to sense automatically which type of port is connected and select the appropriate speed.

/SR_ENTRY=(LAN_ADDRESS=address, RI=routing-information)


Statically defines a specific source-routed route for a specific node. The default value is no routes specified. This caching remains valid while used or until the aging timer expires.

Use this qualifier only as a last resort when isolating communication failures on extended LAN topologies.

The /NOSR_ENTRY=(LAN_ADDRESS=address) qualifier, clears the previously defined static source routed route.

The address is a standard 6-byte LAN address (given as hexadecimal byte characters separated by hyphens), which specifies the canonical form of the address. Using a colon as the separator character indicates the bit-reversed form of the address.

The routing-information is the source routing field, specified as a series of two-byte hexadecimal characters (each byte separated by a hyphen). The field consists of a two-byte routing control field followed by up to 14 two-byte segment identifiers, each containing the ring number and the bridge number used in the hop.


Sets the requested token rotation time for the FDDI ring.


Sets the restricted token timeout time for the FDDI ring.


Sets the valid transmission time for the FDDI device.


Adds LAN devices that are not currently in the LAN volatile device database to that database. The initial entry for the device uses default values for all parameters. To update the volatile database with current information from the permanent database, use the SET DEVICE command with the /PERMANENT_DATABASE qualifier. You can combine the /UPDATE and /PERMANENT_DATABASE qualifiers in a single SET DEVICE command.



A CLIP client is created using PVC 100. Note that an ATM ARP server is not necessary for a client with a PVC.


Enables monitor contention, UTP cable media, source routing and disables early token release for Token Ring device ICA0.


Sets the media type to twisted pair for the second Tulip Ethernet device, EWB0.


Enables MOP downline load service for device EXA0, leaving the remaining MOPDLL parameters unchanged.


Enables MOP downline load service for device EXA0, in exclusive mode with the data transfer size of 1482 bytes, leaving the remaining MOPDLL parameters unchanged.


These commands enable LANACP MOP downline load service for:


Enters a node into the LAN volatile node database or modifies an existing entry. Requires SYSPRV privilege.


SET NODE node-name



Supplies the name of a node to be added to the LAN volatile node database or an entry to be modified. Typically, the node name is the same as that given in the system parameter SCSNODE, but it does not need to be. The node name is limited to 63 characters in length.



/NOADDRESS (default)

Associates a LAN address with the node name. Specify the address as 6 bytes in hexadecimal notation, separated by hyphens. The address does not have to be unique (as might be the case when the address is not known, so a nonexistent address is specified).

If multiple node addresses are to be associated with a node name, each combination may be given as a node name with an extension, for example, VAXSYS.EXA for the EXA device on node VAXSYS, or VAXSYS_1 for the first LAN device on node VAXSYS.

If you do not specify the /ADDRESS qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOADDRESS qualifier clears the field.


Defines data for all nodes in the LAN volatile node database. If you specify a node name, all matching nodes are selected; for example, A/ALL selects all nodes beginning with A.



Indicates the type of processing required for downline load requests. You can specify one of the following keywords with this qualifier: The distinction is necessary, because OpenVMS Cluster satellite loads require additional cluster-related data be appended to the load image given by the /FILE qualifier. The default value is OTHER.

If you do not specify the /BOOT_TYPE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOBOOT_TYPE qualifier clears the field.



Associates a DECnet address with the node name. Specify the address in DECnet notation, xx.xxxx.

If you do not specify the /DECNET_ADDRESS=value qualifier, then the setting remains unchanged. The /NODECNET_ADDRESS qualifier clears the field.



Supplies the file name of a boot file to be used when the downline load request does not include a file name (for example, OpenVMS Cluster satellite booting). The file specification is limited to 127 characters.

If no file name is specified, OpenVMS Cluster satellite loads default to APB.EXE where the boot type is set to ALPHA and NISCS_LOAD.EXE where the boot type is set to VAX.

If you do not specify the /FILE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOFILE qualifier clears the field.



Associates an IP address with the node name. Specify the address in the standard dotted notation, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.

If you do not specify the /IP_ADDRESS=value qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOIP_ADDRESS qualifier clears the filed.


Updates the node entries in the LAN volatile node database with any data currently set in the permanent database. This allows you to update the volatile database after changing data in the permanent database, rather than repeating the commands for each updated entry to apply the changes to the volatile database.



Supplies the directory specification to be associated with the file name. For cluster satellite service, the /ROOT qualifier specifies the satellite root directory. For noncluster service, this qualifier specifies the location of the file. If the file specification or the file name given in the boot request includes the directory name, this qualifier is ignored. The directory specification is limited to 127 characters.

If you do not specify the /ROOT qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOROOT qualifier clears the field.



Specifies the size in bytes of the file data portion of each downline load message. The default is the load data size specified for the device. The permitted range is 246 to 1482 bytes. Use a larger size for better load performance and less server overhead.

If you do not specify the /SIZE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOSIZE qualifier clears the setting.



Indicates that only MOP Version 3 formatted messages are to be used for downline load purposes, regardless of the requested format. This allows systems to load that have a problem with MOP Version 4 booting. This qualifier causes the requesting node to fail over from MOP Version 4 to MOP Version 3 when no response has been made to a MOP Version 4 load request.

If you do not specify the /V3 qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOV3 qualifier clears the setting.



                      /FILE=APB.EXE - 
                      /ROOT=$64$DIA14:<SYS10.> - 

This command sets up node VAXSYS for booting as an Alpha satellite into the cluster.

The APB.EXE file is actually located on $64$DIA14: <SYS10.SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE>. Note that the <SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE> is supplied by the LANACP LAN Server process and is not included in the root definition.


                      /FILE=NISCS_LOAD.EXE - 
                      /ROOT=$64$DIA14:<SYS10.> - 

This command sets up node VAXSYS for booting as a VAX satellite into the OpenVMS Cluster.

The NISCS_LOAD.EXE file is actually located on $64$DIA14: <SYS10.SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB>. The <SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB> is supplied by the LANACP LAN Server process and is not included in the root definition.



This command changes the LAN address associated with node VAXSYS and clears the current root specification.



This command sets up node CALPAL for booting an InfoServer image. It defines the file that should be loaded when a load request without file name is received from node CALPAL.

Because the file does not include a directory specification, the logical name LAN$DLL defines where to locate the file. You could give directory specification using the file name or by using the /ROOT qualifier.

Note that specifying the file name explicitly in the boot command overrides the file name specified in the node database entry.


Displays a list of LAN devices and characteristics on the system.







Creates the specified file and directs output to it.


On Alpha systems, shows which protocols are using which template device.


LAN Configuration: 
   Device   Medium      Default LAN Address   Version 
   ------   ------      -------------------   ------- 
    EWA0    CSMA/CD      08-00-2B-E4-00-BF    02000023 
    EWB0    CSMA/CD      08-00-2B-92-A4-0D    02000023 
    IRA0    Token Ring   00-00-93-58-5D-32    20000223 

This example shows the output from a SHOW CONFIGURATION command that was entered on a node that has three LAN devices, two DE435s, and a DETRA.

The version is the device-specific representation of the actual (hardware or firmware) version. In this example, for two devices on the PCI bus, the actual version is in the low byte (2.3 for the DE435 adapters). A device that does not have a readable version is shown as version zero.

Consult your device-specific documentation to correlate the version returned with a particular hardware or firmware implementation of the device.

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