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Updated: 12 December 1998 |
OpenVMS VAX RTL Mathematics (MTH$) Manual
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The First Order Linear Recurrence --- Multiplication and Addition --- Last Value routine provides a vectorized algorithm for the linear recurrence relation that includes both multiplication and addition operations. Only the last value computed is stored.
MTH$VJFOLRLP_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t
MTH$VFFOLRLP_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t
MTH$VDFOLRLP_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t
MTH$VGFOLRLP_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t
MTH$VJFOLRLN_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t
MTH$VFFOLRLN_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t
MTH$VDFOLRLN_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t
MTH$VGFOLRLN_MA_V5 n,a,inca,b,incb,t
To obtain one of the preceding formats, substitute the following for x and y in MTH$VxFOLRLy_MA_V5:
x = J for longword integer, F for F-floating, D for D-floating, G for G-floating y = P for a positive recursion element, N for a negative recursion element
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed or floating_point type: longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating or G_floating access: write only mechanism: by value
The function value is the result of the last iteration of the linear recurrence relation. The function value is returned in R0 or R0 and R1.
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword integer (signed) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Length of the linear recurrence. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the length.a
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed or floating_point type: longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating access: read only mechanism: by reference, array reference
Array of length at least:
n = length of the linear recurrence specified in n inca = increment argument for the array a specified in inca The a argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point that is this array.
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword integer (signed) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Increment argument for the array a. The inca argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. For contiguous elements, specify 1 for inca.b
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed or floating_point type: longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating access: read only mechanism: by reference, array reference
Array of length at least:1+(n-1)*incb
n = length of the linear recurrence specified in n incb = increment argument for the array b specified in incb The b argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point number that is this array.
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword integer (signed) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Increment argument for the array b. The incb argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. For contiguous elements, specify 1 for incb.t
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed or floating_point type: longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating access: modify mechanism: by reference
Variable containing the starting value for the recurrence; overwritten with the value computed by the last iteration of the linear recurrence relation. The t argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point number that is this value.
MTH$VxFOLRLy_MA_V5 is a group of routines that provide a vectorized algorithm for computing the following linear recurrence relation. (The T on the right side of the equation is the result of the previous iteration of the loop.)T = +/-T * A(I) + B(I)
Save the contents of vector registers V0 through V5 before you call this routine.Call this routine to utilize vector hardware when computing the recurrence. As an example, the call from Digital Fortran is as follows:
CALL MTH$VxFOLRy_MA_V5(N,A(K1),INCA,B(K2),INCB,T)The preceding Fortran call replaces the following loop:
K1 = ... K2 = ... DO I = 1, N T = {+/-}T * A(K1+(I-1)*INCA) + B(K1+(I-1)*INCB) ENDDOThe arrays used in a FOLR expression must be of the same data type in order to be vectorized and user callable. The MTH$ FOLR routines assume that all of the arrays are of the same data type.
This group of routines, MTH$VxFOLRLy_MA_V5 (and also MTH$VxFOLRLy_z_V2) returns only the result of the last iteration of the linear recurrence relation. This is different from the behavior of MTH$VxFOLRy_MA_V15 (and also MTH$VxFOLRy_z_V8), which save the result of each iteration of the linear recurrence relation in an array.
If you specify 0 for the input increment arguments (inca and incb), the input will be treated as a scalar and broadcast to a vector input with all vector elements equal to the scalar value.
