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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual
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On Alpha systems, allows a process to change the protection on a page or range of pages.This service accepts 64-bit addresses.
SYS$SETPRT_64 start_va_64 ,length_64 ,acmode ,prot ,return_va_64 ,return_length_64 ,return_prot_64
int sys$setprt_64 (void *start_va_64, unsigned __int64 length_64, unsigned int acmode, unsigned int prot, void *(*(return_va_64)), unsigned __int64 *return_length_64, unsigned int *return_prot_64);
OpenVMS usage: address type: quadword address access: read only mechanism: by value
The starting virtual address of the range of pages whose protection is to be changed. The specified virtual address will be rounded down to a CPU-specific boundary.length_64
OpenVMS usage: byte count type: quadword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Length of the virtual address space whose protection is to be changed. The specified length will be rounded up to a CPU-specific page boundary so that it includes all CPU-specific pages in the requested range.acmode
OpenVMS usage: access_mode type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Access mode associated with the call to $SETPRT_64. The acmode argument is a longword containing the access mode.The $PSLDEF macro in STARLET.MLB and the file PSLDEF.H in SYS$STARLET_C.TLB define the following symbols and their values for the four access modes:
Value Symbolic Name Access Mode 0 PSL$C_KERNEL Kernel 1 PSL$C_EXEC Executive 2 PSL$C_SUPER Supervisor 3 PSL$C_USER User The most privileged access mode used is the access mode of the caller. To change the protection of any page in the specified range, the resultant access mode must be equal to or more privileged than the access mode of the owner of that page.
OpenVMS usage: page_protection type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Page protection to be assigned to the specified pages. The prot argument is a longword value containing the protection code. Only bits 0 to 3 are used; bits 4 to 31 are ignored.The $PRTDEF macro for MACRO-32 and the include file PRTDEF.H for C define the symbolic names for the protection codes.
OpenVMS usage: address type: quadword address access: write only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference
The lowest process virtual address of the range of pages whose protection was actually changed. The return_va_64 argument is the 32- or 64-bit virtual address of a naturally aligned quadword into which the service returns the virtual address.return_length_64
OpenVMS usage: byte count type: quadword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference
The length of the virtual address range whose protection was actually changed. The return_length_64 argument is the 32- or 64-bit virtual address of a naturally aligned quadword into which the service returns the length of the virtual address range in bytes.return_prot_64
OpenVMS usage: page_protection type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference
Protection previously assigned to the last page in the range. The return_prot_64 argument is the 32- or 64-bit virtual address of a naturally aligned longword into which $SETPRT_64 writes the protection of this page. The return_prot_64 argument is useful only when protection for a single page is being changed.
The Set Protection on Pages service allows a process to change the protection on a page or range of pages. For pages in a global section, the new protection can alter only copy-on-reference pages.If the condition value SS$_ACCVIO is returned by this service, a value cannot be returned in the memory locations pointed to by the return_va_64, return_length_64, and return_prot arguments.
If a condition value other than SS$_ACCVIO is returned, the returned address and returned length indicate the pages that were successfully changed before the error occurred. If no pages were changed, the return_va_64 argument will contain the value -1, and a value cannot be returned in the memory location pointed to by the return_length_64 argument.
If a process changes the protection for any pages in a private section from read-only to read/write, $SETPRT_64 uses the paging file (PGFLQUOTA) quota of the process.
SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully. SS$_ACCVIO The return_va_64 or the return_length_64 argument cannot be written by the caller. SS$_EXPGFLQUOTA The process exceeded its paging file quota while changing a page in a read-only private section to a read/write page. SS$_IVPROTECT The specified protection code has a numeric value of 1 or is greater than 15. SS$_LENVIO A page in the specified range is not in process private address space. SS$_NOSUCHPAG An attempt was made to change the protection on a nonexistent page. SS$_PAGNOTINREG A page in the specified range is not within the specified region. SS$_PAGTYPVIO A page in the specified range is not in process private address space. SS$_PAGOWNVIO The process attempted to change the protection on a page owned by a more privileged access mode.
Enables or disables specified privileges for the calling process.
