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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual
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If a PSB address is specified, the above information is provided for that specific PSB only.
SDA determines the structures to be displayed according to either of the following methods:
When used with the /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE qualifier, displays the PST for the specified process section.
The /SECTION_INDEX=n qualifier is ignored if neither the /PAGE_TABLES nor the /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE qualifier is specified.
Options | Results |
PPT | Displays process page table pages. |
PROCESS | Displays process private pages. |
LOCKED | Displays pages locked into the process's working set. |
GLOBAL | Displays global pages currently in the working set of the process. |
MODIFIED | Displays working set list entries marked modified. |
n | Displays a specific working set list entry, where n is the working set list index (WSLX) of the entry of interest. |
The SHOW PROCESS command displays information about the process specified by process-name, the process specified in the /INDEX qualifier, the system process, or all processes. The SHOW PROCESS command performs an implicit SET PROCESS command under certain uses of its qualifiers and parameters, as noted previously. By default, the SHOW PROCESS command produces information about the SDA current process, as defined in Section 2.5.The default of the SHOW PROCESS command provides information taken from the software process control block (PCB). This is the first display provided by the /ALL qualifier and the only display provided by the /PCB qualifier. This information describes the following characteristics of the process:
- Software context
- Condition-handling information
- Information on interprocess communication
- Information on counts, quotas, and resource usage
Among the displayed information are the process PID, EPID, priority, job information block (JIB) address, and process header (PHD) address. SHOW PROCESS also describes the resources owned by the process, such as event flags and mutexes. The "State" field records the process current scheduling state; in a multiprocessing system, the display indicates the CPU ID of any process whose state is CUR.
The SHOW PROCESS/ALL command displays additional process-specific information, also provided by several of the individual qualifiers to the command.
The process header display, also produced by the /PHD qualifier, provides information taken from the PHD, which is swapped into memory when the process becomes part of the balance set. Each item listed in the display reflects a quantity, count, or limit for the process use of the following resources:
- Process memory
- The pager
- The scheduler
- Asynchronous system traps
- I/O activity
- CPU activity
The process registers display, also produced by the /REGISTERS qualifier, describes the process hardware context, as reflected in its registers.
There are two places where a process hardware context is stored:
- If the process is currently executing on a processor in the Alpha system (that is, in the CUR scheduling state), its hardware context is contained in that processor's registers. (That is, the process registers and the processor's registers contain identical values, as illustrated by a SHOW CPU command for that processor or a SHOW CRASH command, if the process was current at the time of the system failure).
- If the process is not executing, its privileged hardware context is stored in the part of the PHD known as the HWPCB. Its integer register context is stored on its kernel stack. Its floating-point registers are stored in its PHD.
The process registers display first lists those registers stored in the HWPCB, kernel stack, and PHD ("Saved process registers"). If the process to be displayed is currently executing on a processor in the Alpha system, the display then lists the processor's registers ("Active registers for the current process"). In each section, the display lists the registers in the following groups:
- Integer registers (R0 through R29)
- Special-purpose registers (PC and PS)
- Stack pointers (KSP, ESP, SSP, and USP)
- Page table base register (PTBR)
- AST enable and summary registers (ASTEN and ASTSR)
- Address space number register (ASN)
The working set information and working set list displays, also produced by the /WORKING_SET_LIST qualifier, describe those virtual pages that the process can access without a page fault. After a brief description of the size, scope, and characteristics of the working set list itself, SDA displays information for each entry in the working set list as shown in Table 4-17.
Table 4-17 Working Set List Entry Information in the SHOW PROCESS Display Column Contents INDEX Index into the working set list at which information for this entry can be found ADDRESS Virtual address of the page that this entry describes STATUS Three columns that list the following status information:
- Page status of VALID
- Type of physical page (See Table 4-9)
- Indication of whether the page is locked into the working set
When SDA locates one or more unused working set entries, or entries that do not match the specified option, it issues the following message:
In this message, n is the number (in decimal) of contiguous entries not displayed.
--- n entries not displayedThe process section table information and process section table displays, also produced by the /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE qualifier, list each entry in the process section table (PST) and display the offsets to, and the indexes of, the first free entry and last used entry.
SDA displays the information listed in Table 4-18 for each PST entry.
