Document revision date: 30 March 2001 | |
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Once you have made the necessary preparations, you can invoke the cluster configuration procedure to configure your OpenVMS Cluster system. Log in to the system manager account and make sure your default is SYS$MANAGER. Then, invoke the procedure at the DCL command prompt as follows:
Caution: Do not invoke multiple sessions simultaneously. You can run only one cluster configuration session at a time.
Once invoked, both procedures display the following information and menu. (The only difference between CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM and CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM at this point is the command procedure name that is displayed.) Depending on the menu option you select, the procedure interactively requests configuration information from you. (Predetermine your answers as described in Table 8-3.)
Cluster Configuration Procedure Use CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM to set up or change an OpenVMS Cluster configuration. To ensure that you have the required privileges, invoke this procedure from the system manager's account. Enter ? for help at any prompt. 1. ADD a node to the cluster. 2. REMOVE a node from the cluster. 3. CHANGE a cluster member's characteristics. 4. CREATE a second system disk for JUPITR. 5. MAKE a directory structure for a new root on a system disk. 6. DELETE a root from a system disk. Enter choice [1]: . . . |
This chapter contains a number of sample sessions showing how to run
the cluster configuration procedures. Although the
the same for both Alpha and VAX systems, the questions and format may
appear slightly different according to the type of computer system.
8.2 Adding Computers
In most cases, you invoke either CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM or CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM on an active OpenVMS Cluster computer and select the ADD function to enable a computer as an OpenVMS Cluster member. However, in some circumstances, you may need to perform extra steps to add computers. Use the information in Table 8-4 to determine your actions.
IF... | THEN... |
You are adding your first satellite node to the OpenVMS Cluster. |
Follow these steps:
The cluster uses DECdtm services. | You must create a transaction log for the computer when you have configured it into your cluster. For step-by-step instructions on how to do this, see the chapter on DECdtm services in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. |
You add a CI connected computer that boots from a cluster common system disk. | You must create a new default bootstrap command procedure for the computer before booting it into the cluster. For instructions, refer to your computer-specific installation and operations guide. |
You are adding computers to a cluster with more than one common system disk. |
You must use a different device name for each system disk on which
computers are added. For this reason, the cluster configuration
procedure supplies as a default device name the logical volume name
(for example, DISK$MARS_SYS1) of SYS$SYSDEVICE: on the local system.
Using different device names ensures that each computer added has a unique root directory specification, even if the system disks contain roots with the same name---for example, DISK$MARS_SYS1:[SYS10] and DISK$MARS_SYS2:[SYS10]. |
You add a voting member to the cluster. | You must, after the ADD function completes, reconfigure the cluster according to the instructions in Section 8.6. |
Caution: If either the local or the new computer fails
before the ADD function completes, you must, after normal conditions
are restored, perform the REMOVE option to erase any invalid data and
then restart the ADD option. Section 8.3 describes the REMOVE option.
8.2.1 Controlling Conversational Bootstrap Operations
When you add a satellite to the cluster using either cluster configuration command procedure, the procedure asks whether you want to allow conversational bootstrap operations for the satellite (default is No).
If you select the default, the NISCS_CONV_BOOT system parameter in the satellite's system parameter file remains set to 0 to disable such operations. The parameter file (ALPHAVMSSYS.PAR for Alpha systems or VAXVMSSYS.PAR for VAX systems) resides in the satellite's root directory on a boot server's system disk (device:[SYSx.SYSEXE]). You can enable conversational bootstrap operations for a given satellite at any time by setting this parameter to 1.
To enable such operations for an OpenVMS VAX satellite booted from root 10 on device $1$DJA11, you would proceed as follows:
Step | Action |
1 | Log in as system manager on the boot server. |
2 |
+On VAX systems, invoke the System Generation utility (SYSGEN) and
enter the following commands:
++On an Alpha satellite, enter the same commands, replacing VAXVMSSYS.PAR with ALPHAVMSSYS.PAR. | |
3 | Modify the satellite's MODPARAMS.DAT file so that NISCS_CONV_BOOT is set to 1. |
When adding a node or a satellite to an OpenVMS Cluster, the cluster configuration command procedure adds one of the following lines in the MODPARAMS.DAT file:
WHEN the node being added is a... | THEN... |
Satellite node |
The following line is added to the MODPARAMS.DAT file:
Nonsatellite node |
The following line is added to the MODPARAMS.DAT file:
The AGEN$NEW_SATELLITE_DEFAULTS.DAT and AGEN$NEW_NODE_DEFAULTS.DAT files hold AUTOGEN parameter settings that are common to all satellite nodes or nonsatellite nodes in the cluster. Use of these files simplifies system management, because you can maintain common system parameters in either one or both of these files. When adding or changing the common parameters, this eliminates the need to make modifications in the MODPARAMS.DAT files located on every node in the cluster.
