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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference
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Enables one of the following SHOW CLUSTER functions: EDIT, MOVE, PAN, or SCROLL.
SET FUNCTION function-name
Specifies the SHOW CLUSTER function to be enabled. By default, the EDIT function is enabled. Functions include the following ones:
The SET FUNCTION command redefines the arrow keys to perform the specified function. By default, the function is set to EDIT, which allows you to use the arrow keys to recall a previously entered command or perform DCL line-mode editing at the command prompt. (Refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual for more information about DCL line-mode editing.)To enable one of the SHOW CLUSTER functions, either enter the specific SET FUNCTION command at the command prompt, or press the appropriate SET FUNCTION key on the keypad. Only one function can be enabled at a time.
Setting the function to MOVE implicitly disables AUTO_POSITIONING.Also, once you use the SET FUNCTION command, the arrow keys are no longer defined to perform DCL line-mode editing. Only one function can be enabled at a time, using the SET FUNCTION command.
This command redefines the arrow keys to automatically move a selected window 1 space in any direction. For example, the up, down, right, and left arrow keys are redefined as MOVE UP 1, MOVE DOWN 1, MOVE RIGHT 1, and MOVE LEFT 1, respectively. Note that you must use the DESELECT command to complete the MOVE function.
Changes the interval time between display updates. The interval time is the amount of time that display information remains on the screen before it is updated. By default, the display updates every 15 seconds, unless you use the /INTERVAL qualifier on the SHOW CLUSTER command. If you use the /INTERVAL qualifier, the time specified becomes the default.
The number of seconds between display updates.
This command changes the display interval time to 5 seconds.
Sets the terminal to a display of up to 511 columns. This command can be used only on Compaq-compatible terminals.
SET SCREEN= screen-width
Specifies the width of the screen display. Depending on terminal type, you can specify a value up to 511.
The SET SCREEN command redefines the width of the display to the number of columns that you specify.If you use an initialization file in noncontinuous mode and the initialization file contains a SET SCREEN command that changes the screen size, SHOW CLUSTER sets the screen to the specified size for one update interval and then resets the screen to the original size.
This command sets the screen width to 132 columns.
Outputs the current display to a file that can be printed on a hardcopy device.
WRITE [file-spec]
Names the file specification of the printable output file. By default, the output file name is SHOW_CLUSTER.LIS.
Indicates that the output file should contain a display consisting of all classes and all fields. Because SHOW CLUSTER may not currently have the information necessary to display all the possible fields when you specify the /ALL qualifier, a display update occurs prior to the output of the file. As a result, the output file may differ from the display on the screen at the time the command was entered. The screen is updated along with the file output, so subsequently they are the same.You should use the /ALL qualifier to produce an output file or hardcopy file when reporting a cluster-related problem to Compaq.
Command> WRITE/ALL |
This command creates a file, SHOW_CLUSTER.LIS, which contains all possible SHOW CLUSTER fields. SHOW_CLUSTER.LIS can be printed on a hardcopy device.
19.1 SYSGEN Description
The System Generation utility (SYSGEN) is a system management tool used
to tailor a system for a specific hardware and software configuration.
Use SYSGEN commands to manipulate specific parts of the operating
system, as follows:
You can use a subset of the SYSGEN commands to invoke the SYSBOOT
facility during bootstrap operations. Refer to the installation
instructions for your processor and the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for more
19.2 Specifying Values for SYSGEN Qualifiers and Parameters
Normally, you specify values as an integer, keyword, or file specification. For parameters, integer values must be within the defined maximum and minimum values for the parameter unless the SYSGEN command DISABLE CHECKS was specified.
You can specify values for certain SYSGEN qualifiers and parameters in hexadecimal or octal radixes and for others as an ASCII string. To specify a value in octal or hexadecimal, precede the value with %O or %X, respectively. To specify a value in ASCII, enclose the value string in quotation marks (" ").
Appendix J lists system parameters.
19.3 Active and Current Parameter Values
System parameter values can be either active or current:
Modifying active parameters with SYSGEN has no effect on the values of
the stored current parameters; you change the values of these
parameters only while the system is running. In a subsequent bootstrap
of the system, the old values of the current parameters are established
as the active parameters. To change the values of the current
parameters on disk, use the SYSGEN command WRITE CURRENT. To change the
values of any active parameter that is not in the dynamic category,
enter the WRITE CURRENT command and reboot the system.
19.4 SYSGEN Usage Summary
The System Generation utility (SYSGEN) is a system management tool that performs certain privileged system configuration functions. With SYSGEN, you can create and modify system parameters, load device drivers, and create additional page and swap files.
To invoke SYSGEN, enter RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN at the DCL command prompt. At the SYSGEN> prompt, enter any of the SYSGEN commands described in the following section. These commands follow the standard rules of grammar as specified in the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.To exit from SYSGEN, enter the EXIT command at the SYSGEN> prompt or press Ctrl/Z. You can direct output from a SYSGEN session to an output file using the SET/OUTPUT command. By default, output is written to SYS$OUTPUT.
