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Once you have created queues, you must start them to begin processing
batch and print jobs. In addition, you must make sure the queues are
started each time the system reboots, by enabling autostart for
autostart queues or by entering START/QUEUE commands for nonautostart
queues. To do so, create a command procedure containing the necessary
7.12.1 Command Procedure
You can create a common command procedure named, for example, QSTARTUP.COM, and store it on a shared disk. With this method, each node can share the same copy of the common QSTARTUP.COM procedure. Each node invokes the common QSTARTUP.COM procedure from the common version of SYSTARTUP. You can also include the commands to start queues in the common SYSTARTUP file instead of in a separate QSTARTUP.COM file.
7.12.2 Examples
Example 7-1 shows commands used to create OpenVMS Cluster queues.
Example 7-1 Sample Commands for Creating OpenVMS Cluster Queues |
Following are descriptions of each command or group of commands in Example 7-1.
Command | Description |
(1) | Define all printer forms and characteristics. |
(2) |
Initialize local print queues. In the example, these queues are
autostart queues and are started automatically when the node executes
the ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command. Although the /START qualifier is
specified to activate the autostart queues, they do not begin
processing jobs until autostart is enabled.
To enable autostart each time the system reboots, add the ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command to your queue startup command procedure, as shown in Example 7-2. |
(3) | Initialize and start local batch queues on all nodes, including satellite nodes. In this example, the local batch queues are not autostart queues. |
(4) |
Initialize queues for remote LAT printers. In the example, these queues
are autostart queues and are set up to run on one of three nodes. The
queues are started on the first of those three nodes to execute the
You must establish the logical devices LTA1 and LTA2 in the LAT startup command procedure LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM on each node on which the autostart queue can run. For more information, see the description of editing LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. Although the /START qualifier is specified to activate these autostart queues, they will not begin processing jobs until autostart is enabled. |
(5) | Enable autostart to start the autostart queues automatically. In the example, autostart is enabled on node SATURN first, so the queue manager starts the autostart queues that are set up to run on one of several nodes. |
(6) | Initialize and start the generic output queue SYS$PRINT. This is a nonautostart queue (generic queues cannot be autostart queues). However, generic queues are not stopped automatically when a system is shut down, so you do not need to restart the queue each time a node reboots. |
(7) | Initialize and start the generic batch queue SYS$BATCH. Because this is a generic queue, it is not stopped when the node shuts down. Therefore, you do not need to restart the queue each time a node reboots. |
7.12.3 Example
Example 7-2 illustrates the use of a common QSTARTUP command
procedure on a shared disk.
Example 7-2 Common Procedure to Start OpenVMS Cluster Queues |
$! $! QSTARTUP.COM -- Common procedure to set up cluster queues $! $! (1) $ NODE = F$GETSYI("NODENAME") $! $! Determine the node-specific subroutine $! $ IF (NODE .NES. "JUPITR") .AND. (NODE .NES. "SATURN") .AND. (NODE .NES. "URANUS") $ THEN $ GOSUB SATELLITE_STARTUP $ ELSE (2) $! $! Configure remote LAT devices. $! $ SET TERMINAL LTA1: /PERM /DEVICE=LN03 /WIDTH=255 /PAGE=60 - /LOWERCASE /NOBROAD $ SET TERMINAL LTA2: /PERM /DEVICE=LA210 /WIDTH=255 /PAGE=66 - /NOBROAD $ SET DEVICE LTA1: /SPOOLED=(LN03$PRINT,SYS$SYSDEVICE:) $ SET DEVICE LTA2: /SPOOLED=(LA210$PRINT,SYS$SYSDEVICE:) (3) $ START/QUEUE/BATCH 'NODE'_BATCH $ GOSUB 'NODE'_STARTUP $ ENDIF $ GOTO ENDING $! $! Node-specific subroutines start here $! (4) $ SATELLITE_STARTUP: $! $! Start a batch queue for satellites. $! $ START/QUEUE/BATCH 'NODE'_BATCH $ RETURN $! (5) $JUPITR_STARTUP: $! $! Node-specific startup for JUPITR:: $! Setup local devices and start nonautostart queues here $! $ SET PRINTER/PAGE=66 LPA0: $ RETURN $! $SATURN_STARTUP: $! $! Node-specific startup for SATURN:: $! Setup local devices and start nonautostart queues here $! . . . $ RETURN $! $URANUS_STARTUP: $! $! Node-specific startup for URANUS:: $! Setup local devices and start nonautostart queues here $! . . . $ RETURN $! $ENDING: (6) $! Enable autostart to start all autostart queues $! $ ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES $ EXIT |
Following are descriptions of each phase of the common QSTARTUP.COM command procedure in Example 7-2.
Command | Description |
(1) | Determine the name of the node executing the procedure. |
(2) |
On all large nodes, set up remote devices connected by the LAT. The
queues for these devices are autostart queues and are started
automatically when the ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command is executed at
the end of this procedure.
