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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual
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Initiates or discontinues the recording of an SDA session in a text file.
SET [NO]LOG filespec
Name of the file in which you want SDA to log your commands and their output. The default filespec is SYS$DISK:[default_dir]filename.LOG, where SYS$DISK and [default-dir] represent the disk and directory specified in your last DCL command SET DEFAULT. You must specify a file name.
The SET LOG command echoes the commands and output of an SDA session to a log file. The SET NOLOG command terminates this behavior.The following differences exist between the SET LOG command and the SET OUTPUT command:
- When logging is in effect, your commands and their results are still displayed on your terminal. The SET OUTPUT command causes the displays to be redirected to the output file such that they no longer appear on the screen.
- If an SDA command requires that you press Return to produce successive screens of display, the log file produced by SET LOG will record only those screens that are actually displayed. SET OUTPUT, however, sends the entire output of all SDA commands to its listing file.
- The SET LOG command produces a log file with a default file type of .LOG; the SET OUTPUT command produces a listing file whose default file type is .LIS.
- The SET LOG command does not record output from the HELP command in its log file. The SET OUTPUT command can record HELP output in its listing file.
- The SET LOG command does not record SDA error messages in its log file. The SET OUTPUT command can record SDA error messages in its listing file.
- The SET OUTPUT command generates a table of contents, each item of which refers to a display written to its listing file. SET OUTPUT also produces running heads for each page of output. The SET LOG command does not produce these items in its log file.
Note that, if you have used the SET OUTPUT command to redirect output to a listing file, you cannot use a SET LOG command to direct the same output to a log file.
Redirects output from SDA to the specified file or device.
SET OUTPUT [/[NO]INDEX] filespec
Name of the file to which SDA is to send the output generated by its commands. The default filespec is SYS$DISK:[default_dir]filename.LIS, where SYS$DISK and [default-dir] represent the disk and directory specified in your last DCL command SET DEFAULT. You must specify a file name.
The /INDEX qualifer causes SDA to include an index page at the beginning of the output file. This is the default. The /NOINDEX qualifier causes SDA to omit the index page from the output file.
When you use the SET OUTPUT command to send the SDA output to a file or device, SDA continues displaying the SDA commands that you enter but sends the output generated by those commands to the file or device you specify. (See the description of the SET LOG command for a list of differences between the SET LOG and SET OUTPUT commands.)When you finish directing SDA commands to an output file and want to return to interactive display, issue the following command:
SDA> SET OUTPUT SYS$OUTPUTIf you use the SET OUTPUT command to send the SDA output to a listing file, SDA builds a table of contents that identifies the displays you selected and places the table of contents at the beginning of the output file. The SET OUTPUT command formats the output into pages and produces a running head at the top of each page.
Selects a process to become the SDA current process.
SET PROCESS {/ADDRESS=pcb-address|process-name|/ID=nn | /INDEX=nn |/SYSTEM}
Name of the process to become the SDA current process. The process-name is a string containing up to 15 uppercase or lowercase characters; numerals, the dollar sign ($), and the underscore (_) can also be included in the string. If you include characters other than these, you must enclose the entire string in quotation marks (" ").
Specifies the process control block (PCB) address of a process in order to display information about the process./ID=nn
Specifies the process for which information is to be displayed by its index into the system's list of software process control blocks (PCBs), or by its process identification. You can supply the following values for nn:
- The process index itself
- The process identification (PID) or extended PID longword, from which SDA extracts the correct index
To obtain these values for any given process, issue the SDA command SHOW SUMMARY. The /ID=nn and /INDEX=nn qualifiers can be used interchangeably.
Specifies the new current process by the system process control block (PCB). The system PCB and process header (PHD) parallel the data structures that describe processes. They contain the system working set list, global section table, and other systemwide data.
When you issue an SDA command such as EXAMINE, SDA displays the contents of memory locations in its current process. To display any information about another process, you must change the current process with the SET PROCESS command.When you invoke SDA to analyze a crash dump, the process context defaults to that of the process that was current at the time of the system failure. If the failure occurred on a multiprocessing system, SDA sets the CPU context to that of the processor that caused the system to fail. The process context is set to that of the process that was current on that processor.
When you invoke SDA to analyze a running system, its process context defaults to that of the current process, that is, the one executing SDA.
