Document revision date: 19 July 1999 | |
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This section lists the VAX MACRO unary, binary, and macro string
C.3.1 Unary Operators
Table C-3 summarizes the VAX MACRO unary operators.
Unary Operator | Operator Name | Example | Effect |
+ | Plus sign | +A | Results in the positive value of A (default) |
-- | Minus sign | --A | Results in the negative (two's complement) value of A |
^B | Binary | ^B11000111 | Specifies that 11000111 is a binary number |
^D | Decimal | ^D127 | Specifies that 127 is a decimal number |
^O | Octal | ^034 | Specifies that 34 is an octal number |
^X | Hexadecimal | ^XFCF9 | Specifies that FCF9 is a hexadecimal number |
^A | ASCII | ^A/ABC/ | Produces an ASCII string; the characters between the matching delimiters are converted to ASCII representation |
^M | Register mask | ^M<R3,R4,R5> | Specifies the registers R3, R4, and R5 in the register mask |
^F | Floating point | ^F3.0 | Specifies that 3.0 is a floating-point number |
^C | Complement | ^C24 | Produces the one's complement value of 24 (decimal) |
Table C-4 summarizes the VAX MACRO binary operators.
Binary Operator | Operator Name | Example | Operation |
+ | Plus sign | A+B | Addition |
-- | Minus sign | A--B | Subtraction |
* | Asterisk | A*B | Multiplication |
/ | Slash | A/B | Division |
@ | At sign | A@B | Arithmetic Shift |
& | Ampersand | A&B | Logical AND |
! | Exclamation point | A!B | Logical inclusive OR |
\ | Backslash | A\B | Logical exclusive OR |
Table C-5 summarizes the macro string operators. These operators can be used only in macros.
Format | Function |
%LENGTH(string) | Returns the length of the string |
%LOCATE(string1,string2[,symbol]) | Locates the substring string1 within string2 starting the search at the character position specified by symbol |
%EXTRACT(symbol1,symbol2,string) | Extracts a substring from string that begins at character position specified by symbol1 and has a length specified by symbol2 |
C.4 Addressing Modes
Table C-6 summarizes the VAX MACRO addressing modes.
Type | Addressing Mode | Format | Hex Value | Description | Can Be Indexed? |
General register | Register | Rn | 5 | Register contains the operand. | No |
Register deferred | (Rn) | 6 | Register contains the address of the operand. | Yes | |
Autoincrement | (Rn)+ | 8 | Register contains the address of the operand; the processor increments the register contents by the size of the operand data type. | Yes | |
Autoincrement deferred | @(Rn)+ | 9 | Register contains the address of the operand address; the processor increments the register contents by 4. | Yes | |
Autodecrement | -(Rn) | 7 | The processor decrements the register contents by the size of the operand data type; the register then contains the address of the operand. | Yes | |
Displacement |
B^dis(Rn) W^dis(Rn) L^dis(Rn) |
A C E |
The sum of the contents of the register and the displacement is the address of the operand; B^, W^, and L^, respectively, indicate byte, word, and longword displacement. | Yes | |
Displacement deferred |
@B^dis(Rn) @W^dis(Rn) @L^dis(Rn) |
B D F |
The sum of the contents of the register and the displacement is the address of the operand address; B^, W^, and L^, respectively, indicate, byte, word, and longword displacement. | Yes | |
Literal |
S^#literal |
0-3 |
The literal specified is the operand; the literal is stored as a short literal. | No | |
Counter |
Relative |
B^address W^address L^address |
A C E |
The address specified is the address of the operand; the address is stored as a displacement from the PC; B^, W^, and L^, respectively, indicate byte, word, and longword displacement. | Yes |
deferred |
@B^address @W^address @L^address |
B D F |
The address specified is the address of the operand address; the address specified is stored as a displacement from the PC; B^, W^, and L^ indicate byte, word, and longword displacement, respectively. | Yes | |
Absolute | @#address | 9 | The address specified is the address of the operand; the address specified is stored as an absolute virtual address, not as a displacement. | Yes | |
Immediate |
I^#literal |
8 |
The literal specified is the operand; the literal is stored as a byte, word, longword, or quadword. | No | |
General | G^address | --- | The address specified is the address of the operand; if the address is defined as relocatable, the linker stores the address as a displacement from the PC; if the address is defined as an absolute virtual address, the linker stores the address as an absolute value. | Yes | |
Index | Index | base-mode[Rx] | 4 | The base-mode specifies the base address, and the register specifies the index; the sum of the base address and the product of the contents of Rx and the size of the operand data type is the address of the operand; base mode can be any addressing mode except register, immediate, literal, index, or branch. | No |
Branch | Branch | address | --- | The address specified is the operand; this address is stored as a displacement from the PC; branch mode can only be used with the branch instructions. | No |
The permanent symbol table (PST) contains the symbols that VAX MACRO automatically recognizes. These symbols consist of both opcodes and assembler directives. Table D-1, Table D-2, and Table D-3 present the opcodes (instruction set) in alphabetical and numerical order. Section C.1 (in Appendix C) presents the assembler directives.
See Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 for detailed descriptions of the instruction set.
Hex Value |
Mnemonic | Functional Name |
9D | ACBB | Add compare and branch byte |
6F | ACBD | Add compare and branch D_floating |
4F | ACBF | Add compare and branch F_floating |
4FFD | ACBG | Add compare and branch G_floating |
6FFD | ACBH | Add compare and branch H_floating |
F1 | ACBL | Add compare and branch longword |
3D | ACBW | Add compare and branch word |
58 | ADAWI | Add aligned word interlocked |
80 | ADDB2 | Add byte 2 operand |
81 | ADDB3 | Add byte 3 operand |
60 | ADDD2 | Add D_floating 2 operand |
61 | ADDD3 | Add D_floating 3 operand |
40 | ADDF2 | Add F_floating 2 operand |
41 | ADDF3 | Add F_floating 3 operand |
40FD | ADDG2 | Add G_floating 2 operand |
41FD | ADDG3 | Add G_floating 3 operand |
60FD | ADDH2 | Add H_floating 2 operand |
61FD | ADDH3 | Add H_floating 3 operand |
C0 | ADDL2 | Add longword 2 operand |
C1 | ADDL3 | Add longword 3 operand |
20 | ADDP4 | Add packed 4 operand |
21 | ADDP6 | Add packed 6 operand |
A0 | ADDW2 | Add word 2 operand |
A1 | ADDW3 | Add word 3 operand |
D8 | ADWC | Add with carry |
F3 | AOBLEQ | Add one and branch on less or equal |
F2 | AOBLSS | Add one and branch on less |
78 | ASHL | Arithmetic shift longword |
F8 | ASHP | Arithmetic shift and round packed |
79 | ASHQ | Arithmetic shift quadword |
E1 | BBC | Branch on bit clear |
E5 | BBCC | Branch on bit clear and clear |
E7 | BBCCI | Branch on bit clear and clear interlocked |
E3 | BBCS | Branch on bit clear and set |
E0 | BBS | Branch on bit set |
E4 | BBSC | Branch on bit set and clear |
E2 | BBSS | Branch on bit set and set |
E6 | BBSSI | Branch on bit set and set interlocked |
1E | BCC | Branch on carry clear |
1F | BCS | Branch on carry set |
13 | BEQL | Branch on equal |
13 | BEQLU | Branch on equal unsigned |
18 | BGEQ | Branch on greater or equal |
1E | BGEQU | Branch on greater or equal unsigned |
14 | BGTR | Branch on greater |
1A | BGTRU | Branch on greater unsigned |
8A | BICB2 | Bit clear byte 2 operand |
8B | BICB3 | Bit clear byte 3 operand |
CA | BICL2 | Bit clear longword 2 operand |
CB | BICL3 | Bit clear longword 3 operand |
B9 | BICPSW | Bit clear program status word |
AA | BICW2 | Bit clear word 2 operand |
AB | BICW3 | Bit clear word 3 operand |
88 | BISB2 | Bit set byte 2 operand |
89 | BISB3 | Bit set byte 3 operand |
C8 | BISL2 | Bit set longword 2 operand |
C9 | BISL3 | Bit set longword 3 operand |
B8 | BISPSW | Bit set program status word |
A8 | BISW2 | Bit set word 2 operand |
A9 | BISW3 | Bit set word 3 operand |
93 | BITB | Bit test byte |
D3 | BITL | Bit test longword |
B3 | BITW | Bit test word |
E9 | BLBC | Branch on low bit clear |
E8 | BLBS | Branch on low bit set |
15 | BLEQ | Branch on less or equal |
1B | BLEQU | Branch on less or equal unsigned |
19 | BLSS | Branch on less |
1F | BLSSU | Branch on less unsigned |
12 | BNEQ | Branch on not equal |
12 | BNEQU | Branch on not equal unsigned |
03 | BPT | Break point trap |
11 | BRB | Branch with byte displacement |
31 | BRW | Branch with word displacement |
10 | BSBB | Branch to subroutine with byte displacement |
30 | BSBW | Branch to subroutine with word displacement |
1C | BVC | Branch on overflow clear |
1D | BVS | Branch on overflow set |
FA | CALLG | Call with general argument list |
FB | CALLS | Call with stack |
8F | CASEB | Case byte |
CF | CASEL | Case longword |
AF | CASEW | Case word |
BD | CHME | Change mode to executive |