In the example, these autostart queues were set up to run on one of three nodes. The queues start when the first of those nodes executes the ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command. The queue remains running as long as one of those nodes is running and has autostart enabled. |
(3) | On large nodes, start the local batch queue. In the example, the local batch queues are nonautostart queues and must be started explicitly with START/QUEUE commands. |
(4) | On satellite nodes, start the local batch queue. |
(5) | Each node executes its own subroutine. On node JUPITR, set up the line printer device LPA0:. The queue for this device is an autostart queue and is started automatically when the ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command is executed. |
(6) | Enable autostart to start all autostart queues. |
By default, the shutdown procedure disables autostart at the beginning
of the shutdown sequence. Autostart is disabled to allow autostart
queues with failover lists to fail over to another node. Autostart also
prevents any autostart queue running on another node in the cluster to
fail over to the node being shut down.
7.13.1 Options
You can change the time at which autostart is disabled in the shutdown sequence in one of two ways:
Option | Description |
1 |
Define the logical name SHUTDOWN$DISABLE_AUTOSTART as follows:
$ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE SHUTDOWN$DISABLE_AUTOSTART number-of-minutes Set the value of number-of-minutes to the number of minutes before shutdown when autostart is to be disabled. You can add this logical name definition to SYLOGICALS.COM. The value of number-of-minutes is the default value for the node. If this number is greater than the number of minutes specified for the entire shutdown sequence, autostart is disabled at the beginning of the sequence. |
2 | Specify the DISABLE_AUTOSTART number-of-minutes option during the shutdown procedure. (The value you specify for number-of-minutes overrides the value specified for the SHUTDOWN$DISABLE_AUTOSTART logical name.) |
Reference: See the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for more information about changing the time at which autostart is disabled during the shutdown sequence.
This chapter provides an overview of the cluster configuration command
procedures and describes the preconfiguration tasks required before
running either command procedure. Then it describes each major function
of the command procedures and the postconfiguration tasks, including
running AUTOGEN.COM.
8.1 Overview of the Cluster Configuration Procedures
Two similar command procedures are provided for configuring and reconfiguring an OpenVMS Cluster system: CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM and CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM. The choice depends on whether you use the LANCP utility or DECnet for satellite booting in your cluster. CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM provides satellite booting services with the LANCP utility; CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM provides satellite booting sevices with DECnet. See Section 4.5 for the factors to consider when choosing a satellite booting service.
These configuration procedures automate most of the tasks required to configure an OpenVMS Cluster system. When you invoke CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM or CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM, the following configuration options are displayed:
By selecting the appropriate option, you can configure the cluster easily and reliably without invoking any OpenVMS utilities directly. Table 8-1 summarizes the functions that the configuration procedures perform for each configuration option.
The phrase cluster configuration command procedure, when used in this chapter, refers to both CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM and CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM. The questions of the two configuration procedures are identical except where they pertain to LANCP and DECnet.
Note: For help on any question in these command procedures, type a question mark (?) at the question.
Option | Functions Performed |
Enables a node as a cluster member:
Disables a node as a cluster member:
Displays the CHANGE menu and prompts for appropriate information to:
CREATE | Duplicates the local computer's system disk and removes all system roots from the new disk. |
MAKE | Creates a directory structure for a new root on a system disk. |
DELETE | Deletes a root from a system disk. |
Before invoking either the CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM or the CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM procedure to configure an OpenVMS Cluster system, perform the tasks described in Table 8-2.
Task | Procedure |
Determine whether the computer uses DECdtm. |
When you add a computer to or remove a computer from a cluster that
uses DECdtm services, there are a number of tasks you need to do in
order to ensure the integrity of your data.
Reference: See the chapter about DECdtm services in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for step-by-step instructions on setting up DECdtm in an OpenVMS Cluster system. If you are not sure whether your cluster uses DECdtm services,
enter this command sequence:
If your cluster does not use DECdtm services, the SHOW LOG command will display a "file not found" error message. If your cluster uses DECdtm services, it displays a list of the files that DECdtm uses to store information about transactions. |
Ensure the network software providing the satellite booting service is up and running and all computers are connected to the LAN. |
For nodes that will use the LANCP utility for satellite booting, run
the LANCP utility and enter the LANCP command LIST DEVICE/MOPDLL to
display a list of LAN devices on the system:
$ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:LANCP For nodes running DECnet for OpenVMS, enter the DCL command SHOW
NETWORK to determine whether the network is up and running:
This example shows that the node VIVID is running DECnet for OpenVMS. If DECnet has not been started, the message "SHOW-I-NONET, Network Unavailable" is displayed. For nodes running DECnet--Plus, refer to DECnet for OpenVMS Network Management Utilities for information about determining whether the DECnet--Plus network is up and running. |
Select MOP and disk servers. |
Every OpenVMS Cluster configured with satellite nodes must include at
least one Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) and disk server. When
possible, select multiple computers as MOP and disk servers. Multiple
servers give better availability, and they distribute the work load
across more LAN adapters.
Follow these guidelines when selecting MOP and disk servers:
Make sure you are logged in to a privileged account. |
Log in to a privileged account.
