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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS DCL Dictionary
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Invokes the access control list (ACL) editor, which creates or modifies an access control list for a specified object. The /ACL qualifier is required.For more information about the ACL Editor, refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual or the OpenVMS Guide to System Security or online help.
EDIT/ACL object-spec
Invokes EDT, an interactive text editor. The /EDT qualifier is required.Information on EDT commands is available from within EDT by pressing Ctrl/Z and typing HELP at the EDT Command prompt. In addition to command help, you can also press <PF2> for keypad help. For a description of EDT, including information about EDT commands and qualifiers, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual.
EDIT/EDT filespec
Specifies the file to be created or edited using EDT. If the file does not exist, it is created by EDT.EDT does not provide a default file type when creating files; if you do not include a file type, it is null. The file must be a disk file on a Files-11 formatted volume.
The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification.
EDT creates or edits text files. You can use EDT to enter or edit text in three modes: keypad, line, or nokeypad. Keypad editing, which is screen-oriented, is available on VT300-series, VT200-series, VT100, and VT52 terminals. A screen-oriented editor allows you to see several lines of text at once and move the cursor throughout the text in any direction. Line editing operates on all terminals. In fact, if you have a terminal other than a VT300-series, VT200-series, VT100, or VT52, line editing is the only way you can use EDT. You might prefer line editing if you are accustomed to editing by numbered lines. Nokeypad mode is a command-oriented screen editor available on VT300-series, VT200-series, VT100, and VT52 terminals. You can use line mode and nokeypad mode to redefine keys for use in keypad mode.When you invoke EDT, you are in line mode by default. If you are editing an existing file, EDT displays the line number and text for the first line of the file. If you are creating a new file, EDT displays the following message:
Input file does not exist [EOB]In either case, EDT then displays the line mode prompt, which is the asterisk (*).
For complete details on the EDT editor, refer to the OpenVMS EDT Reference Manual.
Determines whether or not EDT uses a startup command file. The /COMMAND file qualifier should be followed by an equal sign (=) and the specification of the command file. The default file type for command files is .EDT. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification.The following command line invokes EDT to edit a file named MEMO.DAT and specifies that EDT use a startup command file named XEDTINI.EDT:
$ EDIT/COMMAND=XEDTINI.EDT MEMO.DATIf you do not include the /COMMAND=command file qualifier, EDT looks for the EDTSYS logical name assignment. If EDTSYS is not defined, EDT processes the systemwide startup command file SYS$LIBRARY:EDTSYS.EDT. If this file does not exist, EDT looks for the EDTINI logical name assignment. If EDTINI is not defined, EDT looks for the file named EDTINI.EDT in your default directory. If none of these files exists, EDT begins your editing session in the default state.
To prevent EDT from processing either the systemwide startup command file or the EDTINI.EDT file in your default directory, use the /NOCOMMAND qualifier as follows:
Controls whether EDT creates a new file when the specified input file is not found.Normally, EDT creates a new file to match the input file specification if it cannot find the requested file name in the specified directory. When you use the /NOCREATE qualifier in the EDT command line and type a specification for a file that does not exist, EDT displays an error message and returns to the DCL command level as follows:
$ EDIT/EDT/NOCREATE NEWFILE.DAT Input file does not exist $/JOURNAL[=journal-file]
Determines whether EDT keeps a journal during your editing session. A journal contains a record of the keystrokes you enter during an editing session. The default file name for the journal is the same as the input file name. The default file type is .JOU. The /JOURNAL qualifier enables you to use a different file specification for the journal.The following command line invokes EDT to edit a file named MEMO.DAT and specifies the name SAVE.JOU for the journal:
$ EDIT/EDT/JOURNAL=SAVE MEMO.DATIf you are editing a file from another directory and want the journal to be located in that directory, you must use the /JOURNAL qualifier with a file specification that includes the directory name. Otherwise, EDT creates the journal in the default directory.
The directory that is to contain the journal should not be write-protected.