Compaq recommends the use of the AUTOGEN command procedure when modifying system parameters, loading device drivers, or creating additional page and swap files. |
This section describes and provides examples of SYSGEN commands.
On VAX systems, automatically connects devices that are physically attached to the system and loads their drivers. On Alpha systems, use the SYSMAN command IO AUTOCONFIGURE.Use of the AUTOCONFIGURE command requires the CMKRNL privilege.
AUTOCONFIGURE adapter-spec
Specifies the adapter specification (backplane interconnect arbitration line) or slot number of the single UNIBUS or MASSBUS adapter that is to be configured. The adapter specification can be expressed as an integer or with one of the names listed by the SYSGEN command SHOW/ADAPTER.You can specify AUTOCONFIGURE ALL to configure all standard devices attached to the system.
If you use the AUTOCONFIGURE ALL command on a running system with active UNIBUS or Q-bus devices, it could result in unpredictable behavior.
Specifies the device types that you do not want automatically configured.You can specify a device-type code as shown in Table 19-1 or a standard device name as shown in Appendix K. You can include a controller designation but not a unit number. If the controller designation is omitted, all devices of the specified type are excluded. The device-name specification defaults to all devices on the adapter. Do not use this qualifier with the /SELECT qualifier.
Produces a display of the controller and its units on the current SYS$OUTPUT device after they have been successfully autoconfigured. Each controller and its associated units are displayed only after AUTOCONFIGURE has found the next controller. Therefore, the error message displays precede the display of the controller and units that caused the error./SELECT=(device-name[,...])
Specifies the device types that you want automatically configured.You can specify a device-type code as shown in Table 19-1 or a standard device name as shown in Appendix K. You can include a controller designation but not a unit number. If the controller designation is omitted, all devices of the specified type are selected. The device-name specification defaults to all devices on the adapter.
Do not use /SELECT with the /EXCLUDE qualifier.
Code | Device Type |
CR | Card Reader |
CS | Console Storage Device |
DB | RP05, RP06 Disk |
DD | TU58 Cartridge Tape |
DJ | RA60 Disk |
DL | RL02 Cartridge Disk |
DM | RK06, RK07 Cartridge Disk |
DQ | RL02 Cartridge Disk, R80 Disk |
DR | RM03, RM05, RM80, RP07 Disk |
DU | UDA Disk |
DX | RX01 Diskette |
DY | RX02 Diskette |
LA | LPA11--K Laboratory Peripheral Accelerator |
LC | Line Printer on DMF32 |
LP | Line Printer on LP11 |
MB | Mailbox |
MF | TU78 Magnetic Tape |
MS | TS11 Magnetic Tape |
MT | TE16, TU45, TU77 Magnetic Tape |
MU | Tape Class Driver |
NET | Network Communications Logical Device |
NL | System "Null" Device |
OP | Operator's Console |
PA | Computer Interconnect |
PT | TU81 Magnetic Tape |
PU | UDA-50 |
RT | Remote Terminal |
TT | Interactive Terminal on DZ11 |
TX | Interactive Terminal on DMF32, DMZ32, DHU11, or DMB32 |
XA | DR11--W General-Purpose DMA Interface |
XD | DMP--11 Synchronous Communications Line |
XF | DR32 Interface Adapter |
XG | DMF32 Synchronous Communications Line |
XI | DR Interface on DMF32 |
XJ | DUP11 Synchronous Communications Line |
XM | DMC11 Synchronous Communications Line |
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This command automatically configures all standard devices.
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This command automatically configures all terminals, all magnetic tape units on controller A, and all line printers.
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This command shows the use of the /EXCLUDE qualifier to autoconfigure all but the DMC11 devices, assuming DECnet will not be operating on this system.
On VAX systems, requests UNIBUS device names and issues the set of control and status register (CSR) and vector addresses that AUTOCONFIGURE will use.
Specifies the name of an input file from which previously prepared data is read. By default, input data is read from SYS$INPUT./OUTPUT=file-spec
Specifies the name of an output file to which output from CONFIGURE is written. By default, output is directed to SYS$OUTPUT. The default file type is .LIS./RESET
Controls whether controller names are reset. The /NORESET qualifier is useful with multiple UNIBUS systems. When you specify /NORESET, you do not need to specify the second parameter (p) on subsequent CONFIGURE commands, because the controller names are not reset. By default, if you omit /NORESET, the controller names are reset.
The CONFIGURE command issues the following prompt:
DEVICE>Input should be in the following form, where device is the name of the controller:
Possible controller names are listed in the second column in Table K-1. You cannot abbreviate controller names.
You can optionally specify n, the number of devices on the UNIBUS being configured, and p, the optional number of devices on all previous UNIBUS devices in a multiple UNIBUS system. Note that p affects only the device names, not the addresses generated. By default, n is 1 and p is 0.
SYSGEN continues to prompt for devices until you enter Ctrl/Z. SYSGEN then displays the CSR and vector addresses for the devices specified.