SYS$SETPRV [enbflg] ,[prvadr] ,[prmflg] ,[prvprv]
int sys$setprv (char enbflg, struct _generic_64 *prvadr, char prmflg, struct _generic_64 *prvprv);
OpenVMS usage: boolean type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Indicator specifying whether the specified privileges are to be enabled or disabled. The enbflg argument is a longword value. The value 1 indicates that the privileges specified in the prvadr argument are to be enabled. The value 0 (the default) indicates that the privileges are to be disabled.prvadr
OpenVMS usage: mask_privileges type: quadword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Privileges to be enabled or disabled for the calling process. The prvadr argument is the address of a quadword bit vector wherein each bit corresponds to a privilege that is to be enabled or disabled.Each bit has a symbolic name. The $PRVDEF macro defines these names. You form the bit vector by specifying the symbolic name of each desired privilege in a logical OR operation. Table SYS-15 provides the symbolic name and description of each privilege.
Table SYS-15 User Privileges Privilege Symbolic Name Description ACNT PRV$M_ACNT Create processes for which no accounting is done ALLSPOOL PRV$M_ALLSPOOL Allocate a spooled device ALTPRI PRV$M_ALTPRI Set (alter) any process priority AUDIT PRV$V_AUDIT Generate audit records BUGCHK PRV$M_BUGCHK Make bugcheck error log entries BYPASS PRV$M_BYPASS Bypass all protection CMEXEC PRV$M_CMEXEC Change mode to executive CMKRNL PRV$M_CMKRNL Change mode to kernel DIAGNOSE PRV$M_DIAGNOSE Can diagnose devices DOWNGRADE PRV$V_DOWNGRADE Can downgrade classification EXQUOTA PRV$M_EXQUOTA Can exceed quotas GROUP PRV$M_GROUP Group process control GRPNAM PRV$M_GRPNAM Place name in group logical name table GRPPRV PRV$V_GRPPRV Group access by means of system protection field IMPERSONATE PRV$M_IMPERSONATE Create detached processes under another UIC IMPORT PRV$V_IMPORT Mount a nonlabeled tape volume LOG_IO PRV$M_LOG_IO Perform logical I/O operations MOUNT PRV$M_MOUNT Issue mount volume QIO NETMBX PRV$M_NETMBX Create a network device OPER PRV$M_OPER All operator privileges PFNMAP PRV$M_PFNMAP Map to section by physical page frame number PHY_IO PRV$M_PHY_IO Perform physical I/O operations PRMCEB PRV$M_PRMCEB Create permanent common event flag clusters PRMGBL PRV$M_PRMGBL Create permanent global sections PRMMBX PRV$M_PRMMBX Create permanent mailboxes PSWAPM PRV$M_PSWAPM Change process swap mode READALL PRV$V_READALL Possess read access to everything SECURITY PRV$V_SECURITY Can perform security functions SETPRV PRV$M_SETPRV Set any process privileges SHARE PRV$M_SHARE Can assign a channel to a nonshared device SHMEM PRV$M_SHMEM Allocate structures in memory shared by multiple processors SYSGBL PRV$M_SYSGBL Create system global sections SYSLCK PRV$M_SYSLCK Queue systemwide locks SYSNAM PRV$M_SYSNAM Place name in system logical name table SYSPRV PRV$M_SYSPRV Access files and other resources as if you have a system UIC TMPMBX PRV$M_TMPMBX Create temporary mailboxes UPGRADE PRV$V_UPGRADE Can upgrade classification VOLPRO PRV$M_VOLPRO Override volume protection WORLD PRV$M_WORLD World process control If you do not specify prvadr or assign it the value 0, the privileges are not altered.
OpenVMS usage: boolean type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Indicator specifying whether the privileges are to be affected permanently or temporarily. The prmflg argument is a longword value. The value 1 specifies that the privileges are to be affected permanently, that is, until you change them again by using $SETPRV or until the process is deleted. The value 0 (the default) specifies that the privileges are to be affected temporarily, that is, until the current image exits (at which time the permanently enabled privileges of the process will be restored).Setting the prmflg argument to nonzero changes privilege bits in both the CURPRIV mask and the PROCPRIV mask.
OpenVMS usage: mask_privileges type: quadword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by reference
Privileges previously possessed by the calling process. The prvprv argument is the address of a quadword bit vector wherein each bit corresponds to a privilege that was previously either enabled or disabled. If you do not specify prvprv or assign it the value 0, the previous privilege mask is not returned.
