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Updated: 12 December 1998 |
OpenVMS Version 7.2 Release Notes
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This chapter contains installation and support information about
OpenVMS layered products. Notes about using compilers, linkers, and
run-time library routines are included in Chapter 5.
2.1 Layered Product Support
Information about layered product support is available in the Software Public Rollout Reports for OpenVMS. The Software Public Rollout Reports for OpenVMS list the availability of Compaq's software products shipping on the Software Products Library kits (CD-ROM consolidations) for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX.
The reports contain the product name and version, the operating system
version required to support the product, and the volume ship date for
the product. The information in these tables is continually evolving
and is subject to change. The reports are intended for public
distribution and are updated monthly. The information is not provided
in these release notes because of the changing nature of the
2.2 Advanced Server V7.2 for OpenVMS (Alpha Only)
Advanced Server V7.2 for OpenVMS and PATHWORKS V6.0B for OpenVMS are the only OpenVMS file server products supported on OpenVMS Version 7.2. These products supersede PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Version 6.0 and 6.0A, which are not supported on OpenVMS Version 7.2. PATHWORKS V6.0B for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) ships on both VAX and Alpha Version 7.2 systems.
Advanced Server V7.2 for OpenVMS ships with the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 kit. (It is not supported on OpenVMS VAX.) If you are upgrading to Advanced Server V7.2 for OpenVMS from an earlier version of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS, you must first upgrade to PATHWORKS V6.0B.
For information about upgrading from PATHWORKS for OpenVMS and about installing Advanced Server for OpenVMS, refer to the Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide provided with the kit documentation.
Advanced Server for OpenVMS includes the following features:
To access Advanced Server for OpenVMS on OpenVMS Version 7.2, clients must be licensed using the new Advanced Server V7.2 license PAK: PWLMXXXCA07.02. Refer to the Advanced Server for OpenVMS Guide to Managing Advanced Server Licenses for more information.
The Advanced Server requires that the OpenVMS Registry be available
when the server is started. The server startup procedure starts the
registry server if it is not available. Compaq recommends that the
OpenVMS Registry be configured and started before you install and
configure the Advanced Server for OpenVMS software.
This section contains release notes pertaining to DEC BASIC.
2.3.1 Problems and Restrictions
The following note describes a build restriction for DEC BASIC Version
1.2. BASIC$STARLET.TLB Build Restriction (Alpha Only)
The restriction described in this release note applies to using DEC BASIC Version 1.2 on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 or later. The restriction does not apply to DEC BASIC Version 1.3. The introduction of 64-bit support for system services prevents the proper construction and use of BASIC$STARLET.TLB on OpenVMS Alpha systems.
If you do not need any of the system definitions from STARLET, take the default for the following question when installing DEC BASIC:
Do you want to install the OpenVMS AXP system definitions (10 min.) [NO]? |
If you do need system definitions from STARLET, there are two possible workarounds:
This section contains release notes pertaining to DEC C and DEC C++.
2.4.1 Changes and Enhancements
The following note describes a change in how STARLET header files now
ship on OpenVMS VAX. STARLET Header Files Now Ship with OpenVMS VAX
Starting with Version 7.1, OpenVMS VAX directly supplies the STARLET header files for DEC C and DEC C++ in SYS$LIBRARY:SYS$STARLET_C.TLB, as has always been done on OpenVMS Alpha systems. DEC C and DEC C++ compiler Versions 5.2 or later are required to access the STARLET headers. See a warning about installing earlier DEC C and DEC C++ compiler versions on OpenVMS VAX Version 7.1 or later in Section
The content of the STARLET headers has also been edited to correct
deficiencies in versions supplied by the DEC C and DEC C++ compilers in
releases prior to Version 7.1.
2.4.2 Problems and Restrictions
The following notes describe problems associated with DEC C and DEC C++. Pre-Version 5.2 Kits May Delete SYS$STARLET_C.TLB (VAX Only)
Installing a version of the DEC C or DEC C++ compiler older than
Version 5.2 on OpenVMS VAX Version 7.1 or later may damage or delete
SYS$LIBRARY:SYS$STARLET_C.TLB. (See Section for another warning
about installing DEC C++ Version 5.3 on OpenVMS VAX Version 7.1 and
later.) DEC C++ Version 5.3 Installation Fails (VAX Only)
When you attempt to install DEC C++ Version 5.3 on VAX systems running OpenVMS Version 7.1 or later, the installation fails because the Version 5.3 kit fails to install the system headers on OpenVMS Version 7.1 and later.
DEC C++ Version 5.4 fixes these problems.
2.5 DEC Pascal
This section contains release notes pertaining to DEC Pascal.
2.5.1 Problems and Restrictions
The following note describes a potential problem with an older version
of DEC Pascal. Installing DEC Pascal Version 5.5 After an Upgrade (Alpha Only)
After upgrading to OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1 or later, you should reinstall DEC Pascal to produce new versions of STARLET.PAS and other definition files to match the upgraded system.