Initially, these files contain no parameter settings. You edit the AGEN$NEW_SATELLITE_DEFAULTS.DAT and AGEN$NEW_NODE_DEFAULTS.DAT files, as appropriate, to add, modify, or edit system parameters. For example, you might edit the AGEN$NEW_SATELLITE_DEFAULTS.DAT file to set the MIN_GBLPAGECNT parameter to 5000. AUTOGEN makes the MIN_GBLPAGECNT parameter and all other parameter settings in the AGEN$NEW_SATELLITE_DEFAULTS.DAT file common to all satellite nodes in the cluster.
AUTOGEN uses the parameter settings in the
first time it is run, and with every subsequent execution.
8.2.3 Examples
Examples 8-1, 8-2, and 8-3 illustrate the use of CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM on JUPITR to add, respectively, a boot server running DECnet for OpenVMS, a boot server running DECnet--Plus, and a satellite node.
Example 8-1 Sample Interactive CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM Session to Add a Computer as a Boot Server |
$ @CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM Cluster Configuration Procedure Use CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM to set up or change an OpenVMS Cluster configuration. To ensure that you have the required privileges, invoke this procedure from the system manager's account. Enter ? for help at any prompt. 1. ADD a node to the cluster. 2. REMOVE a node from the cluster. 3. CHANGE a cluster node's characteristics. 4. CREATE a second system disk for JUPITR. 5. MAKE a directory structure for a new root on a system disk. 6. DELETE a root from a system disk. Enter choice [1]: [Return] The ADD function adds a new node to the cluster. If the node being added is a voting member, EXPECTED_VOTES in all other cluster members' MODPARAMS.DAT must be adjusted. You must then reconfigure the cluster, using the procedure described in the OpenVMS Cluster Systems manual. If the new node is a satellite, the network databases on JUPITR are updated. The network databases on all other cluster members must be updated. For instructions, see the OpenVMS Cluster Systems manual. What is the node's DECnet node name? SATURN What is the node's DECnet address? 2.3 Will SATURN be a satellite [Y]? N Will SATURN be a boot server [Y]? [Return] This procedure will now ask you for the device name of SATURN's system root. The default device name (DISK$VAXVMSRL5:) is the logical volume name of SYS$SYSDEVICE:. What is the device name for SATURN's system root [DISK$VAXVMSRL5:]? [Return] What is the name of the new system root [SYSA]? [Return] Creating directory tree SYSA... %CREATE-I-CREATED, $1$DJA11:<SYSA> created %CREATE-I-CREATED, $1$DJA11:<SYSA.SYSEXE> created . . . System root SYSA created. Enter a value for SATURN's ALLOCLASS parameter: 1 Does this cluster contain a quorum disk [N]? Y What is the device name of the quorum disk? $1$DJA12 Updating network database... Size of page file for SATURN [10000 blocks]? 50000 Size of swap file for SATURN [8000 blocks]? 20000 Will a local (non-HSC) disk on SATURN be used for paging and swapping? N If you specify a device other than DISK$VAXVMSRL5: for SATURN's page and swap files, this procedure will create PAGEFILE_SATURN.SYS and SWAPFILE_SATURN.SYS in the <SYSEXE> directory on the device you specify. What is the device name for the page and swap files [DISK$VAXVMSRL5:]? [Return] %SYSGEN-I-CREATED, $1$DJA11:<SYSA.SYSEXE>PAGEFILE.SYS;1 created %SYSGEN-I-CREATED, $1$DJA11:<SYSA.SYSEXE>SWAPFILE.SYS;1 created The configuration procedure has completed successfully. SATURN has been configured to join the cluster. Before booting SATURN, you must create a new default bootstrap command procedure for SATURN. See your processor-specific installation and operations guide for instructions. The first time SATURN boots, NET$CONFIGURE.COM and AUTOGEN.COM will run automatically. The following parameters have been set for SATURN: VOTES = 1 QDSKVOTES = 1 After SATURN has booted into the cluster, you must increment the value for EXPECTED_VOTES in every cluster member's MODPARAMS.DAT. You must then reconfigure the cluster, using the procedure described in the OpenVMS Cluster Systems manual. |
Example 8-2 Sample Interactive CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM Session to Add a Computer Running DECnet--Plus |
