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Updated: 11 December 1998

OpenVMS User's Manual

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8.7 Entering Text

You can enter keyboard characters, entire files, and special nonprinting characters (such as control characters) into the buffer that you are currently editing. You can use the keypad or commands to enter text. You can also add text, files, and special characters to the buffer.

8.7.1 Adding Text

You can type characters at the keyboard and add them to the buffer at the current cursor position. The characters you type either supplement or replace existing characters, depending on whether the buffer is in insert or overstrike mode.

8.7.2 Including Files

You can add an entire file by pressing the Do key and entering the EVE command INCLUDE FILE. Type the file specification at the File to include: prompt and press the Return key. Regardless of the current mode (insert or overstrike) of the buffer, EVE inserts the entire contents of the specified file into the buffer just before the line where the cursor currently appears.

You can use wildcards in the file specification. If there is more than one match for a file specification with a wildcard, EVE displays a list of choices and prompts you to provide a more complete file specification. If the specified file does not exist, EVE displays a message stating that it could not include the file.

8.7.3 Special Nonprinting Characters

You can use the QUOTE command to add special nonprinting characters by pressing Ctrl/V followed by the special character. For example, to insert an escape character into the buffer, press Ctrl/V followed by Ctrl/[. The special character either supplements or replaces existing characters, depending on whether the buffer is in insert or overstrike mode.

8.7.4 EVE Editing Keys for Entering Text

The following table shows the EVE editing keys that you can use to enter text:
Key or Key Sequence Function
Ctrl/A Same as the CHANGE MODE command. Changes the editing mode for the current buffer as shown in the highlighted status line. In insert mode, EVE inserts text at the character position, moving existing text to accommodate the insertion. In overstrike mode, EVE overwrites text at the current position. On VT200, VT300, and VT400 series terminals, EVE defines the F14 key as CHANGE MODE. On VT100 series terminals, EVE defines the Enter key on the keypad as CHANGE MODE.
Ctrl/V Same as the QUOTE command. You can insert nonprinting characters or control codes. To search for special characters, first press the Find key, then press Ctrl/V and the special character to be found. Activate the search by pressing the Return key.

8.7.5 EVE Commands for Entering Text

The following table shows the commands that you can use to enter text:
Command Function
CHANGE MODE Same as Ctrl/A. Changes the current editing mode as shown in the highlighted status line. In insert mode, EVE inserts text at the current position, moving existing text to accommodate the insertion. In overstrike mode, EVE overwrites text at the current position. On VT200, VT300, and VT400 series terminals, EVE defines the F14 key as CHANGE MODE. On VT100 series terminals, EVE defines the Enter key on the keypad as CHANGE MODE.
INCLUDE FILE Inserts the contents of the specified file into the current buffer at the line above the cursor position. This is useful for combining files.
INSERT MODE Sets the mode of the current buffer to insert, as opposed to overstrike. In insert mode, EVE inserts text at the current position, moving existing text to accommodate the insertion.
OVERSTRIKE MODE Sets the mode of the current buffer to overstrike, as opposed to insert. In overstrike mode, EVE overwrites text at the current position.
QUOTE Same as Ctrl/V. Enters a nonprinting character or a control code that you specify by pressing a key. You can quote a control code or other character when you enter a string for the FIND or REPLACE commands. For example, you can quote the Tab key to search for tab characters.

8.7.6 Setting Buffer Mode

Before you begin typing text, check whether your buffer is in insert mode or overstrike mode.

To determine the mode your buffer is in, look at the highlighted status line. If the buffer is in insert mode, text is inserted at the cursor position and text that already appears in the buffer moves to accommodate your insertions. If the buffer is in overstrike mode, text that you type at the keyboard is inserted at the cursor position and the text that already appears in the buffer is overwritten as the cursor moves through it.

To change from one mode to another, press Ctrl/A.

