DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS
User's Guide

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Appendix A
Appendix A System Messages and Error Recovery
     A.1     System Message Overview
         A.1.1         Message Format
         A.1.2         Severity Level
     A.2     Message Descriptions
     A.3     Layup Definition (BADLAYDEF) Messages
Appendix B
Appendix B PRINT Command Qualifiers
Appendix C
Appendix C PRINT Command Parameters
     C.1     PRINT Parameters
     C.2     Syntax for PRINT Parameters
     C.3     Order of Defaulting for Parameters
Appendix D
Appendix D SoftFont Kits for Emulating LN03 Font Cartridges
Appendix E
Appendix E Additional Character Encodings
     E.1     Available Encoding Vectors
     E.2     Examples of Encoding Vectors
     E.3     Using the Additional Encodings
     E.4     Including the DECMCS Encoding Module in a Print Job
     E.5     Defining ISO Latin-1 for Third-Party Printers
Appendix F
Appendix F Ordering Additional Documentation
Glossary Glossary
14-1 Including a Form in a PRINT Command
17-1 Sample Error Handler Log File
E-1 Defining the DECMCS Encoding Vector
2-1 Two-Sided Printing
2-2 Landscape Orientation
2-3 Printing Four Pages to a Sheet (NUMBER_UP =4)
9-1 How DCPS Processes PCL Files
10-1 Proprinter Default Printable Area
10-2 Proprinter Page on Two PostScript Pages
10-3 Proprinter Page Too Long
10-4 Proprinter Page Adjusted to Fit PostScript Page
11-1 List Data Type Output
12-1 Landscape Orientation with Two-Sided Printing
12-2 Portrait Orientation with Two-Sided Tumble Printing
12-3 Landscape Orientation with Two-Sided Tumble Printing
12-4 Printing Four Pages to a Sheet (NUMBER_UP =4)
12-5 Portrait Orientation with NUMBER_UP =2
12-6 Landscape Orientation with NUMBER_UP =2
13-1 NUMBER_UP =4 Without Borders
13-2 NUMBER_UP =4 With Borders
13-5 Usable Sheet Area With MARGINS Option
13-6 PAGEORDER Options (Landscape Orientation)
13-7 PAGEORDER Options (Portrait Orientation)
3-1 Print Job Status
4-1 PC File Interchange Formats
7-1 ANSI Print Qualifiers
7-2 Operators for Changing Input Trays
7-3 ANSI Sequences for Printing Simplex or Duplex
9-1 PRINT Parameters that Emulate PCL Front Panel Settings
9-2 PCL-to-PostScript Input Tray Command Mapping
10-1 PRINT Parameters that Affect Proprinter Settings
10-2 Proprinter Print Attributes
10-3 PostScript Operators for Changing Input Trays
12-1 Values for SIDES Parameter
12-2 Sheet and Page Size Synonyms
13-1 Layup Definition File Options
13-2 ALTERNATE Option Values
13-3 PAGEORDER Option Values
14-1 DEFINE / FORM Qualifiers for ANSI Files
15-1 Enabling and Disabling DECimage
15-2 DECimage Setup Modules---Combined Parameters
15-3 DECimage Setup Modules---Individual Parameters
19-1 DEClaser 5100 Printer Page Protection Setup Modules
1 B PRINT Command Qualifiers
1 C PRINT Parameters
1 D Font Cartridge Equivalents

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