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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference
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Displays quotas, overdrafts, and usage counts.Requires no additional privileges to display your own quota, overdraft, and usage count, but otherwise requires read (R) access to the quota file.
Specifies the user identification code (UIC) or rights identifier. You can specify the UIC in numeric or alphanumeric format. For complete information about UIC specification, refer to the OpenVMS Guide to System Security.Rights identifiers are granted with the Authorize utility and use an ID format rather than a UIC format. Refer to the OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual for a complete description of rights identifiers.
You can use an asterisk wildcard character (*) to specify the quota entry as follows:
Command Description DISQUOTA SHOW CJ Show user CJ (if CJ has a unique UIC on the system) DISKQUOTA SHOW [TTD,CJ] Show user CJ in group TTD DISKQUOTA SHOW [TTD,*] Show all users in group TTD DISKQUOTA SHOW * Show all entries
Specifies the disk volume containing the quota file. DISKQUOTA validates device specification and translates any logical name in the target environment before displaying UIC entries.Without a device specification, SYSMAN uses the default disk on the target node. Unless you have set a default device with the SET PROFILE command, the default disk is the current device on the local node or the login default device on another node, depending on the established environment.
Directs output to the specified file. Without a file specification, /OUTPUT defaults to SYSMAN.LIS in the current directory on the local node where you are running SYSMAN.
This command displays quotas, overdrafts, and usage counts for all users in group ACCT on the default disk.
Executes a DCL command or DCL command procedure on all nodes in the current management environment.Requires the privileges of the DCL command being executed.
DO [command-line]
Specifies a command string that SYSMAN passes to the command line interface (CLI) for execution.The command DO MCR SYSMAN [SYSMAN-command] is not supported. Instead, follow these steps:
- Enter MCR SYSMAN at the dollar ($) prompt.
- At the SYSMAN> prompt, set the environment to the selected node or nodes with the SET ENVIRONMENT command.
- Enter a SYSMAN command at the SYSMAN> prompt.
For complete information about DCL command syntax, refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.
Verifies that you want to perform a DO command on each node you have specified with the SYSMAN command SET ENVIRONMENT.When you use the /CONFIRM qualifier, the system prompts you as follows:
Execute command for node <nodename>? [N]:The following responses are valid:
YES NO QUIT ALL TRUE FALSE [Ctrl/Z] 1 0 [Ctrl/C] [Return]
- Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE, and 1.
- Negative answers are NO, FALSE, 0, and pressing the Return key.
- You can use any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters for word responses.
- You can abbreviate word responses to one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE), but these abbreviations must be unique.
- Entering QUIT or pressing Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Z indicates that you want to stop processing the command at that point.
- When you enter ALL, the command continues to process, but the system displays no further prompts.
- If you type a response that is not valid, SYSMAN issues an error message and redisplays the prompt.
Records output from the command in the specified file, which is located on the node from which you are executing SYSMAN. Position the qualifier immediately after the DO command. The default file specification is SYSMAN.LIS in the current device and directory. SYSMAN prefaces output with the message "%SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node xxxxxx."/PAUSE
Controls the rate at which the system displays information. Using the /PAUSE qualifier causes the system to display information about one node at a time; the system prompts you to press Return when you are ready to display information about the next node.
The DO command executes the accompanying DCL command or DCL command procedure on all nodes in the current environment. Each DO command executes as an independent process, so no process context is retained between DO commands. For this reason, you must express all DCL commands in a single command string, and you cannot run a program that expects input.In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, SYSMAN executes the commands sequentially on all nodes in the cluster. Each command executes completely before SYSMAN sends it to the next node in the environment. Any node that is unable to execute the command returns an error message. SYSMAN displays an error message if the timeout period expires before the node responds.
Use the RSX command MCR to run programs located in SYS$SYSTEM. The MCR command enables you to run a program and supply a command in a single command string.
The system cannot display output returned from a command of more than 2048 characters without concatenation.
Three exceptions to be aware of when using the DO command in clusters are the following ones:
- In a dual-architecture heterogeneous cluster running both OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha, some uses of the DO command may require special handling. For example, if you are installing images that are named differently in each architecture, you can still use the DO command if you create logical name tables for VAX and for Alpha nodes. See the example sequence that follows this description for an example.