Tutorial: Adding Text in Insert or Overstrike Mode

To add text to a file in both insert mode and overstrike mode:

  1. Invoke EVE to edit the existing file SCHEDULE.DAT.
  2. Check the highlighted status line to ensure that EVE is in insert mode.
  3. If EVE is in overstrike mode, press Ctrl/A to change to insert mode.
  4. Move the cursor to the first letter s in the word supervisor, type Engineering, and press the space bar.
    The word Engineering is inserted in your text buffer, and the rest of the text on the line moves to the right.

    Schedule for 1 July 
    10:00 AM meeting with Engineering supervisor 
    Read and review memo from Sally 
    Work on Pascal program 
    [End of file] 
    Buffer: SCHEDULE.DAT                   | Write | Insert | Forward 

  5. Press Ctrl/A to change to overstrike mode.
  6. Move the cursor to the letter S in the word Sally and type Peggy.
    The word Peggy is placed in the buffer, overwriting the word Sally.

    Schedule for 1 July 
    10:00 AM meeting with Engineering supervisor 
    Read and review memo from Peggy 
    Work on Pascal program 
    [End of file] 
    Buffer: SCHEDULE.DAT               | Write | Overstrike | Forward 

  7. To exit from EVE, press Ctrl/Z.

8.8 Erasing and Restoring Text

With EVE, you can easily erase text or correct mistakes made during an editing session. If you erase text by mistake, you can restore the most recently erased text to its former location or, by moving the cursor, to another location.

To erase text from your buffer, move the cursor to the text you want to erase and press the appropriate editing key or enter the appropriate EVE command.

Table 8-3 shows EVE editing keys that erase and restore text.

Table 8-3 EVE Editing Keys for Erasing and Restoring Text
Key or Key Sequence Function
Delete key or Delete Erases the character to the left of the cursor. Same as the DELETE command. If pending delete is enabled, DELETE erases text in the select range and puts it into the Restore Selection buffer. For more information about using pending delete, see Section 8.9.
Ctrl/J Same as ERASE WORD. Erases the current word or, if the cursor is between words, erases the next word. On VT200, VT300, and VT400 series terminals, EVE defines the F13 key as ERASE WORD. On VT100 series terminals, EVE defines the Comma key on the keypad as ERASE WORD.
Ctrl/U Same as ERASE START OF LINE. Erases characters left of the cursor to the start of the line.
GOLD Insert Here Same as RESTORE. Reinserts, at the current position, the word, line, or sentence that you just erased with an EVE command or editing key.
GOLD F13 Same as RESTORE WORD (except with the WPS keypad). Reinserts, at the current position, the word that you last erased.

Table 8-4 shows EVE commands that erase and restore text.

Table 8-4 EVE Commands for Erasing and Restoring Text
Command Function
DELETE Erases the character to the left of the cursor. In insert mode, EVE moves existing text to accommodate the deleted character. In overstrike mode, EVE replaces the character with a space. At the start of a line, DELETE erases the carriage return for the previous line (regardless of mode) and the current line moves up. If pending delete is enabled, DELETE erases text in the select range and puts it into the Restore Selection buffer. For more information about using pending delete, see Section 8.9.
ERASE CHARACTER Erases the character the cursor is on. In insert mode, EVE moves existing text to accommodate the deleted character. In overstrike mode, EVE replaces the character with a space. If the cursor is at the end of the line, the carriage return is erased---regardless of the mode---and the next line moves up.
ERASE LINE Erases from the current character to the end of the line, appending the next line to the end of the current line. If the cursor is at the end of the line, only the carriage return is erased and the next line moves up.
ERASE PREVIOUS WORD Erases the previous word or the word the cursor is on. If the cursor is between words or on the first character of a word, the previous word is erased. If the cursor is in the middle of a word, all of that word is erased (same as ERASE WORD). If the cursor is at the start of a line, the carriage return at the end of the previous line is erased and the current line moves up.
ERASE START OF LINE Erases the current line of text, starting with the character left of the cursor until the start of the line. If you are already at the start of a line, nothing is erased.
ERASE WORD Erases the current word or, if the cursor is between words, erases the next word. Same as Ctrl/J. On VT200, VT300, and VT400 series terminals, EVE defines the F13 key as ERASE WORD. On VT100 series terminals, EVE defines the Comma key on the keypad as ERASE WORD. If the cursor is at the end of the line, only the carriage return is erased and the next line moves up.
RESTORE Reinserts, at the current position, the word, line, or sentence that you last erased with an EVE command or editing key. RESTORE does not restore single characters. EVE defines GOLD Insert Here as RESTORE.
RESTORE CHARACTER Reinserts, at the current position, the character you last erased with an EVE command or editing key. In overstrike mode, the restored character replaces the character the cursor is on. In insert mode, the restored character is inserted at the cursor position and existing text moves to accommodate it.
RESTORE LINE Reinserts, at the current position, the line that you last erased with an EVE command or editing key.
RESTORE SELECTION Reinserts, at the current position, the text last erased with a pending delete operation. For more information about using pending delete, see Section 8.12.
RESTORE WORD Reinserts, at the current position, the word that you last erased with an EVE command or editing key. EVE defines GOLD F13 as RESTORE WORD (except with the WPS keypad).

