dts_intro(8dts)Introduction to the DCE DTS (Distributed Time Service) commands
Description · The dtsd daemon · The DTS control program (dtscp) · The DTS local clock setting program (dtsdate) DTS is implemented in the dtsd process. Clerks and servers use the same daemon. The behavior of the dtsd daemon is determined by the dtscp command. The dtscp control program allows you to synchronize, adjust, and maintain the system clocks in a distributed network. The DTS control program commands are: · The advertise command configures the DTS server as a global server · The change command modifies the epoch and sets the local time to a new time · The create command establishes a DTS entity (a clerk or server) · The delete command causes DTS to exit on the local node · The disable command suspends a DTS entity · The enable command starts a DTS entity · The exit command ends the dtscp management session and returns you to the system prompt · The help command invokes the dtscp help service. · The quit command ends the dtscp management session and returns you to the system prompt · The set command modifies characteristics of a DTS entity · The show command displays characteristics of a DTS entity · The synchronize command synchronizes the system clock with the time obtained from DTS servers in the network · The unadvertise command removes the global server entry · The update command gradually adjusts the system clock to a new time For more information on any of the dtscp commands, see the appropriate command. The dtsd command restarts the DTS daemon (clerk or server process). When the host system is rebooted, this command is automatically executed as part of the overall DCE configuration procedure. For more information, see the dtsd reference page. Invocation of dtsd leaves it in an idle state. To assume an identity, it must be created with the dtscp create command. After the DTS entity is created, it is still in a non-functioning state. To put it into operation, you must invoke dtscp enable, which causes an immediate synchronization to take place. For more information, see the enable reference page. To bring down a DTS entity, you must first stop it with dtscp disable and then delete it with dtscp delete. For more information, see the disable and delete reference pages. The dtsdate command sets the local clock of a system to be the same as the host remote_host, running a dtsd server. For more information see the dsdate reference page.
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