Compaq TP Desktop Connector
for ACMS
Client Application Programming Guide

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4.2.7 Choosing the Network Software

The client services for DOS support DECnet, Novell NetWare, and TCP/IP as transports. The network you use has no effect on how you write the client program. Specify the transport by linking the appropriate modules into your client program. See Section 4.8 for more information.

4.3 Writing Version-Checking Routines

TP Desktop Connector software provides entry points to standard action routines on the desktop system and in the gateway to allow applications to check for mismatched versions of software on the desktop system and ACMS systems.

4.3.1 Version-Checking Processing

The following action routines for version checking are defined in the TP Desktop Connector environment:

You can use ACMSDI_GET_VERSION and acmsdi_check_version for example, to compare the creation date of the desktop client program to the creation date of the ACMS application at run time. This helps catch errors related to mismatch of files on the desktop and the OpenVMS systems. If the desktop files are outdated, desktop users must obtain the correct files on their own. No special utility is provided.

To use the version-checking capability, you must supply complementary versions of the action routines on both the OpenVMS submitter node and the desktop system.

The action routines are customer-written. Figure 4-3 shows the processing that occurs during version checking.

Figure 4-3 Version-Checking Processing

Figure 4-3 shows the following processing steps related to version checking:

  1. The desktop client program requests version checking when it signs in to the ACMS system (see Section 4.3.2).
  2. The desktop client program calls a task that uses FORM I/O.
  3. The gateway passes the task call to the ACMS system.
  4. ACMS software tells the gateway that the desktop client program has never accessed the specified form file.
  5. The gateway searches for the ACMSDI_GET_VERSION image, calls the routine, and passes the form file specification (see Section 3.4).
  6. The ACMSDI_GET_VERSION routine returns a string in a customer-determined format.
  7. The gateway sends a combination acmsdi_enable and acmsdi_check_version message to the TP Desktop Connector client services on the TP Desktop Connector system, and includes the form file specification and the version string.
  8. The TP Desktop Connector client services call the acmsdi_check_version routine in the desktop client program and pass the form file specification and the version string.
  9. Depending on whether the version is acceptable, the acmsdi_check_version routine returns the FORMS_NORMAL status or any even-valued failure constant defined in the FORMS.H file.
  10. The TP Desktop Connector client services can do the following:
    1. If FORMS_NORMAL is returned, the TP Desktop Connector client services call the customer-written presentation procedure acmsdi_enable and the processing continues.
    2. If a failure status is returned, the TP Desktop Connector client services tell the gateway that the customer-written version check failed.
      This failure appears in the audit trail log (ATL) as an error during the exchange step in the task processing.

4.3.2 Requesting Version Checking

Version checking is requested during a sign-in. Specify the ACMSDI_OPT_CHECK_VERSION option on the acmsdi_sign_in call as the example in Compaq TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Services Reference Manual shows. If version checking is enabled on the OpenVMS system that runs the gateway, the action routines are called whenever an ENABLE request is received from the application (see Section 4.3.1).

4.4 AVERTZ Sample Desktop Client Program for DOS

The AVERTZ sample desktop client program for DOS, called CLIENT.EXE, is written in Microsoft C and Microsoft COBOL. Of the numerous third-party presentation tools available, the sample uses only the forms management capabilities available in Microsoft COBOL. This is largely to ensure that the sample is as easily and widely understood as possible. The generic desktop client program routines for the sample described in Section 4.4.1 are in the C language rather than COBOL, because the TP Desktop Connector arguments are easier to manage in C.

Because portable tools can be used, much of the development work for the sample can be done on an OpenVMS system and ported to the desktop system for compilation, linking, and testing. This enables use of a single development environment for both the desktop client program and ACMS parts of the AVERTZ sample application, including using DECset tools.

Some presentation tools are not portable. For those portions of nonportable code, development must be done on the supporting platforms.

Samples are available from Compaq Services for other presentation tools. Any native presentation tool callable from COBOL or C that uses a procedural rather than an event-driven model is usable with TP Desktop Connector blocking client services.