Tutorial: Erasing and Restoring Text

To erase and restore text:

  1. Invoke EVE to create the buffer RHYMES.DAT and enter the following text:

    She rhymes with tree, 
    also with bee, 
    and this one makes three.

  2. Move the cursor to the letter l in the word also. Enter the ERASE LINE command.
    EVE erases all characters from the letter l in also to the end of the line and appends the next line to the current line.

    She rhymes with tree, 
    aand this one makes three. 

  3. Move the cursor to the letter y in the word rhymes. Enter the ERASE WORD command.
    EVE erases the word rhymes and shifts the remaining text to the left.

    She with tree, 
    aand this one makes three. 

  4. Move the cursor to the second letter a on the second line. Enter the RESTORE LINE command.
    EVE restores the last line that was erased, in this case, lso with bee,.

    She with tree, 
    also with bee, 
    and this one makes three.

  5. Move the cursor to the letter w in the word with on the first line. Enter the RESTORE WORD command.
    EVE restores the last word that was erased, in this case, rhymes.

    She rhymes with tree, 
    also with bee, 
    and this one makes three. 

  6. To exit from EVE, press Ctrl/Z.

Section 8.9 describes the functions of the SELECT and REMOVE commands, which can be used together to erase text from a buffer.

8.9 Moving Text

You can use EVE commands to select sections of text for copying, moving, deleting, or other editing operations. This section discusses how to move text.

For information on how to move text from one buffer to another, see Section 8.18.

You can also select a rectangular area (a box) of text rather than a linear range of text to move, erase, or duplicate text. For information about using box editing commands, see Section 8.11.

To move text, follow these steps:
Step Task
1 Once you have invoked a file in EVE, place the cursor on the first character you want to move.
2 Press the Select key.
3 Move the cursor to one character beyond the last character you want to move. (In reverse direction, move the cursor to the last character, not one beyond.) The text to be moved is highlighted in reverse video. (If you decide not to remove text from the buffer, press the Select key again to cancel the selection.)
4 Press the Remove key. EVE deletes the highlighted text from your screen and places it in the Insert Here buffer.
5 Press the Insert Here key to insert text.

EVE inserts the text at the cursor location. You can insert the text contained in the Insert Here buffer any number of times at any cursor location until you select a new section of text and put that new text in the Insert Here buffer. The Insert Here buffer contains whatever text was last copied or removed.

Table 8-5 describes EVE editing keys used to move text.