Table 4-18 Process Section Table Entry Information in the SHOW PROCESS Display Part Definition INDEX Index number of the entry. Entries in the process section table begin at the highest location in the table, and the table expands toward lower addresses. ADDRESS Address of the process section table entry. SECTION ADDRESS Virtual address that marks the beginning of the first page of the section described by this entry. PAGELETS Length of the process section. This is in units of pagelets, except for a PFN-mapped section in which the units are pages. WINDOW Address of the window control block on which the section file is open. VBN Virtual block number. The number of the file's virtual block that is mapped into the section's first page. CCB Address of the channel control block on which the section file is open. REFCNT Number of pages of this section that are currently mapped. FLINK Forward link. The pointer to the next entry in the PST list. BLINK Backward link. The pointer to the previous entry in the PST list. FLAGS Flags that describe the access that processes have to the process section. The P0 page table, P1 page table, and P2 page table displays, also produced by the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, display listings of the process page table entries in the same format as that produced by the SHOW PAGE_TABLE command (see Tables 4-5 through Table 4-10.)
The process active channels display, the last produced by SHOW PROCESS/ALL and the only one produced by the /CHANNEL qualifier, displays the following information for each I/O channel assigned to the process:
Column Contents Channel Number of the channel Window Address of the window control block (WCB) for the file if the device is a file-oriented device; zero otherwise Status Status of the device: "Busy" if the device has an I/O operation outstanding; blank otherwise Device/file accessed Name of the device and, if applicable, name of the file being accessed on that device The information listed under the heading "Device/file accessed" varies from channel to channel and from process to process. SDA displays certain information according to the conditions listed in Table 4-19.
Table 4-19 Process I/O Channel Information in the SHOW PROCESS Display Information Displayed1 Type of Process dcuu: SDA displays this information for devices that are not file structured, such as terminals, and for processes that do not open files in the normal way. dcuu: filespec SDA displays this information only if you are examining a running system, and only if your process has enough privilege to translate the file-id into the filespec. dcuu:( file-id) filespec SDA displays this information only when you are examining a dump. The filespec corresponds to the file-id on the device listed. If you are examining a dump from your own system, the filespec is probably valid. If you are examining a dump from another system, the filespec is probably meaningless in the context of your system. dcuu:( file-id) The file-id no longer points to a valid filespec, as when you look at a dump from another system; or the process in which you are running SDA does not have enough privilege to translate the file-id into the corresponding filespec. section file Indicates that the file in question is mapped into the processes' memory.
#1 |
SDA> SHOW PROCESS Process index: 001A Name: VERIFICATION Extended PID: 0000051A ----------------------------------------------------------------- Process status: 22040023 RES,PHDRES,INTER status2: 00000001 QUANTUM_RESCHED PCB address 80613240 JIB address 805B1B40 PHD address 80C3A000 Swapfile disk address 00000000 KTB vector address 80D775AC HWPCB address 81260080 Callback vector address 00000000 Termination mailbox 0000 Master internal PID 0005001A Subprocess count 0 Creator extended PID 00000000 Creator internal PID 00000000 Previous CPU Id 00000000 Current CPU Id 00000000 Previous ASNSEQ 0000000000000001 Previous ASN 000000000000002E Initial process priority 4 Delete pending count 0 # open files allowed left 100 Direct I/O count/limit 150/150 UIC [00001,000004] Buffered I/O count/limit 149/150 Abs time of last event 005D9941 BUFIO byte count/limit 32128/32128 ASTs remaining 247 # of threads 1 Swapped copy of LEFC0 00000000 Timer entries allowed left 20 Swapped copy of LEFC1 00000000 Active page table count 0 Global cluster 2 pointer 00000000 Process WS page count 250 Global cluster 3 pointer 00000000 Global WS page count 0 Extended PID: 00000052 Thread index: 0000 --------------------------------------------- Current capabilities: System: 0000000C QUORUM,RUN User: 00000000 Permanent capabilities: System: 0000000C QUORUM,RUN User: 00000000 Current affinities: 00000000 Permanent affinities: 00000000 Thread status: 02040001 status2: 00000001 KTB address 80D772C0 HWPCB address 81260080 PKTA address 7FFEFFC0 Callback vector address 00000000 Internal PID 00010012 Callback error 00000000 Extended PID 00000052 Current CPU id 00000000 State LEF Flags 00000000 Base priority 4 Current priority 9 Waiting EF cluster 0 Event flag wait mask DFFFFFFF CPU since last quantum FFF1 Mutex count 0 ASTs active NONE |
The SHOW PROCESS command displays information taken from the software PCB of VERIFICATION, the SDA current process. According to the "State" field in the display, process VERIFICATION is current.