#1 |
C C The following Fortran loop computes C a linear recurrence. C C G_FLOAT INTEGER N,INCA,INCB,I REAL*8 A(30), B(6), T N = 6 INCA = 5 INCB = 1 T = 78.9847562 DO I = 1, N T = -T * A(I*INCA) + B(I*INCB) ENDDO C C The following call from Fortran to a FOLR C routine replaces the preceding loop. C C G_FLOAT INTEGER N,INCA,INCB DIMENSION A(30), B(6), T N = 6 INCA = 5 INCB = 1 T = 78.9847562 T = MTH$VGFOLRLN_MA_V5(N, A(INCA), INCA, B(INCB), INCB, T) |
#2 |
C C The following Fortran loop computes C a linear recurrence. C C G_FLOAT INTEGER N,INCA,INCB,I REAL*8 A(30), B(6), T N = 6 INCA = 5 INCB = 1 T = 78.9847562 DO I = 1, N T = T * A(I*INCA) + B(I*INCB) ENDDO C C The following call from Fortran to a FOLR C routine replaces the preceding loop. C C G_FLOAT INTEGER N,INCA,INCB DIMENSION A(30), B(6), T N = 6 INCA = 5 INCB = 1 T = 78.9847562 T = MTH$VGFOLRLP_MA_V5(N, A(INCA), INCA, B(INCB), INCB, T) |
The First Order Linear Recurrence --- Multiplication or Addition --- Last Value routine provides a vectorized algorithm for the linear recurrence relation that includes either a multiplication or an addition operation. Only the last value computed is stored.
MTH$VJFOLRLP_M_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VFFOLRLP_M_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VDFOLRLP_M_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VGFOLRLP_M_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VJFOLRLN_M_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VFFOLRLN_M_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VDFOLRLN_M_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VGFOLRLN_M_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VJFOLRLP_A_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VFFOLRLP_A_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VDFOLRLP_A_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VGFOLRLP_A_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VJFOLRLN_A_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VFFOLRLN_A_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VDFOLRLN_A_V2 n,a,inca,t
MTH$VGFOLRLN_A_V2 n,a,inca,t
To obtain one of the preceding formats, substitute the following for x, y, and z in MTH$VxFOLRLy_z_V2:
x = J for longword integer, F for F-floating, D for D-floating, G for G-floating y = P for a positive recursion element, N for a negative recursion element z = M for multiplication, A for addition
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed or floating_point type: longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating or G_floating access: write only mechanism: by value
The function value is the result of the last iteration of the linear recurrence relation. The function value is returned in R0 or R0 and R1.
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword integer (signed) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Length of the linear recurrence. The n argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the length.a
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed or floating_point type: longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating access: read only mechanism: by reference, array reference
Array of length at least:n*inca
n = length of the linear recurrence specified in n inca = increment argument for the array a specified in inca The a argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point that is this array.
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword integer (signed) access: read only mechanism: by reference
Increment argument for the array a. The inca argument is the address of a signed longword integer containing the increment argument. For contiguous elements, specify 1 for inca.t
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed or floating_point type: longword integer (signed), F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating access: modify mechanism: by reference
Variable containing the starting value for the recurrence; overwritten with the value computed by the last iteration of the linear recurrence relation. The t argument is the address of a longword integer or floating-point number that is this value.
MTH$VxFOLRLy_z_V2 is a group of routines that provide a vectorized algorithm for computing one of the following linear recurrence relations. (The T on the right side of the following equations is the result of the previous iteration of the loop.)T = +/-T * A(I)
T = +/-T + A(I)
For the first relation, specify M for z in the routine name to denote multiplication; for the second relation, specify A for z in the routine name to denote addition.
Save the contents of vector registers V0, V1, and V2 before you call this routine.Call this routine to utilize vector hardware when computing the recurrence. As an example, the call from Digital Fortran is as follows:
CALL MTH$VxFOLRLy_z_V2(N,A(K1),INCA,T)The preceding Fortran call replaces the following loop:
K1 = .... DO I = 1, N T = {+/-}T {+/*} A(K1+(I-1)*INCA) ENDDOThe arrays used in a FOLR expression must be of the same data type in order to be vectorized and user callable. The MTH$ FOLR routines assume that all of the arrays are of the same data type.