BC | CHMK | Change mode to kernel |
BE | CHMS | Change mode to supervisor |
BF | CHMU | Change mode to user |
94 | CLRB | Clear byte |
7C | CLRD | Clear D_floating |
DF | CLRF | Clear F_floating |
7C | CLRG | Clear G_floating |
7CFD | CLRH | Clear H_floating |
D4 | CLRL | Clear longword |
7CFD | CLRO | Clear octaword |
7C | CLRQ | Clear quadword |
B4 | CLRW | Clear word |
91 | CMPB | Compare byte |
29 | CMPC3 | Compare character 3 operand |
2D | CMPC5 | Compare character 5 operand |
71 | CMPD | Compare D_floating |
51 | CMPF | Compare F_floating |
51FD | CMPG | Compare G_floating |
71FD | CMPH | Compare H_floating |
D1 | CMPL | Compare longword |
35 | CMPP3 | Compare packed 3 operand |
37 | CMPP4 | Compare packed 4 operand |
EC | CMPV | Compare field |
B1 | CMPW | Compare word |
ED | CMPZV | Compare zero-extended field |
0B | CRC | Calculate cyclic redundancy check |
6C | CVTBD | Convert byte to D_floating |
4C | CVTBF | Convert byte to F_floating |
4CFD | CVTBG | Convert byte to G_floating |
6CFD | CVTBH | Convert byte to H_floating |
98 | CVTBL | Convert byte to longword |
99 | CVTBW | Convert byte to word |
68 | CVTDB | Convert D_floating to byte |
76 | CVTDF | Convert D_floating to F_floating |
32FD | CVTDH | Convert D_floating to H_floating |
6A | CVTDL | Convert D_floating to longword |
69 | CVTDW | Convert D_floating to word |
48 | CVTFB | Convert F_floating to byte |
56 | CVTFD | Convert F_floating to D_floating |
99FD | CVTFG | Convert F_floating to G_floating |
98FD | CVTFH | Convert F_floating to H_floating |
4A | CVTFL | Convert F_floating to longword |
49 | CVTFW | Convert F_floating to word |
48FD | CVTGB | Convert G_floating to byte |
33FD | CVTGF | Convert G_floating to F_floating |
56FD | CVTGH | Convert G_floating to H_floating |
4AFD | CVTGL | Convert G_floating to longword |
49FD | CVTGW | Convert G_floating to word |
68FD | CVTHB | Convert H_floating to byte |
F7FD | CVTHD | Convert H_floating to D_floating |
F6FD | CVTHF | Convert H_floating to F_floating |
76FD | CVTHG | Convert H_floating to G_floating |
6AFD | CVTHL | Convert H_floating to longword |
69FD | CVTHW | Convert H_floating to word |
F6 | CVTLB | Convert longword to byte |
6E | CVTLD | Convert longword to D_floating |
4E | CVTLF | Convert longword to F_floating |
4EFD | CVTLG | Convert longword to G_floating |
6EFD | CVTLH | Convert longword to H_floating |
F9 | CVTLP | Convert longword to packed |
F7 | CVTLW | Convert longword to word |
36 | CVTPL | Convert packed to longword |
08 | CVTPS | Convert packed to leading separate |
24 | CVTPT | Convert packed to trailing |
6B | CVTRDL | Convert rounded D_floating to longword |
4B | CVTRFL | Convert rounded F_floating to longword |
4BFD | CVTRGL | Convert rounded G_floating to longword |
6BFD | CVTRHL | Convert rounded H_floating to longword |
09 | CVTSP | Convert leading separate to packed |
26 | CVTTP | Convert trailing to packed |
33 | CVTWB | Convert word to byte |
6D | CVTWD | Convert word to D_floating |
4D | CVTWF | Convert word to F_floating |
4DFD | CVTWG | Convert word to G_floating |
6DFD | CVTWH | Convert word to H_floating |
32 | CVTWL | Convert word to longword |
97 | DECB | Decrement byte |
D7 | DECL | Decrement longword |
B7 | DECW | Decrement word |
86 | DIVB2 | Divide byte 2 operand |
87 | DIVB3 | Divide byte 3 operand |
66 | DIVD2 | Divide D_floating 2 operand |
67 | DIVD3 | Divide D_floating 3 operand |
46 | DIVF2 | Divide F_floating 2 operand |
47 | DIVF3 | Divide F_floating 3 operand |