- Some DCL commands, such as MOUNT/CLUSTER or SET QUORUM/CLUSTER, operate clusterwide by design. It is best to avoid using these kinds of commands with the DO command in SYSMAN when the environment is set to cluster. As alternatives, you could leave SYSMAN temporarily with the SPAWN command and execute these commands in DCL, or you could define the environment to be a single node within the cluster. Similarly, operations on clusterwide logical names and tables operate clusterwide by design.
- Make sure that if you redefine the logical DCLTABLES, you do so in SYLOGICALS.COM, not in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM or elsewhere. Otherwise, you will receive a command interpreter failure when executing a DO command on a remote node.
#1 |
The first command in this example defines the management environment to be the cluster where NODE21 is a member. The second command executes a DCL command on each node in the cluster. Output goes to the file SYSMAN.LIS rather than to the terminal.
#2 |
The first command in this example adds CMKRNL and SYSPRV privileges to the current profile because they are required by the INSTALL command and the AUTHORIZE command. The next command installs the file STATSHR. The last command sets up an account for user JONES, specifying a password as well as a default device and directory. The MCR command in the last line of the example enables you to invoke the AUTHORIZE command from SYS$SYSTEM and add a record to the UAF in one command string.
#3 |
The commands in this example define the environment as a single node and adjust the current privileges and directory. The DO command executes the command procedure PROCESS_INFO.COM, located in directory [CJ.PROGRAMS] and writes any output to SYSMAN.LIS in the directory from which SYSMAN is running.
#4 |
$ CREATE/NAME_TABLE/PARENT=LNM$SYSTEM_DIRECTORY SYSMAN$NODE_TABLE $ DEFINE/TABLE=SYSMAN$NODE_TABLE ALPHA_NODES NODE21,NODE22,NODE23 $ DEFINE/TABLE=SYSMAN$NODE_TABLE VAX_NODES NODE24,NODE25,NODE26 $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/NODE=ALPHA_NODES %SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment: Individual nodes: NODE21,NODE22,NODE23 Username BOUCHARD will be used on nonlocal nodes SYSMAN> DO INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE21 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE22 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE23 SYSMAN> DO INSTALL REPLACE SYS$SYSTEM: DEC_FORTRAN.EXE %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE21 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE22 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE23 SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/NODE=VAX_NODES %SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment: Individual nodes: NODE24,NODE25,NODE26 Username BOUCHARD will be used on nonlocal nodes SYSMAN> DO INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE24 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE25 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE26 SYSMAN> DO INSTALL REPLACE SYS$SYSTEM:FORTRAN$MAIN.EXE %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE24 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE25 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODE26 |
This example shows how you can define logical names for VAX and Alpha nodes in a dual-architecture heterogeneous cluster, so that you can use the DO command to install architecture-specific images.
#5 |
$ MCR SYSMAN SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER %SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment: Clusterwide on local cluster Username STEIN will be used on nonlocal nodes SYSMAN> DO/CONFIRM SHOW TIME Execute command for node EXPERT? [N]: Y [Return] %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node EXPERT 22-MAR-1998 09:40:28 Execute command for node MODERN? [N]: Y [Return] %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node MODERN 22-MAR-1998 09:40:56 Execute command for node IMPOSE? [N]: N [Return] Execute command for node ADU26A? [N]: Y [Return] . . . |
The commands in this example show how to control whether the system displays time for each node in a cluster.
#6 |
SYSMAN> DO/PAUSE SHOW TIME %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node EXPERT 22-MAR-1998 09:40:13 Press return to continue [Return] %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node MODER 22-MAR-1998 09:40:41 Press return to continue [Return] %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node IMPOSE 22-MAR-1998 09:39:46 Press return to continue [Return] . . . |
The commands in this example show how you can control the rate at which information is displayed on your system.
Terminates the SYSMAN session and returns control to the DCL command level. Any profile changes, established on the local node with the command SET PROFILE, are restored to their values at the time SYSMAN was invoked. You can also press Ctrl/Z to exit at any time.
Provides online help for using the SYSMAN commands, parameters, and qualifiers. Press Ctrl/Z to exit.