To prevent EDT from keeping a record of your editing session, use the /NOJOURNAL qualifier in the EDT command line as follows:
$ EDIT/EDT/NOJOURNAL MEMO.DATOnce you have created a journal, enter the EDT/RECOVER command to execute the commands in the journal. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification.
Determines whether EDT creates an output file at the end of your editing session. The default file specification for both the input file and the output file is the same. Use the /OUTPUT qualifier to give the output file a different file specification from the input file.The following command line invokes EDT to edit a file named MEMO.DAT and gives the resulting output file the name OUTMEM.DAT:
$ EDIT/EDT/OUTPUT=OUTMEM.DAT MEMO.DATYou can include directory information as part of your output file specification to send output to another directory as follows:
$ EDIT/EDT/OUTPUT=[BARRETT.MAIL]MEMO.DAT MEMO.DATThe /NOOUTPUT qualifier suppresses the creation of an output file, but not the creation of a journal. If you decide that you do not want an output file, you can use the /NOOUTPUT qualifier as follows:
$ EDIT/EDT/NOOUTPUT MEMO.DATA system interruption does not prevent you from re-creating your editing session because a journal is still being maintained. To save your editing session, even when you specify /NOOUTPUT, use the line mode command WRITE to put the text in an external file before you end the session.
The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification.
/NOREAD_ONLY (default)
Determines whether EDT keeps a journal and creates an output file. With the /NOREAD_ONLY qualifier, EDT maintains the journal and creates an output file when it processes the line mode command EXIT. Using the /READ_ONLY qualifier has the same effect as specifying both the /NOJOURNAL and /NOOUTPUT qualifiers.The following command line invokes EDT to edit a file named CALENDAR.DAT, but does not create a journal or an output file:
$ EDIT/EDT/READ_ONLY CALENDAR.DATUse the /READ_ONLY qualifier when you are searching a file and do not intend to make any changes to it. To modify the file, use the line mode command WRITE to save your changes. Remember, however, that you have no journal.
/NORECOVER (default)
Determines whether EDT reads a journal at the start of the editing session.When you use the /RECOVER qualifier, EDT reads the appropriate journal and processes whatever commands it contains. The appropriate syntax is as follows:
$ EDIT/EDT/RECOVER MEMO.DATIf the journal file type is not .JOU or the file name is not the same as the input file name, you must include both the /JOURNAL qualifier and the /RECOVER qualifier as follows:
$ EDIT/EDT/RECOVER/JOURNAL=SAVE.XXX MEMO.DATBecause the /NORECOVER qualifier is the default for EDT, you do not need to specify it in a command line.
#1 |
$ EDIT/EDT/OUTPUT=NEWFILE.TXT OLDFILE.TXT 1 This is the first line of the file OLDFILE.TXT. * |
This command invokes EDT to edit the file OLDFILE.TXT. EDT looks for the EDTSYS logical name assignment. If EDTSYS is not defined, EDT processes the systemwide startup command file SYS$LIBRARY:EDTSYS.EDT. If this file does not exist, EDT looks for the EDTINI logical name assignment. If EDTINI is not defined, EDT looks for the file named EDTINI.EDT in your default directory. If none of these files exists, EDT begins your editing session in the default state. When the session ends, the edited file has the name NEWFILE.TXT.
#2 |
This command invokes EDT to recover from an abnormal exit during a previous editing session. EDT opens the file OLDFILE.TXT, and then processes the journal OLDFILE.JOU. Once the journal has been processed, the user can resume interactive editing.
Invokes the Edit/FDL (File Definition Language) utility, which creates and modifies FDL files. The /FDL qualifier is required.For more information about the File Definition Language utility, refer to the OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference Manual or online help.
EDIT/FDL filespec
Invokes the SUMSLP utility, a batch-oriented editor, to update a single input file with multiple files of edit commands.For more information about the SUMSLP utility, refer to the OpenVMS SUMSLP Utility Manual or online help.
EDIT/SUM input-file
Invokes the TECO interactive text editor.