Table 8-5 EVE Editing Keys That Move Text
Key or Key Sequence Function
Insert Here Same as the INSERT HERE or PASTE command. Inserts, at the current position, text that you removed or copied.
Remove Same as the REMOVE or CUT command. Removes the text that is marked with SELECT or highlighted by FIND and places it in the Insert Here buffer.
Select Marks text (highlighting it in reverse video) from the initial cursor location to wherever you move the cursor. The text that is highlighted is called the select range. To cancel the selection, press the Select key again or use RESET.
GOLD Select Same as RESET. Cancels any of the following and resets the direction of the buffer to forward:
  • Highlighting of a select or found range
  • A press of the GOLD key (or GOLD n combination for a repeat count)
  • An incomplete or recalled command line, or Choices buffer display
  • The output of SHOW, SHOW DEFAULTS BUFFER, SHOW SUMMARY, or SHOW WILDCARDS, thereby returning you to the buffer you were working in
GOLD Remove Same as the STORE TEXT or COPY command. Copies text that is marked with SELECT or FIND, putting it in the Insert Here buffer. Text that is copied is not removed from its original position.

Table 8-6 describes EVE commands used to move text.

Table 8-6 EVE Commands That Move Text
Command Function
Inserts the text you copied or removed. By default, EVE defines the E2 key (Insert Here on the minikeypad on VT200, VT300, and VT400 series terminals) and the KP9 key (on VT100 series terminals) as INSERT HERE.
or CUT
Removes the text that was marked with SELECT or highlighted by FIND, and places it in the Insert Here buffer. By default, EVE defines the E3 key (Remove on the minikeypad on VT200, VT300, and VT400 series terminals) and the KP8 key (on VT100 series terminals) as REMOVE.
RESET Cancels any of the following and resets the direction of the buffer to forward:
  • Highlighting of a select or found range
  • A press of the GOLD key (or GOLD n combination for a repeat count)
  • An incomplete or recalled command line, or Choices buffer display
  • The output of SHOW, SHOW DEFAULTS BUFFER, SHOW SUMMARY, or SHOW WILDCARDS, thereby returning you to the buffer you were working in
RESTORE SELECTION Reinserts the text erased by a pending delete operation. For more information about using pending delete, see Section 8.12.
SELECT Highlights text in reverse video from the initial cursor location to wherever you move the cursor. The text that is highlighted is called the select range. To cancel the selection, enter the SELECT command again or use RESET. By default, EVE defines the E4 key (Select on the minikeypad on VT200, VT300, and VT400 series terminals) and the KP7 key (on VT100 series terminals) as SELECT.
SELECT ALL Highlights all text in reverse video in the current buffer regardless of the cursor position. The text that is highlighted is called the select range. To cancel the selection, enter the SELECT command or use RESET. The SELECT ALL command temporarily disables pending delete to avoid accidentally erasing all of the buffer.
SET NOPENDING DELETE Default setting. Disables deletion of selected text when you use the Delete key or type new text. If you select text in the buffer, typing new text adds characters to the select range and using the Delete key erases only the character to the left of the cursor.
SET PENDING DELETE Enables pending delete, which lets you quickly erase blocks of text. First enable pending delete, then use the SELECT command to choose the text you want to erase. Erase the text by pressing the Delete key (or any other key on the alpha-numeric keypad). To reinsert what you deleted, move the cursor to where you want the text and enter the RESTORE SELECTION command. The default is SET NOPENDING DELETE.
Copies text that was marked with SELECT or FIND, placing it in the Insert Here buffer. Text that is copied is not removed from its original position.

Tutorial: Moving Text

To select, remove, and insert text from one location to another:

  1. Invoke EVE to edit the file RHYMES.DAT.
  2. Move the cursor to the beginning of the second line of RHYMES.DAT and press the Select key.
  3. Press the down arrow key once.
    The second line of text is highlighted.
  4. Press the Remove key.
    The second line of text is removed from the current buffer.

    She rhymes with tree, 
    and this one makes three. 
    [End of file] 

  5. Press the Return key twice and then press the Insert Here key.
    The text in the Insert Here buffer is inserted at the current cursor location.

    She rhymes with tree, 
    also with bee, 
    and this one makes three. 
    [End of file] 

  6. To exit from EVE, press Ctrl/Z.

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