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Some printers have more than one input tray. You can use different trays for various types of media, such as transparencies, envelopes, and paper.
Some printers support special trays, such as manual-feed input slots and envelope feeders. To list the input trays supported by your printer, enter the HELP PRINT_PARAMETER INPUT_TRAY command and select the subtopic that describes your printer.
Use the INPUT_TRAY parameter in the PRINT command to select the input tray from which the media is drawn for the print job.
For example:
Some printers do not support multiple input trays. If you specify /PARAMETERS=INPUT_TRAY on print jobs for these types of printers, your print job is terminated and the following message is displayed:
NOINPTRAY, INPUT_TRAY selection not supported for printer-name |
Selecting the wrong input tray with certain printers terminates the print job. When you specify an input tray that is not supported by the printer, the following error message is displayed:
INTRAYNOTSUP, No tray-name on printer-name |
Some printers have optional input trays. If you specify an optional input tray that is not currently available on the printer, the job is terminated and the following error message is displayed:
INTRAYNOTAVL, No tray-name is installed on printer-name |
Use the INPUT_TRAY parameter to specify an input tray that has the required media loaded in the tray.
You can also specify a paper size with the SHEET_SIZE or PAGE_SIZE parameter.
If you specify both the input tray and the paper size, the specified input tray must contain the requested paper size for the job to print, or the print job is terminated and the following error message is displayed:
SIZNOTRAY, paper-size size medium is not in the tray-name tray in printer-name |
For example:
SIZNOTRAY, A4 size medium is not in the TOP tray in PS40$A14 |
To select the manual feed slot, use the parameter INPUT_TRAY=MANUAL_FEED. You must also specify the paper size with the SHEET_SIZE or PAGE_SIZE parameter. For example:
If you omit the page size from a print job that specified manual feed, your print job terminates and the following error message is displayed:
NO_SHEET_SIZE, Sheet_size must be specified for Manual_Feed |
When you specify manual feed, job separation pages are printed on the
paper that is loaded in the printer's default input tray. Then the
input tray is changed to MANUAL_FEED for printing the file.
5.1.3 Using the Envelope Feeder
You must specify the paper size with the SHEET_SIZE or PAGE_SIZE parameter when you specify the ENVELOPE_FEEDER input tray. Otherwise, your print job terminates and the following message is displayed:
NO_SHEET_SIZE, Sheet_size must be specified for Envelope_Feeder |
Some PostScript printers have multiple output trays.
You can list the output trays available with your type of printer by entering the HELP PRINT_PARAMETER OUTPUT_TRAY command and selecting the subtopic that describes your printer.
You can select the output tray for print jobs destined for these printers using the OUTPUT_TRAY parameter in the PRINT command.
For example:
If you select an unsupported output tray, the print job may be printed and sent to another output tray, and the following message displayed:
TRAYSUBST, Output will be delivered to the output-tray tray on printer-name |
Alternatively, your print job may be terminated and the following message displayed:
NOOUTTRAY, OUTPUT_TRAY, tray-name, not supported on printer-name |
Some printers have optional output trays. If you specify an optional output tray that is not currently available on the printer, your output will be directed to a similar tray if one exists. If there is no similar output tray, the job is terminated and the following error message is displayed:
OUTTRAYNOTAVL, No tray-name is installed on printer-name |
If you manually select the output trays on your printer, you cannot change trays with the OUTPUT_TRAY parameter. You must select the output tray by using the controls on the printer. Refer to the operator's guide to your printer for information about output tray selection.
If you specify the OUTPUT_TRAY parameter for this type of printer, be sure that the appropriate output tray is selected manually. Otherwise, the print job is terminated and the following message may be displayed:
OUTTRAYMISMATCH, Printer printer-name output tray setting does not match requested output-tray on printer-name |
This Chapter ... | Explains How To ... |
Chapter 6 | Print PostScript files |
Chapter 7 | Print ANSI files |
Chapter 8 | Print DDIF image files |
Chapter 9 | Print PCL files |
Chapter 10 | Print Proprinter files |
Chapter 11 | Print with the LIST data type |
Chapter 12 | Use advanced page layouts |
Chapter 13 | Use layup |
Chapter 14 | Use forms |
Chapter 15 | Use setup modules |
Chapter 16 | Specify file separation pages |
Chapter 17 | Use error handler to debug problems |
Chapter 18 | Troubleshoot printing errors |
The PostScript file generated by your application modifies the state of the PostScript interpreter in the printer. The DECprint Supervisor software resets the printer state for each new print job, but not for each file in the print job. Therefore, files that are meant to be printed together, such as a data file with an application prologue or a font, will print successfully. But in a print job with a set of unrelated files, the state of the printer after completing printing of a file may adversely affect the printing of subsequent files.
This can cause PostScript errors and unexpected changes in the
appearance of the printed documents. If you need to print multiple
PostScript files, or multiple copies of a PostScript file, submit them
using separate print jobs.
6.2 Printing Files that Contain Text and PostScript
If the DCPS-Plus license is installed on your system, the DECprint Supervisor software can detect PostScript data after the text at the beginning of the file. This is useful for printing PostScript files sent to you by an electronic messaging system that places text in front of the PostScript file.
For example, if you receive a message in a software utility that
generates ANSI text, and that message includes a PostScript file, you
can print the file without specifying the data type.
6.3 Generating Printer-Specific PostScript Files
Each model of PostScript printer recognizes some unique operators that are not part of the standard PostScript language. The PostScript extensions for each PostScript printer may be described in the printer owner's manual.