HELP [keyword...]
Specifies the command, parameter, or qualifier for which you want help. If you omit the keyword, the HELP command displays a list of Help topics and prompts you for a particular keyword.
This command displays help information about the SYSMAN command DO.
On Alpha systems, automatically identifies and configures all hardware devices attached to a system by connecting devices and loading their drivers. On VAX systems, use the SYSGEN command AUTOCONFIGURE.You must have CMKRNL and SYSLCK privileges to use the IO AUTOCONFIGURE command.
Specifies the device type to be automatically configured. Use valid device names or mnemonics that indicate the devices to be included in the configuration. You can use wildcard characters with this qualifier.The /SELECT and /EXCLUDE qualifiers are not mutually exclusive, as they are on VAX systems. You can specify both qualifiers on the command line.
Table 20-2 shows /SELECT qualifier examples.
Table 20-2 /SELECT Qualifier Examples Command Devices That Are Configured Devices That Are
Specifies the device type that should not be automatically configured. Use valid device names or mnemonics that indicate the devices to be excluded from the configuration. You can use wildcard characters with this qualifier.The /SELECT and /EXCLUDE qualifiers are not mutually exclusive, as they are on VAX systems. You can specify both qualifiers on the command line.
Controls whether the IO AUTOCONFIGURE command displays information about loaded devices.
The IO AUTOCONFIGURE command identifies and configures all hardware devices attached to a system. VAX system managers use the SYSGEN command AUTOCONFIGURE. It connects devices and loads their drivers. You must have CMKRNL and SYSLCK privileges to use the IO AUTOCONFIGURE command.
#1 |
This command autoconfigures all devices on the system except DKA0.
IO AUTOCONFIGURE automatically configures all standard devices that are physically attached to the system, except for the network communications device.
#2 |
The /LOG qualifier displays information about all the devices that AUTOCONFIGURE loads.
On Alpha systems, connects a hardware device and loads its driver, if the driver is not already loaded. On VAX systems, use the SYSGEN command CONNECT.You must have CMKRNL and SYSLCK privileges to use the IO CONNECT command.
IO CONNECT device-name[:]
Specifies the name of the hardware device to be connected. The device name requires the following format:
- device-type controller unit-number
For example, in the designation LPA0, LP is a line printer on controller A at unit number 0. If you use the /NOADAPTER qualifier, the device is the software to be loaded.
Specifies the nexus number of the adapter to which the specified device is connected. It is a nonnegative 32-bit integer. The /NOADAPTER qualifier indicates that the device is not associated with any particular hardware. The /NOADAPTER qualifier is compatible with the /DRIVER_NAME qualifier only.
/NOADAPTER (default)/CSR=csr_address
Specifies the CSR address for the device being configured. This address must be specified in hexadecimal. You must precede the CSR address with %X. The CSR address is a quadword value that is loaded into IDB$Q_CSR without any interpretation by SYSMAN. This address can be physical or virtual, depending on the specific device being connected:
- /CSR=%X3A0140120 for a physical address
- /CSR=%XFFFFFFFF807F8000 for a virtual address (the sign extension is required for Alpha virtual addresses)
This qualifier is required if /ADAPTER=tr_number is specified.
Specifies the name of the device driver that you are loading. If you do not specify this qualifier, SYSMAN obtains the default in the same way that the SYSGEN default name is determined. For example, if you want to load the Compaq-supplied SYS$ELDRIVER.EXE, the prefix SYS$ must be present. Without the SYS$, SYSMAN looks for ELDRIVER.EXE in SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES. This implementation separates the user device driver namespace from the Compaq-supplied device driver namespace./LOG=(ALL,CRB,DDB,DPT,IDB,SB,UCB)
Controls whether SYSMAN displays the addresses of the specified control blocks. The default value for the /LOG qualifier is /LOG=ALL. If /LOG=UCB is specified, a message similar to the following one is displayed:
/NOLOG (default)
%SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the UCB is located at address 805AB000/MAX_UNITS=maximum-number-of-units
Specifies the maximum number of units the driver can support. The default is specified in the driver prologue table (DPT) of the driver. If the number is not specified in the DPT, the default is 8. This number must be greater than or equal to the number of units specified by /NUM_UNITS. This qualifier is optional./NUM_UNITS=number-of-units
Specifies the number of units to be created. The starting device number is the number specified in the device name parameter. For example, the first device in DKA0 is 0. Subsequent devices are numbered sequentially. The default is 1. This qualifier is optional./NUM_VEC=vector-count
Specifies the number of vectors for this device. The default vector count is 1. The /NUM_VEC qualifier is optional. This qualifier should be used only when using the /VECTOR_SPACING qualifier. When using the /NUM_VEC qualifier, you must also use the /VECTOR qualifier to supply the base vector./SYS_ID=number-of-remote-system
Indicates the SCS system ID of the remote system to which the device is to be connected. It is a 64-bit integer; you must specify the remote system number in hexadecimal. The default is the local system. This qualifier is optional./VECTOR=(vector-address,...)