4.4.1 AVERTZ Components for DOS

The TP Desktop Connector components of the CLIENT.EXE sample desktop client program replace the DECforms forms in the ACMS sample application with routines written in Microsoft COBOL and Microsoft C.

These routines in the desktop client program fall into the following categories:

Figure 4-4 shows the categories of routines and their interaction in the sample desktop client program.

The TP Desktop Connector generic presentation procedures are analogous to the DECforms and TDMS services, for example, FORM$TRANSCEIVE and TSS$REQUEST.

Figure 4-4 TP Desktop Connector Sample Components

4.4.2 AVERTZ Component Processing Flow

The user invokes the main routines in the source file CLIENT.C when starting the sample desktop client program. Figure 4-5 shows the processing flow of the desktop client program routines, including both the generic client routines written in C and the application-specific routines written in COBOL.

Figure 4-5 Processing Flow for DOS Sample Desktop Client Program

A main routine sets up the structures needed for calling TP Desktop Connector software. The routine then calls the generic routines client_init, client_get_task, and client_terminate, each of which in turn invokes an application-specific COBOL program to interact with the user, as follows:

  1. The generic routine client_init calls the program LOGIN.CBL to get ACMS sign-in information from the user.
  2. The main routine calls the TP Desktop Connector client service acmsdi_sign_in to sign the user in to the ACMS system.
  3. The main routine calls the generic routine client_get_task.
    When the sign-in completes, the user can select ACMS tasks. The generic routine client_get_task calls the application-specific COBOL program MENU to allow the user to select tasks from the reservation form.

  4. The main routine calls the TP Desktop Connector client service acmsdi_call_task to start the ACMS task that the user selected.
    When a task completes, the application returns to the MENU routine and remains in this loop until the user selects EXIT.
  5. The generic routine client_terminate is called when the user selects the option to sign out of the ACMS system.
    The generic routine client_terminate calls the application-specific COBOL program LOGOFF.
  6. The main routine calls the TP Desktop Connector client service acmsdi_sign_out to sign the user out of the ACMS system and log the user out of the OpenVMS system. The user is signed out of the ACMS system.

The processing model for the sample TP Desktop Connector application assumes that the user remains signed-in for extended periods of time.

4.4.3 Reusing the CLIENT.EXE Routines

If the processing model described for the sample desktop client program is similar to the one in your solution, use the C language routines without change for the particular solution you are building. Simply change the LOGIN.CBL, MENU.CBL, and LOGOFF.CBL routines to use the chosen presentation tool and modify the user interface presentation style to suit your users.

To increase the likelihood that you can use some of the sample code with minimal changes, the CLIENT.EXE desktop client program routines are organized into two levels: generic and application-specific. Figure 4-6 shows the relationships among these procedures in handling exchange steps within the AVERTZ sample.

Reserve is the only task implemented in the TP Desktop Connector version of AVERTZ. The AVERTZ sample reserve task uses only TRANSCEIVE statements in its task definition. For this reason, the only generic presentation procedures that are invoked on the desktop are acmsdi_enable, acmsdi_disable, and acmsdi_transceive. (Although the C routines do check application-specific characteristics of the records and record identifications, they are classed as generic.)

Figure 4-6 Sample Presentation Procedures

For the AVERTZ sample, the acmsdi_enable procedure simply returns a success status to the TP Desktop Connector code that invokes it. This sample requires no enable-related work.

The generic acmsdi_transceive presentation procedure in the TRANS.C source file looks at the record identifiers of the incoming message to determine what application-specific presentation procedure to call. The generic presentation procedure checks the validity of the record arguments and calls the appropriate application-specific presentation procedure. The application-specific procedures correspond directly to the exchange steps in the AVERTZ reserve task definition shown in Example 4-4.