Many commercial applications, and printer drivers on PC and Macintosh
systems, allow you to specify printer features that depend on
printer-specific extensions (see Section 4.3). For example, you can
create a PostScript file that requires the use of the top input tray on
a particular printer. If you try to print the file on another type of
printer, the file may print from a different tray, or may even fail to
6.4 Resolving Unrecognized PostScript Operator Errors
If you try to print a file that contains a PostScript extension operator that is not defined in your printer, you get the following error message:
%DCPS-W-UNDEF, undefined: Name not known - offending command is operator |
Operator is the PostScript extension operator that is not recognized by the printer.
You may be able to resolve this problem by doing the following:
To generate documents that are independent of printer type, make sure the application that you use to create the PostScript file has printer setup options that do not conflict with the PRINT parameters that you specify with the DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS software. Use option settings to ensure that your PostScript document is as portable as possible.
To ensure that your application generates documents that are printable on the widest variety of printers:
To ensure sucessful printing from a Microsoft Windows application with the Microsoft PSCRPT.DRV driver, use the following procedure:
LandscapeOrient=270 CtrlD=0 |
This procedure helps you create PostScript documents that are printable
on many printers.
6.5.2 Printing with the Adobe Windows Printer Driver
To avoid wrap problems when printing PostScript output from the Adobe Windows printer driver, follow these steps:
The DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS software provides example files that show how to
suppress many commonly used PostScript extension operators.
6.6.1 Suppressing PostScript Operators on Desktop Printers
If you are using a desktop printer, you can create a setup module to suppress the failing PostScript operator. The following example file is distributed with the DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS software:
This file is an assortment of PostScript routines. You can edit the file and copy routines that solve problems with specific PostScript operators. The new file that you create can be specified as a setup module and printed with the file that failed.
See the DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS System Manager's Guide for more
information about setup modules.
6.6.2 Suppressing PostScript Operators on PrintServer Printers
The PS_SUPPLEMENT file can be loaded into the PrintServer printer so that many unrecognized PostScript extension operators are ignored. If you have PrintServer Software Version 4.2 or later, this file is automatically downloaded to your printer.
When you submit ANSI or ASCII text files for printing on PostScript
printers, they are translated to PostScript. The DECprint Supervisor software
recognizes the full range of ANSI escape sequences for all levels of
the ANSI printing protocol. Refer to the Digital ANSI-Compliant Printing Protocol Level 3 Programming Reference Manual for more
information about DIGITAL's ANSI-compliant printing protocol and the
functions of the ANSI translator.
7.1 Printing Multiple ANSI Files in a Print Job
ANSI files are handled differently from other types of files. When you
print more than one ANSI file in a print job, the printer commands in
the first file are not passed on to the second file. You must use an
ANSI setup module to pass printing attributes, or include the print
attributes in each file.
7.2 Emulating ANSI Printers
If your site has changed the printing system from ANSI printers to PostScript printers, you can take advantage of the DECprint Supervisor software to print ANSI files that were created for ANSI printers on your new PostScript printers.
The DECprint Supervisor software automatically handles ANSI file printing in a way that emulates printing on ANSI printers. If you need to modify the way that ANSI files are printed, use any of the qualifiers in Table 7-1 to enhance your printed document.
To modify this aspect ... | Use this qualifier ... | To get this effect ... |
Form feeds, which are usually inserted into the ANSI document at the bottom of each page | /NOFEED | Suppress automatic form feed insertion. |
Header lines on each page | /HEADER¹ | Print the file name, page number, and file creation date at the top of each page. |
Margin, header, and tab processing | /PASSALL | Preserve the state of the file through printing without imposing margins, headers, or tab emulation on the printed document. |
Single-spaced documents | /SPACE¹ | Insert a blank line after each text line, providing double-spaced output. |
Expansion of tabs during processing | /PARAMETERS=[NO]TAB¹ | Control how tabs are processed (see Section 7.3). |
Fonts available for printing | /PARAMETERS=FONTS_USED | Specify one or more SoftFont modules that include software fonts that emulate font cartridges (see Section 7.4). |
Formatting of text by the default form specified for the queue | /FORM | Specify the form definition assumed for the print job. |
The [NO]TAB parameter allows you to emulate the ways in which the ANSI printer handles tab characters. When you include the TAB parameter in your print job, the action is equivalent to using the SET TERMINAL/TAB command on the ANSI printer.
The [NO]TAB parameter is useful when you are not printing 10 characters per inch, or when ANSI tabs are defined in inches, not by character position. If you change the character size, tab sizes do not change when you specify PARAMETERS=TAB. If you expect tabs to change size when characters change size, specify /PARAMETERS=NOTAB.
When you specify [NO]TAB, the software invokes the default form, DCPS$DEFAULT for your job. Refer to Chapter 14 for more information about the default form definition.
By default, the DECprint Supervisor software processes tab characters so that tab stops are set at every eight character positions (/PARAMETERS=NOTAB).
The system manager can change this operation as a queue default so that
you do not have to specify it on the PRINT command line. Different
settings of this parameter may be established as queue defaults for
different generic queues driving the same printer. In this way, you can
access either method of tab expansion when you submit print jobs from
application programs that allow you to specify the queue name but not
the print parameters.
7.4 Emulating Printer Font Cartridges
Your document may require font cartridges in order to print on ANSI printers. If you want to print the document on a PostScript printer, you can use the FONTS_USED parameter to emulate the ANSI printer font cartridges. The files must contain escape sequences that call the fonts.
To include one or more font modules in your print job, use the /PARAMETERS=FONTS_USED qualifier in the PRINT command. For example, if you used to print your file on an ANSI printer with the ITC Souvenir cartridge installed, enter the following command to print it on a PostScript printer with the DECprint Supervisor software:
If you include two or more cartridge names, be sure to place quotation marks around them. For example:
See Appendix D for a list of the available SoftFont kits.
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