Note that CONFIGURE does not look at the actual hardware configuration of the system. Rather, CONFIGURE determines which CSR and vector addresses AUTOCONFIGURE would use if the specified hardware was installed.
The system displays the following data:
Device: RK611 Name: DMA CSR: 777440 Vector: 210 Support: yes Device: LP11 Name: LPA CSR: 777514 Vector: 200 Support: yes Device: DMC11 Name: XMA CSR: 760070* Vector: 300* Support: yes Device: DMC11 Name: XMB CSR: 760100* Vector: 310* Support: yes Device: DZ11 Name: TTC CSR: 760120* Vector: 320* Support: yes Device: DZ11 Name: TTD CSR: 760130* Vector: 330* Support: yes Device: DZ11 Name: TTE CSR: 760140* Vector: 340* Support: yes * Indicates a floating address.In this example, the CONFIGURE command calculates the UNIBUS CSR and vector addresses. The support field in the display indicates whether Compaq includes the supported driver for this device with the operating system.
For a description of floating addresses referred to in the example, see Appendix K.
On VAX systems, creates I/O data base control blocks for additional devices. Also loads the appropriate driver if it is not currently loaded. This is usually used to add nonstandard devices and I/O drivers to a system. Requires the CMKRNL privilege.On Alpha systems, use the SYSMAN command IO CONNECT.
CONNECT device-name/[NO]ADAPTER=adapter-spec/CSR=aaaa/VECTOR=nn
Specifies the name of the device for which control blocks are to be added to the I/O database, and has the following format:
dev is the device-type c is the controller u is the unit For example, LPA0 specifies the line printer (LP) on controller A at unit number 0. When specifying the device name, do not follow it with a colon (:).
Loads and connects the console block storage device driver. The console device name is typically CSA1 but can vary depending on the system type.
Specifies the nexus number (SBI arbitration line) or slot number of the adapter to which the device is connected. The nexus number can be found by using the SYSGEN command SHOW/ADAPTER or SHOW/BUS./NOADAPTER specifies that the I/O driver does not handle a physical device, rather it is a pseudo or test device driver.
The system does not perform complete error checking on the CONNECT/ADAPTER=adapter-spec command. An incorrect vector address or misspelled device name, for example, can damage the I/O database and usually causes the system to fail. The OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual has more information about loading device drivers and connecting devices. (This manual has been archived but is available in PostScript and DECW$BOOK (Bookreader) formats on the OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM. A printed book can be ordered through DECdirect (800-354-4825).)/ADPUNIT=unit-number
Specifies the unit number of a device on the MASSBUS adapter. The unit number for a disk drive is the number of the plug on the drive. For magnetic tape drives, the unit number corresponds to the tape controller's number./CSR=csr-addr
Specifies the UNIBUS address of the first addressable location on the controller (usually the status register) for the device. This qualifier must be specified for UNIBUS devices. For devices on multiple device boards (for example, the DMF32), the address must be the control and status register (CSR) address specified in the output of the CONFIGURE command. To specify the address in octal or hexadecimal, precede the address with %O or %X, respectively./CSR_OFFSET=value
For devices on multiple device boards, specifies the offset from the CSR address of the multiple device board to the CSR address for the specific device being connected. To specify the address in octal or hexadecimal, precede the address with %O or %X, respectively./DRIVERNAME=driver
Specifies the name of the driver as recorded in the prolog table. If the driver has not been loaded, the system acts as if the driver name is also the name of an executable image (file type .EXE) in the SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES directory and loads the driver. The driver name defaults to the first two characters of the device name concatenated with "DRIVER" (for example, LPDRIVER)./MAXUNITS=max-unit-cnt
Specifies the maximum number of units the controller can support (that is, the number of UCB slots in the IDB). The default is the number specified in the prolog table of the driver, or 8 if the number is not specified in the prolog table./NUMVEC=vector-cnt
Specifies the number of interrupt vectors for the device. By default, the vector count is 1./REMOTE
Enables a remote diagnostic port for a second console or terminal connected to a VAX 8600./SYSIDHIGH=value
Specifies the high-order 16 bits of the 48-bit system identification number and must be 0. To specify the value in octal or hexadecimal, precede the value with %O or %X, respectively./SYSIDLOW=value
Specifies the low-order 32 bits of the 48-bit system identification number. The value must be identical to the DECnet node number. To specify the value in octal or hexadecimal, precede the value with %O or %X, respectively./VECTOR=vector-addr
Specifies the UNIBUS address of the interrupt vector for the device or the lowest vector, if more than one exists. This qualifier must be specified for UNIBUS devices. For devices on multiple device boards (for example, the DMF32), the address must be the interrupt vector address for the multiple device board specified in the output of the CONFIGURE command. To specify the address in octal or hexadecimal, precede the address with %O or %X, respectively./VECTOR_OFFSET=value
For devices on multiple device boards, specifies the offset from the interrupt vector address of the multiple device board to the interrupt vector address for the specific device being connected. To specify the address in octal or hexadecimal, precede the address with %O or %X, respectively.
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