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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS DCL Dictionary
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By specifying an asterisk (*) or percent sign (%) wildcard character as the object-id argument on successive calls, you can get status information about one or more jobs in a specific queue or about files within jobs in a specific queue. When a name is used with wildcard characters, each call returns information for the next object (queue, form, and so on) in the list. A null string ("") is returned when the end of the list is reached. A wildcard can represent only object names, not object numbers.
Keyword | Valid Function Code | Description |
ALL_JOBS | DISPLAY_JOB | Requests that F$GETQUI search all jobs included in the established queue context. If you do not specify this flag, F$GETQUI returns information only about jobs that have the same user name as the caller. |
BATCH | DISPLAY_QUEUE DISPLAY_ENTRY | Selects batch queues. |
When in wildcard mode, prevents advance of wildcard context to the next object. If you do not specify this flag, the context is advanced to the next object. |
GENERIC | DISPLAY_ENTRY DISPLAY_QUEUE | Selects generic queues for searching. |
HOLDING_JOBS | DISPLAY_ENTRY DISPLAY_JOB | Selects jobs on unconditional hold. |
PRINTER | DISPLAY_QUEUE DISPLAY_ENTRY | Selects printer queues. |
RETAINED_JOBS | DISPLAY_ENTRY DISPLAY_JOB | Selects jobs being retained. |
SERVER | DISPLAY_QUEUE DISPLAY_ENTRY | Selects server queues. |
SYMBIONT | DISPLAY_QUEUE DISPLAY_ENTRY | Selects all output queues. Equivalent to specifying "PRINTER,SERVER,TERMINAL". |
TERMINAL | DISPLAY_QUEUE DISPLAY_ENTRY | Selects terminal queues. |
THIS_JOB | DISPLAY_FILE DISPLAY_JOB DISPLAY_QUEUE | Selects all job file information about the calling batch job, the command file being executed, or the queue associated with the calling batch job. |
TIMED_RELEASE_JOBS | DISPLAY_ENTRY DISPLAY_JOB | Selects jobs on hold until a specified time. |
Establishes and saves a context. Because the context is saved, the next operation can be performed based on that context. |
The F$GETQUI lexical function invokes the $GETQUI system service to return information about queues, batch and print jobs currently in those queues, form definitions, and characteristic definitions kept in the system job queue file. The F$GETQUI lexical function provides all the features of the $GETQUI system service, including wildcard and nested wildcard operations. For example, in nested wildcard operations, $GETQUI returns information about objects defined within another object. Specifically, this mode allows you to query jobs contained in a selected queue or files contained in a selected job in a sequence of calls. After each call, the system saves the GQC (internal GETQUI context block) so that the GQC can provide the queue or job context necessary for subsequent calls. For more information, refer to the description of the $GETQUI system service in the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual.The F$GETQUI function returns information on all items that can be specified with the $GETQUI system service. Table DCLI-11 lists the items you can specify with the F$GETQUI function, the information returned, and the data type of this information.
Table DCLI-11 F$GETQUI Items Item Return Type Information Returned ACCOUNT_NAME 1 String The account name of the owner of the specified job. AFTER_TIME String The system time at or after which the specified job can execute. ASSIGNED_QUEUE_NAME 1 String The name of the execution queue to which the logical queue specified in the call to F$GETQUI is assigned. AUTOSTART_ON String A list of nodes or node device pairs indicating where the queue can start. BASE_PRIORITY Integer The priority at which batch jobs are initiated from a batch execution queue or the priority of a symbiont process that controls output execution queues. CHARACTERISTICS 1 String The characteristics associated with the specified queue or job. CHARACTERISTIC_NAME String The name of the specified characteristic. CHARACTERISTIC_NUMBER Integer The number of the specified characteristic. CHECKPOINT_DATA 1 String The value of the DCL symbol BATCH$RESTART when the specified batch job is restarted. CLI 1 String The name of the command language interpreter (CLI) used to execute the specified batch job. The file specification returned assumes the device name SYS$SYSTEM and the file type EXE. COMPLETED_BLOCKS Integer The number of blocks that the symbiont has processed for the specified print job. This item code is applicable only to print jobs. CONDITION_VECTOR 1 Integer The vector of three longwords. The first longword gives the completion status of the specified job. The second and third longwords give additional status about the print job. CPU_DEFAULT String The default CPU time limit specified for the queue in delta time. This item code is applicable only to batch execution queues. CPU_LIMIT 1 String The maximum CPU time limit specified for the specified job or queue in delta time. This item code is applicable only to batch jobs and batch execution queues. DEFAULT_FORM_NAME String The name of the default form associated with the specified output queue. DEFAULT_FORM_STOCK String The name of the paper stock on which the specified default form is to be printed. DEVICE_NAME String The node and device (or both) on which the specified execution queue is located. For output execution queues, only the device name is returned. The node name is used only in dual-architecture OpenVMS Cluster systems. The node name is specified by the system parameter SCSNODE for the processor on which the queue executes. For batch execution queues, a null string ("") is returned. To get the name of the node on which a batch queue is executing, use the SCSNODE_NAME item.