EDIT/TECO [filespec]
EDIT/TECO/EXECUTE=command-file [argument]
Specifies the file to be created or edited using the TECO editor. If the file does not exist, it is created by TECO, unless you specify the /NOCREATE qualifier. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification.If you specify the /MEMORY qualifier (default) without a file specification, TECO edits the file identified by the logical name TEC$MEMORY. If TEC$MEMORY has no equivalence string, or if the /NOMEMORY qualifier is specified, TECO starts in command mode and does not edit an existing file.
If you specify the /MEMORY qualifier and a file specification, the file specification is equated to the logical name TEC$MEMORY.
See the /EXECUTE qualifier.
The TECO editor creates or edits text files. For detailed information on the use of TECO, refer to the PDP-11 TECO Editor Reference Manual.
Controls whether a startup command file is used. The /COMMAND file qualifier may be followed by an equal sign (=) and the specification of the command file. The default file type for command files is .TEC.The following command line invokes TECO to edit a file named MEMO.DAT and specifies that TECO use a startup command file named XTECOINI.TEC:
$ EDIT/TECO/COMMAND=XTECOINI.TEC MEMO.DATIf you do not include the /COMMAND qualifier, or if you enter /COMMAND without specifying a command file, TECO looks for the TEC$INIT logical name assignment. If TEC$INIT is not defined, no startup commands are executed.
The logical name TEC$INIT can equate either to a string of TECO commands or to a dollar sign ($) followed by a file specification. If TEC$INIT translates to a string of TECO commands, the string is executed; if it translates to a dollar sign followed by a file specification, the contents of the file are executed as a TECO command string. For further information, see the PDP-11 TECO Editor Reference Manual.
To prevent TECO from using any startup command file, use the /NOCOMMAND qualifier as follows:
$ EDIT/TECO/NOCOMMAND MEMO.DATThe asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification.
/CREATE (default)
Creates a new file when the specified input file cannot be found. If the /MEMORY qualifier is specified and no input file is specified, the file created is the one specified by the logical name TEC$MEMORY. Normally, TECO creates a new file to match the input file specification if it cannot find the requested file name in the specified directory. When you use the /NOCREATE qualifier in the TECO command line and type a specification for a file that does not exist, TECO displays an error message and returns you to the DCL command level. The /CREATE and /NOCREATE qualifiers are incompatible with the /EXECUTE qualifier./EXECUTE=command-file [argument]
Invokes TECO and executes the TECO macro found in the command file. The argument, if specified, appears in the text buffer when macro execution starts. Blanks or special characters must be enclosed in quotation marks (" "). For detailed information on the use of TECO macros, refer to the PDP-11 TECO Editor Reference Manual.The /EXECUTE qualifier is incompatible with the /CREATE and /MEMORY qualifiers.
/MEMORY (default)
Specifies that the last file you edited with TECO, identified by the logical name TEC$MEMORY, will be the file edited if you omit the file specification to the EDIT/TECO command./OUTPUT=output-file
/NOOUTPUT (default)
Controls how the output file is named at the end of your editing session. By default, the output file has the same name as the input file but is given the next higher available version number. Use the /OUTPUT qualifier to give the output file a file specification different from the input file.The following command line invokes TECO to edit a file named MEMO.DAT and gives the resulting output file the name OUTMEM.DAT:
$ EDIT/TECO/OUTPUT=OUTMEM.DAT MEMO.DATYou can include directory information as part of your output file specification to send output to another directory as follows:
$ EDIT/TECO/OUTPUT=[BARRRET.MAIL]MEMO.DAT MEMO.DATThe asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification.
/NOREAD_ONLY (default)
Controls whether an output file is created. By default, an output file is created; the /READ_ONLY qualifier suppresses the creation of the output file.
#1 |
This EDIT command invokes the TECO editor to edit the file OLDFILE.TXT. TECO looks for the TEC$INIT logical name assignment. If TEC$INIT is not defined, TECO begins the editing session without using a command file. When the session ends, the edited file has the name NEWFILE.TXT.