The Set Privileges service enables or disables specified privileges for the calling process.The operating system maintains four separate privilege masks for each process:
- AUTHPRIV---Privileges that the process is authorized to enable, as designated by the system manager or the process creator. The AUTHPRIV mask never changes during the life of the process.
- PROCPRIV---Privileges that are designated as permanently enabled for the process. The PROCPRIV mask can be modified by $SETPRV.
- IMAGPRIV---Privileges with which the current image is installed.
- CURPRIV---Privileges that are currently enabled. The CURPRIV mask can be modified by $SETPRV.
When a process is created, its AUTHPRIV, PROCPRIV, and CURPRIV masks have the same contents. Whenever a system service (other than $SETPRV) must check the process privileges, that service checks the CURPRIV mask.
When a process runs an installed image, the privileges with which that image was installed are enabled in the CURPRIV mask. When the installed image exits, the PROCPRIV mask is copied to the CURPRIV mask.
The $SETPRV service can set bits only in the CURPRIV and PROCPRIV mask, but $SETPRV checks the AUTHPRIV mask to see whether a process can set specified privilege bits in the CURPRIV or PROCPRIV masks. Consequently, a process can give itself the SETPRV privilege only if this privilege is enabled in the AUTHPRIV mask.
You can obtain each of a process's four privilege masks by calling the $GETJPI (Get Job/Process Information) service and specifying the desired privilege mask or masks as item codes in the itmlst argument. You construct the item code for a privilege mask by prefixing the name of the privilege mask with the characters JPI$_ (for example, JPI$_CURPRIV is the item code for the current privilege mask).
The DCL command SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGES also enables or disables specified privileges; refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for details.
To set a privilege permanently, the calling process must be authorized to set the specified privilege, or the process must be executing in kernel or executive mode.
To set a privilege temporarily, one of the following three conditions must be true:
- The calling process must be authorized to set the specified privilege.
- The calling process must be executing in kernel or executive mode.
- The image currently executing must be one that was installed with the specified privilege.
SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully. All privileges were enabled or disabled as specified. SS$_NOTALLPRIV The service completed successfully. Not all specified privileges were enabled; see the Description section for details. SS$_ACCVIO The privilege mask cannot be read or the previous privilege mask cannot be written by the caller. SS$_IVSTSFLG You specified a value other than 1 or 0 in either the prmflg argument or the enblfg argument.
Allows a process to specify what action system services should take when system resources required for their execution are unavailable.
SYS$SETRWM [watflg]
int sys$setrwm ( char watflg);
OpenVMS usage: longword_unsigned type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Indicator specifying whether system services should wait for required resources. The watflg argument is a longword value. The value 0 (the default) specifies that system services should wait until resources needed for their execution become available. The value 1 specifies that system services should return failure status immediately when resources needed for their execution are unavailable.The operating system enables resource wait mode for all processes. You can disable resource wait mode only by calling $SETRWM.
If resource wait mode is disabled, it remains disabled until it is explicitly reenabled or until the process is deleted.
The Set Resource Wait Mode service allows a process to specify what action system services should take when system resources required for their execution are unavailable. When resource wait mode is enabled, system services wait for the required system resources to become available and then continue execution. When resource wait mode is disabled, system services return to the caller when required system resources are unavailable. The condition value returned by $SETRWM indicates whether resource wait mode was previously enabled or previously disabled.The following system resources and process quotas are affected by resource wait mode:
- System dynamic memory
- UNIBUS adapter map registers
- Direct I/O limit (DIOLM) quota
- Buffered I/O limit (BIOLM) quota
- Buffered I/O byte count limit (BYTLM) quota
Note that disabling resource wait mode may have unexpected effects on libraries or shareable images upon which your application may be directly or indirectly dependent. If resource waiting is disabled, these constituent libraries or shareable images may not perform as expected. It is possible that these constituent components are coded to assume resource waiting is enabled; therefore, they may not be coded to receive various quota-related errors such as SS$_EXQUOTA.
Due to the process-wide implications of resource waiting, disabling resource waiting should be performed with caution.
SS$_WASCLR The service completed successfully. Resource wait mode was previously enabled. SS$_WASSET The service completed successfully. Resource wait mode was previously disabled.
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