This group of routines, MTH$VxFOLRLy_z_V2 (and also MTH$VxFOLRLy_MA_V5) return only the result of the last iteration of the linear recurrence relation. This is different from the behavior of MTH$VxFOLRy_MA_V15 (and also MTH$VxFOLRy_z_V8), which save the result of each iteration of the linear recurrence relation in an array.
If you specify 0 for the input increment argument (inca), the input will be treated as a scalar and broadcast to a vector input with all vector elements equal to the scalar value.
#1 |
C C The following Fortran loop computes C a linear recurrence. C C D_FLOAT INTEGER I,N REAL*8 A(200), T T = 78.9847562 N = 20 DO I = 4, N T = -T * A(I*10) ENDDO C C The following call from Fortran to a FOLR C routine replaces the preceding loop. C C D_FLOAT INTEGER N REAL*8 A(200), T T = 78.9847562 N = 20 T = MTH$VDFOLRLN_M_V2(N-3, A(40), 10, T) |
#2 |
C C The following Fortran loop computes C a linear recurrence. C C D_FLOAT INTEGER I,N REAL*8 A(200), T T = 78.9847562 N = 20 DO I = 4, N T = T + A(I*10) ENDDO C C The following call from Fortran to a FOLR C routine replaces the preceding loop. C C D_FLOAT INTEGER N REAL*8 A(200), T T = 78.9847562 N = 20 T = MTH$VDFOLRLP_A_V2(N-3, A(40), 10, T) |
The following supported MTH$ routines are not included with the routines in the Scalar MTH$ Reference Section because they are rarely used. The majority of these routines serve to satisfy external references when intrinsic functions in Fortran and other languages are passed as parameters. Otherwise, the functions are performed by inline code.
Table A-1 lists all of the entry point and argument information for the MTH$ routines not documented in the Scalar MTH$ Reference Section of this manual.
Routine Name | Entry Point Information | |
MTH$ABS | F-floating Absolute Value Routine | |
Format: | MTH$ABS f-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$DABS | D-floating Absolute Value Routine | |
Format: | MTH$DABS d-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value | |
d-floating: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$GABS | G-floating Absolute Value Routine | |
Format: | MTH$GABS g-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value | |
g-floating: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$HABS | H-floating Absolute Value Routine | |
Format: | MTH$HABS h-abs-val, h-floating | |
Returns: | None | |
h-abs-val: | floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference | |
h-floating: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IIABS | Word Absolute Value Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IIABS word | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
word: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$JIABS | Longword Absolute Value Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JIABS longword | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
longword: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$IIAND | Bitwise AND of Two Word Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IIAND word1, word2 | |
Returns: | word_unsigned, word (unsigned), write only, by value | |
word1: | word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
word2: | word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
MTH$JIAND | Bitwise AND of Two Longword Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JIAND longword1, longword2 | |
Returns: | longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), write only, by value | |
longword1: | longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
longword2: | longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
MTH$DBLE | Convert F-floating to D-floating (Exact) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$DBLE f-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$GDBLE | Convert F-floating to G-floating (Exact) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$GDBLE f-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$DIM | Positive Difference of Two F-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$DIM f-floating1, f-floating2 | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
f-floating1: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
f-floating2: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$DDIM | Positive Difference of Two D-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$DDIM d-floating1, d-floating2 | |
Returns: | floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value | |
d-floating1: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
d-floating2: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$GDIM | Positive Difference of Two G-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$GDIM g-floating1, g-floating2 | |
Returns: | floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value | |
g-floating1: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
g-floating2: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$HDIM | Positive Difference of Two H-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$HDIM h-floating, h-floating1, h-floating2 | |
Returns: | None | |
h-floating: | floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference | |
h-floating1: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
h-floating2: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IIDIM | Positive Difference of Two Word Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IIDIM word1, word2 | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
word1: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
word2: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$JIDIM | Positive Difference of Two Longword Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JIDIM longword1, longword2 | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
longword1: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
longword2: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$IIEOR | Bitwise Exclusive OR of Two Word Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IIEOR word1, word2 | |
Returns: | word_unsigned, word (unsigned), write only, by value | |
word1: | word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
word2: | word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
MTH$JIEOR | Bitwise Exclusive OR of Two Longword Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JIEOR longword1, longword2 | |
Returns: | longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), write only, by value | |
longword1: | longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
longword2: | longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
