Document revision date: 10 November 2000
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DECwindows Companion to the OSF/Motif Style Guide

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Maximize button, when to have
MB2 #1
MB2 #2
MB2 #3
MB3 #1
MB3 #2
Menu bar in Help window
Menu item
    using ellipses in
Menu map
    capitalization in
    File menu
    presenting text in
    submenus, number of
    terms for naming
    using them to customize an application
Message boxes
Message dialog boxes #1
Message dialog boxes #2
Message dialog boxes #3
Minimize button, when to have
Minimum size for resizeable dialog boxes
    creating for menu items
Mnemonic, definition of
Mnemonics in menus
Modal dialog boxes
Modeless dialog boxes
Modeless dialog boxes allow users to work in other windows
Most frequent controls in dialog boxes
    placement of
Most important controls in dialog boxes
    placement of
Mouseless interaction
Moving controls closer together
Moving dialog boxes
Moving push buttons closer together when shrinking a dialog box
Multilevel Undo
Multiple dialog boxes
    placement of
Naming menus and menu items
Naming push buttons
    between tab groups
    using the keyboard
    within tab groups
Nesting dialog boxes #1
Nesting dialog boxes #2
    basic choices in the first box
    number of
    when to do so
Nesting secondary dialog boxes
New menu item, accelerator for
New menu item in File menu
Next key
Number of submenus
Open in new window check box
Open menu item
Open menu item, accelerator for
Opposite menu items
Option button to display an option menu
Option buttons conserving space
Option menu from an option button
Options... button to indicate a secondary dialog box
Options menu #1
Options menu #2
Options menu #3
    as a tear-off menu
Options... push button
Outer arrows
Outlining Help topics
Overview menu item in Help menu
PageDown key
PageUp key
Parent window, placing dialog boxes over
Paste menu item in Edit menu
Pasting data
Place dialog boxes appropriately
Placing dialog boxes #1
Placing dialog boxes #2
Placing dialog boxes, saving the users' placement
Pop-up menus
    as a tear-off menu
    compared with push buttons
    decorations of
    dimming items in
    items in
    placement of
    with submenu
Prev Screen
Primary application modal dialog box #1
Primary application modal dialog box #2
Primary windows
    placing dialog boxes over
    title bars in
Print dialog box
Print menu item #1
Print menu item #2
Print menu item..., accelerator for
Print queue
    submitting files to
Print widget
Printing files
    created in applications
Product Information menu item in Help menu
Programming Hints
    aligning labels with the baseline of text
    changing the cursor
    creating a bevel
    dialog boxes without resize borders
    enabling the cancel button
    enabling the default push button
    making all fields line up after a label
    making an extra-long push button
    making application modal dialog boxes
    making controls move closer together
    making dialog boxes modal or modeless
    nesting dialog boxes
    placing dialog boxes
    resizing dialog boxes
    setting a minimum size for a dialog box
    setting the title of a dialog box
    spacing an even number of push buttons equally
    spacing an odd number of push buttons equally
    spacing and sizing push buttons
    specifying margins in dialog boxes
    thickness of bevel shadow
Pull-down menu
    as a tear-off menu
Punctuation in dialog boxes
Push buttons
    arrangement of
    centering labels in
    dimensions of
    do not overlap
    do not truncate
    guidelines for labeling
    horizontal arrangement of
    in Help window
    in standard message dialog boxes
    labels in
    moving closer together when shrinking a dialog box
    order in dialog boxes
    vertical arrangement of
Push buttons at the side of a dialog box
Question dialog boxes
    examples of
Radio buttons, labeling
Range of customization
Red, Green, Blue color model
    See RGB color model
Redo menu item
Remove key
Resize borders
    when to have
Resize borders with text-entry fields or list boxes
Resize handles
    see resize borders
Resizing dialog boxes
    set a minimum size
    with text-entry fields or list boxes
Return key #1
Return key #2
Revert menu item
RGB color model
RGB values
Right Arrow

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