ENTRY_NUMBER Integer The queue entry number of the specified job. EXECUTING_JOB_COUNT Integer The number of jobs in the queue that are currently executing. FILE_BURST String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether burst and flag pages are to be printed preceding a file. FILE_CHECKPOINTED 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the specified file is checkpointed. FILE_COPIES 1 Integer The number of times the specified file is to be processed. This item code is applicable only to output execution queues. FILE_COPIES_DONE 1 Integer The number of times the specified file has been processed. This item code is applicable only to output execution queues. FILE_COUNT Integer The number of files in a specified job. FILE_DELETE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the specified file is to be deleted after execution of request. FILE_DOUBLE_SPACE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the symbiont formats the file with double spacing. FILE_EXECUTING 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the specified file is being processed. FILE_FLAG String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a flag page is to be printed preceding a file. FILE_FLAGS 1 Integer The processing options that have been selected for the specified file. The integer represents a bit field. To find the settings of each bit in the field, use one of the following items in place of FILE_FLAGS:
FILE_IDENTIFICATION 1 String The internal file-identification value that uniquely identifies the selected file. This value specifies (in order) the following three file-identification fields in the RMS NAM block:
- NAM$T_DVI (16 bytes)
- NAM$W_FID (6 bytes)
- NAM$W_DID (6 bytes)
FILE_PAGE_HEADER String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a page header is to be printed on each page of output. FILE_PAGINATE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the symbiont paginates output by inserting a form feed whenever output reaches the bottom margin of the form. FILE_PASSALL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the symbiont prints the file in PASSALL mode. FILE_SETUP_MODULES 1 String The names of the text modules that are to be extracted from the device control library and copied to the printer before the specified file is printed. This item code is meaningful only for output execution queues. FILE_SPECIFICATION 1 String The fully qualified RMS file specification of the file about which F$GETQUI is returning information. FILE_STATUS 1 Integer File status information. The integer represents a bit field. To find the settings of each bit in the field, use one of the following items in place of FILE_STATUS:
FILE_TRAILER String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a trailer page is to be printed following a file. FIRST_PAGE 1 Integer The page number at which the printing of the specified file is to begin. This item code is applicable only to output execution queues. FORM_DESCRIPTION String The text string that describes the specified form to users and operators. FORM_FLAGS Integer The processing options that have been selected for the specified form. The integer represents a bit field. To find the settings of each bit in the field, use one of the following items in place of FORM_FLAGS:
FORM_LENGTH Integer The physical length of the specified form in lines. This item code is applicable only to output execution queues. FORM_MARGIN_BOTTOM Integer The bottom margin of the specified form in lines. FORM_MARGIN_LEFT Integer The left margin of the specified form in characters. FORM_MARGIN_RIGHT Integer The right margin of the specified form in characters. FORM_MARGIN_TOP Integer The top margin of the specified form in lines. FORM_NAME 1 String The name of the specified form or the mounted form associated with the specified job or queue. FORM_NUMBER Integer The number of the specified form. FORM_SETUP_MODULES String The names of the text modules that are to be extracted from the device control library and copied to the printer before a file is printed on the specified form. This item code is meaningful only for output execution queues. FORM_SHEET_FEED String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the symbiont pauses at the end of each physical page so that another sheet of paper can be inserted. FORM_STOCK 1 String The name of the paper stock on which the specified form is to be printed. FORM_TRUNCATE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the printer discards any characters that exceed the specified right margin. FORM_WIDTH Integer The width of the specified form. FORM_WRAP String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the printer prints any characters that exceed the specified right margin on the following line. GENERIC_TARGET String The names of the execution queues that are enabled to accept work from the specified generic queue. This item code is meaningful only for generic queues. HOLDING_JOB_COUNT Integer The number of jobs in the queue being held until explicitly released. INTERVENING_BLOCKS Integer The number of blocks associated with pending jobs in the queue that were skipped during the current call to F$GETQUI. These jobs were not reported because they did not match the selection criterion in effect for the call to F$GETQUI. INTERVENING_JOBS Integer The number of of pending jobs in the queue that were skipped during the current call to F$GETQUI. These jobs were not reported because they did not match the selection criterion in effect for the call to F$GETQUI. JOB_ABORTING String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the system is attempting to abort the execution of a job. JOB_COMPLETION_QUEUE 1 String The name of the queue on which the specified job executed. JOB_COMPLETION_TIME 1 String The time at which the execution of the specified job completed. JOB_COPIES 1 Integer The number of times the specified print job is to be repeated. JOB_COPIES_DONE 1 Integer The number of times that the specified print job has been repeated. JOB_CPU_LIMIT 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a CPU time limit is specified