46FD | DIVG2 | Divide G_floating 2 operand |
47FD | DIVG3 | Divide G_floating 3 operand |
66FD | DIVH2 | Divide H_floating 2 operand |
67FD | DIVH3 | Divide H_floating 3 operand |
C6 | DIVL2 | Divide longword 2 operand |
C7 | DIVL3 | Divide longword 3 operand |
27 | DIVP | Divide packed |
A6 | DIVW2 | Divide word 2 operand |
A7 | DIVW3 | Divide word 3 operand |
38 | EDITPC | Edit packed to character |
7B | EDIV | Extended divide |
74 | EMODD | Extended modulus D_floating |
54 | EMODF | Extended modulus F_floating |
54FD | EMODG | Extended modulus G_floating |
74FD | EMODH | Extended modulus H_floating |
7A | EMUL | Extended multiply |
EE | EXTV | Extract field |
EF | EXTZV | Extract zero-extended field |
EB | FFC | Find first clear bit |
EA | FFS | Find first set bit |
00 | HALT | Halt |
96 | INCB | Increment byte |
D6 | INCL | Increment longword |
B6 | INCW | Increment word |
0A | INDEX | Index calculation |
5C | INSQHI | Insert into queue at head, interlocked |
5D | INSQTI | Insert into queue at tail, interlocked |
0E | INSQUE | Insert into queue |
F0 | INSV | Insert field |
EDFD | IOTA | Generate compressed iota vector |
17 | JMP | Jump |
16 | JSB | Jump to subroutine |
06 | LDPCTX | Load program context |
3A | LOCC | Locate character |
39 | MATCHC | Match characters |
92 | MCOMB | Move complemented byte |
D2 | MCOML | Move complemented longword |
B2 | MCOMW | Move complemented word |
DB | MFPR | Move from processor register |
31FD | MFVP | Move from vector processor |
8E | MNEGB | Move negated byte |
72 | MNEGD | Move negated D_floating |
52 | MNEGF | Move negated F_floating |
52FD | MNEGG | Move negated G_floating |
72FD | MNEGH | Move negated H_floating |
CE | MNEGL | Move negated longword |
AE | MNEGW | Move negated word |
9E | MOVAB | Move address of byte |
7E | MOVAD | Move address of D_floating |
DE | MOVAF | Move address of F_floating |
7E | MOVAG | Move address of G_floating |
7EFD | MOVAH | Move address of H_floating |
DE | MOVAL | Move address of longword |
7EFD | MOVAO | Move address of octaword |
7E | MOVAQ | Move address of quadword |
3E | MOVAW | Move address of word |
90 | MOVB | Move byte |
28 | MOVC3 | Move character 3 operand |
2C | MOVC5 | Move character 5 operand |
70 | MOVD | Move D_floating |
50 | MOVF | Move F_floating |
50FD | MOVG | Move G_floating |
70FD | MOVH | Move H_floating |
D0 | MOVL | Move longword |
7DFD | MOVO | Move data |
34 | MOVP | Move packed |
DC | MOVPSL | Move program status longword |
7D | MOVQ | Move quadword |
2E | MOVTC | Move translated characters |
2F | MOVTUC | Move translated until character |
B0 | MOVW | Move word |
0A | MOVZBL | Move zero-extended byte to longword |
9B | MOVZBW | Move zero-extended byte to word |
3C | MOVZWL | Move zero-extended word to longword |
DA | MTPR | Move to processor register |
A9FD | MTVP | Move to vector processor |
84 | MULB2 | Multiply byte 2 operand |
85 | MULB3 | Multiply byte 3 operand |
64 | MULD2 | Multiply D_floating 2 operand |
65 | MULD3 | Multiply D_floating 3 operand |
44 | MULF2 | Multiply F_floating 2 operand |
45 | MULF3 | Multiply F_floating 3 operand |
44FD | MULG2 | Multiply G_floating 2 operand |
45FD | MULG3 | Multiply G_floating 3 operand |
64FD | MULH2 | Multiply H_floating 2 operand |
65FD | MULH3 | Multiply H_floating 3 operand |
C4 | MULL2 | Multiply longword 2 operand |
C5 | MULL3 | Multiply longword 3 operand |
25 | MULP | Multiply packed |
A4 | MULW2 | Multiply word 2 operand |
A5 | MULW3 | Multiply word 3 operand |