If you do not reinstall DEC Pascal after upgrading to OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1 or later, the compiler on your system will still work correctly. However, STARLET.PAS and the other definition files will not contain any of the new definitions added in Version 7.1 and later.
Note that because of changes in OpenVMS, the DEC Pascal Version 5.5 kit
can sometimes go into an infinite loop when it is installed on OpenVMS
Alpha Version 7.1 or later. This problem is solved in DEC Pascal
Version 5.6.
2.6 DEC PL/I
This section contains release notes pertaining to DEC PL/I for OpenVMS.
2.6.1 Problems and Restrictions
The following note describes a DEC PL/I restriction. RTL Support for OpenVMS
The RTL that ships with OpenVMS Version 7.2 has not been tested with OpenVMS Version 7.1 or 7.2, and therefore is not supported.
However, the RTL that ships with DEC PL/I Version 4.2 and later is
supported on OpenVMS Versions 7.1 and 7.2.
2.7 DECdfs for OpenVMS
This section contains release notes pertaining to DECdfs.
2.7.1 Problems and Restrictions
The following note cites the consequences of using an old version of
DECdfs for OpenVMS. Version 2.3 Required for OpenVMS Alpha
If you want to run DECdfs for OpenVMS on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, you must install Version 2.3. Do not install earlier versions of DECdfs on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2; your system will crash. DECdfs for OpenVMS Version 2.3 ships with OpenVMS Version 7.2.
DECdfs for OpenVMS Version 2.3 is also recommended for OpenVMS VAX
Version 7.2 systems. Earlier versions of DECdfs for OpenVMS may not
cause your OpenVMS VAX system to crash, but DECdfs will function with
limited capacity.
2.8 DECforms
This section contains release notes pertaining to DECforms.
2.8.1 Problems and Restrictions
The following note describes a DECforms support issue. Support on OpenVMS Version 7.0 and Later (Alpha Only)
Because of changes in DECthreads, DECforms Version 2.1 does not work with OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 and later. Installing OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 or later causes existing applications based on DECforms Version 2.1 to fail; installing DECforms Version 2.1 on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 or later also fails. In both cases, you get the following error message:
%CMA-F-USE_ERROR, requested operation is inappropriate for the specified object |
For DECforms based applications to operate correctly on OpenVMS Alpha
Version 7.0 and later, you must run DECforms Version 2.1A or later.
2.9 DECnet Layered Products
This section contains release notes pertaining to the DECnet layered
2.9.1 Problems and Restrictions
Several restrictions for DECnet layered products are covered elsewhere in this manual, as follows:
The following release note documents a correction to the
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Management manual. DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network Management
Section of the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Network
Management manual incorrectly states that DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
supports up to 16 circuits. In fact, the maximum number of circuits
that can be created really is 4, as stated in the Software Product
Description. The configuration utility (NET$CONFIGURE.COM) now imposes
a limit of 4 circuits.
2.10 DECpresent
This section contains a release note pertaining to installing
2.10.1 Problems and Restrictions
The following note describes a dependence for installing DECpresent. Installation Dependency on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 or Later
To run DECpresent Version 1.0A on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 or later, you must upgrade the CDA Converter Library from Version 1.1 to Version 2.0.
When installing DECpresent Version 1.0A on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 or later, system managers can safely ignore the IVP failure for the CDA Converter Library Version 1.1 because that version of the product is bundled with DECpresent, but does not work on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 and later.
After installing DECpresent Version 1.0A on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 or
later, or upgrading from VMS Version 5.5--2 to Version 6.1 or later
with DECpresent Version 1.0A already installed on the system, system
managers should install CDA Converter Library Version 2.0.
2.11 DECram
This section contains a release note about DECram support.
2.11.1 Problems and Restrictions
The following note describes a DECram support limitation. DECram Version 2.3 Is Required (Alpha Only)
OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 requires DECram Version 2.3. Do not install earlier versions of DECram on OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2.
Table 2-1 summarizes DECram support on OpenVMS.
OpenVMS Platform/Version | Minimum Version | Recommended Version |
Alpha Version 7.2 | Version 2.3 | Same |
Alpha Version 6.2 through 7.1--1H x | Version 2.2F | Version 2.3 |
VAX Version 6.2 through 7.2 | Version 2.2C | Version 2.2F |
Furthermore, do not try to upgrade from OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 to Version 7.0 or later if you have DECram Version 2.2C or earlier installed. Attempting to do so prevents the system from booting. To avoid this problem, follow these steps:
These restrictions do not apply to OpenVMS VAX. However, Compaq recommends using the latest version of DECram, regardless of your operating system version or the architecture (VAX or Alpha). In addition to providing support for OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2, the latest version also contains bugfixes for both architectures. |
DECram Version 2.3 and supporting documentation are included in the OpenVMS Version 7.2 kit, on an OpenVMS Version 7.2 CD-ROM, in the following directory:
[.DECRAM_023] |
This version of DECram is not architecture-specific. It can be used on systems running either OpenVMS Alpha or OpenVMS VAX.
For more information about the contents of the DECram directory, refer to the Guide to OpenVMS Version 7.2 CD--ROMs.
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