for the job. JOB_ERROR_RETENTION 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the user requested that the specified job be retained in the queue if the job completes unsuccessfully. JOB_EXECUTING String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the specified job is executing or printing. JOB_FILE_BURST 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a burst page option is explicitly specified for the job. JOB_FILE_BURST_ONE 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether burst and flag pages precede only the first copy of the first file in the job. JOB_FILE_FLAG 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a flag page precedes each file in the job. JOB_FILE_FLAG_ONE 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a flag page precedes only the first copy of the first file in the job. JOB_FILE_PAGINATE 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a paginate option is explicitly specified for the job. JOB_FILE_TRAILER 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a trailer page follows each file in the job. JOB_FILE_TRAILER_ONE 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a trailer page follows only the last copy of the last file in the job. JOB_FLAGS 1 Integer The processing options selected for the specified job. The integer represents a bit field. To find the settings of each bit in the field, use one of the following items in place of JOB_FLAGS:
JOB_HOLDING String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the job will be held until it is explicitly released. JOB_INACCESSIBLE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the caller does not have read access to the specific job and file information in the system queue file. When FALSE, the DISPLAY_JOB and DISPLAY_FILE operations can return information for only the following output value item codes:
JOB_LIMIT Integer The number of jobs that can execute simultaneously on the specified queue. This item code is applicable only to batch execution queues. JOB_LOG_DELETE 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the log file is deleted after it is printed. JOB_LOG_NULL 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a log file is not created. JOB_LOG_SPOOL 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the job log file is queued for printing when the job is complete. JOB_LOWERCASE 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the job is to be printed on a printer that can print both uppercase and lowercase letters. JOB_NAME 1 String The name of the specified job. JOB_NOTIFY 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a message is broadcast to a terminal when a job completes or aborts. JOB_PENDING String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the job is pending. JOB_PID String The process identification (PID) number of the executing batch job. JOB_REFUSED String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the job was refused by the symbiont and is waiting for the symbiont to accept it for processing. JOB_RESET_MODULES String The names of the text modules that are to be extracted from the device control library and copied to the printer before each job in the specified queue is printed. This item code is meaningful only for output execution queues. JOB_RESTART 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the job will restart after a system failure or can be requeued during execution. JOB_RETAINED String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the job has completed but is being retained in the queue. JOB_RETENTION String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the user requested that the job be retained indefinitely in the queue regardless of the job's completion status. JOB_RETENTION_TIME 1 String Returns the system time until which the user requested the job be retained in the queue. The system time may be expressed in either absolute or delta time format. JOB_SIZE Integer The total number of blocks in the specified print job. JOB_SIZE_MAXIMUM Integer The maximum number of blocks that a print job initiated from the specified queue can contain. This item code is applicable only to output execution queues. JOB_SIZE_MINIMUM Integer The minimum number of blocks that a print job initiated from the specified queue can contain. This item code is applicable only to output execution queues. JOB_STALLED String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the specified job is stalled because the physical device on which the job is printing is stalled. JOB_STARTING String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the job controller is starting to process the job and has begun communicating with an output symbiont or a job controller on another node. JOB_STATUS Integer The specified job's status flags. The integer represents a bit field. To find the settings of each bit in the field, use one of the following items in place of JOB_STATUS:
JOB_SUSPENDED String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the job is suspended. JOB_TIMED_RELEASE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the job is waiting for a specified time to execute. JOB_WSDEFAULT 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a default working set size is specified for the job. JOB_WSEXTENT 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a working set extent is specified for the job. JOB_WSQUOTA 1 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a working set quota is specified for the job. LAST_PAGE 1 Integer The page number at which the printing of the specified file should end. This item code is applicable only to output execution queues. LIBRARY_SPECIFICATION String The name of the device control library for the specified queue. The library specification assumes the device and directory name SYS$LIBRARY and a file type of TLB. This item code is meaningful only for output execution queues. LOG_QUEUE 1 String The name of the queue into which the log file produced for the specified batch job is to be entered for printing. This item code is applicable only to batch jobs. LOG_SPECIFICATION 1 String The name of the log file specified for a job. This item code is meaningful only for batch jobs. Use the JOB_LOG_NULL item code to determine whether a log file will be produced. MANAGER_NAME String The queue manager name. MANAGER_NODES String The names of the nodes on which the queue manager may run. MANAGER_STATUS Integer The specified queue manager's status flags. To find the settings of each bit in the field, use one of the following items in place of JOB_STATUS:
NOTE 1 String The note that is to be printed on the job flag and file flag pages of the specified job. This item code is meaningful only for output execution queues. OPERATOR_REQUEST 1 String The message that is to be sent to the queue operator before the specified job begins to execute. This item code is meaningful only for output execution queues. OWNER_UIC 1 String The owner user identification code (UIC) of the specified queue. PAGE_SETUP_MODULES String The names of the text modules to be extracted from the device control library and copied to the printer before each page of the specified form is printed. PARAMETER_1 to PARAMETER_8 1 String The value of the user-defined parameters that become the value of the DCL symbols P1 to P8 respectively. PENDING_JOB_BLOCK_COUNT Integer The total number of blocks for all pending jobs in the queue (valid only for output execution queues). PENDING_JOB_COUNT Integer The number of jobs in the queue in a pending state. PENDING_JOB_REASON Integer The reason that the job is in a pending state. The integer represents a bit field. To find the settings of each bit in the field, use one of the following items in place of PENDING_JOB_REASON:
PEND_CHAR_MISMATCH String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the job requires characteristics that are not available on the execution queue. PEND_JOB_SIZE_MAX String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the block size of the job exceeds the upper block limit of the execution queue. PEND_JOB_SIZE_MIN String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the block size of the job is less than the lower limit of the execution queue. PEND_LOWERCASE_MISMATCH String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the job requires a lowercase printer. PEND_NO_ACCESS String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the owner of the job does not have access to the execution queue. PEND_QUEUE_BUSY String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the job is pending because the number of jobs currently executing on the queue equals the job limit for the queue. PEND_QUEUE_STATE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the job is pending because the execution queue is not in a running open state. PEND_STOCK_MISMATCH String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the stock type required by the job's form does not match the stock type of the form mounted on the execution queue. PRIORITY 1 Integer The scheduling priority of the specified job. PROCESSOR String The name of the symbiont image that executes print jobs initiated from the specified queue. PROTECTION 1 String The specified queue's protection mask. QUEUE_ACL_SPECIFIED String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether an access control list has been specified for the queue. QUEUE_ALIGNING String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is currently printing alignment pages. A queue prints alignment pages when it is restarted from a paused state by using the command START/QUEUE/ALIGN. QUEUE_AUTOSTART String TRUE or FALSE if the specified queue has been designated as an AUTOSTART queue. QUEUE_AUTOSTART_INACTIVE String TRUE or FALSE if the queue is an autostart queue that will not be automatically started. If TRUE, a START/QUEUE or INIT/QUEUE/START command must be issued to restart the queue. QUEUE_AVAILABLE String TRUE or FALSE if the queue is processing one or more jobs but is capable of processing one or more additional jobs. QUEUE_BATCH String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is a batch queue or a generic batch queue. QUEUE_BUSY String TRUE or FALSE if the number of jobs currently executing on the queue equals the job limit for the queue. QUEUE_CLOSED String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is closed and will not accept new jobs until the queue is put in an open state. QUEUE_CPU_DEFAULT String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a default CPU time limit has been specified for all jobs in the queue. QUEUE_CPU_LIMIT String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a maximum CPU time limit has been specified for all jobs in the queue. QUEUE_DESCRIPTION String The description of the queue that was defined by using the /DESCRIPTION qualifier with the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command. QUEUE_DIRECTORY String The device and directory specification of the queue database directory for the queue manager. QUEUE_FILE_BURST String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether burst and flag pages precede each file in each job initiated from the queue. QUEUE_FILE_BURST_ONE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether burst and flag pages precede only the first copy of the first file in each job initiated from the queue. QUEUE_FILE_FLAG String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a flag page precedes each file in each job initiated from the queue. QUEUE_FILE_FLAG_ONE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a flag page precedes only the first copy of the first file in each job initiated from the queue. QUEUE_FILE_PAGINATE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the output symbiont paginates output for each job initiated from this queue. The output symbiont paginates output by inserting a form feed whenever output reaches the bottom margin of the form. QUEUE_FILE_TRAILER String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a trailer page follows each file in each job initiated from the queue. QUEUE_FILE_TRAILER_ONE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a trailer page follows only the last copy of the last file in each job initiated from the queue. QUEUE_FLAGS Integer The processing options that have been selected for the specified queue. The integer represents a bit field. To find the settings of each bit in the field, use one of the following items in place of QUEUE_FLAGS:
QUEUE_GENERIC String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is a generic queue. QUEUE_GENERIC_SELECTION String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is an execution queue that can accept work from a generic queue. QUEUE_IDLE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is not processing any jobs and is capable of doing so or whether the generic queue is capable of feeding executor queues. QUEUE_JOB_BURST String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether burst and flag pages precede each job initiated from the queue. QUEUE_JOB_FLAG String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a flag page precedes each job initiated from the queue. QUEUE_JOB_SIZE_SCHED String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether jobs initiated from the queue are scheduled according to size with the smallest job of a given priority processed first. (Meaningful only for output queues.) QUEUE_JOB_TRAILER String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a trailer page follows each job initiated from the queue. QUEUE_LOWERCASE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether queue is associated with a printer that can print both uppercase and lowercase characters. QUEUE_NAME 1 String The name of the specified queue or the name of the queue that contains the specified job. QUEUE_PAUSED String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether execution of all current jobs in the queue is temporarily halted. QUEUE_PAUSING String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is temporarily halting execution. Currently executing jobs are completing; temporarily, no new jobs can begin executing. QUEUE_PRINTER String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is a printer queue. QUEUE_RECORD_BLOCKING String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the symbiont is permitted to concatenate, or block together, the output records it sends to the output device. QUEUE_REMOTE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is assigned to a physical device that is not connected to the local node. QUEUE_RESETTING String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is resetting and stopping. QUEUE_RESUMING String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is restarting after pausing. QUEUE_RETAIN_ALL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether all jobs initiated from the queue remain in the queue after they finish executing. Completed jobs are marked with a completion status. QUEUE_RETAIN_ERROR String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether only jobs that do not complete successfully are retained in the queue. QUEUE_SERVER String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether queue processing is directed to a server symbiont. QUEUE_STALLED String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the physical device to which the queue is assigned is stalled; that is, the device has not completed the last I/O request submitted to it. QUEUE_STARTING String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is starting. QUEUE_STATUS Integer The specified queue's status flags. The integer represents a bit field. To find the settings of each bit in the field, use one of the following items in place of QUEUE_STATUS:
QUEUE_STOP_PENDING String TRUE or FALSE if queue will be stopped when jobs currently in progress have completed. QUEUE_STOPPED String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is stopped. QUEUE_STOPPING String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is stopping. QUEUE_SWAP String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether jobs initiated from the queue can be swapped. QUEUE_TERMINAL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the queue is a terminal queue. QUEUE_UNAVAILABLE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the physical device to which queue is assigned is not available. QUEUE_WSDEFAULT String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a default working set size is specified for each job initiated from the queue. QUEUE_WSEXTENT String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a working set extent is specified for each job initiated from the queue. QUEUE_WSQUOTA String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a working set quota is specified for each job initiated from the queue. REQUEUE_QUEUE_NAME 1 String The name of the queue to which the specified job is reassigned. RESTART_QUEUE_NAME 1 String The name of the queue in which the job will be placed if the job is restarted. RETAINED_JOB_COUNT Integer The number of jobs in the queue retained after successful completion plus those retained on error. SCSNODE_NAME String The 6-byte name of the VAX node on which jobs initiated from the specified queue execute. The node name matches the value of the system parameter SCSNODE for the target node. SECURITY_INACCESSIBLE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the user has read access to the specified queue. SUBMISSION_TIME 1 String The time at which the specified job was submitted to the queue. TIMED_RELEASE_JOB_COUNT Integer The number of jobs in the queue on hold until a specified time. UIC 1 String The user identification code (UIC) of the owner of the specified job. USERNAME 1 String The user name of the owner of the specified job. WSDEFAULT 1 Integer The default working set size specified for the specified job or queue. This value is meaningful only for batch jobs and execution and output queues. WSEXTENT 1 Integer The working set extent specified for the specified job or queue. This value is meaningful only for batch jobs and execution and output queues. WSQUOTA 1 Integer The working set quota for the specified job or queue. This value is meaningful only for batch jobs and execution and output queues.
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