#2 |
In this example, the /EXECUTE qualifier causes the TECO macro contained in the file FIND_DUPS.TEC to be executed, with the argument string "TEMP, ARGS, BLANK" located in the text buffer.
Invokes the DEC Text Processing utility (DECTPU). By default, this runs the Extensible Versatile Editor (EVE). DECTPU provides a structured programming language and other components for creating text editors and other applications. EVE is a general-purpose text editor that is the OpenVMS default editor.For more information about editing with EVE, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual or online help.
EDIT[/TPU] [input-file]
Enables the autostart feature on a node for all autostart queues managed by the specified queue manager. By default, this command uses the /QUEUES qualifier.Requires OPER (operator) privileges.
For more information on autostart queues, refer to the chapter on batch and print queues in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.
Enabling autostart for queues notifies the queue manager to automatically start all of its stopped active autostart queues on a node. It also notifies the queue manager to automatically start any of its autostart queues that fail over to the node. By default, the ENABLE AUTOSTART command affects the node from which it is entered. Specify the /ON_NODE qualifier to enable autostart on a different node.By default, the command affects autostart queues managed by the default queue manager, SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER. Specify the /NAME_OF_MANAGER qualifier to disable autostart of a different queue manager's autostart queues on the node.
An autostart queue is active if it has been activated by the /START qualifier with the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command or by the START/QUEUE command and has not been stopped by the STOP/QUEUE/NEXT or STOP/QUEUE/RESET command.
When a node boots, autostart is disabled until you enter the ENABLE AUTOSTART command. Typically, you would add this command to your site-specific startup command procedure or your queue startup command procedure to start a node's autostart queues each time the node boots.
Specifies the name of the queue manager controlling the autostart queues you want to enable. The qualifier allows the autostart feature to be used differently for different sets of queues.If the /NAME_OF_MANAGER qualifier is omitted, the default queue manager name SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER is used.
For more information on multiple queue managers, refer to the chapter on the queue manager in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.
Specifies a node in an OpenVMS Cluster system. Use this qualifier to enable autostart on a node other than the one from which you enter the command./QUEUES
Specifies that autostart is to be enabled for queues. (This qualifier is used by default.)
#1 |
In this example, the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command creates an autostart queue BATCH_1, capable of running on node SATURN. The /START qualifier activates the queue for autostart. The ENABLE/AUTOSTART/QUEUES command (executed on node SATURN) enables autostart on the node, causing the queue (and any other active autostart queues on the node) to begin executing jobs.
The DISABLE AUTOSTART command (executed on node SATURN) stops autostart queues on the node and prevents any queues from failing over to the node.
These commands only affect queues managed by the default queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER because the /NAME_OF_MANAGER qualifier is not specified.
Because BATCH_1 is set up to run only on one node, the queue cannot fail over to another node and therefore is stopped. However, the queue remains active for autostart and will be started when the ENABLE AUTOSTART command is entered for node SATURN. No START/QUEUE command is needed to restart BATCH_1 unless autostart of the queue is deactivated with the STOP/QUEUE/NEXT or STOP/QUEUE/RESET command.
#2 |
In this example, the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command creates an autostart queue BATCH_1. The /START qualifier activates the queue for autostart.
The first ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command causes the queue to begin executing on node NEPTUN. The second ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command enables autostart on node SATURN to start all stopped active autostart queues on that node and to start any autostart queues that might fail over to that node.
Later, suppose node NEPTUN must be removed from the OpenVMS Cluster system. The STOP/QUEUES/ON_NODE command stops all queues on node NEPTUN, and causes the autostart queue BATCH_1 to fail over to node SATURN. Because the queue is active for autostart, and because autostart has been enabled on node SATURN, the queue is automatically started on that node.
This command only affects queues managed by the default queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER because the /NAME_OF_MANAGER qualifier is not specified.
Defines the end of a subroutine in a command procedure.For more information about the ENDSUBROUTINE command, refer to the description of the CALL command or online help.
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