01 | NOP | No operation |
75 | POLYD | Evaluate polynomial D_floating |
55 | POLYF | Evaluate polynomial F_floating |
55FD | POLYG | Evaluate polynomial G_floating |
75FD | POLYH | Evaluate polynomial H_floating |
BA | POPR | Pop registers |
0C | PROBER | Probe read access |
0D | PROBEW | Probe write access |
9F | PUSHAB | Push address of byte |
7F | PUSHAD | Push address of D_floating |
DF | PUSHAF | Push address of F_floating |
7F | PUSHAG | Push address of G_floating |
7FFD | PUSHAH | Push address of H_floating |
DF | PUSHAL | Push address of longword |
7FFD | PUSHAO | Push address of octaword |
7F | PUSHAQ | Push address of quadword |
3F | PUSHAW | Push address of word |
DD | PUSHL | Push longword |
BB | PUSHR | Push registers |
02 | REI | Return from exception or interrupt |
5E | REMQHI | Remove from queue at head, interlocked |
5F | REMQTI | Remove from queue at tail, interlocked |
0F | REMQUE | Remove from queue |
04 | RET | Return from called procedure |
9C | ROTL | Rotate longword |
05 | RSB | Return from subroutine |
D9 | SBWC | Subtract with carry |
2A | SCANC | Scan for character |
3B | SKPC | Skip character |
F4 | SOBGEQ | Subtract one and branch on greater or equal |
F5 | SOBGTR | Subtract one and branch on greater |
2B | SPANC | Span characters |
82 | SUBB2 | Subtract byte 2 operand |
83 | SUBB3 | Subtract byte 3 operand |
62 | SUBD2 | Subtract D_floating 2 operand |
63 | SUBD3 | Subtract D_floating 3 operand |
42 | SUBF2 | Subtract F_floating 2 operand |
43 | SUBF3 | Subtract F_floating 3 operand |
42FD | SUBG2 | Subtract G_floating 2 operand |
43FD | SUBG3 | Subtract G_floating 3 operand |
62FD | SUBH2 | Subtract H_floating 2 operand |
63FD | SUBH3 | Subtract H_floating 3 operand |
C2 | SUBL2 | Subtract longword 2 operand |
C3 | SUBL3 | Subtract longword 3 operand |
22 | SUBP4 | Subtract packed 4 operand |
23 | SUBP6 | Subtract packed 6 operand |
A2 | SUBW2 | Subtract word 2 operand |
A3 | SUBW3 | Subtract word 3 operand |
07 | SVPCTX | Save process context |
95 | TSTB | Test byte |
73 | TSTD | Test D_floating |
53 | TSTF | Test F_floating |
53FD | TSTG | Test G_floating |
73FD | TSTH | Test H_floating |
D5 | TSTL | Test longword |
B5 | TSTW | Test word |
35FD | VGATHL | Gather longword vector from memory to vector register |
37FD | VGATHQ | Gather quadword vector from memory to vector register |
34FD | VLDL | Load longword vector from memory to vector register |
36FD | VLDQ | Load quadword vector from memory to vector register |
87FD | VSADDD | Vector scalar add D_floating |
85FD | VSADDF | Vector scalar add F_floating |
83FD | VSADDG | Vector scalar add G_floating |
81FD | VSADDL | Vector scalar add longword |
CDFD | VSBICL | Vector scalar bit clear longword |
C9FD | VSBISL | Vector scalar bit set longword |
9DFD | VSCATL | Scatter longword vector from vector register to memory |
9FFD | VSCATQ | Scatter quadword vector from vector register to memory |
C7FD | VSCMPD | Vector scalar compare D_floating |
C5FD | VSCMPF | Vector scalar compare F_floating |
C3FD | VSCMPG | Vector scalar compare G_floating |
C1FD | VSCMPL | Vector scalar compare longword |
AFFD | VSDIVD | Vector scalar divide D_floating |
ADFD | VSDIVF | Vector scalar divide F_floating |
ABFD | VSDIVG | Vector scalar divide G_floating |
EFFD | VSMERGE | Vector scalar merge |
A7FD | VSMULD | Vector scalar multiply D_floating |
A5FD | VSMULF | Vector scalar multiply F_floating |
A3FD | VSMULG | Vector scalar multiply G_floating |
A1FD | VSMULL | Vector scalar multiply longword |