The SET PROCESS command changes the current SDA process context to that of the process indicated by process-name, pcb-address, or /INDEX=nn. The process specified by this command becomes the current process for SDA until you exit from SDA or change SDA process context by issuing one of the following commands:
- SET PROCESS process-name
- SHOW PROCESS process-name
When you analyze a crash dump from a multiprocessing system, changing process context may require a switch of CPU context as well. For instance, if you issue a SET PROCESS command for a process that is current on another CPU, SDA automatically changes its CPU context to that of the CPU on which that process is current. The following commands can have this effect if process-name, pcb-address, or index number (nn) refers to a current process:
- SET PROCESS process-name
- SHOW PROCESS process-name
See Chapter 2, Section 2.5 for further discussion on the way in which SDA maintains its context information.
SDA> SHOW PROCESS Process index: 0012 Name: ERRFMT Extended PID: 00000052 ----------------------------------------------------------- Process status: 02040001 RES,PHDRES,INTER status2: 00000001 QUANTUM_RESCHED PCB address 80D772CO JIB address 80556600 PHD address 80477200 Swapfile disk address 01000F01 KTB vector address 80D775AC HWPCB address 81260080 Callback vector address 00000000 Termination mailbox 0000 Master internal PID 00010004 Subprocess count 0 Creator extended PID 00000000 Creator internal PID 00000000 Previous CPU Id 00000000 Current CPU Id 00000000 Previous ASNSEQ 0000000000000001 Previous ASN 000000000000002E Initial process priority 4 Delete pending count 0 # open files allowed left 100 Direct I/O count/limit 150/150 UIC [00001,000004] Buffered I/O count/limit 149/150 Abs time of last event 0069D34E BUFIO byte count/limit 99424/99808 AST's remaining 247 # of threads 1 Swapped copy of LEFC0 00000000 Timer entries allowed left 63 Swapped copy of LEFC1 00000000 Active page table count 4 Global cluster 2 pointer 00000000 Process WS page count 32 Global cluster 3 pointer 00000000 Global WS page count 31 |
This SHOW PROCESS command shows the current process to be ERRFMT, and displays information from its PCB and job information block (JIB).
Changes the options shown by the SHOW PROCESS/RMS command.
SET RMS =(option[,...])
Data structure or other information to be displayed by the SHOW PROCESS/RMS command. Table 4-2 lists those keywords that may be used as options.
Table 4-2 SET RMS Command Keywords for Displaying Process RMS Information Keyword Meaning [NO]ALL[: ifi] 1 All control blocks (default) [NO]ASB Asynchronous save block [NO]BDB Buffer descriptor block [NO]BDBSUM BDB summary page [NO]BLB Buffer lock block [NO]BLBSUM Buffer lock summary page [NO]CCB Channel control block [NO]DRC Directory cache [NO]FAB File access block [NO]FCB File control block [NO]FWA File work area [NO]GBD Global buffer descriptor [NO]GBDSUM GBD summary page [NO]GBH Global buffer header [NO]GBSB Global buffer synchronization block [NO]IDX Index descriptor [NO]IFAB[: ifi] 1 Internal FAB [NO]IFB[: ifi] 1 Internal FAB [NO]IRAB Internal RAB [NO]IRB Internal RAB [NO]JFB Journaling file block [NO]NAM Name block [NO]NWA Network work area [NO]RAB Record access block [NO]RLB Record lock block [NO]RU Recovery unit structures, including the recovery unit block (RUB), recovery unit stream block (RUSB), and recovery unit file block (RUFB) [NO]SFSB Shared file synchronization block [NO]WCB Window control block [NO]XAB Extended attribute block [NO]* Current list of options displayed by the SHOW RMS command
The default option is option=ALL:ALL,NOPIO, designating for display by the SHOW PROCESS/RMS command all structures for all files related to the process image I/O.
To list more than one option, enclose the list in parentheses and separate options by commas. You can add a given data structure to those displayed by ensuring that the list of keywords begins with the asterisk (*) symbol. You can delete a given data structure from the current display by preceding its keyword with "NO."
The SET RMS command determines the data structures to be displayed by the SHOW PROCESS/RMS command. (See the examples included in the discussion of the SHOW PROCESS command for information provided by various displays.) You can examine the options that are currently selected by issuing a SHOW RMS command.
#1 |
The first SHOW RMS command shows the default selection of data structures that are displayed in response to a SHOW PROCESS/RMS command. The SET RMS command selects only the IFB to be displayed by subsequent SET/PROCESS commands.
#2 |
SDA> SET RMS=(*,BLB,BLBSUM,RLB) SDA> SHOW RMS RMS Display Options: IFB,RLB,BLB,BLBSUM Display RMS structures for all IFI values. |
The SET RMS command adds the BLB, BLBSUM, and RLB to the list of data structures currently displayed by the SHOW PROCESS/RMS command.