$ @CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM Cluster Configuration Procedure Use CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM to set up or change an OpenVMS Cluster configuration. To ensure that you have the required privileges, invoke this procedure from the system manager's account. Enter ? for help at any prompt. 1. ADD a node to the cluster. 2. REMOVE a node from the cluster. 3. CHANGE a cluster node's characteristics. 4. CREATE a second system disk for JUPITR. 5. MAKE a directory structure for a new root on a system disk. 6. DELETE a root from a system disk. Enter choice [1]: [Return] The ADD function adds a new node to the cluster. If the node being added is a voting member, EXPECTED_VOTES in all other cluster members' MODPARAMS.DAT must be adjusted, and the cluster must be rebooted. If the new node is a satellite, the network databases on JUPITR are updated. The network databases on all other cluster members must be updated. For instructions, see the OpenVMS Cluster Systems manual. For additional networking information, please refer to the DECnet-Plus Network Management manual. What is the node's DECnet fullname? OMNI:.DISCOVERY.SATURN What is the SCS node name for this node? SATURN Do you want to define a DECnet synonym [Y]? Y What is the synonym name for this node [SATURN]? SATURN What is the MOP service client name for this node [SATURN]? VENUS What is the node's DECnet Phase IV address? 17.129 Will SATURN be a satellite [Y]? N Will SATURN be a boot server [Y]? [Return] This procedure will now ask you for the device name of SATURN's system root. The default device name (DISK$VAXVMSRL5:) is the logical volume name of SYS$SYSDEVICE:. What is the device name for SATURN's system root [DISK$VAXVMSRL5:]? [Return] What is the name of the new system root [SYSA]? [Return] Creating directory tree SYSA... %CREATE-I-CREATED, $1$DJA11:<SYSA> created %CREATE-I-CREATED, $1$DJA11:<SYSA.SYSEXE> created . . . System root SYSA created. Enter a value for SATURN's ALLOCLASS parameter: 1 Does this cluster contain a quorum disk [N]? Y What is the device name of the quorum disk? $1$DJA12 Updating network database... Size of page file for SATURN [10000 blocks]? 50000 Size of swap file for SATURN [8000 blocks]? 20000 Will a local (non-HSC) disk on SATURN be used for paging and swapping? N If you specify a device other than DISK$VAXVMSRL5: for SATURN's page and swap files, this procedure will create PAGEFILE_SATURN.SYS and SWAPFILE_SATURN.SYS in the <SYSEXE> directory on the device you specify. What is the device name for the page and swap files [DISK$VAXVMSRL5:]? [Return] %SYSGEN-I-CREATED, $1$DJA11:<SYSA.SYSEXE>PAGEFILE.SYS;1 created %SYSGEN-I-CREATED, $1$DJA11:<SYSA.SYSEXE>SWAPFILE.SYS;1 created The configuration procedure has completed successfully. SATURN has been configured to join the cluster. Before booting SATURN, you must create a new default bootstrap command procedure for SATURN. See your processor-specific installation and operations guide for instructions. The first time SATURN boots, NETCONFIG.COM and AUTOGEN.COM will run automatically. The following parameters have been set for SATURN: VOTES = 1 QDSKVOTES = 1 After SATURN has booted into the cluster, you must increment the value for EXPECTED_VOTES in every cluster member's MODPARAMS.DAT. You must then reconfigure the cluster, using the procedure described in the OpenVMS Cluster Systems manual. |
Example 8-3 Sample Interactive CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM Session to Add a VAX Satellite with Local Page and Swap Files |
$ @CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM Cluster Configuration Procedure Use CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM to set up or change a OpenVMS Cluster configuration. To ensure that you have the required privileges, invoke this procedure from the system manager's account. Enter ? for help at any prompt. 1. ADD a node to the cluster. 2. REMOVE a node from the cluster. 3. CHANGE a cluster node's characteristics. 4. CREATE a second system disk for JUPITR. 5. MAKE a directory structure for a new root on a system disk. 6. DELETE a root from a system disk. Enter choice [1]: [Return] The ADD function adds a new node to the cluster. If the node being added is a voting member, EXPECTED_VOTES in all other cluster members' MODPARAMS.DAT must be adjusted, and the cluster must be rebooted. If the new node is a satellite, the network databases on JUPITR are updated. The network databases on all other cluster members must be updated. For instructions, see the OpenVMS Cluster Systems manual. What is the node's DECnet node name? EUROPA What is the node's DECnet address? 