MTH$IIFIX | Convert F-floating to Word (Truncated) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IIFIX f-floating | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$JIFIX | Convert F-floating to Longword (Truncated) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JIFIX f-floating | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$FLOATI | Convert Word to F-floating (Exact) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$FLOATI word | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
word: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$DFLOTI | Convert Word to D-floating (Exact) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$DFLOTI word | |
Returns: | floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value | |
word: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$GFLOTI | Convert Word to G-floating (Exact) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$GFLOTI word | |
Returns: | floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value | |
word: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$FLOATJ | Convert Longword to F-floating (Rounded) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$FLOATJ longword | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
longword: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$DFLOTJ | Convert Longword to D-floating (Exact) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$DFLOTJ longword | |
Returns: | floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value | |
longword: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$GFLOTJ | Convert Longword to G-floating (Exact) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$GFLOTJ longword | |
Returns: | floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value | |
longword: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$FLOOR | Convert F-floating to Greatest F-floating Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$FLOOR f-floating | |
JSB: | MTH$FLOOR_R1 f-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$DFLOOR | Convert D-floating to Greatest D-floating Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$DFLOOR d-floating | |
JSB: | MTH$DFLOOR_R3 d-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value | |
d-floating: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$GFLOOR | Convert G-floating to Greatest G-floating Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$GFLOOR g-floating | |
JSB: | MTH$GFLOOR_R3 g-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value | |
g-floating: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$HFLOOR | Convert H-floating to Greatest H-floating Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$HFLOOR max-h-float, h-floating | |
JSB: | MTH$HFLOOR_R7 h-floating | |
Returns: | None | |
max-h-float: | floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference | |
h-floating: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$AINT | Convert F-floating to Truncated F-floating Routine | |
Format: | MTH$AINT f-floating | |
JSB: | MTH$AINT_R2 f-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$DINT | Convert D-floating to Truncated D-floating Routine | |
Format: | MTH$DINT d-floating | |
JSB: | MTH$DINT_R4 d-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value | |
d-floating: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IIDINT | Convert D-floating to Word (Truncated) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IIDINT d-floating | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
d-floating: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$JIDINT | Convert D-floating to Longword (Truncated) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JIDINT d-floating | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
d-floating: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$GINT | Convert G-floating to Truncated G-floating Routine | |
Format: | MTH$GINT g-floating | |
JSB: | MTH$GINT_R4 g-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value | |
g-floating: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IIGINT | Convert G-floating to Word (Truncated) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IIGINT g-floating | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
g-floating: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$JIGINT | Convert G-floating to Longword (Truncated) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JIGINT g-floating | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
g-floating: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$HINT | Convert H-floating to Truncated H-floating Routine | |
Format: | MTH$HINT trunc-h-flt, h-floating | |
JSB: | MTH$HINT_R8 h-floating | |
Returns: | None | |
trunc-h-flt: | floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference | |
h-floating: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IIHINT | Convert H-floating to Word (Truncated) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IIHINT h-floating | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
h-floating: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$JIHINT | Convert H-floating to Longword (Truncated) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JIHINT h-floating | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
h-floating: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IINT | Convert F-floating to Word (Truncated) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IINT f-floating | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$JINT | Convert F-floating to Longword (Truncated) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JINT f-floating | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IIOR | Bitwise Inclusive OR of Two Word Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IIOR word1, word2 | |
Returns: | word_unsigned, word (unsigned), write only, by value | |
word1: | word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
word2: | word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
MTH$JIOR | Bitwise Inclusive OR of Two Longword Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JIOR longword1, longword2 | |
Returns: | longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), write only, by value | |
longword1: | longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
longword2: | longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
MTH$AIMAX0 | F-floating Maximum of N Word Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$AIMAX0 word, ... | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
word: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$AJMAX0 | F-floating Maximum of N Longword Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$AJMAX0 longword, ... | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