Example 4-4 AVERTZ Reserve Task Exchange Steps

        EXCHANGE WORK IS                            
            IF (ctrl_key = "MLTSI") THEN 
                TRANSCEIVE RECORD list_1, list_2   (1)
                    SENDING vr_control_wksp, vr_si_trans_array_wksp 
                    RECEIVING vr_sites_wksp, 
                    WITH SEND CONTROL vr_sendctrl_wksp; 
                TRANSCEIVE RECORD list_3, list_2   (2)
                    SENDING vr_control_wksp, vr_sites_wksp 
                    RECEIVING vr_sites_wksp, 
                    WITH SEND CONTROL vr_sendctrl_wksp; 
            END IF; 
    IF (ctrl_key = "QUIT") THEN 
        EXIT TASK; 
    END IF; 
       ! Multiple customers found, use array to scroll and select one 
       IF (ctrl_key = "MLTCU") THEN 
                TRANSCEIVE RECORD list_5, list_6   (3)
                SENDING vr_control_wksp, vr_cu_trans_array_wksp, 
                        vr_rental_classes_wksp, vr_sites_wksp 
                RECEIVING vr_control_wksp, vr_reservations_wksp, 
                        vr_customers_wksp SHADOW IS vr_customers_shadow_wksp, 
                        vr_trans_wksp SHADOW IS vr_trans_shadow_wksp; 
        ! One or no customer found, send unique customer record 
                TRANSCEIVE RECORD list_7, list_6   (4)
                SENDING vr_control_wksp, vr_customers_wksp, vr_trans_wksp, 
                        vr_rental_classes_wksp, vr_sites_wksp 
                RECEIVING vr_control_wksp, vr_reservations_wksp, 
                          vr_customers_wksp SHADOW IS vr_customers_shadow_wksp, 
                          vr_trans_wksp SHADOW IS vr_trans_shadow_wksp; 
        END IF; 
        CONTROL FIELD ctrl_key 
                "QUIT" : EXIT TASK; 
                "CHNGE": MOVE "     " TO ctrl_key; 
                         GOTO STEP determine_site; 
        END CONTROL; 
                ! Display reservation # and prompt to see if want to check 
                ! car out now. 
                TRANSCEIVE RECORD list_8, list_9   (5)
                SENDING vr_control_wksp, vr_reservations_wksp 
                RECEIVING vr_control_wksp,vr_reservations_wksp, 
        CONTROL FIELD ctrl_key 
               "QUIT" : EXIT TASK; 
        END CONTROL; 

Callouts (1) through (5) indicate the exchange steps in the task definition.

Dividing the presentation procedures into generic and application-specific routines isolates in relatively independent modules the presentation code that is unique to the application. In many cases, you can retain this overall structure for your application, writing new application-specific procedures equivalent to GETSITE.CBL and SELCUST.CBL. Modify TRANS.C, SEND.C, RECV.C, ENABLE.C, DISABLE.C, and REQUEST.C to add each application-specific presentation procedure as an element of the case statement in the generic presentation procedure that calls it. For an application whose task definitions use only TRANSCEIVE in its exchange steps, the only generic procedure you must modify is the acmsdi_transceive procedure in TRANS.C.

See Compaq TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Installation Guide for the names of the AVERTZ source directories and a list of their contents.

4.5 Writing Procedures Using Blocking TP Desktop Client Services

How you handle the user interface for signing in to the ACMS system, traversing menus, selecting tasks, and signing out of ACMS is constrained to some degree by the information you must include in the acmsdi_sign_in, acmsdi_call_task, and acmsdi_sign_out services. For example, the sign-in procedure must provide a valid OpenVMS user name and password on the acmsdi_sign_in service. To accomplish this, you can follow the AVERTZ sample application provided with TP Desktop Connector software.

4.5.1 Calling the Sign-In Service

In the CLIENT sample desktop client program, the mainline presentation code calls another routine, client_init, that actually gets the required information from the user. Alternatively, that presentation code can be included in the main part of the desktop client program.

The desktop client program must call the acmsdi_sign_in service with the correct parameters and must handle any error conditions returned. Example 4-5 shows the call in CLIENT.C to a client_init procedure and to acmsdi_sign_in.

