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Updated: 11 December 1998

VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual

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    access control violation #1
    access control violation #2
    arithmetic type code
    customer reserved opcode
        overflow #1
        overflow #2
    instruction execution
    memory management
    privileged instruction
        addressing mode
    translation not valid
FFC (Find First Clear) instruction
FFS (Find First Set) instruction
    comment #1
    comment #2
    label #1
    label #2
    must be zero (MBZ)
    read as zero (RAZ)
    should be zero (SBZ)
    variable-length bit
.FLOAT directive
Floating overflow fault
Floating-point constants (.D_FLOATING)
Floating-point data type #1
Floating-point data type #2
Floating-point instructions
Floating-point number
    in source statement
    storing #1
    storing #2
    storing #3
Floating-point operator
Floating-point storage directive
Floating underflow enable (FU)
Formal argument
F_floating data type #1
F_floating data type #2
.F_FLOATING directive
General mode
General register mode
.GLOBAL directive
Global expression
Global label
Global symbol #1
Global symbol #2
    attribute directive (.GLOBAL)
    defining #1
    defining #2
    defining #3
    defining for shareable image
G_floating data type #1
G_floating data type #2
.G_FLOATING directive
HALT (Halt) instruction #1
HALT (Halt) instruction #2
    interrupt stack not valid
    synchronizing vector memory before
Hardware errors
    vector #1
    vector #2
Hexadecimal/decimal conversion
H_floating data type
.H_FLOATING directive
H_floating-point storage directive (.H_FLOATING)
I/O space references
    vector #1
    vector #2
    vector #3
    vector #4
.IDENT directive
Identification directive (.IDENT)
.IF directive
.IF_FALSE directive
.IF_TRUE directive
.IF_TRUE_FALSE directive
.IIF directive
Immediate conditional assembly block directive (.IIF)
Immediate mode
    contrasted with literal mode
Immediate mode addressing
    usage restricted in vector memory instructions #1
    usage restricted in vector memory instructions #2
INCB (Increment Byte) instruction
INCL (Increment Long) instruction
Inclusive OR operator
INCW (Increment Word) instruction
Indefinite repeat argument directive (.IRP)
Indefinite repeat character directive (.IRPC)
INDEX (Compute Index) instruction
Index mode
    operand specifier format
INSQHI (Insert Entry into Queue at Head, Interlocked) instruction
INSQTI (Insert Entry into Queue at Tail, Interlocked) instruction
INSQUE (Insert Entry in Queue) instruction
Instruction #1
Instruction #2
    arithmetic #1
    arithmetic #2
    arithmetic #3
    as operator
    character string
    decimal string
    packed decimal
    procedure call
    string #1
    string #2
    variable-length bit field
    vector #1
    vector #2
    vector #3
Instruction notation
    operand specifier
    operation description
INSV (Insert Field) instruction
    data type
    in source statement
    unsigned #1
    unsigned #2
    unsigned #3
Integer instructions
Integer overflow enable (IV)
Interlocked instructions
Internal processor register
    See IPR
IOTA (Generate Compressed Iota Vector) instruction
IPR (internal processor register)
    vector #1
    vector #2
.IRP directive
.IRPC directive
JMP (Jump) instruction
JSB (Jump to Subroutine) instruction
Keyword argument
    created local
    user-defined local #1
    user-defined local #2
LDPCTX (Load Process Context) instruction #1
LDPCTX (Load Process Context) instruction #2
LDPCTX (Load Process Context) instruction #3
Leading separate numeric string
    data type
%LENGTH operator
.LIBRARY directive
.LINK directive
    /INCLUDE qualifier
    /LIBRARY qualifier
    /SELECTIVE_SEARCH qualifier
    /SHAREABLE qualifier
.LIST directive
    See also .SHOW directive
Listing control directive
    .NOSHOW #1
    .NOSHOW #2
Listing level count
Listing table of contents
Literal mode
    contrasted with immediate mode
    operand specifier format
Local label
Local label block
Local symbol
%LOCATE operator
Location control directive
Location counter alignment directive
Location counter control directive
LOCC (Locate Character) instruction
Logical AND operator
    See AND operator
Logical exclusive OR operator
    See Exclusive OR operator
Logical functions, vector
Logical inclusive OR operator
    See Inclusive OR operator
Logical instruction
.LONG directive
Longword data type
Longword storage directive (.LONG)

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