2.21 Will EUROPA be a satellite [Y]? [Return] Verifying circuits in network database... This procedure will now ask you for the device name of EUROPA's system root. The default device name (DISK$VAXVMSRL5:) is the logical volume name of SYS$SYSDEVICE:. What is the device name for EUROPA'S system root [DISK$VAXVMSRL5:]? [Return] What is the name of the new system root [SYS10]? [Return] Allow conversational bootstraps on EUROPA [NO]? [Return] The following workstation windowing options are available: 1. No workstation software 2. VWS Workstation Software 3. DECwindows Workstation Software Enter choice [1]: 3 Creating directory tree SYS10... %CREATE-I-CREATED, $1$DJA11:<SYS10> created %CREATE-I-CREATED, $1$DJA11:<SYS10.SYSEXE> created . . . System root SYS10 created. Will EUROPA be a disk server [N]? [Return] What is EUROPA's Ethernet hardware address? 08-00-2B-03-51-75 Updating network database... Size of pagefile for EUROPA [10000 blocks]? 20000 Size of swap file for EUROPA [8000 blocks]? 12000 Will a local disk on EUROPA be used for paging and swapping? YES Creating temporary page file in order to boot EUROPA for the first time... %SYSGEN-I-CREATED, $1$DJA11:<SYS10.SYSEXE>PAGEFILE.SYS;1 created This procedure will now wait until EUROPA joins the cluster. Once EUROPA joins the cluster, this procedure will ask you to specify a local disk on EUROPA for paging and swapping. Please boot EUROPA now. Waiting for EUROPA to boot... . . . (User enters boot command at satellite's console-mode prompt (>>>).) . . . The local disks on EUROPA are: Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt EUROPA$DUA0: Online 0 EUROPA$DUA1: Online 0 Which disk can be used for paging and swapping? EUROPA$DUA0: May this procedure INITIALIZE EUROPA$DUA0: [YES]? NO Mounting EUROPA$DUA0:... PAGEFILE.SYS already exists on EUROPA$DUA0: *************************************** Directory EUROPA$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSEXE] PAGEFILE.SYS;1 23600/23600 Total of 1 file, 23600/23600 blocks. *************************************** What is the file specification for the page file on EUROPA$DUA0: [ <SYS0.SYSEXE>PAGEFILE.SYS ]? [Return] %CREATE-I-EXISTS, EUROPA$DUA0:<SYS0.SYSEXE> already exists This procedure will use the existing pagefile, EUROPA$DUA0:<SYS0.SYSEXE>PAGEFILE.SYS;. SWAPFILE.SYS already exists on EUROPA$DUA0: *************************************** Directory EUROPA$DUA0:[SYS0.SYSEXE] SWAPFILE.SYS;1 12000/12000 Total of 1 file, 12000/12000 blocks. *************************************** What is the file specification for the swap file on EUROPA$DUA0: [ <SYS0.SYSEXE>SWAPFILE.SYS ]? [Return] This procedure will use the existing swapfile, EUROPA$DUA0:<SYS0.SYSEXE>SWAPFILE.SYS;. AUTOGEN will now reconfigure and reboot EUROPA automatically. These operations will complete in a few minutes, and a completion message will be displayed at your terminal. The configuration procedure has completed successfully. |
To enable a quorum disk on a node or nodes, use the cluster configuration procedure as described in Table 8-5.
IF... | THEN... |
Other cluster nodes are already enabled as quorum disk watchers. |
Perform the following steps:
The cluster does not contain any quorum disk watchers. |
Perform the following steps:
To disable a computer as an OpenVMS Cluster member:
IF removing members... | THEN... |
Will cause you to lose quorum |
Perform the steps in the following list:
Caution: Do not perform these steps until you are ready to reboot the entire OpenVMS Cluster system. Because you are reducing quorum for the cluster, the votes cast by the node being removed could cause a cluster partition to be formed.
Will not cause you to lose quorum |
Proceed as follows:
IF... | THEN... |
You are removing a voting member. | You must, after the REMOVE function completes, reconfigure the cluster according to the instructions in Section 8.6. |
The page and swap files for the computer being removed do not reside on the same disk as the computer's root directory tree. | The REMOVE function does not delete these files. It displays a message warning that the files will not be deleted, as in Example 8-4. If you want to delete the files, you must do so after the REMOVE function completes. |
You are removing a computer from a cluster that uses DECdtm services. | Make sure that you have followed the step-by-step instructions in the chapter on DECdtm services in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. These instructions describe how to remove a computer safely from the cluster, thereby preserving the integrity of your data. |
Note: When the REMOVE function deletes the computer's entire root directory tree, it generates OpenVMS RMS informational messages while deleting the directory files. You can ignore these messages.
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