E5FD | VSSLLL | Vector scalar shift left logical longword |
E1FD | VSSRLL | Vector scalar shift right logical longword |
8FFD | VSSUBD | Vector scalar subtract D_floating |
8DFD | VSSUBF | Vector scalar subtract F_floating |
8BFD | VSSUBG | Vector scalar subtract G_floating |
89FD | VSSUBL | Vector scalar subtract longword |
9CFD | VSTL | Store longword vector from vector register to memory |
9EFD | VSTQ | Store quadword vector from vector register to memory |
E9FD | VSXORL | Vector scalar exclusive-OR longword |
A8FD | VSYNC | Synchronize vector memory access |
86FD | VVADDD | Vector vector add D_floating |
84FD | VVADDF | Vector vector add F_floating |
82FD | VVADDG | Vector vector add G_floating |
80FD | VVADDL | Vector vector add longword |
CCFD | VVBICL | Vector vector bit clear longword |
C8FD | VVBISL | Vector vector bit set longword |
C6FD | VVCMPD | Vector vector compare D_floating |
C4FD | VVCMPF | Vector vector compare F_floating |
C2FD | VVCMPG | Vector vector compare G_floating |
C0FD | VVCMPL | Vector vector compare longword |
ECFD | VVCVT | Vector convert |
AEFD | VVDIVD | Vector vector divide D_floating |
ACFD | VVDIVF | Vector vector divide F_floating |
AAFD | VVDIVG | Vector vector divide G_floating |
EEFD | VVMERGE | Vector vector merge |
A6FD | VVMULD | Vector vector multiply F_floating |
A4FD | VVMULF | Vector vector multiply F_floating |
A2FD | VVMULG | Vector vector multiply G_floating |
A0FD | VVMULL | Vector vector multiply longword |
E4FD | VVSLLL | Vector vector shift left logical longword |
E0FD | VVSRLL | Vector vector shift right logical longword |
8EFD | VVSUBD | Vector vector subtract D_floating |
8CFD | VVSUBF | Vector vector subtract F_floating |
8AFD | VVSUBG | Vector vector subtract G_floating |
88FD | VVSUBL | Vector vector subtract longword |
E8FD | VVXORL | Vector vector exclusive-OR longword |
FC | XFC | Extended function call |
8C | XORB2 | Exclusive-OR byte 2 operand |
8D | XORB3 | Exclusive-OR byte 3 operand |
CC | XORL2 | Exclusive-OR longword 2 operand |
CD | XORL3 | Exclusive-OR longword 3 operand |
AC | XORW2 | Exclusive-OR word 2 operand |
AD | XORW3 | Exclusive-OR word 3 operand |
Hex Value |
Mnemonic | Hex Value |
Mnemonic |
00 | HALT | 30 | BSBW |
01 | NOP | 31 | BRW |
02 | REI | 32 | CVTWL |
03 | BPT | 33 | CVTWB |
04 | RET | 34 | MOVP |
05 | RSB | 35 | CMPP3 |
06 | LDPCTX | 36 | CVTPL |
07 | SVPCTX | 37 | CMPP4 |
08 | CVTPS | 38 | EDITPC |
09 | CVTSP | 39 | MATCHC |
0A | INDEX | 3A | LOCC |
0B | CRC | 3B | SKPC |
0D | PROBEW | 3D | ACBW |
0E | INSQUE | 3E | MOVAW |
10 | BSBB | 40 | ADDF2 |
11 | BRB | 41 | ADDF3 |
12 | BNEQ, BNEQU | 42 | SUBF2 |
13 | BEQL, BEQLU | 43 | SUBF3 |
14 | BGTR | 44 | MULF2 |
15 | BLEQ | 45 | MULF3 |
16 | JSB | 46 | DIVF2 |
17 | JMP | 47 | DIVF3 |
18 | BGEQ | 48 | CVTFB |
19 | BLSS | 49 | CVTFW |
1A | BGTRU | 4A | CVTFL |
1B | BLEQU | 4B | CVTRFL |
1C | BVC | 4C | CVTBF |
1D | BVS | 4D | CVTWF |
1E | BGEQU, BCC | 4E | CVTLF |
1F | BLSSU, BCS | 4F | ACBF |
20 | ADDP4 | 50 | MOVF |
21 | ADDP6 | 51 | CMPF |
22 | SUBP4 | 52 | MNEGF |
23 | SUBP6 | 53 | TSTF |
24 | CVTPT | 54 | EMODF |
25 | MULP | 55 | POLYF |
26 | CVTTP | 56 | CVTFD |
27 | DIVP | 57 | Reserved to Digital |
28 | MOVC3 | 58 | ADAWI |
29 | CMPC3 | 59 | Reserved to Digital |
2A | SCANC | 5A | Reserved to Digital |
2B | SPANC | 5B | Reserved to Digital |
2C | MOVC5 | 5C | INSQHI |
2D | CMPC5 | 5D | INSQTI |
2E | MOVTC | 5E | REMQHI |
60 | ADDD2 | 90 | MOVB |
61 | ADDD3 | 91 | CMPB |