longword: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$IMAX0 | Word Maximum of N Word Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IMAX0 word, ... | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
word: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$JMAX0 | Longword Maximum of N Longword Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JMAX0 longword, ... | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
longword: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$AMAX1 | F-floating Maximum of N F-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$AMAX1 f-floating, ... | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$DMAX1 | D-floating Maximum of N D-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$DMAX1 d-floating, ... | |
Returns: | floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value | |
d-floating: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$GMAX1 | G-floating Maximum of N G-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$GMAX1 g-floating, ... | |
Returns: | floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value | |
g-floating: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$HMAX1 | H-floating Maximum of N H-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$HMAX1 h-float-max, h-floating, ... | |
Returns: | None | |
h-float-max: | floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference | |
h-floating: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IMAX1 | Word Maximum of N F-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IMAX1 f-floating, ... | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$JMAX1 | Longword Maximum of N F-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JMAX1 f-floating, ... | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$AIMIN0 | F-floating Minimum of N Word Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$AIMIN0 word, ... | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
word: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$AJMIN0 | F-floating Minimum of N Longword Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$AJMIN0 longword, ... | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
longword: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$IMIN0 | Word Minimum of N Word Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IMIN0 word, ... | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
word: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$JMIN0 | Longword Minimum of N Longword Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JMIN0 longword, ... | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
longword: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$AMIN1 | F-floating Minimum of N F-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$AMIN1 f-floating, ... | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$DMIN1 | D-floating Minimum of N D-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$DMIN1 d-floating, ... | |
Returns: | floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value | |
d-floating: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$GMIN1 | G-floating Minimum of N G-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$GMIN1 g-floating, ... | |
Returns: | floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value | |
g-floating: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$HMIN1 | H-floating Minimum of N H-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$HMIN1 h-float-max, h-floating, ... | |
Returns: | None | |
h-float-max: | floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference | |
h-floating: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IMIN1 | Word Minimum of N F-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IMIN1 f-floating, ... | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$JMIN1 | Longword Minimum of N F-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JMIN1 f-floating, ... | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$AMOD | Remainder from Division of Two F-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$AMOD dividend, divisor | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
dividend: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
divisor: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$DMOD | Remainder from Division of Two D-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$DMOD dividend, divisor | |
Returns: | floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value | |
dividend: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
divisor: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$GMOD | Remainder from Division of Two G-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$GMOD dividend, divisor | |
Returns: | floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value | |
dividend: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
divisor: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$HMOD | Remainder from Division of Two H-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$HMOD h-mod, dividend, divisor | |
Returns: | None | |
h-mod: | floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference | |
dividend: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
divisor: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IMOD | Remainder from Division of Two Word Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IMOD dividend, divisor | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
dividend: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
divisor: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$JMOD | Remainder of Two Longword Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JMOD dividend, divisor | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
dividend: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
divisor: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$ANINT | Convert F-floating to Nearest F-floating Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$ANINT f-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$DNINT | Convert D-floating to Nearest D-floating Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$DNINT d-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value | |
d-floating: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IIDNNT | Convert D-floating to Nearest Word Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IIDNNT d-floating | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
d-floating: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$JIDNNT | Convert D-floating to Nearest Longword Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JIDNNT d-floating | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