Specifies the interrupt vectors for the device or lowest vector. This is either a byte offset into the SCB of the interrupt vector for directly vectored interrupts or a byte offset into the ADP vector table for indirectly vectored interrupts. The values must be longword aligned. To specify the vector address in octal or hexadecimal, precede the address with %O or %X, respectively. The /VECTOR qualifier is required when you use the /ADAPTER=tr_number qualifier or the /NUM_VEC=vector-count qualifier. You can list up to 64 vectors./VECTOR_SPACING=number-of-bytes-between-vectors
Specifies the spacing between vectors. Specify the amount as a multiple of 16 bytes. The default is 16. You must specify both the base vector with /VECTOR and the number of vectors with /NUM_VEC. This qualifier is optional.
The IO CONNECT command connects a hardware device and loads its driver, if the driver is not already loaded. VAX system managers use the SYSGEN command CONNECT. You must have CMKRNL and SYSLCK privileges to use the IO CONNECT command.
#1 |
SYSMAN> IO CONNECT DKA0:/DRIVER_NAME=SYS$DKDRIVER/CSR=%X80AD00- /ADAPTER=4/NUM_VEC=3/VECTOR_SPACING=%X10/VECTOR=%XA20/LOG %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the CRB is located at address 805AEC40 %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the DDB is located at address 805AA740 %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the DPT is located at address 80D2A000 %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the IDB is located at address 805AEE80 %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the SB is located at address 80417F80 %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the UCB is located at address 805B68C0 |
The command in this example connects device DKA0, loads driver SYS$DKDRIVER, and specifies the following data:
- Physical CSR address
- Adapter number
- Number of vectors
- Spacing between vectors
- Interrupt vector address
The /LOG qualifier displays the addresses of all control blocks, as shown.
#2 |
SYSMAN> IO CONNECT DKA0:/DRIVER_NAME=SYS$DKDRIVER/CSR=%X80AD00- /ADAPTER=4/VECTOR=(%XA20,%XA30,%XA40)/LOG=(CRB,DPT,UCB) %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the CRB is located at address 805AEC40 %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the DPT is located at address 80D2A000 %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the UCB is located at address 805B68C0 |
The command in this example connects device DKA0, loads driver SYS$DKDRIVER, and specifies the following data:
- Physical CSR address
- Adapter number
- Addresses for interrupt vectors
The /LOG qualifier displays the addresses of the channel request block (CRB), the driver prologue table (DPT), and the unit control block (UCB).
#3 |
SYSMAN> IO CONNECT FTA0:/DRIVER=SYS$FTDRIVER/NOADAPTER/LOG=(ALL) %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the CRB is located at address 805AEC40 %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the DDB is located at address 805AA740 %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the DPT is located at address 80D2A000 %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the IDB is located at address 805AEE80 %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the SB is located at address 80417F80 %SYSMAN-I-IOADDRESS, the UCB is located at address 805B68C0 |
The command in this example connects pseudoterminal FTA0, loads driver SYS$FTDRIVER, and uses the /NOADAPTER qualifier to indicate that FTA0 is not an actual hardware device. The /LOG=(ALL) qualifier displays the addresses of all control blocks, as shown.
For more information about loading and configuing device drivers, refer to Writing OpenVMS Alpha Device Drivers in C.
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