#2 |
SDA> SHOW PROCESS/ALL Process index: 001A Name: VERIFICATION Extended PID: 0000051A ----------------------------------------------------------------- Process status: 22040023 RES,PHDRES,INTER status2: 00000001 QUANTUM_RESCHED PCB address 80613240 JIB address 805B1B40 PHD address 80C3A000 Swapfile disk address 00000000 KTB vector address 80D775AC HWPCB address 81260080 Callback vector address 00000000 Termination mailbox 0000 Master internal PID 0005001A Subprocess count 0 Creator extended PID 00000000 Creator internal PID 00000000 Previous CPU Id 00000000 Current CPU Id 00000000 Previous ASNSEQ 0000000000000001 Previous ASN 000000000000002E Initial process priority 4 Delete pending count 0 # open files allowed left 100 Direct I/O count/limit 150/150 UIC [00001,000004] Buffered I/O count/limit 149/150 Abs time of last event 005D9941 BUFIO byte count/limit 32128/32128 ASTs remaining 247 # of threads 1 Swapped copy of LEFC0 00000000 Timer entries allowed left 20 Swapped copy of LEFC1 00000000 Active page table count 0 Global cluster 2 pointer 00000000 Process WS page count 250 Global cluster 3 pointer 00000000 Global WS page count 0 Extended PID: 00000052 Thread index: 0000 --------------------------------------------- Current capabilities: System: 0000000C QUORUM,RUN User: 00000000 Permanent capabilities: System: 0000000C QUORUM,RUN User: 00000000 Current affinities: 00000000 Permanent affinities: 00000000 Thread status: 02040001 status2: 00000001 KTB address 80D772C0 HWPCB address 81260080 PKTA address 7FFEFFC0 Callback vector address 00000000 Internal PID 00010012 Callback error 00000000 Extended PID 00000052 Current CPU id 00000000 State LEF Flags 00000000 Base priority 4 Current priority 9 Waiting EF cluster 0 Event flag wait mask DFFFFFFF CPU since last quantum FFF1 Mutex count 0 ASTs active NONE Saved process registers ----------------------- R0 = 00000000.00000001 R1 = 00000000.00000000 R2 = FFFFFFFF.80C8FEB0 R3 = 00000000.7FFCF680 R4 = 00000000.0000001D R5 = 00000000.7FFCF680 R6 = 00000000.7FFCE4C0 R7 = 00000000.7FFAC9F0 R8 = 00000000.7B015EB8 R9 = 00000000.7FFAC410 R10 = 00000000.7FFAD238 R11 = 00000000.7FFCE3E0 R12 = 00000000.00000000 R13 = FFFFFFFF.80C68AC0 R14 = 00000000.00000000 R15 = 00000000.7B0A17A0 R16 = FFFFFFFF.80C05F18 R17 = FFFFFFFF.80D772C0 R18 = 00000000.00000002 R19 = 00000000.00000001 R20 = 00000000.7FFF0010 R21 = FFFFFFFD.FF7FE000 R22 = FFFFFFFF.800CCFC8 R23 = 00000000.7FFA1FC0 R24 = 00000000.7B015EB8 R25 = 00000000.00000005 R26 = 00000000.00000FD2 R27 = FFFFFFFF.80C652A0 R28 = 00000000.7B0A17A0 FP = 00000000.7FFAC280 PC = FFFFFFFF.800CCFC8 PS = 00000000.00000012 KSP = 00000000.7FFA1EF0 ESP = 00000000.7FFA6000 SSP = 00000000.7FFAC270 USP = 00000000.7B013AF0 PTBR = 00000000.00000552 AST{SR/EN} = 0000000F ASN = 00000000.0000002E Extended PID: 00000052 Thread index: 0000 --------------------------------------------- Process header -------------- First free P0 VA 00000000.00000000 Accumulated CPU time 00000014 First free P1 VA 00000000.7B012000 Subprocess quota 10 First free P2 VA 00000000.80000000 ASTs enabled KESU Free page file pages 3027 ASN sequence # 0000000000000001 Page fault cluster size 4 AST limit 250 Page table cluster size 1 Process header index 0001 Flags 00000084 Backup address vector 0005AFE8 Direct I/O count 27 PTs having locked WSLEs 2 Buffered I/O count 86 PTs having valid WSLEs 4 Limit on CPU time 00000000 Active page tables 4 Maximum page file count 3125 Maximum active PTs 3 Total page faults 262 Guaranteed fluid WS pages 20 File limit 100 Extra dynamic WS entries 94 Timer queue limit 20 Current page file template 00000000 