Example 4-5 Signing In the User

char    username[MAX_USERNAME + 1] = "", 
        password[MAX_PASSWORD + 1] = "", 
        node[MAX_NODENAME + 1] = "", 
    **  Get signin information from user 
    client_init(node, (1)
    **  Sign into remote ACMS node 
    status = acmsdi_sign_in(node,  (2)
    **  Overwrite password for security 
    for (i = 0;  i < MAX_PASSWORD;  i++) 
        password[i] = EOS; 
    if (status != ACMSDI_NORMAL) 
        fprintf(stderr,"Error signing user %s into node %s.", username, node); 

The important points of Example 4-5 are as follows:

  1. The call to client_init invokes a sign-in procedure that prompts the user for the following information:
  2. The call to acmsdi_sign_in passes the information obtained from the user to the ACMS system.

Example 4-6 shows the COBOL code in the LOGON.CBL program for obtaining the sign-in information from the application user on the desktop system.

Example 4-6 Login Program

*    Display login screen 
*    Get login information from user 
            MOVE "N" TO VALID-DATA-FLAG 
            MOVE "Username is required" TO ERROR-MSG 
            MOVE 9 TO CURSOR-LINE 
            MOVE 35 TO CURSOR-COLUMN 
            MOVE "N" TO VALID-DATA-FLAG 
            MOVE "Password is required" TO ERROR-MSG 
            MOVE 10 TO CURSOR-LINE 
            MOVE 35 TO CURSOR-COLUMN 
            MOVE "N" TO VALID-DATA-FLAG 
            MOVE "Login node is required" TO ERROR-MSG 
            MOVE 12 TO CURSOR-LINE 
            MOVE 35 TO CURSOR-COLUMN 

The program in Example 4-6 uses the Microsoft COBOL presentation capabilities. You can use other presentation tools that allow developing a more sophisticated user interface.

Some data validation is performed in the login program shown in Example 4-6. The presentation procedure can ensure the validity of the data before sending it to TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS software. Because less invalid data is communicated, the network traffic between the desktop system and the ACMS system is minimized.

4.5.2 Enabling Password Expiration Checking

Password expiration checking allows the client application to determine if the end-user's password is expiring soon on the gateway node. If password expiration checking is enabled on both the gateway and on the client's call to the acmsdi_sign_in service, TP Desktop Connector client services indicate how many hours are left until the user's password expires on the gateway node.

To use the password expiration checking option:

  1. Enable the password expiration checking in the gateway:
    1. Set the PASSWORD_EXP value in the gateway's parameters file.
    2. Determine how many days before the password expires that you want the desktop gateway to start sending password expiration warning messages to TP Desktop Connector clients.
    3. Set the value of PASSWORD_EXP with an integer value representing that number of days.
    4. Restart the gateway in order for the values in the gateway's parameters file to take effect.
    For more information on managing the gateway, see Compaq TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Gateway Management Guide.
  2. Enable the password expiration checking option in the client program's call to acmsdi_sign_in:
    1. Declare a buffer (in the client application) that Desktop services can use to write the number of hours until password expiration.
    2. Declare a sign-in options array:

         long hours_until_password_expiration; 
         ACMSDI_OPTION options[2]; 

    3. In the sign-in options array, specify the ACMSDI_OPT_PWD_EXPIRING option and the address of the variable that will contain the hours left until password expiration:

         options[0].option = ACMSDI_OPT_PWD_EXPIRING; 
         options[0].pwd_expiring_hrs.address = &hours_until_password_expiration; 
         options[1].option = ACMSDI_OPT_END_LIST; 

  3. Check for an ACMSDI_PWDEXPIRING return status after the call to acmsdi_sign_in(). Applications using nonblocking services should check the status when the acmsdi_sign_in completion routine is called:

      if (status == ACMSDI_PWDEXPRING) 
        printf("Warning !  Your Password Will Be Expiring in %d Hours!", 

    If the acmsdi_sign_in routine returns a status of ACMSDI_PWDEXPIRED, then the user's password has already expired.

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