Rules: If you are adding a satellite, you must be logged into the system manager's account on a boot server. Note that the process privileges SYSPRV, OPER, CMKRNL, BYPASS, and NETMBX are required, because the procedure performs privileged system operations. |
Coordinate cluster common files. | If your configuration has two or more system disks, follow the instructions in Chapter 5 to coordinate the cluster common files. |
Optionally, disable broadcast messages to your terminal. | While adding and removing computers, many such messages are generated. To disable the messages, you can enter the DCL command REPLY/DISABLE=(NETWORK, CLUSTER). See also Section 10.6 for more information about controlling OPCOM messages. |
Predetermine answers to the questions asked by the cluster configuration procedure. | Table 8-3 describes the data requested by the cluster configuration command procedures. |
The following table describes the questions asked by the cluster configuration command procedures and describes how you might answer them. The table is supplied here so that you can determine answers to the questions before you invoke the procedure.
Because many of the questions are configuration specific, Table 8-3 lists the questions according to configuration type, and not in the order they are asked.
Information Required | How to Specify or Obtain |
For all configurations | |
Device name of cluster system disk on which root directories will be created | Press Return to accept the default device name which is the translation of the SYS$SYSDEVICE: logical name, or specify a logical name that points to the common system disk. |
Computer's root directory name on cluster system disk |
Press Return to accept the procedure-supplied default, or specify a
name in the form SYS
Workstation windowing system | System manager specifies. Workstation software must be installed before workstation satellites are added. If it is not, the procedure indicates that fact. |
Location and sizes of page and swap files |
This information is requested only when you add a computer to the
cluster. Press Return to accept the default size and location. (The
default sizes displayed in brackets by the procedure are minimum
values. The default location is the device name of the cluster system
If your configuration includes satellite nodes, you may realize a performance improvement by locating satellite page and swap files on a satellite's local disk, if such a disk is available. The potential for performance improvement depends on the configuration of your OpenVMS Cluster system disk and network. To set up page and swap files on a satellite's local disk, the cluster configuration procedure creates a command procedure called SATELLITE_PAGE.COM in the satellite's [SYS n.SYSEXE] directory on the boot server's system disk. The SATELLITE_PAGE.COM procedure performs the following functions:
Note: For page and swap disks that are shadowed, you must edit the MOUNT and INIT commands in SATELLITE_PAGE.COM to the appropriate syntax for mounting any specialized "local" disks (that is, host-based shadowing disks (DS xxx), or host-based RAID disks (DP xxxx), or DECram disks (MDA xxxx)) on the newly added node. CLUSTER_CONFIG(_LAN).COM does not create the MOUNT and INIT commands required for SHADOW, RAID, or DECram disks. Note: To relocate the satellite's page and swap files (for example, from the satellite's local disk to the boot server's system disk, or the reverse) or to change file sizes:
Value for local computer's allocation class (ALLOCLASS or TAPE_ALLOCLASS) parameter. | The ALLOCLASS parameter can be used for a node allocation class or, on Alpha computers, a port allocation class. Refer to Section 6.2.1 for complete information about specifying allocation classes. |
Physical device name of quorum disk | System manager specifies. |
For systems running DECnet for OpenVMS | |
Computer's DECnet node address for Phase IV |
For the DECnet node address, you obtain this information as follows:
Computer's DECnet node name | Network manager supplies. The name must be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters and cannot include dollar signs ($) or underscores (_). |
For systems running DECnet--Plus | |
Computer's DECnet node address for Phase IV (if you need Phase IV compatibility) |
For the DECnet node address, you obtain this information as follows:
Node's DECnet full name |
Determine the full name with the help of your network manager. Enter a
string comprised of:
SCS node name for this node | Enter the OpenVMS Cluster node name, which is a string of 6 or fewer alphanumeric characters. |
DECnet synonym | Press Return to define a DECnet synonym, which is a short name for the node's full name. Otherwise, enter N. |
Synonym name for this node |
Enter a string of 6 or fewer alphanumeric characters. By default, it is
the first 6 characters of the last simple name in the full name. For
+Full name: BIGBANG:.GALAXY.NOVA.BLACKHOLE Note: The node synonym does not need to be the same as the OpenVMS Cluster node name. |
MOP service client name for this node | Enter the name for the node's MOP service client when the node is configured as a boot server. By default, it is the OpenVMS Cluster node name (for example, the SCS node name). This name does not need to be the same as the OpenVMS Cluster node name. |
For systems running TCP/IP or the LANCP Utility for satellite booting, or both | |
Computer's SCS node name (SCSNODE) and SCS system ID (SCSSYSTEMID) | These prompts are described in Section 4.2.3. If a system is running TCP/IP, the procedure does not ask for a TCP/IP host name because a cluster node name (SCSNODE) does not have to match a TCP/IP host name. The TCP/IP host name might be longer than six characters, whereas the SCSNODE name must be no more than six characters. Note that if the system is running both DECnet and IP, then the procedure uses the DECnet defaults. |
For LAN configurations | |
Cluster group number and password | This information is requested only when the CHANGE option is chosen. See Section 2.5 for information about assigning cluster group numbers and passwords. |
Satellite's LAN hardware address |
Address has the form
xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx. You must include the hyphens when you
specify a hardware address. Proceed as follows:
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