Local event flag cluster 0 C0000001 Local event flag cluster 1 80000000 Page Table Base Register 00000552 Virtual PT Base FFFFFFFC.00000000 Process page file assignments ----------------------------- PROCIDX SYSIDX REFCNT 0 3 40 Current assignment 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 Remaining reserved pages 20 Total reserved pages 20 Extended PID: 00000052 Thread index: 0000 --------------------------------------------- Working set information ----------------------- First WSL entry 00000001 Current authorized working set size 250 First locked entry 00000007 Default (initial) working set size 125 First dynamic entry 00000009 Maximum working set allowed (quota) 250 Last entry replaced 00000079 Last entry in list 000000D3 Working set list ---------------- INDEX ADDRESS STATUS 00000001 FFFFFFFD.FF7FC000 VALID PPT(L1) WSLOCK 00000002 FFFFFFFD.FF000000 VALID PPT(L2) WSLOCK 00000003 FFFFFFFC.001FE000 VALID PPT(L3) WSLOCK 00000004 00000000.7FFA0000 VALID PROCESS MODIFIED WSLOCK 00000005 00000000.7FFF0000 VALID PROCESS WSLOCK 00000006 FFFFFFFF.81260000 VALID PHD WSLOCK Locked entries: 00000007 00000000.7B108000 VALID PROCESS WSLOCK 00000008 00000000 7B10A000 VALID PROCESS WSLOCK Dynamic entries: 00000009 00000000.7B054000 VALID GLOBAL 0000000A 00000000.7B0B0000 VALID GLOBAL 0000000B FFFFFFFC.001EC000 VALID PPT(L3) WSLOCK 0000000C 00000000.7B0D0000 VALID GLOBAL 0000000D 00000000.7B0C4000 VALID GLOBAL 0000000E 00000000.7B0C0000 VALID GLOBAL 0000000F 00000000.7FFA4000 VALID PROCESS 00000010 00000000.7FFD0000 VALID PROCESS 00000011 00000000.7FF96000 VALID PROCESS 00000012 00000000.7B0C6000 VALID GLOBAL 00000013 00000000.7B0DC000 VALID GLOBAL 00000014 00000000.7B0E4000 VALID GLOBAL 00000015 00000000.7B0E6000 VALID GLOBAL 00000016 00000000.7B0DE000 VALID GLOBAL 00000017 00000000.7FFAA000 VALID PROCESS 00000018 00000000.7B0E2000 VALID GLOBAL 00000019 00000000.7FFCE000 VALID PROCESS 0000001A 00000000.7B0D2000 VALID GLOBAL 0000001B 00000000.7B13E000 VALID PROCESS 0000001C 00000000.7B140000 VALID PROCESS 0000001D 00000000.7B0EA000 VALID GLOBAL 0000001E 00000000.7B0CE000 VALID GLOBAL 0000001F 00000000.7B068000 VALID GLOBAL 00000020 00000000.7B0CC000 VALID GLOBAL 00000021 00000000.7B07C000 VALID GLOBAL 00000022 00000000.7B07E000 VALID GLOBAL 00000023 00000000.7B084000 VALID GLOBAL 00000024 00000000.7B086000 VALID GLOBAL 00000025 00000000.7FFB8000 VALID PROCESS 00000026 00000000.7B144000 VALID PROCESS 00000027 FFFFFFFC.00000000 VALID PPT(L3) 00000028 00000000.7FF88000 VALID PROCESS 00000029 00000000.7FFBA000 VALID PROCESS ---- 8 entries not displayed 00000032 00000000.7FF8A000 VALID PROCESS ---- 6 entries not displayed 00000039 00000000.7B0D6000 VALID GLOBAL 0000003A 00000000.7B0D8000 VALID GLOBAL ---- 3 entries not displayed 0000003E 00000000.7B0DA000 VALID GLOBAL ---- 8 entries not displayed 00000047 00000000.7B066000 VALID GLOBAL 00000048 00000000.7B104000 VALID PROCESS 00000049 00000000.7B0B8000 VALID GLOBAL 0000004A 00000000.7B07A000 VALID GLOBAL ---- 11 entries not displayed 00000056 00000000.7B13A000 VALID PROCESS 00000057 00000000.7B13C000 VALID PROCESS ---- 81 entries not displayed 000000A9 00000000.7FFEE000 VALID PROCESS 000000AA 00000000.7B142000 VALID PROCESS 000000AB 00000000.7FFB0000 VALID PROCESS 000000AC 00000000.7B0FE000 VALID PROCESS 000000AD 00000000.7B09E000 VALID PROCESS 000000AE 00000000.7B0A0000 VALID PROCESS 000000AF 00000000.7B0A2000 VALID PROCESS 000000B0 00000000.7B0A4000 VALID PROCESS 000000B1 00000000.7B100000 VALID PROCESS ---- 18 entries not displayed 000000C4 00000000.7B138000 VALID PROCESS |
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