62 | SUBD2 | 92 | MCOMB |
63 | SUBD3 | 93 | BITB |
64 | MULD2 | 94 | CLRB |
65 | MULD3 | 95 | TSTB |
66 | DIVD2 | 96 | INCB |
67 | DIVD3 | 97 | DECB |
68 | CVTDB | 98 | CVTBL |
69 | CVTDW | 99 | CVTBW |
6A | CVTDL | 9A | MOVZBL |
6C | CVTBD | 9C | ROTL |
6D | CVTWD | 9D | ACBB |
6E | CVTLD | 9E | MOVAB |
6F | ACBD | 9F | PUSHAB |
70 | MOVD | A0 | ADDW2 |
71 | CMPD | A1 | ADDW3 |
72 | MNEGD | A2 | SUBW2 |
73 | TSTD | A3 | SUBW3 |
74 | EMODD | A4 | MULW2 |
75 | POLYD | A5 | MULW3 |
76 | CVTDF | A6 | DIVW2 |
77 | Reserved to Digital | A7 | DIVW3 |
78 | ASHL | A8 | BISW2 |
79 | ASHQ | A9 | BISW3 |
7A | EMUL | AA | BICW2 |
7B | EDIV | AB | BICW3 |
7D | MOVQ | AD | XORW3 |
80 | ADDB2 | B0 | MOVW |
81 | ADDB3 | B1 | CMPW |
82 | SUBB2 | B2 | MCOMW |
83 | SUBB3 | B3 | BITW |
84 | MULB2 | B4 | CLRW |
85 | MULB3 | B5 | TSTW |
86 | DIVB2 | B6 | INCW |
87 | DIVB3 | B7 | DECW |
88 | BISB2 | B8 | BISPSW |
89 | BISB3 | B9 | BICPSW |
8A | BICB2 | BA | POPR |
8B | BICB3 | BB | PUSHR |
8C | XORB2 | BC | CHMK |
8D | XORB3 | BD | CHME |
8E | MNEGB | BE | CHMS |
8F | CASEB | BF | CHMU |
C0 | ADDL2 | E0 | BBS |
C1 | ADDL3 | E1 | BBC |
C2 | SUBL2 | E2 | BBSS |
C3 | SUBL3 | E3 | BBCS |
C4 | MULL2 | E4 | BBSC |
C5 | MULL3 | E5 | BBCC |
C6 | DIVL2 | E6 | BBSSI |
C7 | DIVL3 | E7 | BBCCI |
C8 | BISL2 | E8 | BLBS |
C9 | BISL3 | E9 | BLBC |
CA | BICL2 | EA | FFS |
CB | BICL3 | EB | FFC |
CC | XORL2 | EC | CMPV |
D0 | MOVL | F0 | INSV |
D1 | CMPL | F1 | ACBL |
D2 | MCOML | F2 | AOBLSS |
D3 | BITL | F3 | AOBLEQ |
D5 | TSTL | F5 | SOBGTR |
D6 | INCL | F6 | CVTLB |
D7 | DECL | F7 | CVTLW |
D8 | ADWC | F8 | ASHP |
D9 | SBWC | F9 | CVTLP |
DD | PUSHL | FD | ESCD to Digital |
DE | MOVAL, MOVA | FE | ESCE to Digital |
DF | PUSHAL, PUSHAF | FF | ESCF to Digital |
Hex Value |
Mnemonic | Hex Value |
Mnemonic |
00FD | Reserved to Digital | 30FD | Reserved to Digital |
01FD | Reserved to Digital | 31FD | MFVP |
02FD | Reserved to Digital | 32FD | CVTDH |
03FD | Reserved to Digital | 33FD | CVTGF |
04FD | Reserved to Digital | 34FD | VLDL |
05FD | Reserved to Digital | 35FD | VGATHL |
06FD | Reserved to Digital | 36FD | VLDQ |
07FD | Reserved to Digital | 37FD | VGATHQ |
08FD | Reserved to Digital | 38FD | Reserved to Digital |
09FD | Reserved to Digital | 39FD | Reserved to Digital |
0AFD | Reserved to Digital | 3AFD | Reserved to Digital |
0BFD | Reserved to Digital | 3BFD | Reserved to Digital |
0CFD | Reserved to Digital | 3CFD | Reserved to Digital |
0DFD | Reserved to Digital | 3DFD | Reserved to Digital |
0EFD | Reserved to Digital | 3EFD | Reserved to Digital |
0FFD | Reserved to Digital | 3FFD | Reserved to Digital |
10FD | Reserved to Digital | 40FD | ADDG2 |
11FD | Reserved to Digital | 41FD | ADDG3 |
12FD | Reserved to Digital | 42FD | SUBG2 |
13FD | Reserved to Digital | 43FD | SUBG3 |
14FD | Reserved to Digital | 44FD | MULG2 |
15FD | Reserved to Digital | 45FD | MULG3 |
16FD | Reserved to Digital | 46FD | DIVG2 |
17FD | Reserved to Digital | 47FD | DIVG3 |
18FD | Reserved to Digital | 48FD | CVTGB |
19FD | Reserved to Digital | 49FD | CVTGW |
1AFD | Reserved to Digital | 4AFD | CVTGL |
1BFD | Reserved to Digital | 4BFD | CVTRGL |
1CFD | Reserved to Digital | 4CFD | CVTBG |
1DFD | Reserved to Digital | 4DFD | CVTWG |
1EFD | Reserved to Digital | 4EFD | CVTLG |
1FFD | Reserved to Digital | 4FFD | ACBG |
20FD | Reserved to Digital | 50FD | MOVG |
21FD | Reserved to Digital | 51FD | CMPG |
22FD | Reserved to Digital | 52FD | MNEGG |
23FD | Reserved to Digital | 53FD | TSTG |