d-floating: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$GNINT | Convert G-floating to Nearest G-floating Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$GNINT g-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value | |
g-floating: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IIGNNT | Convert G-floating to Nearest Word Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IIGNNT g-floating | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
g-floating: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$JIGNNT | Convert G-floating to Nearest Longword Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JIGNNT g-floating | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
g-floating: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$HNINT | Convert H-floating to Nearest H-floating Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$HNINT nearst-h-flt, h-floating | |
Returns: | None | |
nearst-h-flt: | floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference | |
h-floating: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IIHNNT | Convert H-floating to Nearest Word Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IIHNNT h-floating | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
h-floating: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$JIHNNT | Convert H-floating to Nearest Longword Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JIHNNT h-floating | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
h-floating: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$ININT | Convert F-floating to Nearest Word Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$ININT f-floating | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$JNINT | Convert F-floating to Nearest Longword Integer Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JNINT f-floating | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by value | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$INOT | Bitwise Complement of Word Parameter Routine | |
Format: | MTH$INOT word | |
Returns: | word_unsigned, word (unsigned), write only, by value | |
word: | word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
MTH$JNOT | Bitwise Complement of Longword Parameter Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JNOT longword | |
Returns: | longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), write only, by value | |
longword: | longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
MTH$DPROD | D-floating Product of Two F-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$DPROD f-floating1, f-floating2 | |
Returns: | floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value | |
f-floating1: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
f-floating2: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$GPROD | G-floating Product of Two F-floating Parameters Routine | |
Format: | MTH$GPROD f-floating1, f-floating2 | |
Returns: | floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value | |
f-floating1: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
f-floating2: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$SGN | F-floating Sign Function | |
Format: | MTH$SGN f-floating | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by reference | |
f-floating: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$SGN | D-floating Sign Function | |
Format: | MTH$SGN d-floating | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by reference | |
d-floating: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IISHFT | Bitwise Shift of Word Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IISHFT word, shift-cnt | |
Returns: | word_unsigned, word (unsigned), write only, by value | |
word: | word_unsigned, word (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
shift-cnt: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$JISHFT | Bitwise Shift of Longword Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JISHFT longword, shift-cnt | |
Returns: | longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), write only, by value | |
longword: | longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference | |
shift-cnt: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$SIGN | F-floating Transfer of Sign of Y to Sign of X Routine | |
Format: | MTH$SIGN f-float-x, f-float-y | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
f-float-x: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
f-float-y: | floating_point, F_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$DSIGN | D-floating Transfer of Sign of Y to Sign of X Routine | |
Format: | MTH$DSIGN d-float-x, d-float-y | |
Returns: | floating_point, D_floating, write only, by value | |
d-float-x: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
d-float-y: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$GSIGN | G-floating Transfer of Sign of Y to Sign of X Routine | |
Format: | MTH$GSIGN g-float-x, g-float-y | |
Returns: | floating_point, G_floating, write only, by value | |
g-float-x: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
g-float-y: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$HSIGN | H-floating Transfer of Sign of Y to Sign of X Routine | |
Format: | MTH$HSIGN h-result, h-float-x, h-float-y | |
Returns: | None | |
h-result: | floating_point, H_floating, write only, by reference | |
h-float-x: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
h-float-y: | floating_point, H_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$IISIGN | Word Transfer of Sign of Y to Sign of X Routine | |
Format: | MTH$IISIGN word-x, word-y | |
Returns: | word_signed, word (signed), write only, by value | |
word-x: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
word-y: | word_signed, word (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$JISIGN | Longword Transfer of Sign of Y to Sign of X Routine | |
Format: | MTH$JISIGN longwrd-x, longwrd-y | |
Returns: | longword_signed, longword (signed), write only, by reference | |
longwrd-x: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
longwrd-y: | longword_signed, longword (signed), read only, by reference | |
MTH$SNGL | Convert D-floating to F-floating (Rounded) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$SNGL d-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
d-floating: | floating_point, D_floating, read only, by reference | |
MTH$SNGLG | Convert G-floating to F-floating (Rounded) Routine | |
Format: | MTH$SNGLG g-floating | |
Returns: | floating_point, F_floating, write only, by value | |
g-floating: | floating_point, G_floating, read only, by reference |
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