#3 |
SDA> SET RMS=(*,NORLB,IFB:05) SDA> SHOW RMS RMS Display Options: IFB,BLB,BLBSUM Display RMS structures only for IFI=5. |
The SET RMS command removes the RLB from those data structures displayed by the SHOW PROCESS/RMS command and causes only information about the file with the ifi of 5 to be displayed.
#4 |
The SET RMS command indicates that the data structures designated for display by SHOW PROCESS/RMS be associated with process-permanent I/O instead of image I/O.
Enables or disables the sign extension of 32-bit addresses.
Enables automatic sign extension of 32-bit addresses with bit 31 set. This is the default.off
Disables automatic sign extension of 32-bit addresses with bit 31 set.
The 32-bit S0/S1 addresses need to be sign extended to access 64-bit S0/S1 space. To do this, specify explicitly sign-extended addresses, or set the sign extend to on, which is the default.However, to access addresses in P2 space, addresses must not be sign extended. To do this, specify explicitly a zero in front of the address, or set the sign extend to off.
#1 |
SDA> set sign_extend on SDA> examine 80400000 FFFFFFFF.80400000: 23DEFF90.4A607621 |
This shows the SET SIGN_EXTEND command as ON.
#2 |
SDA>set sign_extend off SDA> examine 80400000 %SDA-E-NOTINPHYS, 00000000.80400000: virtual data not in physical memory |
This shows the SET SIGN_EXTEND command as OFF.
Displays the page table related information about a memory address.
Displays the requested address.
Indicates that a physical address has been given. The SHOW ADDRESS command displays the virtual address that maps to the given physical address.
The SHOW ADDRESS command displays the region of memory which contains the memory address. It also shows all the page table entries (PTEs) that map the page, and can show the range of addresses mapped by the given address if it is the address of a PTE.When the /PHYSICAL qualifier is given, the SHOW ADDRESS command displays the virtual address that maps to the given physical address. This provides the user with a way to use SDA commands that do not have a /PHYSICAL qualifier when only the physical address of a memory location is known.
#1 |
SDA>SHOW ADDRESS 80000000 FFFFFFFF80000000 is an S0/S1 address Mapped by Level-3 PTE at: FFFFFFFD.FFE00000 Mapped by Level-2 PTE at: FFFFFFFD.FF7FF800 Mapped by Level-1 PTE at: FFFFFFFD.FF7FDFF0 Mapped by Selfmap PTE at: FFFFFFFD.FF7FDFF0 Also mapped in SPT window at: FFFFFFFF.FFDF0000 |
The SHOW ADDRESS command in this example shows where the address 80000000 is mapped at different page table entry levels.
#2 |
SDA>SHOW ADDRESS 0 00000000.00000000 is a P0 address Mapped by Level-3 PTE at: FFFFFFFC.00000000 Mapped by Level-2 PTE at: FFFFFFFD.FF000000 Mapped by Level-1 PTE at: FFFFFFFD.FF7FC000 Mapped by Selfmap PTE at: FFFFFFFD.FF7FDFF0 |
The SHOW ADDRESS command in this example shows where the address 0 is mapped at different page table entry levels.
#3 |
SDA>SHOW ADDRESS FFFFFFFD.FF000000 FFFFFFFDFF000000 is the address of a process-private Level-2 PTE Mapped by Level-1 PTE at: FFFFFFFD.FF7FC000 Mapped by Selfmap PTE at: FFFFFFFD.FF7FDFF0 Range mapped at level 2: FFFFFFFC.00000000 to FFFFFFFC.00001FFF (1 page) Range mapped at level 3: 00000000.00000000 to 00000000.007FFFFF (1024 pages) |
The SHOW ADDRESS command in this example shows where the address FFFFFFFD.FF7FC000 is mapped at page table entry and the range mapped by the PTE at this address.
#4 |
SDA>SHOW ADDRESS/PHYSICAL 0 Physical address 00000000.00000000 is mapped to system-space address FFFFFFFF.828FC000 |
The SHOW ADDRESS command in this example shows physical address 00000000.00000000 mapped to system-space address FFFFFFFF.828FC000.
#5 |
SDA>SHOW ADDRESS/PHYSICAL 029A6000 Physical address 00000000.029A6000 is mapped to process-space address 00000000.00030000 (process index 0024) |
The SHOW ADDRESS command in this example shows physical address 00000000.029A6000 mapped to process-space address 00000000.00030000 (process index 0024).
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