24FD | Reserved to Digital | 54FD | EMODG |
25FD | Reserved to Digital | 55FD | POLYG |
26FD | Reserved to Digital | 56FD | CVTGH |
27FD | Reserved to Digital | 57FD | Reserved to Digital |
28FD | Reserved to Digital | 58FD | Reserved to Digital |
29FD | Reserved to Digital | 59FD | Reserved to Digital |
2AFD | Reserved to Digital | 5AFD | Reserved to Digital |
2BFD | Reserved to Digital | 5BFD | Reserved to Digital |
2CFD | Reserved to Digital | 5CFD | Reserved to Digital |
2DFD | Reserved to Digital | 5DFD | Reserved to Digital |
2EFD | Reserved to Digital | 5EFD | Reserved to Digital |
2FFD | Reserved to Digital | 5FFD | Reserved to Digital |
60FD | ADDH2 | 90FD | Reserved to Digital |
61FD | ADDH3 | 91FD | Reserved to Digital |
62FD | SUBH2 | 92FD | Reserved to Digital |
63FD | SUBH3 | 93FD | Reserved to Digital |
64FD | MULH2 | 94FD | Reserved to Digital |
65FD | MULH3 | 95FD | Reserved to Digital |
66FD | DIVH2 | 96FD | Reserved to Digital |
67FD | DIVH3 | 97FD | Reserved to Digital |
68FD | CVTHB | 98FD | CVTFH |
69FD | CVTHW | 99FD | CVTFG |
6AFD | CVTHL | 9AFD | Reserved to Digital |
6BFD | CVTRHL | 9BFD | Reserved to Digital |
77FD | Reserved to Digital | A7FD | VSMULD |
78FD | Reserved to Digital | A8FD | VSYNC |
79FD | Reserved to Digital | A9FD | MTVP |
7AFD | Reserved to Digital | AAFD | VVDIVG |
7BFD | Reserved to Digital | ABFD | VSDIVG |
80FD | VVADDL | B0FD | Reserved to Digital |
81FD | VSADDL | B1FD | Reserved to Digital |
82FD | VVADDG | B2FD | Reserved to Digital |
83FD | VSADDG | B3FD | Reserved to Digital |
84FD | VVADDF | B4FD | Reserved to Digital |
85FD | VSADDF | B5FD | Reserved to Digital |
86FD | VVADDD | B6FD | Reserved to Digital |
87FD | VSADDD | B7FD | Reserved to Digital |
88FD | VVSUBL | B8FD | Reserved to Digital |
89FD | VSSUBL | B9FD | Reserved to Digital |
8AFD | VVSUBG | BAFD | Reserved to Digital |
8BFD | VSSUBG | BBFD | Reserved to Digital |
8CFD | VVSUBF | BCFD | Reserved to Digital |
8DFD | VSSUBF | BDFD | Reserved to Digital |
8EFD | VVSUBD | BEFD | Reserved to Digital |
8FFD | VSSUBD | BFFD | Reserved to Digital |
C2FD | VVCMPG | E2FD | Illegal Vector Opcode |
C3FD | VSCMPG | E3FD | Illegal Vector Opcode |
C6FD | VVCMPD | E6FD | Illegal Vector Opcode |
C7FD | VSCMPD | E7FD | Illegal Vector Opcode |
CAFD | Illegal Vector Opcode | EAFD | Illegal Vector Opcode |
CBFD | Illegal Vector Opcode | EBFD | Illegal Vector Opcode |
CEFD | Illegal Vector Opcode | EEFD | VVMERGE |
CFFD | Illegal Vector Opcode | EFFD | VSMERGE |
D0FD | Reserved to Digital | F0FD | Reserved to Digital |
D1FD | Reserved to Digital | F1FD | Reserved to Digital |
D2FD | Reserved to Digital | F2FD | Reserved to Digital |
D3FD | Reserved to Digital | F3FD | Reserved to Digital |
D4FD | Reserved to Digital | F4FD | Reserved to Digital |
D5FD | Reserved to Digital | F5FD | Reserved to Digital |
D6FD | Reserved to Digital | F6FD | CVTHF |
D7FD | Reserved to Digital | F7FD | CVTHD |
D8FD | Reserved to Digital | F8FD | Reserved to Digital |
D9FD | Reserved to Digital | F9FD | Reserved to Digital |
DAFD | Reserved to Digital | FAFD | Reserved to Digital |
DBFD | Reserved to Digital | FBFD | Reserved to Digital |
DCFD | Reserved to Digital | FCFD | Reserved to Digital |
DDFD | Reserved to Digital | FCFE | Reserved to Digital |
DEFD | Reserved to Digital | FCFF | Reserved to Digital |
DFFD | Reserved to Digital | FDFF | BUGL |
FEFF | BUGW | ||
FFFF | Reserved for all time |
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